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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1961)
m THE BATTALION CADET SLOUCH Page 2 College Station, Texas Wednesday, September 20, 1961 100 Named To Century Council Aston, ean, J ell, Tj ; P Anderson, Dan; Doctor; Veterinary Medicine; Fort Worth. J. W. ; President; Republic National Bank; Dalla ic Road Compart; Publisher, V.P. & Gen. Mgr.; Cut Lloyd S. ; Farmer, Rancher, Banker ; McAll Bates, J. L. hn T Beaumier, W. R. yree L. ; esident; Republic National Bank; Da sident; Central Power & Light; Corpus intendent ; El Paso Co. School ; El Paso, stin Road Company ; Da en Superintende President; Au f’ublishi Christi. Bentsen, E. we' Rriggs, K. W.; Owner; R. W. Rriggs Uomp Briscoe, Dolph Jr. ; Rancher ; Uvalde. Burgess, H. E. ; President; Community Savi omparty ; Gen. Mgr. ; Ll Boyt, E. V. (Pat) ; Rice Grower, Devers. Bracewell, Searcy ; Atty. ; Bracewell, R< Briggs, R. W. ; Owner ; R. Dev cewell Brigc fkin en. Has. in P ublishing Co.; Lufkin. Company ; San Antonio. m, onic resider Eugene B. ; Editi ifford. Chair man School Supt. ; Edu V. P. ; Merrill munity Savings & Loan ; College Station, es, Progressive Farmer Magazine; Dallas ard ; Southern Universal Gas Company, Dallas. J . ; Merrill, Clark, Thoi A& Stewart ; Southern icator ; Austi Lynch Pi Burgt^o, . Butler, E Cain, Wot Carruth, Irby ; Cartwright, E. O. Clark, Edward : Atty. ; Clark, t horn; Cole, Mrs. Fred L. ; Past Pres. A&M Conolly, R. N. ; District Mgr. ; 1 Crawford, Oliver R. ; V. P. ; E. Crichton, Jack A.; President; Oil Davis, Roy B. ; General Manager; Plains Goop. OH Mill, i. Doherty. W. T. : President, Mound Oil Company ; Houston. i of Board Shamrock Oil & Gas Fenner & Smith ; Dallas. Denius & Winters ; Austin. Club ; Corr /enson Ser Texas Pulp & Paper Company ; Jasper. " and Gas Properties Management, Dalla: Plai lere as, Harris, Denius & Winters ; ?rs Club ; Corpus Christi. Stevenson Services ; Corpus Christi. Jas ast Pres. A&M Mothers Club & rtv, W. T. : Preside i, J. Harold, Chain as Properties Management Coop. Oil Mill, Lubbock. Corp ; Amarillo. ran of iioa Lane K. M. ; Dean of Medicine ; U of T. Medical School, Galveston. Fasken, Murray; President; Midland National Bank; Midland. Fix, George J. Jr.; President; George F. Fix & Company; Da Fleming, Lamar, Jr.; President; Anderson-Clayton Co alias Houston. rleming, Lamar, Jr.; President; Anderson-Clayton Company; Hi Forrest, T. Carr ; Engineer ; Forrest & Cotton, Consulting Engineer ; Dallas. Glidden, Joe; Vice President; O. L. Olsen Engineering Co., Horn Goland, M Goldston, ngineering ch Inst. ; Sa j., Houston. Antonio. Harvey, Frank Hobby, Mrs. Oveta ; P Holik, W. V. ; Preside Hotchkiss, O. T. ; Dir. e ; Vice President; O. C. Olsen rtin ; President ; Southwest Rese <f. J. ; Oil Business ; Houston. Goodson, R. A. ; V. P. & Gen. Mgr.; S. W. Bell Telephone Co., Dallas. Greer, DeWitt C. ; St. Highway Eng.; Texas Highway Department; Austin. Gregory, R. P. ; President; Houston Contracting Company ; Houston. Hagy, Lawrence ; Oil Business ; Amarillo. Hamblen, J. P. ; Chairman of Board ; Southern Elec. Supply Co. ; Houston, rank B. ; Partner; Harvey Drilling Company, Wichita Falls. President & Editor; The Houston Post; Houston, ent; El Paso Electric Company, E] Paso. *. ; Dir., Rec. & Shipping; Gulf Oil Corp.; Port Arthur. Howell, E. H. ; Regional V. P. ; General Electric Company, Dallas. Humphrey, Walter R. ; Editor; Fort Worth Press; Fort Worth. Imray, H. H. ; Vice President ; Texas Eastman Company ; Longview. Irons, Watrous H. ; Pres. ; Federal Res. Bank of Dallas ; Dallas. Jarvis, Donald E. ; Fisher & Jarvis Architects ; Dallas. Kirk, Dwight L. ; Superintendent of Schools ; Educator ; Odessa. Knolle, Henry P. ; Dairyman ; Knolle Dairy Milk Pro.; Corpus Christi. Long, Jake T ; Owner ; Long Motor Company ; Gilmer. Longoria, Eduardo ; Industrialist ; Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. Luedecke, A. R. ; General Manager; U. S. Atomic Energy Com.; Washington, Dj C. Lynch, W. W. ; President; Texas Power & Light Company ; Dallas. McCan, Claude K. ; Range and Ranching ; Victoria. McCulloch, Robert, Chairman of Board ; Ling-Temco Electronics, Dallas. an cCulloch, Robert, Chairman of Board; Ling-Temco ^ McGee. W. C. Jr. ; President ; Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. ; Houston. V-Mix Concrete & Asphalt McGee, W. C. Jr.; President; lennessee Ga McKemie, Wesley W. ; Owner ; Tyler Ready McKnight, Felix R. ; V. P. ; & Exc. Ed, ; Da might, Felix Merrill, Louis P Metcalfe, Penros P. ; Rancher ; Midlothian •ose nd I Moore, Harry. Ran Ge P. ; & Exc. Ed, ; Dallas Times Herald, Dallas. Co. ; Tyler jr ; Midlothian. e, Penrose B. ; Rancher and Attorney; San Angelo. Moody, Way land P. ; President; San Antonio College, San Antonio, icher ; Navasota Morgan Morris, Don ; icher ; Navasota. orge B. ; President ; Texas Metal Works ; Beau President ; Abilene Christian College ; Abiler Rancher ; DeKalb. mont. ne. Sherman. Moser, Norman ; Rancher ; Mosley, John D. ;President ; Austin College : Murchison, Cline W., Jr.; Industrialist; Dallas. Murrah, Tom A. ; President; Jefferson State Bank, San Antonio. Murray, W. J. Jr. ; Chairman ; R. R. Commission of Texas ; Austin. Nicholson, A. O. ; President; Farmers & Merchants State Bank, Sha Northen, Mrs. Mary Moody, President; American National Peeples, Rufus R. ; Bluff Valley Farm ; Tehuacana. Peters, Eber H. ; Mgr. S. W. Manufacturing; Mobil m roc k. Insurance Co Galveston ber H. ; Mgr. s. w. Manufacturing; Peterson, L. F. ; Engineer ; Oil Business ; Fort Worth. Chemicle Co. ; Beaumont. leer Pfluger.vWrtlter : Rancher; Ede Porter, J. C. : Vice President; l'' ]rs t iNational Rank; Wichita falls. Potter, L. T. ; President; Lone Star Gas Company, Oallas. Provence, • Harry ; Editor-in-Chief; Waco News-Tribune-Times-Herald ; ter; Rancher; Eden C. ; Vice President; First National Bank; ’ ’ Lone Star Gas Company, Tjanas. ; Waco. Sartwelle, J. D. ; President; Port City Stockyards Co. ; Houston. Sewell, J. L. ; President; Delhi-Taylor Oil Corporation ; Dallas. Schriever, Bernard A. ; General ; Air Force ; Washington, D. C. Seymour, Sam K., Jr. ; Part-Owner ; S. K. Seymour Company ; Columbus. Shivers, Allan ; Lawyer, Businessman and Ex-Governor of Texas ; Austin. Smith, George G. ; Vice President; Texas Const. Material Co.; Houston. Smith, L. B. ; Editor & Publisher; Standard-Herald; Brady. Smith, W. A. (Bill) ; Chairman of Board; Citizens State Bank; Houston. Smith, Mrs. Wilmer ; Homemaker ; Wilson. Stokes, W. N. Jr., President: Fed Intermediate Credit Bank of Houston. Tayloe, Sam D. ; Farmer ; Edcouch. Taylor, James E. ; Adj. Gen.; The Adjutant Gen. State of Texas; Austin. Tellepsen, Howard ; President ; Tellepsen Construction Company ; Houston. Thomas, J. B. ; Chairman of Board ; Texas Elec. Service Co. ; Fort Worth. Turner, Jack ; Rancher ; Fort Worth. Welder, Leo J. ; Rancher; Victoria, West, J. H. ; President ; Texas Farm Bureau ; Bishop. West, R. P. ; Engineer ; District Eng. ; U. S. Corps of Eng. ; Fort W^rth. Williams, Dana ; Supt. of Schools ; Educator ; Corsicana. Wise, Watson; Wise Operating Company; Tyler. Wortham, Gus. S. ; President; American General Insurance Company; Houston. Wright, Steele; President; Texas Farm Produce Company, Nacogdoches. Zachary, H. B. ; President; H. B. Zachary Company; San Antonio. Bulletin Board 1 SERVING BRYAN and COLLEGE STATION ^ SAM HOUSTON ZEPHYR Lv. N. Zulch 10:08 a.m. Ar. Dallas . • 12:47 p.m. Lv. Ar. ■ N. Zulch • 7:31 p.m. Houston • 9:25 p.m. FORT WORTH AND DENVER RAILWAY N. L. CRYAR, Agent J Phone IS • NORTH ZULCH Bay Area Hometown Club will hold an organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the YMCA Gay Room. The Bay Area club takes in all Gulf Coast towns from LaPorte to Freeport. Midland Hometown Club will hold an organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the YMCA Cabinet Room. All fresh men and new students are invit ed to attend. Matagorda County Hometown Club will hold a “get acquainted” meeting at 7:15 p.m. Thursday. “NOT” TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!! OK ONE FOR THE PRICE OF TWO BUY ONE — PAY FOR ONE If You Need Two, Buy Two At These CLOSE-OUT PRICES PITTSBURGH Sand Finish Latex Wall Paint GALLON $1.98 Quart .59^ !Matching Enamel Qt. $1.29 16 Colors To Choose From BRYAN PAINT AND GLASS CO. 2111 S. College TA 2-1252 THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those df the dent writers only. The Battalion t'3 a non-tax-supported. those df the stu- non- profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op erated by students as a journalism laboratory and community neivspaper and is under the supervision of the director of Student Publications at Texas A&M College. Members of the Student Publications Board are L. A. Duewall, director of Student Publication’s, chairman; Allen Schrader, School of Arts and Sciences; Willard I. Truettner, School of Engineering; Otto R. Kunze, School of Agriculture; and Dr. E. D. ' School of Veterinary Medicine. McMurry, The Battalion, a tion, Texas, daily ex: student newspaper at Texas A.&M. is published in tion, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday per ber through May, and once a week during summer school. The Associated Press is entitled dispatches credited to it ont. ——’ spontaneous origin published in are also reserved. to the use for republication of all news credited in the paper and local news of of republication of all other matter here- Entered second-class matter at the Post Office in College Station. Texas, under the Act of Co gress of Act larch 8, 1870. MEMBER: The Associated Press Texas Press Assn. Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los An geles and San Francisco. Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; ■iptions sub. Battalion All subscription Address: The •ject to 2% sales tax. = Room 4, YMCA Building, per full year. on request, lege Station, Texas. $6 per school year, $6.50 pe Advertising rate furnished ilding. College Station, Te> News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or editorial office. Room 4, YMCA Building. For advertising or delivery call VI at the 6-6415. BOB SLOAN EDITOR Tommy Holbein Managing Editor Larry Smith Sports Editor Alan Payne, Ronnie Bookman 1 News Editors Gerry Brown Staff Writer Johnny Herrin Photographer by Jim Earle > •• '*' { P ■ Si BATTALION EDITORIALS Honor Cod There Is Culture Questiom rO (Editor’s note—The new j, ^ ^ Honor Code. What in it? Culture, if given the opportunity, spreads. This has been proven by one special group on campus dedicated to furthering culture at Texas A&M through proficiency in stage and drama. Last night’s initial meeting of the Aggie Players hosted almost 50 persons interested in working and acting this year; this\was a larger number than had ever before gathered for such a “kick-off” affair. For the Players, like any or ganisation, past success breeds assurance of future progress and achievement. will it work? e of A We will tr> to answer as? G ot ib questions as possible eoncet^ piol the code. Address them U r Lnu:n Battalion. College Station will see that a member i Honor Council CommittM the question*, and provid answer for you.) In the past few years, this organization has time and again presented drama at its best, on the stage of Guion Hall, in the lower level of the Memorial Student Center—- where ever their location. [ in n ie dep: * his 2 hey ha; gene) What pa-t ».ll the ffc, 1 *' 8 st play in the ^onor code?j 1 oi « According to Ttean of St; tifh' t James kh , t h e j ajul dteatic Couiicfl tifTnt^resU * G I This year, the Players have two productions-on .t»h for fall, starting with “Twelve Angry Mgn” in early^oiu^iber and “Candida” in December. profs askt*(T « Ml .with hir Reactors t the Bryan-College Station area, the dramatists are it**' By presenting these plays t<i audiences of ire iuttp*!*: “This must be a mistake! My socks fit.’ to diffuse culture through their selected medium—the U The Aggie Players have more support than ever ** « this year, but advocation of their work is something that .>v»u « has no limit. In the months to come, students, faculty and administration alike will have opportunity to offer this back- Jt in#- n.-M! have ( And promoting culture is something that should come naturally at any institution of higher learing. *ulfcur;i ' A r as on “'j 1 fores for t nt ’* stilt is d lli'l "f pretat , -allure . tinv i liv < OI YE A1 Kitchen Ambassador /e thei GGIK1 Takes Term In Jug Guest Editorial NEW YORK (2P> — A 30-year- old hotel kitchen worker was packed off to jail a second time Tuesday for living it up—on the cuff—as a fake ambassador from Africa. William Constantine, a Negro with a small goatee and mus tache, told Magistrate Edward J. Chapman he chucked his kitchen job at a Catskill Mountain resort last Wednesday and signed into New York’s Hotel Commodore as ambassador from Ghana. Previously, Constantine admit ted, he had been jugged six months for fleecing the Waldorf- Astoria by representing himself as the envoy from Ethiopia. Police said he carried no lug gage as he moved into the Com modore, but got royal treatment from bowing functionaries with no questions asked. Thereupon he began to live in high style in his ?23-a-day suite. He made phone calls to Wash ington, arranged for a party in another hotel and hired a young woman as receptionist. Things went fine until some American Express checks be longing to the young woman disappeared. The ensuing inves tigation brought to light Con stantine’s lack of diplomatic standing. Constantine pleaded guilty to a charge of defrauding a hotel and the magistrate told him: “Ambassador, I guess you’ll be holding court in jail very short ly.” Six months, added the mag istrate. Come on. Maris! Break that 1927 home-run record. It would certainly be reassuring' to know that something today is better than it used to be. • . —Houston C hronicle P4LACE Bryan 2-W4 trey NOW SHOWING IDF KID WHO CAPIUREI) THEAIlMy!| 'ould you volunteer fo wan tob< r ■' .i’’‘v STARRING DAVID lANSSEN-PAni PAGE MICKEY SHAUGHNESSV WALTER WINCHELL ROBERT STRAUSS ARNOLDSTANG W \DAVID KORV-oondi-- the first space station... if odds for survival were 50*50? [oooo< / QUEEN “FIESTA NITE Tonight” A* MlPCATAUNA MAN RELAXED... a man selects a hand some sweater as he would a companion to share his most enjoyed moments... relaxing...or actively engaged in his favorite pastime. Created by our fine designer, John Norman, who himself makes a study of the art in ‘moments of relaxation! ■ ■i ' * - R iiiii ; 6 s J * i>' :• • - rVX ^ ' ^ ■ RELAX in ''COLLEGIATE” contrast trimmed cardigan.of 100% Imported Australian Lambswool. Great color cbm binations from which to choose. $12.95 Los Angeles. California Catalina Campus Headquarters: □ YES NO NOW SHOWING ROBERT JACK MARTMA FRAMC6 ihm Vann nm JfelASrmi/SMT- *•■••••* thru UNITED AfftlftTS ©Are you faking full advantage of your educational opportunities’? ^U>o you usually buy nlgaifelW pfi me soA Or box'? Friday Nile Preview 11 p. m. ^atuiday' TTIfMand □ YES □ NO □ SOFT PACK □ BOX Here’s how 1383 students at 138 colleges voted! CIRCLE Startfresh Stay fresh m L‘M oo 077VS01 $«»AM | 6 M .SX-I Itf TONIGHT 7:05 Jayne Mansfield ‘GIRL CAN’T HELP IT” & Tyrone Power In “RAWHIDE” Any way you look at them—L*M's taste bet ter. Moisturized tobac cos make the difference! Yes, your taste stays fresh with L & M —they ahvays treat you right! fp I LT C R S LIGGETT « MV|HS TOBACCC, k /) ii lit a noli }vau) vllDmjo fianj vm HUM HS3BJ AVIS — HSJHJ AU VIS iSANOOD AVH1 30ISNI 3AA3UV0I0 3HA S.AI —X0B U0 M3Vd %8Z2 - xog %z'zr~ >pgd »os ^ %06 on /0\ %0I spa %8T9 on /fv %2 9e sax ^ Try fresh-tasting, best-tasting IrM today. pack or box! PEANUTS CONWAY & CO. 103 N. Main, Bryan A&M MEN’S SHOP North Gate, College Station PEANUTS By Charles M. Schuls DO VOU THINK A PERSON CNi MCK-UP FROM TOO MUCH RESPOHSimm CERTAINLVL.THERE ARE SOME RESPONSIBILITIES AND SOME PRESSURES THAT ARE JUST TOO MUCH SOMETIMES TO DEAR.. THAT MUST BE OMATS HAPPEN- (N<3 TO ME... f/ti CRACKINO'UP..' - - IT5 A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY HAI/IN6 NATURALLY il GQ\EF‘ C0RLV HAIR! bbT* j No mmum ■ -