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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1961)
Page 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Thursday, June 1, 1961 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Remarks A TV Cowboy Star Gets Tired Of! s gpgSp . V i&Z ifeii ta»: /> ^ Ki w : ;* - “ . . . Maybe you take grades too seriously!” By The Associated Press NEW YORK—Remarks a tele vision cowboy star gets tired of hearing: “Of course this horse is per fectly safe. He’s 20 years old and has anemia.” ‘T know you hate being called Con O’Leary, but who ever heard of a cowboy named Reginald Van Bustard?” 24,683 People Visited Campus In Month of May A total of 24,683 visitors were on the campus of Texas A&M dur ing the month of May, 1961 P. L. Downs, Jr., official greeter of the College announced today. They were attending short cour ses, conferences, class reunions and other scheduled meetings. The college had 716,516 visitors on the campus for scheduled meetings and activities during the twelve year period from June 1, 1949 to June 1, 1961. There were twenty two different groups on the campus during the month of May. It has been estimated that those visitors who stay over night in the Bryan-College Station area spend an average of $14 each. Since 716,516 persons have visited the campus in twelve years they have left $10,031,224 or approxi mately a million dollars per year. End of Trujillo Regime May Improve U. S. Relations . By STANFORD BRADSHAW Associated Press Staff WASHINGTON—The end of the 31-year regime of Generalissimo Rafael Leonidas Trujillo of the Dominican Republic may free the United States of a millstone in its inter-American relations. It also could help the United States in its campaign to induce inter-American measures that could cause the overthrow of Prime Minister Fidel Castro’s regime in Cuba. But Trujillo’s assassination nev ertheless, poses grave problems for the United States, as well as for the other nations of the hemi sphere. The first question to be an swered is who will succeed him. A Dominican radio station, Ra dio Caribe, announced a decree or dering nine days of mourning. The radio said it was signed by Presi dent Joaquin Balaguer. This would indicate that power in the Domin ican Republic is continuing in the hands of elements aligned with Trujillo. Balaguer became presi dent last Adgust and has been closely identified with Trujillo. Other fragmentary reports ar riving from travelers who have just left the Dominican Republic indicate the Dominican army is in control. ARMY, WHAT IS AGGIELAND TO YOU? Aggieland means many different things to many different people. To some it is the place they met their lifetime friends and received their formal education, to others it is the place they learned how to be a man and to get along with their fellow man. Although Aggieland may have a special meaning for each Aggie, all have memories of yelling for that Fightin’ Aggie Team as we beat T. U. or of singing The Twelfth Man when we didn’t yell loud enough. Army, when we go home after these finals let’s throw our chests out and tell the world that we are proud to be a Fightin’ Texas Aggie. Let’s keep alive the heritage left to us by our buddies we’ve honored with Silver Taps who are no longer able to share it with us. Ole Army Lou ’32 THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu dent writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, non profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op erated by students as a community newspaper and is under the supervision of the director of Student Publications at Texas A&M College. Members of the Student Publications Board are L. A. Duewall, director of Student Publications, chairman; Allen Schrader, School of Arts and Sciences; Willard I. Truettner, School of Engineering; Otto R. Kunze, School of Agriculture; and Dr. E. D. McMurry, School of Veterinary Medicine. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication, of all other matter here in are also reserved. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A.&M. is published in College Sta tion, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, Septem ber through May, and once a week during summer school. Entered as second-class natter at the Post Office h College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con- jress of March 8, 1870. MEMBER: The Associated Pres* Texas Press Assn. Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los An geles and San Francisco. News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the editorial office. Room 4, YMCA. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6416. Mail subscriptions are $3.60 per semester; $6 per school year, $6.50 per full year. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA, College Station, Texas. BOB SLOAN EDITOR Tommy Holbein Managing Editor Larry Smith Sports Editor Alan Payne, Ronnie Bookman News Editors Gerry Brown, Robert Denney Staff Writers Johnny Herrin Photographer Jim Earle Cartoonist Whether the army would step aside for a return to civilian con trol by elements which opposed Trujillo is not known. The elements could include: The middle class, which grew under Trujillo, but hated the iron hand with which he ruled the island. In January 1960, he uncovered a plot against him and jailed over 2,000 persons. Castro sympathisers and Com munists, who also hated the iron hand, although Trujillo this year had been playing up to both, prais ing Castro’s achievements on his Radio Caribe and making gestures toward the Soviet Union. Exiles, who have their own movement in the United States and Puerto Rico, and include members of the middle class and Castro sympathizers. Trujillo, who came to power in 1930, in the wake of U. S. Marine occupation of the island, had al ways sought to identify himself closely with the United States and represent himself as a friend. His embrace was embarrassing for the United States, in its deal ing with liberal elements in the Americas who hated dictatorships but it was not until recently that there was a complete dissociation. Last August, at the conference of foreign ministers of the Organ ization of American States at San Jose, Costa Rica, the United States took the lead in acting on a Venezuelan move to impose sanc tions on Trujillo as a "threat the peace of the hemisphere.” An OAS investigating team had found evidence linking Trujillo to the June attempt to assassinate Venezuelan President Romulo Bet ancourt. The conference voted to have all OAS members break dip lomatic relations. This ostricism by the inter- American community, the decline in income from the principal ex port Cropland a continuing battle with the Roman Catholic Church, all may have been factors in the explosion. GOING TO ★ MSN * AIRLINE CODE FOR MADISON, WISCONSIN GO BY . . . ' ROBERT HALSELL TRAVEL SERVICE 1411 Texas Ave. TA 2-3784 “Put on your toupee. We’re about ready to shoot.” “So what if someone did acci dentally give you a black eye in that last barroom brawl ? Iff only make the scene more real istic.” “I know cows make you nerv ous, but in this shot we simply have to put in a few. After all, you’re supposed to be riding herd.” “Oh, no! Oh, no! Don’t tell me the guy’s gone and put his chaps on backward again.” “Now don’t panic, Con, but your stand-in is sick and couldn’t show up. I’m afraid you’ll have to ride the horse yourself today. But it’ll be okay. We’ll help you get on and off.” “Just walk up this step ladder slow and easy, put one leg over the saddle and—oops, he’s fallen again.” “I don’t know who the fastest gun in the West is, but I sure know who’s the slowest.” “In the next scene, just as you are about to kiss the heroine, the horse sticks his head between you, and you kiss him square on the muzzle. So what if it isn’t sani tary ? It’ll wow the audience.” “All right, Hamlet, get out of that velvet dressing gown and climb into your Levis. We’ve got a job to to.” “As I understand it, Con, the real old-timers gripped the gun in one hand, not two, and generally they didn’t shut their eyes when they pulled the trigger. And, by the way, do you have to hold it like it was a pineapple?” “But I tell you we have to put a little dirt on your face. After all, you’re supposed to have beer, riding hard all day.” “Your valet is late. Do you sup pose, just this once, you could ge J into that cowboy suit all by your self?” “Don’t grimace when the bar tender slides the bottle down the bar to you. Remember, it’s really only ginger ale.” “Well, if it makes you fell any safei’, Con, we’ll let you ride side saddle—and pretend you’re only doing it as a lark.” “Stop the camera, Jake, he’s be ginning to fall again. Whoa, boy, whoa!” 4| BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES »ne day Se per word tional day :harjfe- DEADLINE l>er M inimam charjfe—40d ire pun Classified Display 80# per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 FOR RENT Modern room, private entrance, private bath, air conditioned, excellent neighbor hood. Phone TA 2-8291. 713 East 31st. Attractive room, close to campus, private entrance, private bath, utilities paid, $25.00 per month. VI 6-8214. 120tl api Walk-in closets, good stove and refrigera tor. VI 6-7284. 120tfn Two bedroom furnished garage apart- llege, $50.00 a month. VI 6-4669. ment, close to colle age api country advantages, 120tfn Two bedroom house, furnished. 502 Thompson. $39.00. VI 6-7334. 120tl Three bedroom home, for first six weeks of summer term. All modern conveniences, air conditioned, TV, washing machine. VI- 6-4052. 120tl Two bedroom house, fi Cooner, $25.00. VI 6-7334. Gulfpride, Esso, Havoline, Sinclair Oils 29c Qt. RC Champion Sparkp]ugs....29c Discount Auto Parts AT JOE FAULK’S 214 N. Bryan SAE 30 Motor Oil 18c Qt. • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 FOR RENT Two beds, nished. TA 2-6888. oversized rooms. One with twin Each with outside door. Nicely fur- Two baths in the house. Bus. Two houses by June 1st. One furnished, e almost new unfurnished. Call VI 6- 011 e 6064. Nicely furnished up Close in to downtown Br; rent. Bills paid. 506 East 30th. stairs ryan. TA 2-2854. apartment. Reasonable Appl y a 119t Two bedroom furnished house, 1312 Mil ner, available end of term. Call VI 6-4362. 118t3 Cool furnished ,25.00. VI 6-6166. apartments. 116tfn Unfurnished two bedroom apartment, 220 wiring, attic fan, panel ray heat, near Crockett School. Phone VI 6-6660 after 5 p. m. 61tfn A one and two bedroom modern fur nished apartment. Air conditioner if de sired. Call after 4 p. m.. TA 2-3627. 1300 Antone Street. 68tfn Southpaw pitcher Jim Bailey of Macon in the Southern Associ ation ism brother of Ed Bailey, catcher with the San Francisco Giants. HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service- Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 U I J’ PI • tyhere l ^rtoiard J v^aPeiena Cooking the Art of is not Lost Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG Loupors WORK WANTED DAY NURSERY, two years and up, twelve years nursery experience, near East Gate, Mrs. C. H. Bates, 1010 Milner, VI 6- 4152. 62tfn Experienced Christian lady will babysit day or night. Also do practical nursing in your home. Call TA 2 pra -543 DAY NURSERY by the week, day or Boyett hour. Call VI 6-4005. Mrs. Gregory, 602 isoye 120tf Our nursery foi children all ages. Pick and deliver. VI 6-8161. No answer call ,ck. 42tfn up ba< itect ing, negatives and metal 3408 Texas Ave. VI 6-5786. off ilat made. 87tfn FOR SALE Here’s one—nothing down,*two bedroom home, large corner lot, very reasonable monthly payments. VI 6-6805, 8-5, VI 6- 8140 after 5 p. m. 120t2 English 26 inch bicycle, 3 speed with basket, excellent condition, $20.00, C-17-D College View. 118t4 Two adjoining lots, each 80 by 145, orner Timber and Anna, College. Call T 6-5694 noon or evening. lOOtfn JIM M. PYE ’58 REPRESENTING Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. VI 6-5055 TA 2-6232 401 Cross St. C. S. WANTED TO BUY Good quality 35MM camera or trad? 4x5 Speedgraphic 3.5 Size Zeiss T essar. 11912 Used cars. See Henry Ke North Bryan St. TA 3-1115. Restmeyer at 600 11813 HELP WANTED GET YOUR SUMMER JOB EARLY, JUNIORS AND SENIORS IF YOU CAN MEET OUR QUALIFICATIONS, WE HAVE A SUMMER JOB FOR YOU PAY- ING $1,080.00 FOR THREE MONTHS, MUST BE ABLE TO START BY JUNE 1. CAR FURNISHED. YOU MAY QUAL- IFY FOR WEST COAST OR HAWAII, CALL MR. LEWIS, MADISON 8-4401 FOR INTERVIEWS, HOUSTON. 106tfn SPECIAL NOTIGE~ A meeting of all lot owners of Collese Hills Estates (not Woodland Acres or Col lege Hills Woodlands) is being called for Saturday, June 10, 1961, at 4:00 p. m., in the College Station City Hall for of electing representatives to restr committee as called for by Deed Restricts. 120t2 • purpose strictions Hilltop Lake, located 9% miles fr fishing soon lb, located on Jtlwy. 6 South, om College. Sould be goof Clean picnic grounds. 76tf» Electrolux Sales and Williams. TA 3-6600. Service. G. G 90tfl TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College College Men , We have a Summer employment position for you, earnings will be in excess of $92.50 weekly, if qualified. PLUS OVER AND ABOVE WEEKLY PAY CHECK COMPLETE WITH SUMMER STUDENTS TO WIN (a) $2,000.00 SCHOLARSHIP AWARD (b) AD DITIONAL $1,000.00 SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED WEEKLY. Applicants must be, exceptionally neat in appear ance, above average in agressiveness,, those who qualify may continue their association with the company while in school. For Personal Appointment Call Mr. Ramsey CA2-6797 Houston PEANUTS By Charles M. Schula THIS 16 ONE TIME (DHENI l'M RIGHT AND VOU'RE UJR0N61 I DON'T CARE IF VOU CkU ARGUE BETTERTHAN ICAN! Tin B»S U. S. Pot Off.—All right. r*i«rv«d Cepr. 1941 by Unlt.d faotur* Syndicate, Inc YOU \ ! , JUST j, f7% ! md; i, RISHT! ) / JA rTJrx-. IF VOU'RE GOING TO LEARN TO COUNT, 6AUY VbU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO PAH ATTENTION... here<? A Picture lUith GOME 50ATG IN (T...N010 TELL MEHOOl MANY BCAT5 T0USEE... ESSSSS/ALU W EVER THINK OF 16 THIS STUPID PIANO! I SUPPOSE V0U THINK VOU'RE GOING TO BE ANOTHER BGETHOVEN! l'M GOING TO BE THE „ GAM 5NEAD OF MUSIC!I