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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1961)
Page 2 College Station, Texas Thursday, March 2, 1961 THE BATTALION BATTALION EDITORIALS Job Interviews A Little Help The Highway Department has recoginzed the need for an adequate railroad crossing at the juncture of Sulphur Springs Road (F. M. 60) with the tracks of the Texas New- Orleans and Missouri Pacific railroads. They have offered to spend three-quarters of a million dollars on such a project, a four-lane underpass, if the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas A&M and the rail roads agree to furnish the rights of way. However, only Texas A&M and the City of College Sta tion will have to donate property, and only College Station will have to first purchase both land and retail business property from private owners. “We need it,” said Councilman Carl Landis at a Council meeting Feb. 27. But the Council also wondered, “Can we afford it?” First a cost estimate will have to be made. Then the Council plans to meet with the Brazos County Commission er’s Court to see if the county will help in the right of way procurement. College Station is small, yet, in terms of actual money to be spent, its outlay will be the greatest. The cost to the county will be negligible. The underpass would not benefit the city alone. It is to be located on one of the main arteries leading out of Brazos County. And we need it. The safety an underpass could afford to motorist would alone be worth any cost of con struction and right of way procurement. The Battalion hopes that when the City Council meets with the Commissioners, an agreeable arrangement can be formulated for the good of the entire Brazos County area. TUXEDO RENTAL SERVICE —FOE- WEDDINGS—PARTIES—SOCIALS in stock for Immediately Delivery in all Dark or White Coats and Black Pants ZUBIK'S UNIFORM TAILORS NORTH GATE THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu nt writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, non- ofit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op rated by students as a community newspaper and is under die supervision of the director of Student Publications at Texas A&M College. Members of the Student Publications Board are L. A. Duewall, director of Student Publications, chairman; Allen Schrader, School of Arts and Sciences; Willard I. •uettner, School of Engineering; Otto R. Eunze, School of Agriculture; and Dr. E. D. ’furry, School of Veterinary Medicine. Job interviews for the follow ing firms will be held in The Placement Office on the third floor of the YMCA Building on Mar. 3. Aeronautronic Division of the Ford Motor Co. will interview seniors majoring in Aeronautical engineering, chemical engineer ing, electrical engineering, me chanical engineering, chemistry, mathematics and physics. ★ ★ ★ The Celanese Chemical Co. will interview seniors majoring i n chemical engineering, mechanical engineering and chemistry. ★ ★ ★ The Continental Oil Company will interview majors in chem ical engineering, civil engineer ing, electrical engineering, indus trial engineering, mechanical en gineering, petroleum engineer ing, chemistry, business admin istration and marketing. ★ ★ ★ Ernst and Ernst will interview graduating seniors majoring in accounting. ★ ★ ★ Foley’s Department Store will interview senior majors in bus iness administration and econom ics. ★ ★ ★ F. W. Woolworth and Co. will interview seniors majoring in ag ricultural economics and business administration. Thursday & Friday “THE 3 WORLDS OF GULLIVER” with Kerwin Mathews Plus “HAPPY ANNIVERSARY” with Mitzi Gaynor PALACE Bryan Z‘8%79 NOW SHOWING e Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news les credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of jous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter here- Iso reserved. Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A.&M. is published in College Sta- ", daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, Septem- May, and once a week during summer school. second-class Post Office on, Texas, of Con- 8, 1870. MEMBER: The Associated Press Texas Press Assn. Represented nationally by ational Advertising National Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los An geles and San Francisco. mtions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the loom 4, YMCA. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6416. ptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 per school year, $6.50 per full year. ; furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA, Texas. CON'* MN - EDITOR ,e Sports Editor f an Payne, Tommy Holbein News Editors ob Roberts Editorial Writers Assistant Sports Editor Ronnie Bookman, Robert Denney, own Staff Writers n Photographers vn Sports Writers GileMiroeiClifi in the John Huston production IMnaRitten the Misfits Btflijlaj Ij fctMito poMlyFrokHarlsf U b) U Hislot tuuiu thru United Artiste QUEEN DOUBLE FEATURE Glenn Ford & Jack Lemmons In “COWBOY” , & Burt Lancaster In “HIS MAJESTY O’KEEFE” Only Means Endorsement Editor, The Battalion: In reading the Feb. 22 issue of The Battalion I was heart sick to find that we have professors at A&M College who would write such a letter as the one entitled “indentifiable goal.” These men have made refer ence to opinions voiced by a num ber of ultra-liberal newspapers which are no more than parrots of the Communist propoganda line. The film “Operation Abolition” is neither controversial nor false in any manner. The Communist conspiracy was merely shown in its full revolting naked true form. Assuming that these pro fessors are popr misguided souls I would like to suggest that they inform themselves concerning Crowded (CE&W&Wd® starri "6DANA RHONDA \&mWp ANDREWS‘FLEMING EFREM JOHN ANNE ZIMBAUSTjr.* KERR‘FRANCIS 1 KEENAN TROY Presented by WYNN‘DONAHUE technicolo^ SATURDAY ALFRED " V- HITCHCOCK’S dial M * from WARNER BROS. WarnerColor RAY MILLAND'GRACE KELLY ROBERT CUMMINGS with,JOHN WILLIAMS written bv who wrote the FREDERICK KNOTT International Stage Success directed by ALFRED HITCHCOCK MUSIC COMPOSED AND CONDUCTED BY DIMITRI TIOMKM plus AtBRIWBinmO AND AN EXQUISITE NEW i JAPANESE STAR. *mmmm P/med in Japan in )LOR* TECHNICOLOR* presented by WARNER BROSS CO-STIUHU • RED BUTTONS • RICARDO MONTHBAU ’ PATRICIA OWENS ... MARTHA SCOTT • AIIYOSHI UMEKI • JAMES GARNER phoobceo bt (iREcrro bt WIGOFINOIW LOGAN SCREEN PLAY BY sot>r Simin utmul Pllll fbRfl&U IrSEO OB THE BOTEl BT JMIMER SATURDAY PREVIEW & SUNDAY “Home from the Hill” with Robert Mitchum Eleanor Parker Sound Off p P Editor, The Battalion: With possibly one amendment, I would like to endorse the let ter published in “Sound Off” Feb. 22. That portion reads: “. . . complete unanimity of opinion is an indentifiable goal of a totalitarian Communist state.” My suggestion would he to add a phrase like “or even,” “or even worse,” etc., between “totalitar ian” and “Communist,” to- em phasize a fact we often overlook in our “red fear.” That fact be ing that though Communism may be the worse evil; there are other forms of totalitarianism that can derive from regimental thinking. We, as a democratic nation, must never relax in our fight against Communism, but we must never accept any form of total itarianism disguished as an es cape from Communism. Jim Pemberton, ’62 ★ ★ ★ the goal which the Communists have set for themselves. The destruction of our republic, and the enslavement of the people of this country. ucational institutions. We are in a real war with Communism now and have been since its inception. They are dedicated atheists who have no moral obligations which govern God fearing men. They lie, mur der, cheat, and steal for further ance of the Communist conspir acy without any sense of guilt. The House Un-American Activ ities Committee is the one and only means to ferret out these traitors who have infiltrated our government, news media and ed- The title “Operation Abolition” is the Communist code for de stroying its mortal enemy, the House Un-American Activities Committee. If they can accomp lish this the American people will be lulled to sleep, and awaken some day to find that it is too late to recapture our free repub lic from this dastardly group. I am thankful that we still have young men such as the edi tor of The Battalion who will fight for their American heri tage, and not be “brain washed” by “fuzzy thinkers.” Joe L. Buford, ’45 ★ ★ ★ Social Calendar The following organizations will meet on campus: The Student Senate will meet tonight at 7:15 p.m. in the Sen ate Chambers of the Memorial Student Center. The Corpus Christi Hometown Club will meet in Room 3-B of the MSC at 7:30 p.m. The Matagorda County Home town Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 102 of the YMCA. The South Louisiana Home town Club will meet in Room 227 of the Academic Building at 7:30 p.m. The Waco-McLennan Home town Club will meet tonight in the YMCA at 7:30 p.m. The Lavaca County Hometown Club will meet tonight in Room 128 of the Academic Building at 7:30 p.m. Odessa Hometown Club will meet in the Memorial Student Center Lounge at 8:30 p.m. Pic tures for The Aggieland will be made. The San Angelo-West Texas Hometown Club will meet to night in Room 204 of the Agri culture Building at 7:30 p.m. The Galveston County Home town Club will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Brooks Room of the YMCA. The Richardson Hometown Club will meet in Room 304 of the YMCA at 7:30 p.m. The Panhandle Hometown Club will meet in Room 2-A of the MSC at 7:30 p.m. Corps Juniors & Sophomores Year book Portrait Schedule JUNIORS & SOPHOMORES in the corps will have their por traits made for the “AGGIE LAND ’61” according to the fol lowing schedule. Portraits will be made in CLASS A WINTER UNIFORM at the Aggieland Studio, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM on the days scheduled. Feb. 27-28 H-2,1, K, L, M, (-2) Feb. 28-March 1 Maroon Band 1- 2 White Band 2- 3 Squadron 1-3 6- 7 Squadron 5-6 7- 8 Squadron 7-9 8- 9 Squadron 10-12 9- 10 Squadron 13-17 COPYRIGHT © 1961, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY. COCA-COLA AND COKE ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS IliS* BETWEEN BITES... get that refreshing new feeling with Coke! Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by Bryan Coca Cola Bottling Co. Which Ideology? Which idealogy do you choose? Editor, The Battalion: In the letter “identifiable goal” printed by The Battalion, Feb. 22, 1961, mention is made of the House Un-American Activities Committee and The American Ordnance Association. In addi tion, such “news media” as The Washington Post, The Christian Century and The Reporter have identified “Operation Abolition” as forgery by film: In addition, The San Francisco Chronicle, whose editors are mature ? ex perienced? journalists?, have pointed to “the heresy,” “the questionable use of the taxpay er’s money” and “the violation of individual liberties” arising out of the practices of HUAC. The above “news media” are consist- ant in the editorial written by some of their correspondents. Also, the letter states, “It must be made clear that, although the film is designed to support the activities of the HUAC, honest and loyal men in th^ United States disagree over the desire- ( st ad ability of the committee’s con- stat tinued existence.” To the gentlemen who wrote „ -j u n this article, may I ask, who are the G these honest and loyal men in the United States you are talking' * about? Who are they honest 'with and who are they loyal to? Hass Hyamine : s( d of B fhe A iade. [t was 'Form of histo Hie of (Cush jiinish (I stU( lector kary, t ittee. vnsnrrw inrj b u b b i it if a v m ■ ■ iBiiiiiaiir “Sports Car Center” Dealers for Renault-Peugeot & British Motor Cars Sales—Parts—Service “We Service All Foreign Cars”! 1416 Texas Ave. TA 2-4517 \ BWPFICinBPSBBBUWHBiH ■ I (toriCai David oft! at of ihivist liman IV1 EE!\ » A : ■mm ^ISSfcS ' Y Old Spice Stick Deodorent.../astesf, neatest way to all day, every day protection! It’s the active deodorant for active men... absolutely dependable. Glides on smoothly, speedily...dries in record time. Old Spice Stick Deodorant — most convenient, most economical deodorant money can buy. 1.00 plus tax. STICK DEODORANT S H U l_ T O N Ellison Pharmacy AGGIELAND — MAIN — RIDGECREST — HOSPITAL 101 S. Main - Bryan, Texas 28th at Sterling - Bryan, Texas North Gate - College Station 3511 Texas Ave. - Bryan, Texas Prompt, Free Delivery Service PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz PEANUTS Ves, and its an intriguing TH0tBir...ONE ; S MIND IS SETTO REELING AT THE PR0SPECT...THI5 \ IS THE SORT OF PROPOSITION THAT CAN PRODUCE ENDLESS DEBATE ojmat Are Your Ms ON THE SUBJECT? > a wei iler ah ilingv oiinist; fofer: sst I Civil (ointei Mgen ft bei lis th the ' isions ;e bee late: ihitecl Py . fof and Scho mai Dep i been iwill isho iince Jives listor e, p aiteb ilogs ttted, Ice' the tl is an $ Here’s deodorant protection YOU CAN TRUST lir Uota I cam; .uan ster if. tiey ties, and ike C le c: ? an rtay. la! M Here tps c [\>ON T BUY AND LOSE-RENT AT LOU S