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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1961)
THE BATTALION Page 6 College Station, Texas Thursday, January 12, 1961 John Henry Faulk: Sports Banquet MC The master of cei’emonies for the fall sports banquet to be held in Sbisa Dining Hall Saturday night will be John Henry Faulk. Although Faulk is nationally known as a humorist, his career began with emphasis on the serious side of life. An authority on the language and folklore of our American heritage, he taught Eng lish at the University of Texas. He lectured a class in philosophy at Yale. And, on a Rosenwald Fellow ship he collected Southern folklore and songs for the Library of Con gress. Early in World War II, he served in the American Merchant Marine, sailing on oil tankers to England. After his ship was torpedoed, he became an assistant field director for the American Red Cross in the Middle East. Later, he was ac cepted in the Armed Forces on limited service and served in the Medical Corps of the United States Army. John Henry Faulk . . . compared to Mark Twain Twelve Years on Radio Then Faulk began to chop in mighty tall cotton, as his relatives would say, in radio and television. For twelve years he had his own programs on national networks, originating in the New York stu dios of the Columbia Broadcasting System, the National Broadcasting Company, and the American Broad casting Company. His early acquisition of folklore BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES day 3c per rd each additional day [mum charge—40^ DEADLINES 2^ per wo: Minii word 4 p.m. day before publicatloa Classified Displa Uspla 80c per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 FOR RENT une sonable rent, bath. Appl apartment. Rea- One bedroom with private at 405 College Main or call One nice three-room ■nt. ply VI 6-6692 after 1 p.m. or come by Corbet’s Alteration Shop at North Gate. Room, private bath in professoi - ’s home. Near Campus. Phone VI 6-4556. 54t3 Furnished two-bedroom brick apartment, washer connections, 400-B Second St. Un furnished two-bedr VI 6-5334. room apartment. Call 54t6 Furnished duplex apartment. Near North Joe Speck, Dorm 16, Room 219, Box Gate. 873. 52tf'n COLLEGE HILLS, across from A&M Golf Course, spacious one bedroom apart ments. Modern furniture, garages, adults only, ideal for bachelors. $45.00 and $50.00 without utilities. Phone VI 6-5031 after 6 p. m., all day weekends. 50tfn Furnished efficiency campus, $25.00 per mont' apartme ,h. VI 6-6165 50tfn Furnished apartment, 200-B Montclair. Vacant Januarv 24th. $50.00 per month. Phone TA 2-3177. 50tfn Nicely furnished apartment, 304 North College ce of Campus. Appl: Main, North Gate, College Station. Within —ii-si-~ j-’-i- 0 f Campus. Available walking distanc January 28th. 5644. 500 Main St. VI 6- 41tfn Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfn Now available, two bedroom brick du plex, stove and icebox, furnished, 502 Boy- ett, VI 6-4005. 38tfn Two bedroom unfurnished three year old apartment. Stove and refrigerator funished. 609 First Street. VI 6-8160. 130tfn WORK WANTED Will keep children in my home for working mothers. Mrs. P. Johnnie Cooper, D-6-Y College View. 53tfn Typing. Call VI 6-5242 after 5 p. m. 52t3 Experienced secretary will do typing in my home. TA 2-6482. 52t4 Term papers, reports, letters typed. Fast accurate service. Mrs. Smith. TA 2-0536. 62t9 Expert typist, electric typewriter, Mrs. Warren, Days, VI 6-4759, nights, week ends, VI 6-8416. 47tfn Our nursery for children all ages. Pick up and deliver. VI 6-8161. No answer call back. 42tfn Typing done, VI 6-7910. 21tfn Why wait until last minute to get your Theses reports, etc. to Bi-City Secretarial service? Elecric typewriters, offset print ing, negatives and metal plates made. 3408 Texas Ave. VI 6-6786. 87tfn SPECIAL NOTICE INSURE TOMORROW TODAY! Trust in Divine Providence to look after your family after you are gone. Then help Providence, by buying sufficient life insurance to meet your family’s needs. . . Eugene Rush at the North Gate will try to fit a plan to your individual budget— no matter how broke you may be. 54tfn SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, A.F. & A.M. College Station, Texas Stated meeting Thursday, jTRk January 12 at 7 :30 p.m. C. W. Trossen, WM Joe Woolket, Secy 54tl Electrolux Sales and Service. G v . C. Williams. TA 3-6600. 90tfn DAY NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 602 Boyett. VI 6-4005. 120tfn WANTED TO BUY Old or modern US coins ; large size US modern Confedi currency; Confederate coin: Any quantity. Call VI 6-62 rge d ci s and currency. 165 after 5 p.m. 52t4 AUTOMOBILE PAINTING Fender & Body Work Radiator Cleaning & Repairing 27 Years Experience Reasonable Prices ADOLPH KUCERA 1300 E. 26th TA 3-1439 JIM M. PYE ’58 REPRESENTING Metropolitan Life Ins. VI 6-5055 TA 2-6232 401 Cross St. C. S. PRESTONE ANTI-FREEZE GALLON $1.89 CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS EACH 69* JOE FAULK’S 214 N. Bryan • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATt SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN TEXAS SOSOLIK’S TV RADIO - PHONO SERVICE 713 S Main TA 2-1941 FOR SALE Used Coldspot refrigerator, nice buy for College View. VI 6-6490. 54t6 Motorola radio tor Renault. Remington portable typewriter. Call VI 6-8678 after 5. 54t2 By owner, small equity, low monthly pay ment to A&M. T ments, in Bryan, convenient to A&M. Two bedroom brick house, 1% baths, electric kitchen, central air conditioned, fenced. VI 6-8447. 52tfn OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, dally Monday through Friday) at or before the onday through adline of 1 i deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica- Regalia For The January Commencement Exercise All students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are re quired to order hoods as well as the The hoods are to Office no lab hilosophy ell 00( egistrar's Office no later than 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, January 17 (this doctor’s cap and gown, be left at the Registrar’ will be accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded i the stage as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will te Master’s Degre wear the cap and gown ; all civilian stu dents who are candidates for the Bachelor’s gree will wear the cap and gown ; ROTC idents who are candidates for the Degree stu who are Bachelor’s Degree will wear the appropriate ah __!iia ne j uniform. All military personnel who are candidates for degrees, graduate or under graduate, will wear the uniform only. Rental of caps and gowns may be ar ranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be placed between 8:00 a. m. Tuesday, Saturday, Jan- folloi January 3 and 12:00 nc he rental is .nd iry ir’s 14. The Doc- $4.26. cap and gown. C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocation Committee 40tl6 Date January 21, Saturday OFFICIAL NOTICES ♦FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE FALL SEMESTER 1960 January 21-28, 1961 Hour 1- 4 p.m. January 23, Monday January 23, Monday January 24, Tuesday January 24, Tuesday January 25, Wednesday January 25, Wednesday 8-11 a.m. 1- 4 p.m. 8-11 a.m. 1- 4 p.m. 8-11 a.m. 1- 4 p.m. January 26, Thursday January 26, Thursday January 27, Friday January 27, Friday January 28, Saturday January 28, Saturday 8-11 a.m. 1- 4 p.m. 8-11 a.m. 1- 4 p.m. 8-11 a.m. 1- 4 p.m. Series Classes meeting TWF3 or TThF3 or TF3 Classes meeting MWF8 Classes meeting TThSFI Classes meeting MWF9 Classes meeting MWThl Classes meeting MWF10 Classes meeting TF1 or TF1-2 :16 Classes meeting M3TThl0 Classes meeting MWTh2 Classes meeting MWF11 Classes meeting M4TThll Classes meeting TTh9F2 Classes meeting TF2 or TF2-3 :15 ♦Final examinations in courses with only one theory hour per week as shown in the catalogue will be given, at the discretion of the department head concerned, at the last meeting of either the theory class or practice period before the close of the se mester. 61t9 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 TYPEWRITERS Rentals - Sales - Service - Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 Early Bird Shoppe, Inc Curtaimi — Fabric! — Toy! Ridgacreat Villas* TV-Radio-HiFi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV 101 Highland TA 2-0826 | A/otarJ. a dafstcrL Where the Art of (looking lg Not Lost Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS and his perception of folkways has enabled him to apply his natural wit, his gift for acting, and his genius for capturing all kinds of New Assistant Coach Hiring In the Air Some of A&M’s assistant foot ball coaching problems may be in the process of being solved. Nothing definite has been re leased as to the hiring of any new athletic staff members* but there is a strong chance that Ty Bain of Kilgore High School will be named to one of the positions. It was learned yesterday that Bain has resigned his present po sition at Kilgore, effective Jan. 20 and althought he didn’t name a school, he said he will accept a position in the Southwest Con ference. Bain began his coaching career in Jasper after graduating from Texas Tech. He only stayed at Jasper one year after a 5-5 sea son. Next he was coach in his hometown of Mexia and in three years compiled a 30-6 record, win ning three district championships and going to the state finals. For the last nine years the 43- year-old Bain has been in Kilgore where he compiled a 63-28-3 rec ord. dialect to the interpreting of America’s commonly experienced culture. His uniqueness as an en tertainer is that of the folklorist whose tall tales are coated with layers of commonly held ideas, values and behavior patterns. Like Jayne Mansfield and Presi dent Eisenhower who, according to Faulk, “got too big for the state to hold them,” the humorist was born in Texas. Talks About Texas And the speeches he now makes I before audiences all over the coun- j try are embellished with blue bonnets and mockingbirds, remi niscent of barbecues and political rallies, full of hound dogs and long- ' horns and an assortment of kin- : folks. Living now in Austin, where i he and his wife, Lynne, have an'i advertising business, he absorbs i what he calls the bittersweet flavor i of the region and presents it with his own philosophy. In Will Rogers Class Critics have often compared Faulk to Will Rogers and Mark Twain, whose humor also served up great truths and pinpointed sig- j nificant facts in the day’s news. Even though he quotes a cousin “whose mind is no bigger than a blackeyed pea” or an old preacher who seems to place the Battle of the Philistines near Dallas, he sug gests universal themes on which the mind may linger and the heart may dwell long after the immediate laughter he inspires. Which Way Is Up? { Chuso Galindo throws Woody Powell for a team will perform at. some of the Agp | back flip in preparation for an exhibition home basketball games, by the gymnastics team. The gymnastics FRESH PICNIC PORK FRESH LEAN PORK STEAKS 49 LEAN MEATY SPAMIBS FRESH PURE PORK SAUSAGE 3 LGS @ SPECIALS FOR THUR-FRI SATD| ( JAN. 12, 13,14 WE RESERVE RIGHT TO §U LIMIT QUANTITIES p. of t START SAVING Wmtl Mass, S and H Jan. ! GREEN STAMPS th MAXWELL HOUSE - POUND CAN COFFEE 59 dreamland or Silver Seal MELLORINE LARGE EGGS liEEIE DETERGENT GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ADOLPHUS RICE Gallon 2 Sq. Ctn. Swindler’s Grade A—Doz. Giant Box First Pick 46-Oz. Can Long- Grain Drink Refreshing (Plus Deposit! VELVEETA CHEESE COCA-COLAS 12 Bottle Carton 45 c TEXAS JUICY SWEET ORANGES 5 Lb. BAG 29 Fresh Crisp CARROTS GREEN CABBAGE Cello <jr Bags taJL Pound — ——isior 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS | h ' 200 E. 24th Street Downtown 3516 Texas Avenue Ridgecrest 1