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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1960)
Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, August 4, 1960 THE BATTALION BUDGET REQUEST MADE (Continued from Page 1) happened in our state parks. We have no state parks that are ade quately developed, because when one park asks for more money all the rest ask for a similar increase. Since the Legislature can’t afford to put them all in top shape at once the net result is that all of them are underdeveloped,” McGee BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES Ve flay . . . 2« per word Minimum charge—404 DEADLINES . . 34 per word additional day ■ p.m. day before pubUc&Uoa Classified Display Inch 8O4 per column each Insertion PHONE VI 6 8415 FOR RENT Air conditioned and well furnished larj two bedroom duplex apartment. Trees ai Near A&M Campus. Pho - (?e nd ice yan !\ G-4H12 129tfn Nicely furnished small house. Near Shopping Center, bus, and washateria. Trees, garage. Rent very reasonable. TA- 3-G586. 129tl t apartn refurnished. $25.00 to $45.00. VI 6-6165. 128tfn Jwo bedroom unfurnished apartment. Uiving room down stairs. Antenna with rotor, washer connections, lines, fenced hack yard with trees. 202 Academy, TA 2- 4053. 128t3 Furnished two bedroom house. 012 High land. VI 6-7034. 127tfn Two bedroom duplex apartment with range and refrigerator, washer connections, 220 wiring, carport. 809 Montclair, Col lege Station, Inquire at 811 Montclair. VI 6-4486. 127t9 Large two bedroom unfurnished apart- ent. Near Consolidated School. Call VI 128tfn ment. 6-5149 One bedroom brick duplex apartment, rigerator, and air conditionei entral heating, 220 wiring, month. 312 Second 125tfn Stove, refrigerator, and furnished. Central beat!: carport. Rent $60 per mo Street. Phone VI 6-6468. OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed Dr telephoned so as to arrive in the Office Df Student Publications (Ground Floor TMCA, VI 6-6416, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceeding publication — Director of Student Publica* tions. lage re will be Ph. D. Language Examination Examina- >ns for meeting the foreign lang irement for the Ph. D. degree ven Friday, August 26, 7 A. M. and 10:00 A. M. in Room 129, Academic Building. Students wishing to take this examination tions for meeting the foreign quirement for the given Friday, Augu; A. M. in Room 129, Academic Buildi should leave the material over which they wish to he examined with the Secretary in the Department of Modern Languages not later than 5:00 p. m. Wednesday, August 24. J. J. Woolket, Head, Department of Modern Languages. 128t5 HELP WANTED Hostess wanted: Experience not nee in appearance. Apj ANGLE RESTAURANT, 3606 S. 19 ess wanl sary. Must be neat in appea: TRIANGLE RESTAURANT, lege Avenue. TA 2-1352. 128tfn for Bowling and udent Ex- but not necessary. In- ng work, desirable conditions, op- rtunity for advancement. Desirable age stween 21 and 35. Apply in person. Wanted: Manager for Bowling Games Department and adviser to sti committees, Memorial Student Center, perienee desirable teresting work, portunity for between 21 and 35. Apply in perso Director’s Office, Memorial Student Cei ter, A&M College. ' ; I29tfn Two bedroom house, near college, re decorated. 400 Cooner. $43.00 per month. VI 6-4455. 122tfn Cool tut 30I Southeast apartment, $50.00 with- utilities. Northwest upper apartment, $45.00 without utilities. Four rooms, very nicely furnished, ample closet space, ga rage. Adults only. Corner of Foster and Francis, College Hills. Phone Sidney Parker, TA 2-3781. VI 6-5031 after 5:30 and weekends. 119tfn Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfn Apartment ew buildin New two blocks from campus, ing, nicely furnished, walk-in hardwood floors, formica drain- closets, hardwood floors, formii hoard, Venetian blinds, 220 wiring. VI 6- Furnished room in home, one block south of drill field. Also large room over double garage equipped for light house keeping. VI 6-5638. 113tfn Two bedroom, unfurnished apartment, $20 wiring and attic fan. Near Crockett School. Phone VI 6-6660 after 6:00 p. n 72tf FOR SALE (170) Frozen Food Locker Boxes, stack in sections of 5 each; two drawer and three door type: capacity of approximately 6 cubic feet. Can be seen by calling Victor 6-4711, Animal will Business Manaj seen by v-.11,, .m.,.1101 Husbandry Department. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Business Manager, Coke Building, until 10:30 a. m., August 8, 1960. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager. A. and M. College of Texas, College Station, Texas, for further information. 128t2 WORK WANTED For professional typing done on an IBM Ixecutive typewriter and reasonable rates, all TA 2-4095. TA 3-4723'after 5. 129t2 ion Working Mothers: All day 8 to 6. Have had nurse’s train- >.00 per month, per child. VI 6- 108tfn Why wait Theses repi iesei service? printing, negatives and metal plates made. 8408 Texas Ave. VI 6-5786. 87tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Taka the family to dinner Sunday after church at the Triangle Restaurant, 3606 S. College Avenue, n. m. Open Sundays at 11 128t5 TOM THUMB NURSERY SCHOOL Ages 2)4-5 years. Storytelling, Singing, Drawing, Playing. Operated by Mrs. Jo- nnne Miller. Close to College. VI 6-4841. Reference when requested. lOOtfn Electrolux Sales and Service. G. C. Williams. TA 3-6600 G. 90tfn DAY NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 602 Boyett. VI 6-4005. 120tfn WANTED TO BUY Small baby crib. Call VI 6-5266. 129tl TV-Radio-HiFi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV l TA 2-0826 101 Highland L Early Bird Shoppe, Inc Curtains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village TYPEWRITERS Rental - Sales - Service - Terma Distributors For: and Victor Calculators & Adding Machine* Royal CATES TYPEWRITER CO. B69 S. Main TA 2-6000 EKINU AND aauiu. -1ECT U RAI. Hl PPUrES • BLOB LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTAT? SCOATES INDUSTRIES Ml Old Snlphur Spring* Bead BRYAN, TEXAS SOSOLIK’S TV ■ RADIO - PHONO SERVICE 713 S Main TA 2.1941 FEMALE HELP WANTED Artist with free hand drawing experi ence for permanent position. Degree in commercial art school graduati art or commercial art school graduate de sirable. Some typing experience essential. Call or write Texas Forest Service, VI 6- 4771, College Station. 129t3 said. Dr. M. T. Harrington, chancellor of the A&M College System, re plied that he thought the political realities of legislative appropria tions make it easier to obtain lump sum appropriations for “average” increases than to obtain money for higher salary increases for se lected personnel. Thus the uni versity may obtain a lump sum appropriation representing a five per cent average increase and use that money to grant 15 per cent salary increases for selected teachers. But H. B. Zachry, chairman of the A&M College System Board of Directors, i n d i c a t ed that he thought the proposition of merit raises for college faculty members would meet with favor among the legislators, providing a set of standards could be worked out that would be applicable to all institutions. Both Harrington and A&M President Earl Rudder emphasized the need for higher salaries for “key” teachers if the state is to build toward “quality education,” Harrington said the state has “almost been just a training ground for out-of-state institu tions in the west and middle-west. “They (the out-of-state colleges and universities) just come along and take the teachers they want,” he said, by offering higher salar ies than Texas can pay. FROM COAST TO COAST... .VSfr. • *.• -i \ ' . •> ! v • • • V J ... 1 , si * : y ■ SER 8 fl© BRA LOW? DAL HERE’S WHAT WE DO.. ADJUST BRAKES Inspect brake lin ing and wheel cyl inders, add fluid and precision ad just brakes. HERE’S WHAT WE DO UNEVEN TIRE WEAR? CORRECT ALIGNMENT Correct caster and camber and toe-in and toe-out to manufacturer’s specifications. HERE’S WHAT WE DO. BALANCE FRONT WHEELS Precision balance both front wheels and install all necessary weights. ALL FOR ONLY EASY PAY DAY TERMS r r L r CHAMPION | Speedway Proved For Turnpike Safety! |295* 6.70-15 Black Tube-Typo ALL SIZES LOW PRICED ‘Plus tax and recappable tiro PRECISION ENGINEERED $£88 Quieter, stronger, built to last longer! Made to fit your car. Rustproofed to last longer. LET US SAFETY CHECK YOUR CAR FREE CAR SAFETY HEADQUARTERS Geo. Shelton, Inc. College Ave. At 33rd Free Parking TA 2-0139—TA 2-0130 By-Products Used Due to TTI Research The Texas Transportation Insti tute has announced its research has resulted in the conversion of millions of tons of industry by products into valuable building ma terials. Bob M. Callaway, institute engi neer, says new uses -for by-prod ucts of the rock asphalt mining in dustry and skid-resistant asphaltic surfacing have been found. “Texas is embarked on a major roads building program,” Galla- ivay said. “We are using np our first quality sands and gravel at a fast rate, and are faced with necessity for developing better, safer highway surfaces.” Callaway has headed research aimed at converting the two major by-products of Texas industry— now stockpiled in masses totaling more than 2,000,000 tons. The screenings of “fines” left over as a by-product of mining rock asphalt have been developed by the Institute into successful hot-mix surfacing materials. Surfacing mixtures using the rock asphalt fines already have been put on two residential streets here. An institute spokesman says the paving is standing up un der traffic in good shape. ' Rock asphalt screenings were used recently in Interstate High way 35 near Laredo. This high way carries eight traffic lanes and the hot mix utilizing the rock fines extends for several miles. It is hoped the material may be used for patching old road sur faces, weathered or damaged by traffic. Slag has been used to produce a high-quality, skid-resistant pave ment and fly-ash has been incor porated into cement concrete mix es where it is used as a partial replacement for cement. Research Meeting Closes Here Today The Southern Regional Research Conference closes here today for teacher-trainers and state super visors of vocational agriculture in volved in agricultural education research. The southern region takes in 13 states. Conference host was the Department of Agricultural Edu cation. A&M personnel participating in the meeting are William Holt, con ference secretary, and Dr. J. R. Jackson, both associate professors in the Department of Agricultural Education; Dr. R. L. Skrabanek, professor, Department of Agricul tural Economics and Rural Sociol ogy; and Robert L. Smith Jr„ di rector of the Data Processing Cen ter. Dr. G. M. Watkins, director of agricultural instruction, delivered the welcoming address. Who hath not known ill fortune, never knew himself, or his own virture.—David Mallet Computer Directors Elect Smith Prexy Robert L. Smith Jr., associate professor in the Department of In dustrial Engineering and head of the Data Procejssing Center, was named president of the 1960 class of the Seminal for Directors of University Comjputing Centers, at Endicott, New York, July 18-22. Smith, • who just returned from the seminar, said the meeting was attended by soi/ne 50 of the nation’s directors of large college and uni versity-based /computing centers. Smith also/delivered an address at the seminAr, which is an annual meeting for computer directors. His address was titled “Adminis tration of a Large University Com puting Center.” The Dala Processing Center was formally dedicated on Jan. 7 of this year. The $3,250,000 center houses one of the largest collec tions of high-speed electronic com puters on any college campus in the South, and is used as a regional I research and teaching facility for all parts of the statewide A&M College System and for Southern colleges, universities, scientific re search organizations and indus tries. 2,305 Visit Campus During Past Month Some 2,305 visitors were on the compus during July, P. L. (Pinky) Downs Jr., official greeter for the college, announced today. They were attending short courses, conferences, class reun ions and other scheduled meetings. The college had 658,234 visitors on the campus for scheduled meet ings and activities during the eleven years and two months that ended Aug. 1. There were 10 different groups on the campus during the month BRAZOS VALLEY - WHOLE ★ FROZEN JUICE SALE ★ TV Orange Juice..6 DESERT SWEET—PLAIN OR PINK Lemonade 6-OZ. CANS 6-OZ. CANS MELIOR1NE FLOUR=I SHORTENING' DETERGENT MIKIMAX BRAND "Catinsd'' MAYONNAISE CANTALOUPE Fresh—Lb. Home Grown Sunkist LEMONS Fresh Crisp 17c CARROTS 2 S 29c ARKANSAS ELBERTA Turns SPECIALS GOOD THUR. ■ FRI. - SAT.—AUG. 4-5-6 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th Street Downtown 3516 Texas Avenue Ridgecrest