Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1960)
Wildlife Students Invade Tivoli Wilderness Saturday Approximately 25 wildlife man agement students will invade the wilderness Saturday as they take part in the annual field meet of the Texas Herpetological Society, according to Dr. R. J. Baldauf, as sociate professor in the Depart ment of Wildlife Management and past president of the organization. The group, along with some 100 other people, will assemble on the T. P. Traylor Ranch near Tivoli, Tex. They will begin collecting Saturday morning and hunt as many different species and vari eties of reptiles and amphibians as possible, Baldauf said. Although there is no definite in formation as to the size of the area to be used, local game war dens have estimated the ranch to be between 2,600 and 4,000 acres. According to reports, the collection area will be low, damp and swampy. The herpetologists will assemble Sunday morning to evaluate the collections and to judge them on the basis of the number of animals collected, the number of species in the exhibit and accuracy in label ing, with extra points given for rare finds, unusual specimens, etc. At last year’s meet on the 65,- 000 acre Fawcett Ranch in Val Verde County a new kind of snake was discovered, Baldauf said. That same year the A&M group won a certificate recognizing them for an outstanding exhibit. No firearms are permitted in the collecting area and, because of the nature of the terrain, society mem bers are required to bring their own water containers. A dual purpose of the meet will be to provide the Department of Wildlife Management with a large variety of animals for their an nual Mother’s Day exhibit May 7, the Wildlife specialist explained. The students hope to bring back all types of reptiles and amphib ians, and perhaps even capture an alligator, he added. Great Britain, which has no na tural gas reserves, is experiment ing with five new methods of pro ducing synthetic gas. Aggie s- Have You Tried YOUNGBLOOD’S y 2 Fried Chicken (4 Pcs.) With All The Trimmings $1.00 BARBECUE-STEAKS—SEAFOODS Rock Building South College Midway Between Bryan & College BA TTALIOM CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES 3^ per word nal Ke—-40«i DEADLINES per 2 f per word eanb additional day Minimum char; a p.m. day before. publication Classified Display Sity per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6418 FOR SALE Boys 3,0” Bicycle, $10.00. VI 6-4877. 103t4 4G00 CBM evaporative cooler. $20.00. Phone VI 6-6464 after 6 :30 p. m. I03t3 We have in this vicinity, 3 repossessed pianos - 2 trade-ins, which include one mall blonde Spinet, and one dark finish ed Spinet, also one nice small baby grand. Responsible parties may assume attractive balances. Write only—Credit Manager, McBrayer & Sons Piano Co., 3128 E. Lancaster Ave., Ft. Worth. 103t8 4000 CFM Evaporative Cooler, two years old, excellent condition, $75.00. Call VI 6- 8593 or see at 110 Gilchrist after 5:00 p. m. 100t4 1957 Ford Fairiane, Radio, heater, by only owner. Extreinely clean. Will con sider trade. TA 2-1806. lOOtfn Air Force uniforms, summer, winter dress, serge, coat 38, pants 31-31. Excellent condition. Reasonable. VI 6-6660. 100t3 lORDLESS ELECTRIC SHAVER—Per- t Shaving anywhere, anytime. Perfect traveling, camping, etc. $14.95. Bexar ictronics, Box 1091, San Antonio 6, Tex- 7H-SC AC and Champion spark plugs, 69c. Mufflers and tailpipes at wholesale prices. White Auto Store. 216 North Bryan Street, Bryan. 62tfn SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, A.F. & A.M College Station, Texas Called meeting Thursday, April 28 at 7:00 p. m. The Masters Mason’s Degree will be conferred and examina tions given. C. J. Keese, WM Joe Woolket, Secr’y WEE AGGIELAND KINDERGARTEN is now open for registration for the 16th term in September. Under experienced and qualified teachers. Music, art, and pre- first grades. Call VI 6-4052 or VI 6-8023. 102tfn TOM THUMB NURSERY SCHOOL Ages Z'/o-fi years. Storytelling, Singing, Drawing, Playing. Operated by Mrs. Jo anne Miller. Close to College. VI 6-4841. Reference when requested. lOOtfn Put your reservations in now for ban- luets. Accomodate up to 250 people. TA 2- .352. Triangle Restaurant. 12tf» Electrolux Sales and Berne*. Williams. TA 3-6600. G. Q 90tft DAY NURSERY by the week, hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 502 VI6-4006. day O! Boyett. 120tf» WANTED TO BUY Luggage trailer or similar small Phone VI 6-4261. trailer. 103t3 Your Bryan Dealer for FRIEDRICH Air Conditioners FAULK’S 214 N. Bryan 1300 Texas TV - Radio - HiFi FOR RENT Does your family need more room and large yard? See this 3 bedroom house, dining room and screened porch on corner lot. $57.00.' 101 Grove St. Just off campus Call VI 6-7496 after 5. 103tfn Available June 1st, a three bedroom un furnished house. 611 Highland. Near Campus. 220 wiring and washing machine connections. VI 6-4052. 103tfn Two bedroom unfurnished apartment. Living room down stairs. Antenna with rotor, washer connections, lines, fenced hack yard with trees. 202 Academy, TA 2- 4053. 100tl3 Three bedroom house, large living room, separate dining room, near Ridgecrest. Call VI 6-4248 after 5. lOOtfn Large one bedroom furnished apartment, near Ridgecrest. Call VI 6-4248 after 5. lOOtfn In College Hills across from A&M Golf Course. Very nicely furnished one bed room apartment. New stove and refrigera tor, garage. Adults only. $50.00 without Utilities. VI 6-5031 after 6:00 p. m. 95tfn Nice clean three room apartment, fur bished. One block from Campus. Garage lacant. Call VI 6-7496 after 6. See any time, 203 Kyle. 95tfn Two bedroom, unfurnished apartment, )20 wiring and attic fan. Near Crockett ichool. Phone VI 6-6660 after, 6 :00 p. m. 72tfn Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfn Apartment, 205 Montclair across the street from Southside. Rent $30.00 with stove and refrigerator. Would consider furnishing all of the apartment. VI 6- 6630 or VI 6-6544. 61tfn JOB OPPORTUNITIES TOP SALES MANAGEMENT FUTURES $450 TO $500 BASE PLUS COMM. PLUS EXPRS.. Immediate hiring. The starting salary is for the training period only. Just for that short time while you are learning the company’s policies and procedures. Rapid advance ments and good futures await men with an undeveloped flair for success. CEN-TEX BUSINESS ASSOCIATES SUITE 101 2501 CEDAR SPRINGS Dallas, Texas RI 8-0585 Daily 8 to 6 — 9 to 1 Saturday WORK WANTED Will care for working mothers children, call TA 3-6117. No answer call back. 103t2 Why wait until last minute to get your Theses reports, etc. to Bi-City Secretarial service? Electric typewriters, offset printing, negatives and metal plates made. J408 Texas Aye. VI 6-5786. 87tfn Auto Air Conditioners For AH Make Cars. Installed With Clutch $285.00 With Terms OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed r telephoned so as to arrive in the Office sr telephc jf Stude so as to Student Publications (Ground Flnoi ifMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceeding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. Regalia For The May Commencement he May ( Exercise Ail students who are . candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy quired ) are can of Phiioso] to order hoods as well as t are the c quired to order hoods as we tor’s cap and gown. The hoods are to be at the Registrar’s Office i p. m., Tuesday, May 24 mplished by no late 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, May 24 (this will be accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded on the stage as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will wear the master’s cap and gown; those who are candidates for the Bachelor’s De gree, except Military students, will wear the bachelor’s cap and gown. All Military students who are candidates for degrees will wear appropriate military uniforms. Rental of caps and gowns may be ar- anged with the Exchange Store. Orders may he placed between 8:00 a. rh. Monday, Friday, May 13. ranged w of caps ith the Exchange Store. Orders May 2 and 5:00 p. m. Fr The rental is as folio gown rental is the same as that for cap and iday, is as follows: Doctor’s cap and gown $5.25, Master’s cap and gown $4.75, Bachelor’s cap and gown $4.25. Hood C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee The army RQ Test (ROTC Qualifica tion Examination) will be administered in the basement, Sbisa Mess Hall, 0830 hours, 23 April 1960. This examination is open to all students who are enrolled in or have completed fourth semester of Basic ROTC, or have received credit for two years of Basie ROTC and will have sixty (60) semester hours passed by the fall semes ter 1960. Anyone having taken any RQ Test before will not be eligible for this test. 100t3 Ph.D. LANGUAGE EXAMINATION Examinations for meeting the foreign language requirement for the Ph.D. degree will be given Monday, May 2nd at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. in Room 129, Academic Building. Students wishing to take this examination should leave the material over which they wish to be ex amined with the Secretary in the Depart ment of Modern Languages not later than 5:00 p. m. Thursday, April 28. J. J. Woolket, Head Department of Modern Languages 100t6 Sponsors of Student organizations and snt s >rder indo' at onci delivery before the end of this semester, 87tfn departments which present student awards, keys, or medals should order these items a( once at the Cashier’s w Orders must be placed ier’s window at the MSC. J to insur« ’ete Hardesty tudent Activities Miscellaneous For Sale La Rasuracion Electra Sin Cable Donde- quirea Que Sea. Independiente y Siempra Exacta $14.95 U. S. Bexar Electronics, Box 1091, San Antonio 6, Texas 74t30 FOUND Found: a pair of women’s prescription sun glasses, Thursday, April 14. Vicinity College tennis courts. Phone VI 6-4832. 102tfn ■ ■ ■■■" — Political Announcements Subject to action at the Democratic Primary May 7, 1960. for County Commissioner Precinct No. 1 CURTIS H. WILLIAMS FLETCHER L. POOL (Former Aggie) Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 101 Highland CADE MOTOR COMPANY SOSOLIK’S TV - RADIO - PHONO SERVICE 713 S Main TA 2-1941 • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTAT? SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Snlphnr Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS Early Bird Shoppe, Inc Curtains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village I TRADE WITH LOU... MOST AGGIES DO ... i Dr. George W. Buchanan Chiropractor 304 E 27th Bryan, Texas Phone: Bus. TA 2-4988 Res. TA 2-4981 TYPEWRITERS Rental - Sales - Service - Termi Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machine! CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 809 S. Main TA 2-6000 Sewage Overflow A Building and College Utilties worker pre- an overflow in the building sewage system pares to dip out water which rose into the last week. It tied up the elevator for most bottom of the YMCA elevator shaft from of one day. THE Tuesday, April 26, 1960 BATTALION College Station, Texas Page 3 From Ford Motors A&M INSTITUTE HEARS KATHKOV SPEAK TONIGHT Robert B. Kathov, an executive of Ford Motor Company’s Aero- nutronic Division in Newport Beach, Calif., will address the A&M Institute of Aeronutrnic Sci ence tonight at 7:30 in Room 231 of the Chemistry Building. Kathov, manager of Vehicle En gineering for - Aeronutronic’s Tac tical Weapon Systems Operations, will present a paper on “An Intro duction to the Philosophy of Engi neering Management and Control.” His talk, being presented at the invitation of Professor A. E. Cronk, head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, is in tended to acquaint engineering students with some of the manage ment aspects of their future en- environment. In introducing the students to present-day technical language and the philosophy of engineering management, Katkov will develop a “college analogy,” in which at tainment of a degree in engineer ing is assumed to be the equivalent of a weapon systems contract. Ares, the lover of Aphrodite, was the Greek god of war. Mr. 4% asks- "You want the most for your money, don't you?" Jefferson Standard, now guararu teeing Vh% on policies currently Issued, has never paid less than 4% Interest on policy proceeds left on deposit to provide income. 4% k the highest rate of Merest paid by my major life iasvranco company. JUDSON C. WOMBLE ’40 2607 Texas Ave. TA 2-0018 Jefferson Standard (Uf Itfl WHWANCICOMTAMV Mwe OBow Over $1.8 Billion life Insurance in Force In MSC Wednesday Activity Placing Meet Scheduled Officers of organizations inter ested in placing dates on the All- College Calendar for 1960-61 may attend a meeting for this purpose Wednesday at 5 p.m. in Room 3 of the Memorial Student Center, according to Mrs. John H. John son Jr., MSC student program ad viser and in charge of the printing of the calendar. Dates for all student functions, such as class and organization meetings and balls, miltary balls, shows, rodeos, stock shows and other similar events will be serv ed at this meeting. In order to avoid conflicts, it is important that organizations planning events around the same time of the year be represented at the meeting, Mrs. Johnson said. Groups wishing to schedule events on week nights may place their events on the calendar by mail. Deadline for placing dates is May 20. According to College Reg ulations dates for events concern ing more than two percent of the Student Body should be cleared with the Memorial Student Center Directoi’ate No. 1. Student organizations must meet according to the following sched ule: Monday—honorary societies, school councils, and organizations not mentioned below; Tuesday-*- technical and departmental clubs and societies; Wednesday—relig ious activities; Thursday — home town clubs and Student Senate; and Friday—called meetings. BUDGET (Continued from Page 1) were the following appointments within the A&M System: A&M: School of Agriculture, Depart ment of Agronomy, Murray L. Kinman, lecturer (one-fourth time) ; Department of Plant Phys iology and Pathology, Joseph Hacs- kaylo, lecturer (one-fourth time); Department of Athletics, Travis T. Hughes, assistant coach, Omar Smith, coach (part time). Texas Engineering Experiment Station: Floy W. Smith, operations chief, nuclear science center. Texas Forest Service: William F. Hanks, forestry edu cator; Patrick A. Ebarb and Ken neth R. McKinnon, both assistant foresters, district No. 1, Linden. Magazine Article Written by Benson Fred Benson, dean of the School of Engineering, is the author of an article in the April issue of the American Road Builder. The ar ticle is titled “Undergraduate Edu cation.” FLY TO DALLAS / ■"PI -a, CONTINENTAL Quick connections to ALBUQUERQUE EL PASO VIA JET POWER Cat! your Travel Agent; or Continental at VI 6-4789. ■ : : VGA 1 - .-'y A' (t “Oh, to be in Elba.,, now that Winston’s there!” The mystery is solved! Napoleon’s famous gesture was just to reassure himself that he had plenty of cigarettes. His army may have traveled on its stomach, but the old boy himself wouldn’t have been caught at Waterloo if he hadn’t been checking the Belgian bistros for a spare carton of Winstons! There’s a rare smoking treat that comes from Winston’s famous Filter-Blend — which means a careful selection of fine, mild tobaccos specially processed for filter smoking. Try a pack real soon. and you’ll agree that.. 0 Winston tastes good— like a cigarette should! 8.3. REYNOLDS fffffACCO EO.. WlNSfON-SALEM.N. C.