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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1960)
* > The Battalion Volume 59 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1960 Number 96 Bruce To Give Muster Speech Lt. Gen. A. D. Bruce, a member of the Class of T6"and chancellor of the University of Houston, has accepted an in vitation as speaker at the annual Aggie Muster here. Announcement of Lt. Gen. Bruce’s acceptance was made Tuesday by Larry White, chairman-* of the Welfare Committee of the Student Senate—the campus or ganization which extended the in vitation. MSC Lawn The annual Muster will be held on the lawn of the Memorial Stu- 46 Students Attend Safety Meet in Waco Safety on the municipal and in dustrial level was brought to the attention of a group of A&M stu dents Friday in Waco. The group, 4G students of in dustrial education and their pro fessor, L. V. Patterson, were par ticipants in the Greater Waco Safety Council meeting in observ ance of Texas Industrial Week. Under the direction of Herb La nier, director of the Greater Waco Safety Council, the group toured and observed safety practices and production methods in various Waco industries. Industries visited were General Tires, L. L. Sams Manufacturing Co., Central Freight Lines and Universal Atlas Cement Co. The tour, an annual affair which hosts A&M students enrolled in industrial safety, was climaxed with a safety dinner. Representatives at the safety meet were Lester Levy, chairman, Greater Waco Safety Council; Ted Gutterman, Texas Manufacturers Assn.; Henry Lewis, safety direc tor, Central Freight Lines; Sgt. Russell Barr, ground safety offi cer, James Connally AFB; Vernon Henderson, safety officer, Waco Police Department; Ralph Russell, Chamber of Commerce, Waco; and L. L. Sams, president of the Sams Manufacturing Co. Five Members To Attend Meeting Five faculty members of the De partment of Chemistry will attend the American Chemical Society’s national spring meeting April 4-14 et Cleveland, Ohio. They are Dr. C. K. Hancock, Dr. E. A. Meyers, Dr. H. K. Zimmer man Jr., D. N. C. Rose and Dr. Hans Wiedmann. dent Center at 5 p.m., April 21. Cadet Lt. Col. Joe Leeper, Corps liason officer, will read the Silver Taps list with the firing squad of the Ross Volunteers following in salute to deceased Aggies. The Singing Cadets will also partici pate in the ceremonies. The Muster will be conducted in G. Rollie White Coliseum in the event of inclement weather. With him, Lt. Gen. Bruce brings an impressive military record. Among honors received are the Distinguished Service Cross, the Distinguished Service Medal, the Navy Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, the Air Medal, the Purple Heart, the Victory Medal (5 stars), three Croix de Guerres, Commenda tions and the Legion of Honor. At 24, Lt. Gen. Bruce was one of the youngest lieutenant colonels in World War I. In addition, he supervised the construction of Ft. Hood. In World War II, he or ganized the Tank Destroyer Center and led the 77th Infantry into Guam, Leyte, Okinawa and le Shima. In 1947, he was the head of the '7th Division in the Korean occupa tion. Lt. Gen. Bruce was then appointed deputy commander of the 4th Army at Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio. He also served as chief of the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Va., from 1951-54 when he became president of the Uni versity of Houston before becom ing chancellor of the institution in 1956. Lt. Gen. Bruce is married and has two sons and one daughter. He also was awarded an honorary L.L.D. degree from A&M. The A&M Muster is an out growth of the Battle of San Jacinto, where Gen. Sam Houston’s troops won Texas’ independence at San Jacinto April 21, 1836. History books record the tradition began in 1903 when 396 members of the A&M student body decided some observance should be held to com memorate San Jacinto. Since 1903 .. . It was then agreed to assemble on that specified day each year to pay homage to deceased Aggies and the heroes of the Battle of San Jacinto. Since 1903, Aggies have assembled for this purpose. Groups have gathered at Corregi- dor, and Bataan, Germany, Italy, France, Korea, all over the United States and many foreign countries. Ticket Prize To Be Given Corps Outfit A 21-inch television set or an equivalent amount of money ($180) will be awarded the cadet outfit purchasing the largest amount of tickets to Friday night’s Cotton Ball and Pageant in Guion Hall at 7:30. Tickets will be on sale until Thursday at 5 p.m. They are be ing sold at the Memorial Student Center and through the individual Corps units. The presentation of the set will be made Thursday as soon as pos sible after the contest closes. In the event of a tie, the outfit with the largest per cent participation will receive the award. One-hundred eighty six duches ses will be vying for the Cotton Queen award. Harold Henk, a senior agronomy major from Se- guin, will reign as King Cotton. Both the King and Queen will be crowned by the Hon. Olin E. Teague, U.S. congressman of the 6th District. Johnny Watkins, farm director of KWTX-TV in Waco and KBTX in Bryan will be master of cere monies. Also presented in the program will be The Troubadors, a solo by Miss Virginia McBride and The Emeralds. Tickets to the ball will be $2.50 stag or drag or $1 if purchased through the Corps outfits. FSA Senior Class Outing Slated May 5 The seventh annual senior class barbecue given by the Association of Former Students will be held Thursday, May 5, from 6:15 p.m. to 8 p.m., in The Grove. The bar becue will honor the class of 1960, graduates of August, 1960 and graduates in January, 1961. The barbecue will be a stag af fair and informal. In case of rain, it will be held in the main dining room of Sbisa Mess Hall. W. C. McGee Jr., class of ’31 of Houston, incoming president of the Association, will welcome the sen iors into the Association. Several others will give brief talks. The following committee, ap pointed by Dick Hervey, executive secretary of the Association, will handle details of the barbecue: Roy Snyder, G. T. King, J. G. Penis- ton, P. L. (Pinkie) Downs Jr., W. D. (Pete) Hardesty and Allen N. Burns. Smith Appointed Chief Of Reactor Operations Floy W. Smith, a nuclear engi neer formerly associated ..with Chance Vought and Convair air craft corporations and with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has been named re actor operations chief for the Tex as A&M College System’s region al Nuclear Science Center Announcement of Smith’s ap pointment was made by Dr. Aaron Rose, director of the Texas Engi neering Experiment Station, a part of the A&M College System through which the nuclear science facility is to be administered. Came from Dallas Smith came to College Station from Chance Vought, Dallas, where he was supervisor of the nuclear engineering and physics group, aeronautics division. He had pre viously been associated with Con vair, Fort Worth, in nuclear engi neering projects, and was at one time a member of the staff of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Lewis Labora tory, at Cleveland, Ohio, where he worked on nuclear flight propul sion problems. A graduate of the University of i Oklahoma, he has done advanced work at the University of Cali fornia at Los Angeles. He served | BBHi m: ■ i H Floy W. Smith . . . operations chief in World War II as an Air Force I weather and combat intelligence officer. Smith will be in charge of all routine engineering operations at the Nuclear Science Center, which is now under construction near Easterwood Field. Construction Well Along Construction is now advanced to the stage of foundation work for the main building at the center. The $3,000,000 facility has been de signed as both a teaching and re search unit for use by Southwest ern colleges, universities, science research organizations and indus try, and is due to be in operation by early 1961. Among Largest When completed, the center will be one of the largest such campus- based reactor centers in the nation, and will supplement the nuclear training reactor facilities now in operation on the A&M campus. A&M overall direction of the Nu clear Science Center will be by Dr. Robert Cochran, present head of the Department of Nuclear En gineering. Great Issues Speaker Outlines Space Program Car Wreck Injures Ag Soph Last Night A one car wreck between Shiro and Navasota around midnight last night seriously injured Milton Ed wards Jr., sophomore in Squadron 6 from Fredericksburg. Two other cadets escaped unin jured. The cadets returning from Huntsville apparently failed to make a curve and hit a guard rail post. Edwards’ mother arrived at Nav asota hospital this morning, where the cadets had been taken, with a family physician and after consul tation with physicians at the hos pital it was decided to move Ed- wai’ds to a hospital in Austin for possible surgery. No details were available as to the extent of Edwards’ injuries. The other cadets with Edwards were Bobby J. Thompson, senior in Squadron 6 from Center, and Victor E. Plunk, freshman in Squadron 16 from Amarillo. Kennedy Tops In Wisconsin Primary Vote I MILWAUKEE Wis. hPi—Sen. ! John F. Kennedy hurdled another I high barrier in his drive for the Democratic presidential nomina- j tion today, winning the Wisconsin j primary in a head-on collision with | one of his principal rivals. Immediately, the Massachusetts senator said the election proved \ his vote-pulling power with non- I Catholics, farmers, and the labor unions. Kennedy defeated Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota in six of Wisconsin’s 10 congressional districts and in the battle for the total popular vote. Nixon Trails Vice President Richard M. Nix on, running unopposed in the Re publican primary, trailed both Kennedy and Humphrey in the pop ular vote. With 3,120 of the state’s 3446 precincts reported, the totals stood: Kennedy, 407,217; Humphrey 327,830; Nixon 312,487. This gave Kennedy 55.4 per cent of the vote cast in the Democratic primary. 20 Delegate Votes It also allocated 20 Wisconsin delegate votes in the Democratic National Convention to Kennedy and 10 to Humphrey. Each re ceives another uncontested half vote. Even before the final count was in, the vote broke the previous record, set in 1952, of 1,018,149. Coming on the heels of his spectacular sweep in New Hamp shire last month, this was Ken nedy’s second straight victory in an important presidential primary. Wisconsin was not a spectacular triumph for him. ‘anything else . . He said that winning six dis trict races, plus a majority of the popular vote, would constitute a victory for him. “Anything else would be gravy,” Kennedy said. There was no gravy. But Kennedy said he was de lighted with the result. He added, “I never took the view that we could win all 10 districts despite the pollsters. If we end up with 57 per cent of the Democratic vote we will be doing very well.” Humphrey said the election caused him no pain. “I suppose numerically I’m the defeated candidate,” he said, “but if I’m defeated I certainly don’t hurt. In light of the predictions made, we have every reason to be lieve we did well.” ■: VUV : m3, mj •d - ■ ■■ vm ■>?'. m ■ 1 m 1 P«i i Takes 39 Members Phi Eta Sigma Holds Initiation Phi Eta Sigma, the National Freshman Honor Society, initia ted 58 freshmen and one sopho more into the fraternity yesterday afternoon in the Assembly Room of the Memorial Student Center. The A&M Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma was founded in 1949 and is advised by Dr. J. W. Dobson, pro fessor in the Department of Biol ogy and counselor for the Basic Division and C. H. Ransdell, asso ciate director of the Basic Divis ion. Membership A candidate for membership into the fraternity must have posted a grade point ratio of 2.5 or better in the first semester of his fresh man year or have attained a 2.5 GPR by the end of his first year in school. Membership is for life in this society which emphasizes scholarship. Last Year’s Officers Last year’s officers taking part in the initiation were President Ramsey Melugin, sophomore elec trical engineering major from San derson; Vice-president James Sul livan, sophomore electrical engi neering major from Fort Worth; Secretary Bill Cardwell, sopho more liberal arts major from Rul ing and Treasurer Ralph Loyd, sophomore pre-veterinary medicine major from Texarkana. Two senior advisors also took part in Thursday’s program. They were James Barlow, liberal arts major from Fort Worth and Don ald Day. New Members Initiated into the fraternity were Roger Alexander, John Ba con, Roy Baldarrama, Gary Bal- ser, Paul Bergstrom, Charles Blas- chke, Thomas Boedecker, Gene Brossmann, Robert Bryant, David Chapman, Russell Christie, Char les Cockrell, Larry Collier, Jerry Cox, Richard Davis, Richard Den nis. Wally Echols, William Edmonds, Jimmie Guy, Earl Henderson, Hu- ley Horn, George Hoffman, Donald Hunter, George Johnston, Ralph Johnston. Claude Jones, Ray Kappel, Mich ael Kerley, John Krebs, William Letbetter, William Mactavish, An tonio Masso, William Mays, Car los Mejia, Elvin Moehlman. Jerry Morgan, Phillip Moseley, James Norwood, Jack Qliphant, William Rabel, James Ray, Mich ael Roquemore, Ed Sartain, Dan Scarborough, James Scott. Gary Simon, Travis Small, Jack Spillman, Lonnie Thomas, Shelby Traylor, Carlos Vela, Edward Walker, George Wiederaenders, Otto Wilke, Jack Wilson, James Dotson, David Carter. One sophomore, Charles Skripka, was initiated after becoming a pledge last spring. Pic Makeup Deadline Set Pictures for The Aggieland ’60 for sophomores and juniors may be made up at the Aggie land Studios until Easter re cess opens Wednesday. No pictures will be accepted after that date, according to Billy Mitchell of The Aggie land ’60 staff. rJi Says U. S. Holds Lead in Research By ROBBIE GODWIN Battalion News Editor “It is clear that the Soviet Union has acquired rockets of greater thrust than the ones we have,” said Dr. T. Keith Glennan in a speech in Guion Hall last night. Glennan, the administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was speaking to a crowd of 600 at the fourth in the Memorial Student Center’s Great Issues series. The administrator explained that the United States had a definite lead, however, in the quality of instruments in its rockets and in research. He said the bigger payloads Russia is able to put up can give no more accurate information than our smaller ones. Three Factors * Glennan told the group there were three big limiting factors in the U. S. space pro gram. He said the most sig nificant was time, next was the need for well trained and dedicated men and finally, money. He answered more questions which he thought would best ex plain the United States’ stand on space research. The first was why the U. S. is so active in the space program. > Glennan said the search to under stand the universe and perhaps some day to control it, coupled with man’s natural curiosity pro vides the main incentive. The search for a new medium and en vironment in which to learn more about the manner in which our planets were created leads scien tists on, Glennan added. Economic Benefits He pointed out that the space program also holds economic bene fits. He used the Tiros project, a satellite circling the earth now and taking pictures of the world’s weather, as his example. He said the ability to make long range fore casts of the weather all over the globe, even 10 per cent more cor rect than it is now, would save billions of dollars. The final incentive Glennan pointed out was that there was a chance of finding life on another planet. ‘If there were no other reason than this, it would be enough,” said Glennan. He said the urgency of the pro- (See GLENNAN on Page 3) Langford Again Elected Mayor In Sparse Vote Less than 350 College Station residents went to the polls Tues day and re-elected Mayor Ernest Langford, Dr. Carl Landiss, J. H. Sorrels and A. P. Boyett, all coun- cilmen, for a two-year term on the College Station City Council. In Ward 1 Langford received 61 votes and Landiss polled 60 votes. Langford polled 100 votes, Sor rels got 98 votes, and A. H. Alex received 12 votes in Ward 2. Ward 3 showed 29 votes for Langford and 30 votes fo Boyett. Langford has served as mayor of College Station for the past 18 years. The small turnout represented less than one-third of the city’s potential voting strength of more than 1,000, according to College Station City Manager Ran Bos well. The other three councilmen serv ing on the College Station City Council are J. A. Orr, William A. Smith and D. A. Anderson, whose term will expire in 1961. The new councilmen will offici ally take office Monday, April 25, at the city council meeting to be held at 7 p.m. in the council room of the College Station City Hall. . 1 i r- , ’ Hi .c , fpiT i * "tm I ”! •iu n, i urn. Phi Eta Sigma Members This year’s president of Phi Eta Sigma, Ramsey Melugin, second from left, explains the workings of the fraternity to Carlos Vela, Donald Hunter and Jimmie Guy, three of the 59 new members who were initiated in ceremonies at the MSC yesterday afternoon.