Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1959)
•f PAGE 6 Thursday, October 8, 1959 THE BATTALION Research Conference Arrangements Being Made for State Undergraduates Promising undergraduate science students from junior and senior colleges from throughout the state will participate during com ing months in a series of research conferences now being arranged for them at College Station, Aus tin, Lubbock, Denton and Dallas. The conferences are being support ed by the National Science Foun dation through a grant to the Tex as Academy of Science providing expense allowances for all par ticipants. A&M, the University of Texas, Texas Tech and, jointly, North Texas State College and Texas Woman's University will be the host institutions. Some medical and industrial research laborator ies in Dallas will also cooperate. The first of these two-day con ferences will be held at College Station Dec. 14-15, the second at Lubbock Feb. 4-5, the third at Austin March 3-4 and the fourth at Denton and Dallas April 7-8. Students from about 20 colleges in the general areas of these re search centers will be accommo dated at each conference. Laboratories will be visited, re search projects reviewed, techni ques discussed, and the . nature, significance, requirements and re wards of present day fesearch ex plained by outstanding scientists Fish Beat Cougar Freshmen in Meet Freshman cross country runners outmanned the University of Houston freshmen to beat them 16 points Saturday morning at the freshman-varsity dual meet here. The Aggie varsity wasn’t so for tunate, and were beaten 17 points by the Cougars. In the freshman division Barrie Almond of Houston rounded the two-mile course in 9 minutes 41.3 seconds. Second place was taken by Johnny Faulkner of the Aggies and was followed by teammates Ronald Dingle, E. L. Ener and George Pickel. in each of the major natural sci ence fields. Panel discussions, seminars and personal conferences will give par ticipants a chance to learn moi'e about types of graduate training required for scientific research and about scholarships and assistant- ships available to them in univer sities throughout the country. Carter To Collect Data for Doctorate In Central America Dilford C. Carter, graduate stu dent in the Department of Wildlife Management here has left for Mexico and other Central Ameri can countries where he will spend six months collecting field data for his doctoral dissertation. His problem, being done under the direction of Dr. W. B. Davis, head of the department, involves the systematic and ecologic rela tionships of free-tailed bats of the Tadarida brasiliensis complex which are thought to be involved in the spread and transmission of rabies. Carter’s headquarters will be in Mexico City and from there he will carry on extensive collections and behavorial studies of bats in various parts of Mexico, Guate mala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama. The bats being studied spend the summer in Texas and neighboring states and migrate southward in winter, but their wintering grounds and their wintering habits are not well known. The research on bats is being supported in part by the Rob and Bessie Welded Wildlife Founda tion of Sinton, Tex., the Pennsyl vania State University and by private funds. Mrs. Carter and her two chil dren will accompany Carter as far as Mexico City where she will spend the winter. The family plans to return to College Station next April. “This program is the first of its kind to be sponsored by the National Science Foundation thru a state academy and is therefore an experiment that may determine to what extent such programs will be supported in other states in future years,” Charles LaMotte, progam director, said today. La Motte is professor of biology here. “Only the most outstanding un dergraduate students selected by the faculties of their respective colleges and accompanied by one or more of their professors will be eligible to participate, but they will be expected to carry some of their first-hand observations, a lot of information and some en gendered enthusiasm back to their fellow students.” Heading up arrangements at host institutions are: Dr. L. C. Grumbles, professor of veterinary microbiology at A&M College; Dr. Addison Lee, professor of botany and director of science education at the University of Texas; Dr. Joe A.damcik, assistant professor of chemistry at Texas Tech; Dr. J. K. G. Silvey, professor of biol ogy and chairman of the Science Division at North Texas State College. REMEMBER The College Station Four Hour Martinizing Service Is Giving A Dollar Gift CERTIFICATE FREE With Every 10 Dollars Of Cleaning During The Month of OCTOBER Located At The A&M Men’s Shop 4 hr. Service IN BY 1 P.M. OUT BY 5 P.M. IN BY 5 P.M. OUT BY 1 P.M. — BATTALION CLASSIFIED — FOR RENT Two bedroom unfurnished house, fans, redecorated. TA 2-7782. nicely furnished one bedroom apartment, antique satin draperies, new stov utilities. VI 6-5031 after 6:00 p. m. 4488 or VI 6-4248. Station Texas. APARTMENT FOR RENT North Gate near campus. Two bed rooms. Refrigerator and stove pro vided. Insulated and paneled walls, 220 connection. VI 6-7214 122tfn Nicely furnished, freezing unit in refrigera tors. Several walk in closets. Clear pin. 401 Cross St., VI 6-5064 Brick duplex apartment. port, storeroom. VI 6-6468. North Gate area. 133tfn small. CALL TA 2-7314. Sewing machines. ments. VI 6-5334. rage, utilities paid. Couples only. VI-6-4657 or VI 6-4531. 104 Gilchrist. Unfurnished apartment across from South Side Food Market, 205 Mont clair. Stove furnished. Rent $27.50. Phone VI 6-6544 or VI 6-6630. 134tfn Roomy, 2 bedroom apartment. Near Crockett School. Available immediately. Phone VI 6-6660 or VI 6-4916. 137tfn TV - Radio - HiFi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 101 Highland m w CATES * WRITER CO. ADDING & '.aies I MACHINES CALCULATORS Mi fcWTAi J ELECTRIC & MANUALS DISTRIBUTOR FOR ROYAL & VICTOR 909 S. MAIN BRYAN, TEX. TA 2-6000 FOR SALE Small attractive house two bedroom, screen porch, half mile south of campus. Priced for immediate sale. VI 6-7570. lltfn ATTENTION: Married students. Save high rent 26” Trailer, bath, closet space. Clean. B-521, Sunset Trailer Lodge, High way 6. 10t4 Tailor made uniform green blouse, size 40. Regular pink trousers, size 33, original cost $78.00 will sell for S25.00. Small apartment size refrigerator, 25-25-23. Ideal for room or office S20.00. VI 6-7042 10t3 Used refriegators, stove, dinette, desk. VI 6-7560. 9t3 1957 Allstate motor scooter. Excellent condition, $125.00. Ctll VI 6-5300. 9t4 New and used automatic washers and sewing machines. We service all makes, free estimate. Call Bryan Sewing Machine and Appliances, VI 6-6723. Necchi-Elna and Maytag dealer. 5t8 Coldspot refrigerator, 7*A. cubic foot, good working condition. $45.00. See in operation. 22fl Inlow, Bryan. 5tfn AKC Registered Toy Manchester Terrier 'Pupnies. 3 months old. Ernest Redman. IVellhorn. 5t8 WORK WANTED ... . . Will keep children during football game. VI 6-6353. . 1U2 Will keep child in my home. Call VI 6- 8028. 9t4 ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS: All Day Nursery, experienced child care, supervised play, $25.00 per month. VI 6- 6146. 136tfn Typing wanted, neat, accurate. Reanson- able rates. Mrs. Carlson VI 6-7936. 122tfr Your reports will be typed quickly anl accurately on electric typewriters at th< Bi-City Secretarial Service. 8408A Texal Avenue. Phone VI 6-B7R6. 71tfs Part time secretary, permanent resident, fast accurate typist, shorthand. Ability tr work with students. Desirable if interested in national and international affairs. Ap ply in person. Director’s Office, Memorial Student Center, Texas A&M College. 137tfn WHITLEY’S PEST CONTROL GUARANTEED SERVICE TA 2-4285 3706 So. College Ave. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1960 Model J-Be K Light weight motorcycle 4.8 h.p. $375.00 del. Bryan Sold and serviced by— MOTOR IMPORTS Franchised dealer: Ducati, Zundapp and Sachs Box 721, College Station or 600 Old Sulphur Springs, Bryan LOST Tippy, 13 yr. old black and white cur. Mrs. I. W. Kernodle, 500 East 29th St. TA 2-1415. Ilt2 FOR SALE OR RENT House, two bedroom, furnished. 211 Ehlinger St. See J. J. Koh, Jr., 1010 West 28th, Bryan. 9tfn HELP WANTED Waitress wanted. Experience not neces sary. Apply in person. Triangle Restau rant. 4tfj OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed »r telephoned so as to arrive In the Offic* ti Student Publications (Ground Flooi YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceeding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. The English Proficiency Examination for students majoring in business administra tion will be given October 20 at 4 p. m. in room 202, Francis Hall. Students who plan to take this examination will register in the main office of the Division Of Busi ness Administration prior to October 17. 9t4 Students interested in a Rhodes Scholar ship should confer with R. H. Ballinger, 302-C Academic Bldg., prior to October 10. 7t6 Any student who normally expects to complete all of the requirements for a degree at the end of the current semes ter should call by the Rgistrar’s Office NOW and make formal application for a degree. October 31 is the deadline foi filing an application for a degree to be conferred at the end of the current semester. This deadline applies to both graduate and undergraduate students. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar Early Bird Shoppe, Inc. Gurtains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village • ENGINEERING AND AROHITECTITRAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LIN® PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS SPECIAL NOTICE Dear John: I’m sending your saddle home. I have heard that a married woman can expect to be a widow for about 7 years. I might reconsider your proposition if you will talk with Eugene Rush about an adequate life insurance program . . . .Mary. Itfn Will do regular child care in my home. Hot noon meal. VI 6-4651. Itfn Cade’s Auto Repair Department Trained Mechanics—Work Guaranteed Liberal Terms 1309 Texas Avenue . 133tfn Day nursery, experienced child care, noon meal, pick up and delivery, fenced yard, VI 6-6294. 125tfn DAY NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 502 Boyett, VI6-4005. 120tfn TOM THUMB NURSERY SCHOOL Ages 2Vz-5 years. Limited number. Story telling, Singing, Drawing, Playing. Oper ated by Shirley J. Waggoner, former first- grade teacher. Close to College. VI 6-5600. Reference when requested. Only one all- day opening remains. 116tfn Electrolux Sales and Service. G. C Williams. TA 3-6600. 90tfi WANT AD RATES oe day 3* per word 14 per word earh additional day Minimum charge—49/ DEADLINES * p. m. day before publication Classified Display 80/ per column Inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 THE A&M SMOKE HOUSE Real Pit Bar-B-Q Plate Lunches Bar B-Q Sandwiches Come & Taste The Difference 4410 College Main RADIO—PHONO—TV Service By SOSOLIK TUBES TESTED FREE BY EXPERTS 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Bryan f Hi 1 9 D i . Where the Art of 1 Mo ta rd A C afe tena Cooking Is Not Lost DR. M. Wo DEASON OPTOMETRIST Contact Lenses Honrs 9:00 - 5:30 Evenings by Appointment 214 N. Main TA 2-3530 BANK YOUR SAVINGS DURING ORR S APPRECIATION SALE! THESE PRICES GOOD THURSDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8-9-10 Picnic Cut Orr’s Gold Seal ROUND STEAK PORK ROAST : C lb Orr’s Gold Seal 69 T-liONES Fresh Lean GROUND MEAT CROWN ROAST r- Orr’s Gold Seal RIB CHOI’S Orr’s Gold Seal SHOUEDER STEAKS 149« Orr’s Gold Seal RRISKET ROAST ib 29* Orr’s Gold Seal Orr’s Gold Seal SIRLOIN STEAK 69f b ib. 79c ib. 39c ib. 39c ib. 75c Drink Refreshing - COKES 12 Bottle Ctn. (Plus Deposit) Minimax—AH Purpose DETERGENT Giant Box 49 49 Gladiola FLOUR 5 - 39 Fruits & Vegetables LEMONS 2,„ s 29c Red POTATOESIO39 ORANGES fl Lbs. 29 c m ■ >f ' m\ a SWEET TEXAS tv'.. Dental Cream COLGATE Flying Jib Frozen—10-Oz. Pkg. Giant Tube 39 BREADED SHRIMP 39 Regular - Super - Junior MODESS Pasco Frozen ORANGE JUICE 19c 6-Oz. Can Lilly or Sanitary MELLORINE Half Gallon 5 Square Carton 39c Kraft MIRACLE WHIP at. 49c TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th St., Downtown 3516 Texas Ave., Ridgecrest