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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1959)
The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas Wednesday, April 15,1959 PAGE 3 Crawford Kennedy, Toronto jun- I cross-country and track teams next ior, will captain Michigan State’s season. I U . J 1 f) . Where the Art oj . a JVotard 6 L^afetenu Cooking h ISot Lost | BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES day .if i>er word tf per word earn additional day Minimum cluuvge—Mif JDiCADliNKS * p. m. day before publication >Uplay 80f |h t column Incb ClasNifled OIh each Insertion PUOJVIS Vi 0-8415 WORK WANTED TYPING WANTED. 15 years experience. Reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Gall TA 2-4812. 80tfn Your reports will be typed quickly and accurately on electric typewriters at the iii-City Secretarial Service, 3408A Texas Avenue, Phone VI 6-6786. 71tfn t(Jli SALE 11)56 Ford Country Sedan Station Wagon. One owner. Good tires, radio, heater, drive. See at 300 Live Oak, C. S. VI 6 over- -6607. 10H7 Professor has clean, attractive, two bed room home in very good condition. Located near A&M. Oak floors, 220 wiring. Dis posal!, paneled bath and kitchen, tub and shower, well-kept yard. Very reasonably priced. Buy direct from owner! VI 6-7675. 10 lt3 Small four room house and lot on quiet stieet. Close to campus. Very reasonable terms to suit you. VI 6-8308. 101t2. Couch-bed, refrigerator, gas stove with extra large oven, large gas heater, also small heater, 12’ x 10’ green straw rug. VI 6-7129 after 5:00 p. m. 100t4 (202) Clothing Lockers. May be seen by tailing the Department of Health and Physical Education. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Business Manager, College Administration Building, util 10:30 a. m., April 27, 1959. The an right is resi and to wa ) a. m., April 27, 1959. Th erved to reject any and all bid ive any and all technicalities ly : Address Business Manager, A. anc lege of Texas, College Station, Ti further information. nd M. Col on, Texas, for 100t2 STUDENT DIRECTORIES .... $1.00. OFFICE OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, YMCA, BASEMENT. 61tfn Mufflers, tail pipes and dual STORE, 216 P N. Bryan. Wholesale prices. pes and dual sets. WHITE’S AUTO 41tfn Texas’ leading life Insurance company 4as a special plan for senior Aggies. See Eugene Rush at North Gate for details. 22tfn LOST LOST, Friday, April 10, orange two wheel, rubber-tired dolly, between System Administration Building and Exchange Store. Finder please contact Exchange Store. VI 6-7701. 101t2 EARLY BIRD SHOPPE TOGS — GIFTS AND TOYS for Girls and Boys FABRICS — SHOES Kldgeerest Village 3601 Texaa Are. RADIO—PHONO—TV Service By SOSOLIK TUBES TESTED FREE BY EXPERTS 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Bryan • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES •03 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS SUMMER WORK FOR A&M STUDENTS A national organization has several openings for qualified men. Must be willing to travel for complete summer. We have ■men on your campus who have saved over $1,000 in a ten week period with us. Excellent op portunity for a select group that qualify. Expenses paid and transportation furnished. Fresh men and Sophomores prAerred. INTERVIEWS WILL BE HELD FROM 7-9 P. M. WED., APRIL 15 IN THE LOUNGE OF DORM 10, HELP WANTED Waitress. Six days weekly. Student’s wife preferred. Apply at SMITTY’S GRILL, North Gate. 99t3 FOR RENT Nice, clean, quiet apartment for couple or students. Close to College. $55. VI 6- 6638 or VI 6-5711. lOltfn ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH FOR SPECIAL EVENTS. Also completely furnished three room and bath apart ment. Adults. TA 2-1244. 100t4 Unfurnished three room duplex oh Boy- ett St. Two blocks north of Campus Theatre. Inquire 807 Dellwood in Bryan or call TA 3-3880. 83tfn Bedroom with kitchen privileges. VI 6- j334. 62tfn Sewing machines. Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Will keep two children 3 to 5 years old regularly in my home. Reasonable fee. VI 6-4651. 101t3 Regalia For The Baccalaureate- Commencement Exercise All students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are re ds a tor’s cap and gown. The hoods are to be left at the Registrar’s Office no later than quired to order hoods as well as the doc- rid go Regis) 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, May 19 (this ar rangement will be accompished by a representative of the College Excnange Store). The Ph.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candi dates will be hooded on the stage as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will wear the master's cap and gown; those who are candidates for the Bachelor’s De gree, except Military students, will wear the bachelor’s cap and gown. All Military students who are candidates for degrees will wear appropriate military uniforms. Rental of caps and gowns may be ar ranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be placed between 8:00 a. m., Mon day, April 10 and 12:00 noon, Saturday, May 16. The rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap and gown, $5.00; Master’s cap and gown, $4.50; Bachelor’s cap and gown, $4.00. Hood rental is the same as that for cap and gown. C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee 100t20 Is your wife a fishing or golf widow? She won’t mind if you let “DOCTOR FIXIT’’ keep your home in good repair ur home in good repa and do those small jobs for you. Enjoy your off hours and let "DOCTOR FIXIT” do your repair and remodeling work. Call “DOCTOR FIXIT” at MARION PUGH LUMBER CO. Phone VI 6-5711 today. 100t4 Plastic binding service for thesis, re- STUDIO. ports, papers, etc. AGGIELAND 72tfn Let me keep your children for you by hour, day or week. Will pick them up and bring them home. VI 6-5505. 63tfn Electrolux Sales and Service. Zllllams. TA 3-6600. G. C. 90tfr Rattlers Down Aggies, 5-1 The St. Mary’s Rattlers pushed across five runs on seven hits to down the Aggies, 5-1, yesterday in a non-conference tilt at Kyle Field. Co-captain Donnie Hullum, sen ior from Baytown, started his first game of the season on the mound and gave up three hits and two runs in five innings to be credited with the loss. Hullum, a mainstay last season, had been out the en tire season due to a sore arm. The loss gave the Farmers a 10-5 season mark compared to a 4-2 Southwest Conference record. St. Mary’s now has a 7-2 for the season. St. Mary’s opened the scoring in the second inning on two hits, one of them a homer by Catcher Bill Sebera after First Baseman Carl Wanke had reached first on a single. The Aggies counted their lone run in the fifth on two singles, a walk and a sacrifice fly to cen ter. Lloyd Stone opened that frame with a Texas leaguer to right and advanced on another single by Dink Patterson. Lefthended Bill Houchin, pinch- hitting for Hullum, drew a walk to load the bases. Stuffy Davis, the next batter for the Farmers, went down swinging, but Stone romped home on a long fly to center by Windel Reed. The inn ing ended when Byron Barber No Activity Cards Honored Saturday The Aggie “T” Association warns students that entrance to all athletic events Spring Sports Day Saturday will be by ticket only. Activity cards will not be honored. The tickets, which sell for $1, will be good for all the athletic events that day, frorp golf to the Maroon and White intrasquad game. Ducats may be purchased from members of the “T” Association or from a special booth that will be set up in the Memorial Student Center this week. struck out with two men on base. The Rattlers iced down the game in the seventh when they scored three runs on a walk, two doubles and a single. Davis saved the day for the Aggies when he made a leaping catch in center of Sebera’s ST. MARY’S (5) De Los Santos, If Dugosh, cf Costello, 2b Wanke, lb Sebera, c Zamora, ss Haby, 3b Jagodzinski, rf Cernosek, p Totals A&M (I) C. Davis, cf Reed, 3b Barber, If Herrington, c Paradowski, lb Hickerson, lb Chase, c Plumlei iss, Stone, rf Patterson, a—Worths 2b am Hullum, p b Houchin Thompson, p Schaper, p c—North Totals Reached first AB 4 3 5 3 3 4 3 4 4 33 AB 5 2 0 0 0 3 0 4 4 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 RBI 0 0 1 1 2 1 CL 0 0 5 RBI 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 1 5 1 error for Patterson in 9th; b Walked for Hullum in 5th; c— Struck out for Schaper in 9th. St. Mary’s 020 000 030—5 A&M 000 010 000—1 E Zamora, Haby, Plumlee. PO-A—St. Mary’s 27-8 ; A&M—27-13. LOB—St. Mary’s 7, A&M 9. DP - Plumlee and Hick erson. 2B—Wanke, Zabora. HR Sebera. SB- De Los Santos, C. Davis. S—Dugosh. SF—Reed. IP H R ER BB SO Cernosek (W ; 3-0) 9 5 113 8 Hullum (L; 0-1) 5 3 2 2 3 1 Thompson 2 1/3 2 3 3 3 0 Schaper 1 2/3 2 0,0 0 3 HE DESERVED TO WIN NORFOLK, Va. <A > ) — Harvey Grubb and Bill Vines entered the Tidewater Anglers’ bass rodeo at Back Bay. The day they fished the wind was wrong and the water low. Grubb went into the water to pull the boat, then fell in climbing back. He caught a big bass but lost it wh'en he cranked up his motor with the fish on a stringer in the water. The boat got stuck in the mud. He pulled it off and tore his waders. He finally re turned with six small bass averag ing a pound and gave them to his father. Late in the day a reporter called Grubb to say he had won the rodeo in which 126 anglers participated. almost-homer and held the runners on their bases. A&M will jump back into SWC j , ;hey face the Rice Owls in Hous- I play Friday and Saturday whet J on and College Station. Prom-perfect... or for any date It’s easy to see why Arrow White Shirts are the most popular on campus. Authentic in every style detail, they’re the best-fitting shirts in circulation today. Our exclusive Mitoga®-tailoring makes them that way from collar to cuff to waist. “Sanforized” fab rics keep their fit and the wildest bop won’t pop their anchored but tons. $4.00 up. Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. ^ARROIV-^ first in fashion In step with style: Arrow White Shirts We’ve been busy as a dixieland drummer ever since the new Arrow White Shirts came in. These are dress-up shirts as you like them. Arrow-styled in oxford or broadcloth, in drip-dry cotton or Dacron* and cotton . . . with the smartest new collar styles and French or regular cuffs. See them soon. *Du Pont polyester fiber {ftofeigl e? j MENS WE/lft sinci i»aa BRYAN , -ruawa- TEXAS m 1 STUDENT FLORAL CONCESSION 1/1 Flowers By Aggies for Aggies' AGGIES! Get your flowers for the COTTON BALT and . BALL CARNATIONS • WHITE ORCHIDS » LAVENDER ORCHIDS • DOUBLE CYMBIDIUM ORCHIDS • SINGLE CYMBIDIUM ORCHIDS Order from your Dorm Representative through Wednesday night. Come by the Floriculture Building Friday or Saturday.