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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1959)
The Battalion College Station (Brazos County?, Texas Thursday', April 2 1959 PAGE £> PfeufferWeds Draft Deferment Test April 30 Jean Hillje March 24 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Pfeuffer . . . wedding held in Chapel The marriage of Miss Jean Louis Hillje and Robert T. (Bob) Pfeuffer was solemnized March 24 in the Jnterfaith Chapel in the presence of members of the fam ilies and a gi’oup of close friends. The Rev. James Argue, pastor of the A&M Methodist Church, of ficiated at the double-ring cere mony. The bride wore a waltz-length gown of white chiffon over taf feta, featuring a shirred bodice and portrait neckline. Her round, fingertip viel of Brussels Rose- point lace was Tyorn in mantilla style. A single white orchid with stephanotis fashioned the bridal bouquet. The couple’s only attendants were Miss Jo Ann Hillje, sister of the bride, and Joe Buser of Arp. Bob Graetzel and Bob Da vila served as ushers. After the double ring ceremony, the bride and groom left the Chap el through an arch of sabers form ed by senior members of the Corps Staff. A reception was held in the Memorial Student Center after the wedding. Mrs. Ray Olds was in charge of the bride’s book; as sisting in serving were Mdmes. Charlotte Daniel, Mary Lou Meul- ler, Patricia Dillon, Sue Ellen Young and Mary Sue Kuenstler. The couple will be at home at 701 Manor Rd., Austin after Pfeuffer’s graduation in May. AGGIE SPECIAL MOTOR TUNE-UP—APRIL ONLY 4 Cyl. cars $7.95 Labor and up 6 Cyl. cars $8.95 Labor and up 8 Cyl. cars $9.95 Labor and up Plus Parts Tune-up (major) includes Distributor and Carburetor (Overhaul) Tune-up Specialist: J. J. (Jay) Welch B D. (Doc) White W. W. (Rip) Winkle Time Required: 3 Hours by Appoint ment. TAYLOR MOTOR CO. 415 N. Main Bryan TA 3-3309 WANTED For Summer Some openings still available for young men to work on an Eastern Boys Ranch. Must have knowledge of horses and be able to teach boys to ride. Should have athletic and swimming background. Salary plus tips & expenses. For applications and information make immediate contact with: SAM SPENCE, BOX 2073 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. Outstanding Vets Due Here June 3-5 Some of the outstanding veteri narians in the country have ac cepted invitations to speak at the 12th Annual Conference for Veteri narians here June 3-5. The speakers include Maj. Chai'- lie N. Barron, Armed Forces Insti tute of Pathology, Washington, D. C.; Dr. John Wilbur Jr., veteri narian in charge, Animal Inspec tion and Quarantine Division, Ag ricultural Research Service, USD A, Fort Worth; Di\ Wade O. Brinker, Michigan State University; and Dr. Lester Johnson, Oklahoma State I University. Others on the program are Dr. A. B. Rich, director, Division of Veterinary Public Health, Austin; Dr. Lloyd M. Reedy, practitioner, Dallas; and Dr. F. D. Gentry, prac titioner, Springfield, Mo. The committee for the confer ence is comprised of Dr. R. D. Turk, chairman; Dr. P. W. Burns; Dr. W. M. Romane; Dr. Paul Jun- german; and Dr. H. E. Redmond, all of the School pf Veterinary Medicine. Phi Eta Sigma Sets Phi Eta Sigma, national fresh man honor society, will hold its spring initiation in the Memorial Student Center Assembly Room this afternoon at 4:30 and also at 5:15. Pictures for The Aggieland will be taken at the close of the initia tion. Japan is now welding rails on its railway tracks. They want quiet, and not so much clickety-clack dis turbing rhythm which happened on their older rail lines. TWo by Two First Baptist - College FOR AGGIES & AGGIE WIVES Bii® : :/ . ■■■—I iillti v ~ mJIS after every shave Splash on Old Spice After Shave Lotion. Feel your face wake up and live! So good for your skin — so good for your ego. Brisk as an ocean breeze, Old Spice makes you feel like a new man. Confident. Assured. Relaxed. You know you’re at your best when you top off your shave with Old Spice! ^OO AFTER SHAVE LOTION by SHULTON plus tax College students interested in taking the Selective Service Col lege Qualification Test have until midnight next Thursday to sub mit application, it was announced today by Frank E. McFarland of the Basic Division. The test center in this area will be the Memorial Student Center Assembly Room. To be eligible to apply for the test, scheduled to be given to col lege students throughout the United States, April 30, a student must intend to request deferment as a student, be satisfactorily pur suing a full-time course of instruc tion, and must not have previously taken the test. The purpose of the testing program is to provide evidence for the use of local boards in considering deferment of a reg istrant from military service as a student. Any student who meets the cri teria may be permitted to take the test. This includes both civilian students and students currently en rolled in ROTC. In the past years, ROTC stu dents who feel that they will be required to drop out of ROTC have taken the Selective Service College Qualification Test to quality for draft deferment under plans other Auto Engineers Set Joint Meet The Gulf Coast Section of the Society of Automotive Engineers will hold its annual meeting with the A&M student chapter of the SAE here April 23. The Gulf Coast Section has a membership of 125, representing 50 companies and industi’ial firms. Following a smorgasbord dinner at 7 p.m. at the Memorial Student Center, the groups will head Dr. Dale F. Leipper, head of the De partment of Oceanography and Me teorology, speaking on the subject, “Glimpses of Science and Educa tion in Russia.” The talk will be illustrated. Officers of the A&M student chapter are James E. Sheffield, president; Billy Don Sevier, vice- president; James R. Langston, sec retary; Bill Muenker, treasurer; and Sam Holmes, reporter. EAT WELL EAT REASONABLY EAT HOTARD’S NEW HOURS 11:00 - 2:30 5:00 - 8:30 WOULDN'T IT BE WONDERFUL IF THERE WERE NO HATRED IN THE WHOLE WORLD? WHY DOES THIS INTEREST YOU SO MUCH, CHARLIE BROWN? By Charles M. Schulz THEN NOBODY \ n WOULD HATE ME / 1 11 * than ROTC deferment, McFarland says. Application blanks may be se cured from Miss Pauline Malazzo in the Registrar’s Office. Blanks must be mailed to the Educational Testing Service, Princeton, N. J., not later than midnight, April 9. JOIN JlaufuU'i Silver $ Club YOU CAN NOW WIN . . . $30.00 right to quantities. Bryan) only. Fresh Always FIRST with the FINEST and the FRESHEST! STRAWBERRIES U. S. No. 1 Fresh Jumbo Ripe California Strawberries 29 PINT GIANT TIDE 59 J.W. SPECIAL COFFEE FLOUR HAFNIA LUNCH MEAT 1-lb. 49 GOLD MEDAL 5 ^ 39c 12-Oz. gJi _ Can MmjV C FRANKS CHEESE Armour Star 1-lb. pkg. American Processed By Pc. lb. 49 39 BACON Farmer Brown or Hormel lb. 47 HORMEL THICK SLICED BACON 2 Lbs. 93c BONDED BEEF PRIME RIB ROAST .... 6 h R fJ th 69c LAMB SHOULDER CHOPS Lb. 59c KLEENEX BOX OF 200 2 f ° r 25 SLICED HOT DOG BUNS Package of 8 \ 9 C