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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1959)
The Battalion PAGE 2 College Station (Brazos County)] Texas Wednesday, March 18, 1959 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Ear Ip Interpreting Ike Spans Gap With England By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst President Eisenhower devoted considerable effort Monday night toward putting “flexibility” in perspective. His speech also went far to ward bridging the gap between himself and Harold Macmillan, the British Prime Minister who wants above everything a summit talk with the Soviet Union about Germany. The President skipped his usual arguments against top-level meetings between East and West to say he would talk if the for eign ministers could find a real basis for discussion. His words were accepted everywhere as presaging a summit conference this summer if the foreign min isters can make even the small est of progress. But he also said plainly that flexibility would not extend to the point of abandoning West Berlin or the principles under which free men live up to their obligations. “Soviet rulers should remem ber that free men have, before this, died for so-called ‘scraps of paper’ which represented duty and honor and freedom.” The Communists immediately got the point. The East German news agency ADN said the Pres ident made it plain the United States “would not be afraid to un leash a war.” If it had said the United States would not be afraid to react against any form of coercion to the extent that coercion war ranted, then it would have exact ly expressed the point the United States has been trying to make for months. The President came very close to saying that only war will push the Western Allies out of Berlin. By that token he expects the Reds to modify their demands during the course of negotiations which will be undertaken, from the Western standpoint, for the pur pose of avoiding a military show down. By coincidence but with telling effect, developments Tuesday added emphasis to the American position. Congress was asked to start four hundred million dollars worth of military aid through the pipelines to America’s allies abroad, in addition to and for delivery after the end of the newly proposed four billion for eign aid budget. The appointment of Lewis L. Strauss as secretary of com merce was described as the se lection of a chief of staff for prosecution of the economic war. The House Armed Services Committee authorized more than a billion dollars for construction at American bases around the world—those bases about which the Soviet Union complains so bitterly. Social Whirl ) 7:30 Architecture Wives will meet in Room 202 of the YMCA for a card party. Please bring cards. Refreshments will be served. Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet in the MSC. There will not be a meeting March 26 because of the Easter holidays. 8 p. m. Civil Engineering Wives Club will meet in the South Solarium of the YMCA. Dr. Gene King of the Animal Husbandry Depart ment will present the program, “Meat Selection and Identifica tion.” -SOPHOMORES- SUMMER SERGE —COMPARE THESE FEATURES— Made To Your Individual Measurement Here At College Station —GUARANTEED TO FIT— Only Finest Fabrics Used You get to try it on and see how it fits before you pay. YES—“Made by Zubik’s” Assures You Of Quality Serge ZUBIK’S Uniform Tailors North Gate Second Generation of Tailors THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu dent writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, non profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op erated by students as a community newspaper and is under the supervision of the director of Student Publications at Texas A&M College. Members of the Student Publications Student Publications, chairman; J. W. Amyx, Sci School of Arts and Sciences; Otto R. Kunze, School of Agriculture; and Dr. E. D. McMurry, School of Veterinary Medicine. Board are L. A. Duewall, director of School of Engineering; Harry Lee Kidd, The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A.&M., is pu tion, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and h( her through May, and once a week during summer school. blished in College Sta- oliday periods, Septem- Entered as second - class matter at the Post Office In College Station, Texai ■nder the Act of Cor Mi Texas, lor (reel of March 8, 1870. MEMBER I The Associated Press Texas Press Ass’n. Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los An geles, and San Francisco' Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester, $6 per school year, $6.50 per full year. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room, 4, YMCA, Col lege Station, Texas. lie dispatches credited to spontaneous origin publish In are als all news news of matter here- News contributions may be made by telepi tutorial office. Room 4, YMCA. For advertising lining VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 r delivery call VI 6-6415. JOE RUSER EDITOR Fred Meurer Managing Editor Gayle McNutt Executive News Editor Bob Weekley Sports Editor Bill Reed, Johnny Johnson, David Stoker, Lewis Reddell.—News Editors Bill Hicklin Assistant Sports Editor Robbie Godwin, Ken Coppage, Bob Edge, Jack Harts- field, Joe Callicoatte, Bob Saile, Jim Odom, Sam Spence, Leo Rigsby, Bob Roberts Staff Writers Ray Hndann ... Circulation Manager ‘Sir, would you run over that problem again?” For State Colleges Tuition Increase Sought We Aggies like to read about Wee Ag gies. When a wee one arrives, call VI 6-4910 and ask for the Wee Aggie Edi tor A wee Aggie was born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dittman ’59, 164 Lakeside Drive, Bryan. Little Donald Carl checked in at 11:43 p.m. weighing 7 lbs., 2 ozs. By VERN SANFORD Texas Press Association AUSTIN, TEX. — A possible shaft of light has pierced the murky tunnels of legislative tax study in the form of an “in-be tween” type money raising bill. An omnibus tax measure intro duced by Reps. R. L. Strickland of San Antonio and Wesley Rob erts of Lamesa would tax a raft of things not previously hit, but avoid the label “general sales tax.” It is regarded as a possible compromise between Gov. Price Daniel’s tax program and Rep. Prates Seeligson’s general sales tax, neither of which have at tracted widespread support. Strickland and Roberts esti mate their proposal would raise from $200,000,000 to $300,000,000, an impressive sum even in the face of current huge needs. New tax sources it would tap include sales of real estate, bonds, debentures, corporate stocks, transportation of persons and commodities, occupancy of a retail establishment, hotel and motel use, and trading stamps. It would increase the natural gas production tax and raise sales taxes on new cars, cosmetics, playing cards, radios and TV sets and raise taxes on telephone and telegraph companies. HIGHER TUITION ASKED— Commission on Higher Education is recommending the Legislature adopt a new system of automatic tuition increases for state-sup ported colleges. By the Commission’s formula, tuition would be in proportion to the college’s spending. If legis lative appropriations to the col lege went up, so would tuition. It was estimated the formula would raise present tuition for in-state students from $100 a year to about $125 to $137.50. Many students protested that the hike would be an undue hard- shin on the 65 per cent who earr part or all their college expen ses. NO HURRY—In terms of de cisions, the tax program has made ”no dramatic forward strides. Rep. Frates Seeligson of San Antonio, inti’oduced his 1.5 per cent general sales tax measure. It would raise an estimated $67,- 000,000 annually earmarked for the school foundation program. Informal surveys indicate a ma jority of lawmakers pledged op position to a general sales tax in their campaign last summer. Despite urging from Gov. Dan iel, the House Tax Committee showed itself in no hurry to g ; et out the bill that would raise cor poration franchise taxes. Com- mitte declined, on a 15-2 vote, to order a report from the subcom mittee which holds the bill. Part of the governor’s plan was 'to get this bill passed in time to take effect May 1 so the added revenue from it could help offset this year’s deficit. Committee also agreed to al low more time to hear groups wishing to oppose a proposed trading stamp tax. Are you interested in National Affairs? If so, apply NOW for SCONA V at the Director’s Office MSC Applications close at 5:00 p. m. Thurs. Mar. 19 TODAY THRU SATURDAY FORBIDDEN ISLAND Starring JON HALL Also “Gunman From Laredo” 0 i», ycrtwMrsi. , * • . . ' W ti Wednesday - Thursday - Friday Ingrid Bergman in “THE INN OF THE SIXTH HAPPINESS” Plus Joanne Woodward in “NO DOWN PAYMENT” WEDNESDAY ••COKE" IS A REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. COPYRIGHT © 1959 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY* Prom trotter She’s the queen of the campus, and of course she favors you know what... the cold crisp taste of Coca-Cola. She knows that anytime, everywhere, Coke is the real refreshment. We don’t say that the secret of her success is Coca-Cola ... but it helps! BE REALLY REFRESHED ...HAVE A COKE! Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by BRYAN COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Irishman Greeted by Ike, President of ‘His Colony’ 1 By ARTHUR EDSON WASHINGTON (A 3 )— Who but an Irishman would have the un mitigated Gael to show up in this town on St. Patrick’s Day, mak ing it all but downright immoral not to applaud. So here came Sean T. O’Kelly, President of Ireland, and out to greet him was Dwight D. O’Eis enhower, President of what some times seems to be Ireland’s lead ing colony. And Irish bands were playing, and the blarney ran in the streets and loyal sons who could trace their ancestry to Minsk or Hav ana or Budapest or even Tokyo loyally wore the green. “On March 17,” said Teddy Roosevelt, “everybody wants to be a McSomething.” Just why this always troubled, often tortured little island should retain such a hold on us remains a mystery. The immigrant who came, for example, from- Germany or Po land, or Italy, or was dragged here from Africa, arrived just as poor and as homesick as one who came from Ireland. Yet who cares, or even knows, who was his homeland’s patron saint? Alaska already is boasting, and correctly, that it has the fastest growing population in the nation. The new state has tripled its pop ulation since 1940. Good Cooking HOTARDS Cafeteria 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. — 5 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. SERVING BRYAN and COLLEGE STATION ^ SAM HOUSTON ZEPHYR Lv. N. Zulch 10:08 a.m. Ar. Dallas . . 12:47 p.m. Lv. N. Zulch . 7:28 p.m. Ar. Houston . 9:15 p.m. FORT WORTH AND DENVER RAILWAY N. L. CRYAR, Agent Phone 15 • NORTH ZULCH On Campos with MaxShuIman (Bj/ the Author of “Rally Round the Flag, Boys! "and, “Barefoot Boy with Cheek") ADVENTURES IN SOCIAL SCIENCE: NO. 2 Today, with earnestness and sobriety, we make the second of our forays into social science. We take up the most basic of all social sciences—sociology itself. Sociology teaches us that man is a social animal. It is not instinct or heredity that determines his conduct; it is environ ment. This fact is vividly borne out when you consider the case of Julio Sigafoos. Julio, abandoned as an infant in a dark wood near Cleveland, was adopted by a pack of wild dogs and reared as one of their own. When Julio was found by a hunter at the age of twelve, the poor child was more canine than human. He ran on all fours, brfrked and growled, ate raw meat, lapped water with his tongue, and could neither speak nor understand one single word. In short, he was a complete product of his environment. Julio, incidentally, was more fortunate than most wild chil dren. They never become truly humanized, but Julio was ex ceptional. Bit by bit, he began to talk and walk and eat and drink as people do. His long-dormant mental processes, when awakened at last, turned out to be fantastically acute. He was so bright that he learned to read and write in a month, got through grammar school in three years, and high school in two. And last June as thousands of spectators, knowing the odds Julio had overcome, stood and raised cheer after cheer, he was graduated valedictorian from Cal Tech with a degree in astro physics ! Who can say to what towering heights this incredible boy would have risen had he not been killed the day after commence ment while chasing a car? But I digress. To return to sociology, people tend to gather in groups—a tendency that began, as we all know, with the introduction of Marlboro Cigarettes. What an aid to sociability they are! How benignly one looks upon one’s fellows after puff ing on Marlboro’s filter that really filters, on Marlboro’s flavor that’s really flavorful. How eager it makes one to extend the hand of friendship! How grateful we all are to Marlboro for making possible this togetherness! How good not to live in the bleak pre-Marlboro w'orld with every man a stranger! The groups that people live in today (thanks to Marlboro) vary widely in their customs. What is perfectly acceptable in one society may be quite outlandish in another. Take, for in stance, the case of Ug Van Wyck. Ug, a Polynesian lad, grew up in an idyllic South Sea isle where the leading event of the year was the feast of Max, the sun god. A quaint all-day ceremony was held, with tribal dancing, war chants, fat-lady races, pie-eating contests, and, for the grand finale, the sacrifice of two dozen maidens. According to Ug’s folkways, sacrificing maidens was entirely acceptable, but when, in his eighteenth year, he was sent as an exchange student to the University of Wisconsin, he soon learned that Americans take a dim view of this practice—in Wisconsin, at any rate. The first fifteen or twenty maidens Ug sacrificed, he was let off with a warning. When, however, he persisted, drastic measures were taken: he was depledged by his fraternity. A broken man, Ug quit school and moved to Milwaukee where today he earns a meager living as a stein. 1959 Max Shulmaa For real sociability, provide Marlboros for filter smokers and Philip Morris for non-filter smokers. Both are made by the Philip Morris company; both sponsor this column; both are tops! PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz <• >