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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1959)
PAGE 4 ^ 'Tuesday, Marcli 17, 1959 The Battalion College Station (Brazos CountyTexas Harvard Designer To Speak Here Serge Chermayeff, international ly known architect-educator will lecture on “Scale, Shape, Mobility” in the Aseembly Room of the Me morial Student Center tonight at 7. Chermayeff, professor of archi tecture, Graduate School of Design at Harvard, will be sponsored by the Division of Architecture. Born in Russia and educated in England, Chermayeff has lectured extensively in universities in the United States and Europe. He has written technical articles on con- struction housing, architectural and art criticism and has had numerous painting exhibitions in this coun try and abroad. Chermayeff, an American citizen, came to the U. S.- just before the outbreak of World War IT. In 1941 he was planning consultant to the North West Regional Council of the National Reseai’ch Planning Board. In 1942 Chermayeff was appoint- SAVE EAT AT HOTARD’S Cafeteria 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.—5 p. m. - 8:30 p.m. ed professor of architecture and chairman of the Department of Design at Brooklyn College. He served as president andd director of the Institute of Design, Chicago, from 1947 to 1951, and was visit ing lecturer, Department of Archi tecture, Massachusetts Institute of Techonology from 1951 to 1952. Chermayeff’s career as a design er goes back to 1922 .when he start ed designing furniture and inter iors. He Avas the designer of the First Exhibition of Modern Archi tecture and Design in England in 1931. Chermayeff began his architec tural practice in London in 1930. His work included studios for the British Broadcasting Corp., Cam bridge Theater in London and sev eral other houses and exhibitions. He became a Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 1931.' The visiting architect-educator is a founder member of the Mod ern Architectural Research Group in England and the American Soci ety of Planners and Architects in the U. S. Chermayeff is also a member of the American Institute of Architects and the International Congress of Modern Architects. IMPORTANT NOTICE ARMY AND AIR FORCE SENIORS! Sol Frank Co., San Antonio Will have a showing of outstanding uniforms WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY March 18 March 19 March 20 Memorial Student Center — Room 233 PAY NOTHING until you go ill active service. Engineers Set Relay Parley The 12th annual conference for Protective Relay Engineers, spon sored by the Department of Elec trical Engineering, will be held April 13-15 in the Memorial Stu dent Center Ballroom. Purpose of the conference is to provide an opportunity for the discussion of joint problems by persons interested in the design, application and operation of pro tective relay equipment as applied to electrical transmission lines and electrical machinery. L. M. Haupt of the EE Depart ment will chair the conference. Glen D. Hallmark, professor and head of the EE Dept., will give the welcome address at 1:30 p.m., April 13. Fred Hale, professor in the De partment of Animal Husbandry, will be toastmaster at the 7 p.m. dinner, April 14, with Ed Beck, Westinghouse Electric Corp., giv ing the principal address. The Singing Cadets, under the direc tion of Bill Turner, will furnish music for the group. The program planning commit tee is composed of Haupt, chair man; J. P. Barron, Dallas Power and Light Co., J. S. Denison of the Department of Electrical Engi neering; J. R. Dickey, Central Power and Light Co., Corpus Christi; D. J. Hubert, General Electric Co., and W. C. Woods, Westinghouse Electric Corp., both of Houston; R. R. Krezdorn, Uni versity of Texas; R. A. Earner, Texas Electric Service Co., Fort Worth; and H. J. Sutton, Gulf States Utilities of Beaumont. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT UP NEW YORK (A*)—Summertime employment of stage actors reached a record high throughout the country in July, Actors Equity reports. The professional union said 4,200 of its 8,200 members were at work, compared with 3,500 during last summer’s peak month. BATTALION CLASSIFIED Chinese Uniform Lt. Col. Thomas A. George, instructor in the Department of Military Science, catches the glances of two Aggies as he fashions the Coolie uniform worn by the Chinese. Activity took place at the Combat Ball Friday night. Juniors Can Enter Sweetheart Photos Juniors can start turning in pic tures for the Junior Class Sweet heart to the Office of Student Activities, according to Wayne Schneider, class secretary-treasur er. The girl’s name, measurements and other important information must be included on a form which may be obtained at the Office of Student Activities. An 8 x 10 photograph with a snapshot is preferred but is not ne cessary, Schneider said. Prep Swimmers Plan A&M Meet The 25th annual state high school swimming meet sponsored by the A&M Atheltic Department will be held at A&M Saturday. Entries must be received by midnight Friday, according to Art Adamson, director. Diving preliminaries will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday with swimming preliminaries at 1 p.m. Finals will be held at 8 p.m. Spring Branch of Houston is de fending - champion but will be hard pressed by Dallas Highland Park, Houston Lamar and Wichita Falls. Chemists Awarded Welch Scholarship J. W. Tefteller Jr. and James R. Monk have been awarded research scholarships for the Welch Foundation undergraduate spring semester at A&M. Both are senior chemistry stu dents conducting research on aminosugars under the supervi sion of Dr. H. K. Zimmerman Jr., associate professor in the Depart ment of Chemistry. Tefteller held a similar scholarship last fall. The scholarship program was established in order to further the training of chemistry majors by encouraging them to do original research. To be considered for the schol arship, a student must demon strate an interest in research, maihtain a B average, and, if awarded a scholarship, must show satisfactory progress at his level of training. The Department of Chemistry encourages all chemistry majors to participate in its undegraduate research program, said Zimmer man. In addition to the scholarship holders, students presently doing undergraduate research are John Herrin, Jack Frain, Robert F. Smith and J. R. Johnson. Four Ags Awarded Wilson Fellowships Four Aggies, Freddy Collins, Wilfred E. Cleland, Stanley L. Archer and Charles E. Hathaway, have been awarded fellowships for graduate study, it was announced by the Woodrow Wilson Fellow ship Foundation in Princeton, N. J. Collins, senior English major from Chillicothe; Cleland, senior nuclear physics major from Pasa dena; Archer, graduate in litera ture from Tyler; and Hathaway, graduate in physics from Laredo have all been awarded the fellow ships to study in the schools of their choice. Established to bolster the short age of qualified teachers, the fel lowship program recruits and sup ports promising scholars for their first year of graduate study. First settlement in North Dako ta was by a group of Scottish Highlanders who mistakenly thought they were settling in Bri tish territory. Later they discov ered their geographical mistake, but they remained in North Dako ta. Treat your feet to Easter smartness . . . Shoes trim ly tapered for flattery, ele gance. Choose here from luxurious leathers, suedes . . . fabulous new spring colors! Ralph’s FAMOUS NAME SHOES 2Gth and Main TA 2-4618 WANT AD RATES W6 day 3^ per word 2* per word each additional day Minimum charge—10f DEADLINES 4 P. m. day before publication Classified Display 80^ per column inch each Insertion PHONE VI 6-0415 FOR SALE OR TRADE Indian motorcycle can be seen at Mc Call’s Humble Service Station, 815 High- Way 6 South or call VI 6-6808 after 6 P. m. 8Gtfn OFFICIAL NOTICES FOR RENT Official notices must be brought, mailed or telephoned so as to arrive In the Offlc* »f Student Publications (Ground Flool YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, dally Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day precceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. Two bedroom house. $35 unfurnished, $44 furnished. Enclosed carport. VI 6- 7384, 900 Hereford. 85t4 Unfurnished three room duplex on Boy- ett St. Two blocks north of Campus Theatre. Inquire 807 Dellwood in Bryan or call TA 3-3380. 83tfn April first is the last day on which seniors may place their orders for rings to be delivered before the Ring Dance. Please place your order before April first if you expect to have the ring for the dance. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar 88t6 See to appreciate pleasing, comfortably furnished apartments, one small, one large with garage, close in. TA 2-7860. 700 W. 26th Bryan. 79tfn Downstairs one bedroom, nicely furnish ed, clean apartment. Two air-conditioning plugs. $50, water furnished. 1300 Antone, TA 2-3627. 70tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Whitecrest Apartments. Near Campus. Unfurnished, nice two bedroom brick. Wall heaters. Air conditioning unit. $69.50. One with stove and refrigerator. $74.50. TA 2-4127 or VI 6-7187. 64tfn Small furnished apartment. Only $47.50 with bills paid. Walking distance. Couple only. See Ken Dyson, 401 Jersey. 61tfn Your home is your finest possession— why let it run down and have a dreary look? Call DOCTOR FIXIT today for expert fix-up and paint-up service. One call does all. Nothing down—five years to pay. Call DOCTOR FIXIT at MARION PUGH LUMBER COMPANY. Phone VI- 6-5711 today. 88t4 SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300. A.F. & A.M College Station. Texas jft Called meeting Tuesday, March 17 at 7:00 p. m. The Entered Apprentice Ma- iXSsOw son’s Degree will be con- ferred. C. H. Ransdell, WM Joe Woolket, Sec. One room apartment, furnished, shower, air conditioner, electric plate. Utilities paid. One block south of Drill Field. 200 Lee. Available Jan. 25. 61tfn Four room apartment. Private hath, entrance and garage. Call VI 6-5915. 62tfn FOR RENT Plastic binding service for thesis, re ports, papers, etc. AGGIELAND STUDIO. 72tfn Small furnished house. Nice and neat. Walking distance. Fine for couple or graduate student. Only $42.50. No bills. See Ken Dyson, 401 Jersey. 61tfn Let me keep your children for you by hour, day or week. Will pick them up and bring them home. VI 6-5505. 63tfn Bedroom with kitchen privileges. VI 6- 6884. 52tfn Electrolux Sales and Service. G. C, Williams. TA 3-6600. 90tfr Sewing machines. Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfn HELP WANTED SALES CLERK. Part time, two nights weekly, 4 p. m. to 11 p. m., plus eight hours Saturday, eight hours Sunday, age 21 or over. VI 6-6225 after 6 p. m. 88t4 Unfuraisned garage apartment. Between Bryan and College. Attic fan. $50. VI 6- 7331. 10ff n You Can Have The Best FRIEDRICH Window Air Conditioner JOE FAULK ’32 Ante & Appliance Furniture 214' N. Bryan Cavitt at Coulter EARLY BIRD SHOPPE TOGS — GIFTS AND TOYS for Girls and Boys FABRICS — SHOES Rldceereet Village 3601 Texas At*. 1 lit ! 9 D t Where the Art of 1 | ..Motard & L^afeteria Cooking Is Not Txist | DR. M. W. REASON OPTOMETRIST Contact Lenses Hours 9:00 - 5:30 Evenings by Appointment 214 N. Main TA 2-3530 . THE PRUDENTIAL ifflfo+w INSURANCE CO. OF AMERICA nlliTlfiVBrLife Insurance - Sickness & Accident Protection wwftiWmw fJflP Annuities - Group Insurance - Group Pensions SmmBMli ROSCOE R. HARVEY ’58 Agent IIPVHMv " Varisco Bldg. Bryan, Texas TA 3-4896 or TA 2-4483 WANTED RADIOS, HI-FI’S, FANS that need re pair. FLOYD’S RADIO SHOP, two doors east of College Station Bank. 83tl0 WORK WANTED TYPING WANTED. 15 years experience. Reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call TA 2-4812. 80tfn CHILD CARE by appointment. 76c per half day during weekdays. 35c an hour nights and weekends. VI 6-4892. 76tfn Your reports will be typed quickly and accurately on electric typewriters at the Bi-City Secretarial Service, 3408A Texas Avenue, Phone VI 6-5786. 71tfn FOR SALE Cabinets, Shelves, Multigraph, Dicta phone, Transcriber, Shaver, Typewriters, Lamps for Photostat, Photostat Machine, Stoves, Drafting Tables, Tablet Arm Chairs. May be seen by calling Engineering Draw ing Department. Sealed bids will be re ceived in the Office of the Business Man ager, College Administration Building, un til 10:30 a. m., March 30, 1959. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and ail techni calities. Address Business Manager, A. and M. College of Texas, College Station, Texas, for further information. 88t2 (1) Portable Hobart 200 ampere D. C. Welder which has a 50-300 ampere genera tor with a 110-120 volt exciter, driven by a 6-cylinder Chrysler industrial gasoline en gine. May be seen by calling Mechanical Engineering Department. Sealed bids will be received; in the Office of the Business Manager, College Administration Building, until 10:30 a. m., March 30, 1959. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager, A. and M. Col lege of Texas, College Station, Texas, for further information. 88t2 1950 Buick Station Wagon. Very good condition. $200.00 VI 6-6277. 88tfn Used furniture cheap. Plastic couch with lounge chair, $15. Dinette tables, $5 to $10. Dinette chairs, $1 to $2. Call VI 6-5031 after 6:30 p. m. 88tfn 1953 Hudson Hornet. New tires, battery, and muffler. Twin carburetors. Radio, heater. Good running condition. VI 6- 5277. 84tfn STUDENT DIRECTORIES .... $1.00. OFFICE OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS. YMCA, BASEMENT. 61tfn Mufflers, tail pipes and dual sets. Wholesale prices. WHITE’S AUTO STORE, 216 N. Bryan. 41tfn Texas’ leading life insurance company has a special plan for senior Aggies. See Eugene Rush at North Gate for details. 22tfn • KTVOrNFKRrVO ANB AHCHTTFCTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRUVTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS RADIO—PHONO—TV Service By SOSOLIK TUBES TESTED FREE BY EXPERTS 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Bryan 0009-2 VX -S 606 m oj jajiJMadAX iauqpo # ruaAtiO ‘puCoa joj sio$nqiJ$si(j aaiAjag - sajug - lejuajj SHaXIHAVaJAX r (n They said it couldn't 4 be done... They said, nobody could, d© it., but - ' "'I: Portt settle for ©me without tbB ©th® M^rs^occo Company XfM is kindest to your taste ” says TV’s George Gobel. There are two mighty good reasons why I think you’ll go for ’eifl* They re ru y ow in tar, with more exciting taste than you’ll find in any other cigaret e. LOW TAR: EM’s patented filtering process adds extra filter fibers electrostati cally, crosswise to the stream of smoke... makes EM truly low in tar. MORE TASTE: EM’s rich mixture of slow burning tobaccos brings you more exciting taste than any other cigarette. Live Modern... change to modern 11