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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1959)
The Battalion College Station (Braxoa County)', Texat PAGE 2 Friday, March 13, 1959 r Racket Suspects Own Missile Sites Hawaii Jubilant British, U.S. Hold As Statehood Talks 0,1 Berlin Gets Approval BONN, Germany (AP) — Brit ish Prime Minister Harold Mac millan and West German Chan cellor Konrad Adenauer conferred HONOLULU (AP) — T h e y for three hoUrs Thursday on danced the hula in the streets Western measures to_counter the WASHINGTON (A>)_A firm do ing subcontracting work on 60 per cent of the Nike antiaircraft mis sile sites in the Chicago area is owned largely by two alleged labor racketeers, counsel Robert F. Ken nedy of the Senate Rackets Com mittee said Thui’sday. After hearing this, chairman John L. McClellan D-Ark said the Broadway Sheet Metal Co. of Chi cago “ought to be immediately dis barred from doing business with the government and the Defense Department.” He said he would move at once to see that this happens. Kennedy said a one-third inter est in Broadway Sheet Metal is owned by Dominic Senese, a Chi cago Teamsters Union official de scribed as a brother-in-law of mob ster Tony Accardo. Another one- third interest, Kennedy said, is held by Victor Comforte who the counsel contended has been in volved in labor racketeering and recognized as an “enforcer” in labor union troubles. A third own er was listed as L. A. Moody. Senese pleaded the Fifth Amend ment in refusing to answer com mittee questions Weednesday. Com forte did the same Thursday. McClellan said he would ask the Defense Department to report quickly on what it px-oposes to do about Broadway Sheet Metal. Thursday night. Hawaii, a melting pot of many Soviet threat to Berlin. Macmillan flew into the West races, celebrated Congressional ac- German capital barely half an ceptance of statehood. hour after Soviet Premier Nikita Jubilant islanders lit bonfires, Khrushchev left East Germany for set off firecrackers, whooped it up Moscow. in a noisy climax to a more than Khrushchev wound up ah eight- 50-year quest for admission to the day visit with a bid to the West- Union. ern powers to meet at the sum- Street dancing began at sunset m it “as soon as possible, at 14 places in and around Hono lulu. Job Interviews Monday Aetna Casualty Co. will inter view BA, ECO and Math majors for spots as field representatives. Astrodyne Corp. will interview CH E, ME, CHEMISTRY, MATH and PHYSICS majors for posi tions as a chemist. Jones & Laughlin Steel will screen BA, I ED, I ENG, ME, and PET E majors for their sales trainee program. Monday and Tuesday Allis-Chalmers will talk with AG ENG, EE, I ENG and ME majoi’s for positions in engineer ing. Ford will interview AC COUNTING, BA, AG ENG, EE, I ENG, ME and PHYSICS maj ors for spots in two year college graduate trainee program. General Motors will screen CH E, EE, ME, CHEMISTRY, PHY SICS and ACCOUNTING majors for spots in engineering. Tennessee Gas will talk with ACCOUNTING and BA majors for positions in accounting and marketing. \ Shell Oil Co. will interview BA and ACCOUNTING majors for training and development posi tions. Chicago Bridge and Iron Co. will interview ARCH, ENG, CE, and ME majors for practical ex perience. Airborne Instruments will in terview EE and PHYSICS maj ors for positions in air traffic control. California Co. will interview EE, CE and ME majors for ca reer opportunities. Tuesday Mission Manufacturing Co. will interview ME majors for career opportunities. — Social Whirl — Monday Chemistry Wives will meet at the home of Barbara Roberson, 210 Park Place. Members are be ing urged to bring items for rum mage sale. Petroleum Engineering Wives will meet at 7:45 p.m. in Room 113, Pet E. Building. Members ai'e asked to bring scissors and oatmeal boxes to make Easter baskets. Aero Wives will meet at 7:45 p.m. in the Anderson Room, YMCA. Guest speaker will be John B. Longley who will show slides. Ag-Eco Wives will meet at 7:30 in the Social Room of The MSG. BA Wives will meet at 8 p.m. in the Cushion Lounge of the YMCA. Speaker will be T. W. Leland, head of the Business Administration Division. Industrial Education Wives will meel^ in the Gay Room of the YMCA. Herb Thompson will speak bn “You and Your Hus band’s Job.” Electrical Engineering Wives will meet in the Brooks Room, YMCA. Club picture will be tak en for The Aggieland. A musi cal program will be presented by the Kemp High School all-gix’l choix’. Mechanical Engineering Wives will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the South Solarium of the Y. Tuesday Handicraft and Rug Group of the A&M Social Club will meet at 9:30 in the hoxxxe of Mrs. Chester O’Donnell, 315 Lee Ave. -KHAKI BOOT BREECHES- JUNIORS—Order Now So You May Wear Them At —FINAL REVIEW— —Spurs and Chains— ZUBIK’S UNIFORM TAILORS North Gate THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu dent ivriters only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, non profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op erated by students as a community newspaper and is under the supervision of the director of Student Publications at Texas A&M College. Members of the Student Publications Board are L. A. Duewall, director of Student Pub'lcations, chairman ; J. W. Amyx, School of Engineering; Harry Lee Kidd, School of Arts and Sciences; Otto R. Kunze, School of Agriculture; and Dr. E. D. McMurry, School of Veterinary Medicine. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A.&M., is published in College Sta tion, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, Sei her through May, and once a week during summer schooh Septem- Entered as second - class matter at the Post Office In College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con gress of March 8, 1870. MEMBER: The Associated Press Texas Press Ass’n. Represented nationally by :National Advertising Services, Inc.; New Yo ng City, Chicago, Los An geles, and San Francisco' Mall subscriptions are $3.50 per semester, $6 per Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The lege Station, Texas. school year, $6.50 per full year. Battalion, Room 4, YMCA, Col in are also reserved. News contribution* may be made by tel tutorial office, Room 4, YMCA. For advert; epi tisi wning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the r delivery call VI 6-6416. JOE BUSER EDITOR Fred Meurer Managing Editor Gayle McNutt Executive News Editor Bob Weekley Sports Editor Bill Reed, Johnny Johnson, David Stoker, Lewis Reddell....News Editors Bill tlickliti Assistant Sports Editor Robbie Godwin, Ken Coppage, Bob Edge, Jack Harts- field, Joe Callicoatte, Bob Saile, Jim Odom, Sam Spence, Leo Rigsby, Bob Roberts Staff Writers Ray Hudson Circulation Manager No Waiting HOTARD’S Cafeteria 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.—5 p. m. - 8:30 p.m. CIRCLE FRIDAY THRU SUNDAY FRANK DEAN "SOME SINATRA ■ MARTIN g MacLAlNE RUNNING | HldLLHini. mftpQCOIOR CINEMASCOPE Also “GUNSMOKE IN TUCSON” PALACE Bryan 2‘8879 NOW SHOWING Tony Curtis & Janet ‘Leigh In * “Perfect Furlough” Sat. Nite Prev. ONLY Gary Cooper In “Sgt. York” DOUBLE FEATURE TODAY & SATURDAY “David & Bathsheba” & “Wolf Larsen” Macmillan said on arrival he was convinced there should be The acting governor, Edward E. taIkg with the Soviets this sum _ Johnston, declared an immediate mer jf e ur g e( j the West to adopt holiday. a flexible position. “This is the biggest day in „ , , , ,, , . . TT „ • , -r . . We all stand together but in Hawaii history, said Johnston, ,. „ ,. . „ . the methods of defense we must sitting m for Gov. William Quinn, . , . , T , . . TT , , . remain elastic, he said. In gener- who is m Washington. , , , al, the West Germans have taken News of the statehood vote hit a gjjjiiy attitude toward the Brit- the island at 9:42 a.m. jgjj j ( j ea 0 f elasticity, on the Within minutes, air raid sirens, grounds it could mean giving up ships’ whistles, auto horns and long-held defensive lines without church bells joined in deafening any concessions from the Soviets. discoid. Macmillan saw French Presi- In downtown Honolulu, office dent Charles de Gaulle earlier this workers tossed paper streamers Next week he goes to Wash- from windows. ington where he will see President On the University of Hawaii Eisenhower, campus, students finished a 50- star flag just half an hour before Congress completed the voting. They rushed from classrooms and raised the flag on the university flagpole. The school band played the national and Hawaiin anthems. University President Laurence Snyder called off all classes until next Monday. Kids in grammar and high schools also got a holiday until then. Hawaii’s replica of the Liberty Bell, which toured the mainland last year, was sounded for the first time in Hawaii, At nightfall, military planes dropped flares for more than an hour off Waikiki Beach. t < h Wtq ii| i ft v>, S if 11' Aggies! AFTER THE TALENT SHOW TONIGHT you can still see: THE BUCCANEER & THE MATCHMAKER Starts at 7:03 p. m. & 1:30 a. m. Starts at 9:30 p. m. BRING YOURSELVES AND YOUR DATES TO SEE OUR See Four Thrilling Movies For. The Price of One Have you tried the PASTRY CARRY-OUT SERVICE at the MSC Place your order with the Fountain Room Cashier or call VI 6-5721, Ext. 103 for special pastry items. /"A K - FRIDAY §VAR« SATELLITES AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE Plus dm nrrr AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE SATURDAY l ROCK AND ROLL 5 AT SEA MADE THE * ^CAPTAIN QUEASY NEW I RIOTOUS! ALEC GUINNESS all atsea A MICHAEL BALCON PRODUCTION An EAUNO HIM • ju a.c.y »aust, 1C0L« 2'(28 LINES) Also CARVGROArr JAYNE MANSFIELD SUZY PARKER KISS Thim FOR /VIE" CINemaScoPS ; ; > , iw* £« (tiif ; •.oo>y. J r < :v ..vh.Vv i Prevue Saturday Night 10:30 p. nt. Also Sunday & Monday ^Tarnished 'Angels •« Hotelt Wilke *A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTUK PEANUTS PEANUTS I FOUND MV ll&RARy SOOldlLOOKeD IN THE REFRIGERATOR AND WERE IT WAS! I FOUND ITU! 1 FOUND IT! I FOUND IT. 1 ! MA HAMA MANAMA I FOUND IT! I FOUND IT! MEE HEEMEEMEE HEE I FOUND IT! I FOUND IT!! By Charles M. Schulz IN ALL THIS (iJORLD there 16 NOTHING MOPE INSPIRING THAN THE SIGHT OF SOMEONE WHO HAS JUST (SEEN TAKEN OFF THE H00K( TODAY THRU SATURDAY “THAT NAUGHTY GIRL” Brigitte Bardot GRAND OPENING SATURDAY, MARCH 14 FREE Wash, Dry, Soap, Bleach, Soft Drinks, Coffee, Balloons FREE ENJOY COMFORT, CONVENIENCE, ECONOMY ^ 10 Lb. Agitator Magic-Wash — 20c v 19 Lb. Tumbler Magic-Wash — 30c ^ Magic Fluff Dry — 10c ^ Coin Operated ^ Always Open ^ T. V. Lounge 3208 Old College Rd. (across from the Triangle)