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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1959)
The Battalion -!• Colfegtt Station (Brazos Countyf, Texat Thursday, March' 5,1959 PAGE 3f 41st Annual Water Conference Over 800 People Attend Water Meet The 41st Texas, Water and Sew age Works Association’s short course, which began its six day meeting Sunday, is still underway in the Memorial Student Center. This group is meeting jointly with ; the Texas Bottled Water As- socia,tion. The joint associations are second only to the highway short course. Over 800 people are attending the meeting. • Sam L. Warrington of Austin, chairman of the program commit tee for the sewage meeting, said they have been gathering here an nually since 1030. The instructors are fi’om state and national health departments, the Engineering Ex- ENGLISH IMPORT NEW YORK (SP)—Robert Irving, former conductor for England’s Royal Ballet, is the new chief musi cal director of the New York City Ballet. He takes over in time to prepare for the company’s 10th anniver sary season in the fall. Irving has previously appeared here as conductor of two television specials, “Sleeping Beauty” and “Cinderel la.” The MSC Film Society Presents .•Beyond STARRING i Robert Taylor eleajvor Parker / with James Whitmore-makiltn erskine Friday, March 6, at 7:45 p. m. In The MSC BALLROOM 7/ THURSDAY & FRIDAY liiiiiii TODAY’S MOST EXCITING SINGING STAR-IN A STIRRING DRAMATIC PERFORMANCE....! OifKtttf by ScritAptlY by Hicfiael to- tol Baker- lichael Vincenie (k) PEANUTS tension Service here, and from ex perienced operators throughout the nation, according to Warrington. The Bottled Water Association, jointly meeting with the water and sewage group, is the oldest such organization and has grown to na tional proportion, having 13 states and Mexico represented, according to A. D. Martin, Jr., of Dallas, president of the association. The short course is being pre sented in a seven-phase program. An instrument course, a swimming pool operation com'se, sewage, wa ter, and industrial and bottled wa ter courses are being covered in the meetings. Two awards were made yester day for distinguished service to the. water and sewage works profes sion. Mrs. Earl H. Goodwin of Austin was awarded an honorary life membership in the Texas Water and Sewage Works Association. J. P. Burden, city engineer for the City of San Angelo, received the same honor for his services to his city. Both sections ai'e discussing items of interest, instruction, ad vancements, and future problems. Commenting on the location of the meeting, Martin said, “We love it here because we have perfect ac commodations, and the MSC is a fine location for it.” DANCE FALCON LOUNGE Music by the Stardusters r Friday March FODAY THRU SATURDAY KEITH CALVERT COLOR by DE LUXE Also PALACE Bryan 2'8$79 TODAY THRU SATURDAY Days that shook . the world! DUNiCiRlC Sat. Nile Prev. 11 p. m. Deborah Kerr Rita Hayworth David Niven AND Burt Lancaster Y Re— Hhu UMTEDQQ ARTISTS QUEEN TODAY THRU SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Walt Disney’s “PERRI” Also “FLAMING FRONTIER” Mechanical Meet Starts Tomorrow Final preparations were being made today for the 10th annual A&M-Texas Press Association Mechanical Conference which will be held in the Memorial Student Center tomorrow and Saturday. Included on the agenda will be photo workshops, photography coaching, and photography and mechanical discussion groups, a suppliers’ barbecue and a tour of A&M Press, visual aids laboratory and student publication facilities. Invitations have been sent to all deans and department heads, in viting them, their faculty and stu dents to attend the conference, ac cording to Wesley D. Calvert, conference director. All students are invited to at tend the conference, but are asked to register at the conference registration desk to insure an ac curate count at the session, Cal vert said. Those who want to attend the photo shooting sessions tomorrow afternoon, however, must bring a camera and intend to shoot pic tures to be admitted, he said. On|y paid conferees will be awarded door prizes, Calvert add ed. The suppliers’ barbecue will be restricted to conferees and journa lism students, but students are welcome to attend the photogra phy discussion at 7:30 p.m. on the ground floor of Nagle Hall. ‘Shacks’ Culprits Find Things Heavy ' D Shack in “Splinter Village” was broken into Tuesday night, but culprits failed to find any thing small enough to carry away except a set of keys. Campus Security investigated the incident Wednesday morning but found nothing missing except the keys to the classrooms. Major Roger A. McCaulley, As sistant professor of Air Science, said the incident may have been just a practical joke since the keys were all that was taken from the building. “Some cadet may have wanted a personal key to his classroom and took the opportunity to get one,” McCaulley said. Horton Smith and Byron Nelson have played 21 times in the Mast ers golf tournament. Health Honor Roll Cites Seven Cities The State Health Department’s 1958 honor roll of cities was an nounced Wednesday night at the banquet of the 41st Short School of the Texas Water and Sewage Works Association held here. Dr. Henry A. Holle, state health commissioner, presented scrolls to representatives of each city on the honor roll. Presentations were for the fol lowing achievements: Odessa—most advantageous use of sewage affluent; Austin—best sewage plant laboratory for con trol; Wharton—greatest improve ments in sewage treatment; Sny der—most attractive sewage plant; Houston—(San Jacinto Plant) most attractive water plant; Fort Worth—(South Holly Plant) best water plant laboratory for control; Texarkana—g r e a t e s t improve ments to water plant. 0 & M Director Given Editor Post Dr. K. M. Rae, director of the marine laboratory, Department of Oceanography and Meteorology, has accepted an invitation to be-, come editor of “Limnology and Oceanography.” “Limnology and Oceanography” is a scientific journal published quarterly by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. He was selected from among more than 20 scientists and was nominated to succeed D. G. Frey of the Department of Zoology, In diana University. Dr. Dale Leipper, head of the Department of Oceanography and Meteorology, is immediate past president and a member of the board of directors of the society. Vet. Med Professor To Talk at Chicago Dr. R. D. Tui’k, of the School of Veterinary Medicine, will attend meetings of the research council and editorial board of the Amer ican Veterinary Medical Assn, in Chicago, March 19-23. Turk, head of the Department of Veterinary Parasitology here, is a member of the research coun cil and editorial board of the AVMA. ATTENTION ART LOVERS! Since our very successful color print and brush stroke painting sale in December we have had many requests to carry an assortment of these in open stock. We have recently made an arrangement with the largest print house in America to supply us with a ro tating selection of both prints and brush strokes. Our first shipment has just arrived and is now on display. Periodically, unsold numbers will be returned and a complete new selection will go on display. COME IN AND SEE THEM TODAY « ALL PRINTS . . . . . 99c ALL BRUSH STROKES . . $1.98 We Also Have Matching Frames and Mat Boards The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” By Charles M. Schulz THEATER MAGAZINE PLANNED NEW YORK LP)—A new maga zine concerned with stage activities throughout the country is to be published this fall entitled “The Theatre.” Charles Lipsett, head of the pro ject, says its goal is “to turn the interested reader into the active playgoer.” Browsing Library to Hold Open House magazines will be on sale. The Memorial Student Center Bi'owsing Library Committee will commemorate National Library Week, April 12-19, by holding an open house in the Browsing Li brary April 15, Don Zirkle, com mittee chairman said yesterday. Coffee will be served all day in the library and old books and A&M MENS SHOP 103 MAIN — NORTH GATE AGGIE OWNED BETTER FOOD FOR LESS! leingatoimb B These prices good March 5 thru 7. We reserve the right to limit l? quantities. I National Brands Sale! Maryland Club ^ 59 c Top Spread 10 c Gold Medal Libby’s Juice Del Monte Corn Del Monte Peas Austex Chili \ Dole Pineapple Food Club Cocktail Flour 5-lb. bag Tomato 46-oz. can Cream Style ) 303 Golden ^ f Cans Early ^ ^ 303 Garden a C Cans No Beans No. 303 Can Slices No. 1 y 4 Can 39‘ 25' 35< 37. 39. 19< 25- Armour|Star HAMS Shank Portion Lb. 39 Butt Portion Center Slices lb. lb. 49c 89c FRESH GROUND BEEF «>. 39c -■4 MOHAWK THICK SLICED BACON n>. 89c Big Bologna Armour Star Sliced lb. 37 Boiled Ham Sliced Imported 99< Golden Bananas South American lb. Romaine Lettuce u - 1 8' Heads "j Qc DRUG SPECIAL! Giant 14-oz. Bottle LISTERiNE 89c Size 57<