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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1959)
* PAGE 4 Wednesday, March 4, 1959 The Battalion Cottage Station fBrazos County?, Texas Colonel “Lig-ht Horse Harry” tion, was father of General Robert Lee, hero of the American Revolu- [ E. Lee, of Civil War fame. -JUNIORS- —BOOT BREECHES— At Last The Time Is Here KHAKI’S —Summer Serge Pinks— Get Them Made By Tailor^ Who Know How Boot Breeches Should Fit—We Guarantee Our Work And Always Are Here To Assist Your Needs Later ORDER TODAY ZUBIK'S UNIFORM TAILORS North Gate BATTALION WANT AD RATES «ne day 341 per word 2^ per word each additional day Minimum charge—10^ DEADLINES * p. m. day before publication Classified Display 80per column Inch each Insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 CLASSIFIED WORK WANTED Will keep children in my home. Balanced meals and fenced yard for play. $30 monthly. 220 Lynn Dr., Bryan, TA 2-3807. 80t2 TYPING WANTED. 15 years experience. Reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call TA 2-4812. 80tfn FOR RENT CHILD CARE by appointment. 75c per half day during weekdays. 35c an hour nights and weekends. VI 6-4892. 76tfn Country home with all indoor conven iences, on all weather road. 7 miles east of Bryan. Chicken house, and other out- buildinus, about 6 acres of land. Would consider selling: and take other property in trade. Call TA 3-4258. 80tfn Your reports wilT be typed quickly and accurately on electric typewriters at the Bi-City Secretarial Service, 3408A Texas Avenue, Phone VI 6-5786. 71tfn Large bedroom. Adjoining bath. Break fast privileges and garage. Near Town- shire. Rent reasonable. 200 W. Carson. TA 3-2221. 80tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Need a new roof? DOCTOR FIXIT can install a new roof with top grade materials for as little as $7.99 per month. Call DOCTOR FIXIT at MARION PUGH LUM BER COMPANY today. Phone VI 6-5711. 80t4 One furnished house outside city limits on hard surface road. TA 3-6524. 79t5 See to appreciate pleasing, comfortably furnished apartments, one small, one large with garage, close in. TA 2-7860. 700 W. 26th Bryan. 79tfn Plastic binding service for thesis, re ports, papers, etc. AGGIELAND STUDIO. 72tfn Two bedroom furnished house near Col lege. Call VI 6-4009. 79t3 Let me keep your children for you by hour, day or week. Will pick them up and bring them home. VI 6-6505. 63tfn Nice three room apartment. New build ing, new furniture. Freezing unit in re frigerator. Formjca drainboard. Ample closet space. Available March 1. Two blocks north of College Station Bank. Come by and see or call VI 6-7248. 78tfn Electrolux Sales and Service. G. C. Williams. TA 3-6600. 90tfr OPEN WEEK NIGHTS UNTIL 8 P. M. SHAFFERS BOOK STORE Two bedroom unfurnished house at 500 Kerry. Excellent condition. Will con sider furnishing stove and refrigerator. See Jack Zubik at Zubik Tailors—North Gate. 78t4 Nice three room furnished apartment just off campus. Redecorated, Private bath and garage. $40.00. See at 203 Kyle, East Gate. VI 6-5340 after 5:00. 74tfn FOR SALE Downstairs one bedroom, nicely furnish ed, clean apartment. Two air-conditioning plugs. $50, water furnished. 1300 Antone, TA 2-3627. 70tfn Two bedrooms, den, large living, dining area. Corner lot. Nice location near College. 4%% GI Loan. $10,200. 741 In wood Drive. 81t7 Whitecrest Apartments. Near Campus. Unfurnished, nice two bedroom brick. Wall heaters. Air conditioning unit. $69.50. One with stove and refrigerator. $74.50. TA 2-4127 or VI 6-7187. 64tfn (1) 1952 Chevrolet Carryall. May be seen by calling Joe Brusse, Victor 6-5516, Wind Tunnel. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Business Manager, Col lege Administration Building until 10:30 a. m., March 16, 1959. The right is re served to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager, A. and M. College of Texas, College Station, Texas, for further information. 80t2 Small furnished apartment. Only $47.50 With bills paid. Walking distance. Couple only. See Ken Dyson, 401 Jersey. 61tfn One room apartment, furnished, shower, air conditioner, electric plate. Utilities paid. One block south of Drill Field. 200 Lee. Available Jan. 25. 61tfn Approximately 40 Ceiling Fans and parts. May be seen by calling Buildings and College Utilities Department. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Business Manager, College Administration Building, until 10:30 a. m., March 16, 1959. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager, A. and M. College of Texas, College Sta tion, Texas, for further information. 80t2 Four bedroom home, two baths, huge living and dining area. Nice size den, large kitchen, tile drain, screened porch, utility room, double garage. Paneled throughout with hemlock. Good sized yard. Available Feb. 1. VI 6-7248. Bltfn Small furnished bouse. Nice and neat. Walking distance. Fine for couple or graduate student. Onlv $42.50. No Mils. See Ken Dyson, 401 Jersey. 61tfn New Electric Motors. Used for testing only. Vt HP, $12: 1/3 HP, $13; l/ 2 HP, $20. Call VI 6-5031 after 6 p. m. 80tfn Four room apartmpnt. Private hath, entrance and prarapre. Call VT 6-5915. 62tfn Bedroom with kitchen privileges. VT fi- 6334. 62tfn SAM SNEAD GOLF CLUBS. Walton K-l. 80t8 Sewing machines. Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfn CHEAP used furniture. Chest of drawers, couches, lounge chairs, dinette tables and chairs. Call VI 6-5031 after 6 p. m. 80tfn Unfurmsned garage apartment Between Brvan and College. Attic fan. $50. VT 6- 73S1. lOtfn STUDENT DIRECTORIES .... $1.00. OFFICE OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS. YMCA, BASEMENT. 61tfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Mufflers, tail pipes and dual sets. Wholesale prices. WHITE’S AUTO STORE. 216 N. Bryan. 41tfn Artist with background in commercial art for permanent full-time position with the Texas Forest Service. Activities in volve preparation of layouts, original and cony artwork, maintaining photograph filing system, and some stenogranhic duties. Contact Texas Forest Service, System Ad ministration Building, Campus. 81t3 Texas’ leading life insurance company has a special plan for senior Aggies. See Eugene Rush at North Gate for details. 1 22tfn DR. M. W. DEASON Optometrist Contact T enses Hours — 9:00 to 5:30 Evenings by Appointment 214 No. Main TA 2-3530 0009-S VX -g 606 •O^ J3JIJM9dXx S9J1?3 j'auqpQ # !U 9A !I0 ‘IFjCoh Joj sjoinqinsiQ aaiAjag - sa|Bg - jujua}! SHHXIHAVaJAX ‘ You Can Have The Best FRIEDRICH Window Air Conditioner JOE FAULK ’32 Auto & Appliance Furniture 214 N. Bryan Cavitt at Coulter EARLY BIRD SHOPPE ' TOGS — GIFTS AND TOYS for Girls and Boys FABRICS — SHOES Ridgecrest Village 3601 Texas Aye. • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Snlphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS RADIO—PHONO—TY Service By SOSOLIK TUBES TESTED FREE BY EXPERTS 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Bryan | J4otard 6 Cafeteria Cofki^g 'is mt hist | THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO. OF AMERICA Life Insurance - Sickness & Accident Protection Annuities - Group Insurance - Group Pensions ROSCOE R. HARVEY ’58 Agent Varisco Bldg. Bryan, Texas TA 3-4896 or TA 2-4483 Visitors Entertain Left to right are Jose Luis Traba, Luis Agriculture, Chapingo, Mex. The students Villerino and Daniel Teliz, three of the were here Monday and Tuesday touring twelve students from the National School of the Agriculture program at A&M. Mechanical Meet To Begin Friday The 10th annual A&M-Texas Press Association Mechanical Con ference gets under way Friday at noon in the Memorial Student Cen ter. The conference actually will be gin Friday afternoon with a photo workshop and several discussion groups on photography. The af ternoon will be highlighted at 5:30 by the selection of “Miss Photo genic of 1959” by workshop photo- gi’aphers. Friday evening at 6.30 a sup pliers' barbecue will be held in the Journalism Department in the basement floor of Nagle Hall. Fol lowing at 7:30 will be two discus sion groups on elementary photo graphic principles and photo dark room practice and coaching. Saturday morning conference and discussion groups will be held on the mechanics of newspaper printing. A luncheon will be served at 12:15 p.m. in the Ballrom of the MSC. Vice President Earl Rudder will give a welcoming speech and later “Miss Photogenic 1959” will be crowned. Mechanical discussion groups will continue Saturday afternoon cli maxed at 4:30 by a tour of the A&M Press, the photographic and visual aids laboratory and stu dent publications. A Scan-A-Sizer demonstration will be given at the publications office. The conference will adjourn at 5:30 p.m. Lou Costello Dies After Second Attack Texas Draft Calls 310 Men in April AUSTIN (AP) — The State Se lective Service announced Tues day that the April draft call for Texas would total 310 men, com pared with 364 for March and 412 in February. The national April quota is 7,000. BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) —Fat, funny Lou Costello, who with partner Bud Abbott com prised one of the entertainment world’s most successful teams, died Tuesday of his second heart attack in a week. He was 53. Abbott, 63, his longtime straight man and sidekick on screen and off, was at his home in nearby Encino. Friends sent word to him at once. Abbott sobbed at the news. “My God, what can I say?” he cried. “My heart is broken. I’ve lost the best pal anyone ever had.” Costello, who started in burles que, clowned with Abbott in vaudeville, movies, the stage, rad io, television and nightclubs. The two split amicably, in July 1957. Since, Lou had worked hard er than ever as a single in night clubs and in dramatic roles on TV. Bud has been taking it easy. Costello’s wife, Ann, had left Doctor’s Hospital just a few min utes before the final attack. Costello’s manager,. Eddie Sher man, said Lou entered the hospi tal last Wednesday and his con dition seemed much improved. Besides his widow, Costello is survived by three daughters, Pa tricia, 22, Carol Lou, 20, and Chris tine, 11. His last movie was finished only in January. It was a science-fiction epic, “Lou Costello and His 30- Foot Bride.” He had not appeared publicly since. The most famous of the come dian’s routines was a sketch about a baseball team. He wrote it more than 20 years ago. The sketch “Who’s on First?” has been used thousands of times. It helped make millionaires of Costello and Abbott. Their recorded sketch was giv en a spot in the Baseball Hall of Fame at Cooperstown, N. Y. By a strange coincidence Abbott was watching a television film of the “Who’s on First?” routine in his home when he learned of Cos tello’s death. “The picture was going into our baseball routine when our agent, Eddie Sherman, called me and told me Lou had just passed away. Eighty husky dogs who accom panied the British expedition to the South Pole this year have been given to Norway where they will draw ambulance sledges. Army track coach Carleton Crowell turned out two Southeast ern Conference champions in cross-country at Tennessee in 1949 and 1950. TRY OUR OYSTERS ou THE HALF SWELL. Hill! ISPlta, M*!, ..i, iiprplk H flpiiiAv Ik TRIANGLE 3606 So. College Ave. TA 2-1352 <w§ ilMBIlP -' . - ' ?|| 1 Stays moist and firm throughout your shave! regular or new mentholated Take your choice of pew, cool mentholated or regular Smooth Shave. Both have rich, thick Old Spice quality- lather that won’t dry up before you’ve finished shaving. Both soften your beard instantly—end razor drag com pletely. For the closest, cleanest, quickest shaves ... try Old Spice Smooth Shave! ^JOO SMOOTH SHAVE by SHULTON ' each Do You Think for Yourself ? ( HERE'S A TEST THAT WILL ) TELL YOU! * / 1. Can you honestly say that you’ve made Y esI I no! 1 an effort to understand modern art? I I I I 5. Would you be at all hesitant to rent a desirable apartment where the previous occupants had died under mysterious circumstances? 2. If you were to break a New Year’s resolution, would you renew it on the spot rather than wait until next year? 3. Would you be unwilling to play a single game of “Russian Roulette” for a million dollars? 4. Are you fully convinced that the saying “Money does not buy happiness” is completely true? vesQ noQ 6. If you were walking to town in a hurry, would you be unwilling to m \ Vsaccept a ride in a garbage truck? YES 7. Would you be reluctant to participate in an important medical experiment which, though not dangerous, would cause some discomfort? 8. If you had an independent income sufficient for all your needs, could you be happy never to go to work? yesQ noQ YES I | NO j [ YES YES 9. Can an extravagant claim make you switch from one filter cigarette to another? YES □ NO The truth is, thinking men and women aren’t influenced by extravagant claims— especially when choosing a filter cigarette. They use their heads! They know what they want. They know that only VICEROY gives them a thinking man’s filter ... a smoking man’s taste. *If you have answered "YES” to three out of the first four questions, and "NO” to four out of the last five ... you certainly do think for yOUrSelfl ©1959, Brown* WilllamsonTobaccoCorp. Familiar pack or crush- proof box. The Man Who Thinks for Himself Knows — ONLY VICEROY HAS A THINKING MAN’S FILTER...A SMOKING MAN’S TASTE!