Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1959)
The Battalion College Station (Brazos CountyJ, Texat, Thursday, February 19, 1959 FACE 8 22ES3§g Imperial SUGAR 5 lbs. 39 Hills-O-Home Frozen STRAWBERRIES Bits of Sea TUNA flat can 5 for $1.00 10 oz. pkg. 3 IS 25c Gladiola BISCUITS J cans Brookdale SALMON tall can 39c Libby’s Frozen ORANGE JUICE 5 6 oz. cans lb. qt. Decker’s OLEO Colored and quartered Best Maid SALAD DRESSING Gerbers Strained! BABY FOOD Carnation COTTAGE CHEESE Mrs. Tuckers , SHORTENING Gladiola, assorted flavors with coupon from Houston papers CAKE MIXES Uncle Williams PORK and BEANS No. 2 can 7 for $1.00 Banquet MEAT PIES chicken, beef or turkey Libby’s CRUSHED PINEAPPLE Cutrite WAX PAPER Libby’s FRUIT COCKTAIL 303 can 89c 13c 39c 4 cans 33g 16 oz. carton 25c 3 lb. carton 65c 19c Libby’s TOMATO JUICE 5 for $1.0Qi No. 2 can 29c. 125 ft. roll 25c 4 for $1.00 46 oz. can 29c Del Monte Nabisco Spinach 303 cans 7 for $1.00 Crackers .... 1-lb. box 25c Jet Quality Dog Food .... 9 cans $1.00 Eggs . Mayfields Grade A Medium • • • . doz. 39c Snoball CAULIFLOWER h6! J9c VegelWes No. 1 Red Fancy Delicious POTATOES 10 lb. bag 39c APPLES each 4c Fresh TOMATOES ■HMUBSItSr lb. 15' FOR YOUR WEEK-END TABLE Fancy Brazos Valley FRYERS lb. 29c Baby Beef Hormel Pure Pork f LOIN STEAK p cut bon . e .ib.79c SAUSAGE 2 Hormel All-Meat Hormel Dairy Sliced FRANKS lb .55c BACON lb 59c lb. bag49c lb. bag97c SPECIALS GOOD FEBRUARY 19-20-21, 1959 MILLERS 3800 TEXAS AVENUE SUPER MARKET VI 6-6613 CountyOfficer Conference Set For Feb. 24-27 The County Judges’ and Com missioners’ Conference, sponsored by the Agricultural Extension Service and the County Judges’ and Commissioner’s Association, will he held Feb. 24-27 in the Me morial Student Center. The conference will present so lutions to problems experienced by county judges and commissioners and will familiarize them with the many valuable sources of infor mation available for their use, ac cording to V. G. Young, state ag ricultural agent and coordinator for the Agricultural Extension Service. Those attending the conference will be divided into a judges group and a commissioners group to dis cus problems in their own field, and will be combined later for a discussion of common problems, Young said. Landscape Course Underway in MSC “Planting Design” and “Civic Responsibilities of Garden Clubs” are two of the topics that will be discussed in the Landscape De sign Study Course now being held in the Memorial Student Center. The course is mainly for mem bers of garden clubs throughout Texas but is also open to the public. It will close Friday. R. V. Hite, data processing supervisor for the college, and Mrs. Barbara Moore, re corder, insert grade reports into the IBM No. 407 Accounting Machine. The device, used for posting grades, should save the col lege approximately $5,000 annually and equal the output of two people. Beekeepers in North Carolina clip a queen bee’s wings, left on the 6dd year and right on the even year. This helps in telling her age, and prevents her from flying away in case of swarming. Registrar’s Office/ A ddsNew Mach ine You’re Out of Your Mind, Charlie Brown! The new PEANUTS book' by Charles M. Schulz *1°° RINEHART By BOB EDGE Battalion Staff Writer A significant improvement in the efficiency and amount of time re quired for the processing of stu dents’ records and fiscal depart ment operations has been announ- Pistol Team Wins AF Academy Meet The A&M pistol team shot a team total of 1,356 points to win the Air Force Academy pistol match last Saturday. The hosting academy won second with 1,326 points. They were fol lowed by the University of Wis consin with a 1,131 team-total. Aggies also took first and sec ond place in individual scoring. Henry Gill shot a 285 out a possi ble 300 points to take first. Char les Benson was second with 276. Other Aggies making the trip were Charles Bollfrass, team cap tain; Cyril Adams; James Wilson; and Tom Wilson. S&S Club Pie Wins Third Place A Poland China pig exhibited bv the Saddle & Sirloin Club placed third in the open show competi tion last Mondav at the .San An tonio Livestock Exposition. The club also exhibited a Duroc, which placed fourth, a Hampshire which also placed fourth and a Berkshire that came in seventh in the competition. The pigs will be sold Friday and the proceeds will be used for va rious club activities including judg ing team trips, Little Southwestern Livestock Show awards and to pur chase pigs to feed and exhibit next year, Martin Graham, club presi dent, said. ced by Raymond V. Hite, data pro cessing supervisor for the college. This development is due mainly to the introduction of the IBM 407 accounting machine by the Regis trar’s Office. This workhorse, when fully developed, should save the college approximately $5,000 annually and equal the output of two people, Hite said. Introduced in September, the machine is presently being used to record the names, number of cour ses, hours credit and grades on each student’s permanent record This work, previously typewritten over a period of months through the semester and can now be done in one-eighth the time. It is also used in preparing such data as payroll checks and inventory re cords. Students who entered A&M this year are having their records pre pared by the new machine and in approximately four years all old- type records should be phased out, he said. According to Hite, “The new ma« chine makes possible improved pro. cedures and form designs. It als« has many new or improved fea*; tures such as its speed.” Rented by the college at a cost of $800 a month, the new account ing machine is only one part of the general program of the Regis trar’s Office for modernizing and improving the procedures related to students’ records processing from admission to graduation. Prior to installation of this new machine and process, a study was conducted by the college of simi lar operations in other colleges and universities, and it was found that approximately 20 of them were employing this method, said' Hite. Social Whirl PICK OUT THE IMPROVEMENT YOU NEED AND CALL "DOCTOR EXIT" RIGHT NOW • ADD A FAMILY ROOM • ADD A BEDROOM • ADD A UTILITY ROOM YOU CAN TAKE THESE PILLS IN EASY DOSES WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT ' 5 YEARS TO PAY ~ MARION PUGH LUMBER CO. Wellborn Rd. VI 6-5711 LUMBER 1 COMPANY, J -Residential commercial . aft? Aggie Wives Bridge Club will hold its regular meeting tonight in the Memorial Student Center. This is the last meeting for new mem bers to join the beginner’s classes. Journalettes will meet tonight at the home of Jeanette Coston, 102-A Batts in Bryan. At their last meeting plans were made to give curtains'and art sup plies to the College Station Com munity Kindergarten. They also decided to have a white elephant booth at the carnival sponsored by the Aggie Wives Council later in the spring. Esther McNutt was chosen to represent the club in the Cotton Pageant which will be held on April IT. Aggie Wives Council has an nounced that Mrs. Bennie Zinn will be its sponsor. Carolyn Thom as of the Business Administration Wives Club has been chosen par liamentarian for the spring se mester. NOTICE BELL COUNTY A&M CLUB MEETS THURSDAY, FEB. 19, 7:30 P. M. 2nd FLOOR LOUNGE MSC PICTURE FOR AGGIELAND COATS AND TIES