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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1959)
PAGE 4 Wednesday, February 11,1959 The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas New Church, New Center Available to Catholic Aggies Plans for Religious Emphasis Week Father Charles Elmer, chaplain of the St. office in St. Mary’s Student Center. Father Mary’s Chapel in College Station, looks over Elmer has been Catholic chaplain here for plans for Religious Emphasis Week in his the past five years. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WAIST AD RATES day 3(* per word Zf per word each additional day Minimum charge—40* DEADLINES 4 p. m. day before publication Classified Dfr 80* per column Isplay m Inch each' insertion PHONE VI 6-641S FOR SALE Automatic washer. Bendix Economat. Good condition. $35. VI 6-6166 after 5. 1953 Frigidaire automatic washer, $40. TA 2-0375. 69t3 (1) Superior make diesel engine, two- cylinder, four stroke cycle, constant eed (3) 1200 rpm, 15 horsepower output. speed (a) 1200 rpm, 15 horsepower outpi with spare parts. May be seen by co tacting the Department of Mechanical En gineering. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Business Manager, Col lege Administration Building, until 10:30 a. m., February 23, 1959. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Ad dress Business Manager, A. and M. Col lege of Texas, College Station, Texas for further information. 68t2 Victor 10-key adding machine, $50.00 K&E 20 inch merchants desk model slide rule, $20.00. C-21-X, C.V. 68t3 Westinghouse radio-phonograph combina tion. VI 6-4396. 68t4 SMITH-CORONA PORTABLE TYPE WRITER. Late model, $40. 1954 COL LIER’S ENCYCLOPEDIA, $130. VI 6- 8138. 67tfn SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, A.F. & College Station. Texas Stated meeting Thursday, February 12 at 7:00 p. m. Dr. J. D. Carter, editor of Grand Lodge magazine, nt as le bush he pro] d to al I. Rans Joe Woolket, Sec. maga: pecial the will present ur C. H. Ransdell, WM he ing will come after the Master Masons are urged to atte: a special pro- The business meet- e program. nd. AH pr< IT Has a family increase caused a space blem in your home? Let DOCTOR EIX- add a new room for baby or a family m for all. Nothing down—up to five years to pay. Call DOCTOR FIXIT at MARION PUGH LUMBER COMPANY. Phone VI 6-5711 today. 68t4 Would enjoy caring for child as anion fop my two-year old. VI a com- 6-4606. 68t2 GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENT OR DERS for May graduates are now being taken in the Department of Student Activi ties, Room '210, YMCA. The deadline for taking these orders is 5:00 p. m., MARCH 12, 1959. 68t5 March 2 is the last day to register for new spring classes in bookkeeping, short hand, typewriting, and associated subjects. Phone or write McKENZIE-BALDWIN BUSINESS COLLEGE, 702 S. Washington Avenue. Bryan, Texas. TA 3-6655. 64tl6 1953 PONTIAC. Radio, heater. Very clean. $350. See or call at 408A Second St., VI 6-6428. 65tfn STUDENT DIRECTORIES .... $1.00. OFFICE OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, YMCA, BASEMENT. 61tfn Let me keep your children for you by hour, day or week. Will pick them up and bring them home. VI 6-5505. 63tfn Electrolux Sales and Service. 00. Williams. TA 3-66i G. C. 90tfn FOR RENT 1957 Pontiac Station Wagon. Low Mile age. See at 3413 Texas Avenue. 68tfn Mufflers, tail pipes and dual sets. Wholesale prices. WHITE’S STORE. 216 N. . Bryan. sets. AUTO 41tfn Texas’ leading life insurance company as a special plan for senior Aggies. S Eugene Rush at North Gate for details. has a special for senior Aggies. See SERVICES SEWING MACHINE SPECIAL tune-up. Any make. $1.95. New NECCHI-ELNA, $119.50. Cabinets, $33.00 up. Used ma chines, $25.00 up. BRYAN SEWING MACHINE CO. VI 6-6723. 64t8 Nice three room furnished apartment just off campus. Redecorated. Private bath and garage. $44.50. See at 203 Kyle, East Gate. VI 6-5013. After 5 :00 call VI 6-5340. 69tfn WOULD YOU RATHER stay six months and pay low rent or three months and pay high rent? We accept up to three children at no extra charge. TA 2-7314. 69t3 Severn] different choici furnished apartments, ways to pay. Call TA 2-7 69t3 Two bedroom furnished duplex. New furniture. $60. 900 Hereford. VI 6-7334. Room for elderly person. Will care for renter. VI 6-6245 or come by 611 Mont clair. 48Alt.WF LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 275 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ONE- H.OUR PARKING UPON BOTH SIDES OF TAUBER AND LODGE STREETS BETWEEN FARM-TO-MARKET ROAD 60 AND CHURCH STREET IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THERE OF. Of ant city and the statutes of the State of Tex as, the following regulations concerning parking on both sides of Tauber and Lodge Streets between Farm-to-Market Lodge Streets between harm-to-Market. Road 60 and Church Street are hereby fixed ter movement of traffic >f 1 are One-hour ■ty, traffic and for the general good of the public, the following parking established areas a A. rking on both sides of In the best interest of public safet: aff: die. she pai Tauber Street between Farm-to-Market Road 60 and Church Street. B. One-hour parking on both sides of Lodge Street between Farm-to-Market Road 60 and Church Street. It is therefore ordered and ordained that such parking areas be established and that appropriate sie-ns be erected and that the proper authorities, after the due passing of this ordinance and erection of said signs, be instructed to enforce said ordinance, and that anyone violating said parking limits be found quilty of a misdemeanor. Passed and anproved this the 26th day of January, 1959. APPROVED : S 'Ernest Langford Mayor ATTEST: S/N. M. McGinnis City Secretary Room near college with private bath. New. 1014 Walton Drive. Phone VI 6-4457 WANTED Full or part time beauty operator needed at BURMA’S BEAUTY SHOP. 402 S. Haswell. TA 3-1868. Beauty operator. Must be experienced and above average. Student wife preferred. PRUITT’S BEAUTY SHOP. 64tfn WORK WANTED Would enjoy having two children in my home. Please come by. Mrs. J. L. Bailey, 6-B, Project Housing. 68tfn Protect your asphalt and tile floors. Have them cleaned and waxed with heavy duty machine. Commercial and residential or janitor service. TA 3-3773. Bryan. 67t5 Would like to keep a child in my home. Prefer 2 to 6 years old. VI 6-6294. 65t5 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed or telephoned so as to arrive In the Offlcs of Student Publications (Ground Flool YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, dally Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. All currently enrolled pre-veterlnary medicine students who expect to qualify as applicants for admission into the School Forms to be used in making applica- mission H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar 68t8 the Dean. G. W. Schlesselman Acting Dean 66t2 Whitecrest Apartments. Near Campus. Unfurnished, nice two bedroom brick. Wall heaters. Air conditioning unit. $69.50. One with stove and refrigerator. $74.50. TA 2-4127 or VI 6-7187. 64tfn Nice clean furnished apartment for le ette, study. VI 6-7248. api single person two blocks from post of fice. One good size room, complete bath, kitchenette, and garage. Quiet place to EARLY RTRD SHOPPE TOGS — GIFTS AND TOYS for Girls and Roys FABRICS — SHOES RldgKcrest Village 3601 Texas Are. RADIO—PHONO—TV Service By SOSQLIK TUBES TESTED FREE BY EXPERTS 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Bryan Small furnished house. Nice and neat. ’in< ly See Ken Dyson, 401 Jersey. 61tfn quail furnished hous Walking distance. Fine for couple •aduate student. Only $42.50. No hi' or 11s. Large room, private bath and entrance. Garage. VI 6-4251. 63tfn Four room apartment. Private hath, entrance and garage. Call VI 6-5915. 62tfn One room apartment, furnished, shower, air conditioner, electric plate. Utilities paid. One block south of Drill Field. 200 Lee. Available Jan. 25. 61tfn Four bedroom home, two baths, huge living and dining area. Nice size den, large kitchen, tile drain, screened porch, utility room, double garage. Paneled throughout with hemlock. Good sized yard. Available Feb. 1. VI 6-7248. Gltfn Small furnished apartment. Only $47.50 with hills paid. Walking distance. Couple only. See Ken Dyson, 401 Jersey. 61tfn Bedroom with kitchen privileges. VI 6- 5334. 62tfn Sewing machines. Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfn House in search of students. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, available for immedi ate occupancy. Desire to contact students In search of pleasant living quarters. TA- 1-2872 or TA 2-8463. 148tfn • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS « PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES <H>3 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS Unfurnisned garage apartment. Between Brvan and College. Attic fan. $50. VT 6- 7331. HHfn FREE installation when you buv a muffler and tail pine at JOE FAULKS at wholesale price—30 to 40% below list., for the next 30 days. 214 N. Bryan. “THE AIR FORCE OFFICER QUALI FYING TEST (STANINE) WILL BE AD MINISTERED IN “D” SHACK ON FRI DAY AND SATURDAY. 13 AND 14 FEBRUARY 1959. THIS IS AN 8 HOUR EXAMINATION AND WILL BE ADMIN ISTERED IN TWO TESTING SESSIONS —FROM 1900-2300 HOURS ON FRIDAY, AND FROM 0730-1130 HOURS ON SAT URDAY. SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE AFOQT IS A PREREQUISITE FOR ADVANCED AIR FORCE ROTC CONTRACT. ANYONE DESIRING TO TAKE THIS EXAMINATION PLEASE CONTACT T/SGT. McELROY, ROOM 311, MILITARY SCIENCE BUILDING, TELE PHONE VI 6-5113.” E. J. BRIGGS Captain, USAF Captain, USAF Test Control Officer Laboratory assistants are needed for the ring semester in the Physics Department, en who have completed sophomore phy sics courses with superior records sics courses with superior records are wanted to assist with instruction, grading and the _ handling of apparatus in the laboratories. The scale of compensation is $0.90 per hour for new assistants and $1.00 per hour for experienced assistants. The opportunity for experience, as well as earnings, should be considered. Applicants for assistantships are invited to register at the office of the Physics Department (Room 201) as soon as pos sible. J. G. Potter Head Of Department 67t3 CANDIDATE FOR DEGREE Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a de gree by the end of the current semester should call by the Registrar’s Office NOW and make formal application for a degree. March 1 is the deadline for filing an application for a degree to be conferred at the end of the current semester. This deadline applies to both graduate and undergraduate students. H. L. Heaton Director of Admissions and Registrar 64tl6 Changes in the list of courses for which any student is currently registered may be made only on the written recommenda tion of the head of each department con cerned and with the approval of the dean of the student’s school. A student may not add a course after Saturday, February 7, 1959. Any course dropped after Sat urday, February 14, shall normally carry a grade of “F”. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar TYPEWRITERS for RENT Cate* Typewriter Co. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 | JJolarJ a Ca feteria C^teng ‘l^NoTlist | (Ed. Note: This is the second in a series of articles designed to familiarize students with churches in the area in connection with Re ligious Emphasis Week.) By ROBBIE GODWIN Battalion Staff Writer Perhaps it was mere coincidence that brought the Catholic Student Center and the Rev. Charles Elmer to the A&M campus at the same time five years ago. The modern center, completed in 1953, houses the chaplain’s office, a chapel, television lounge, record library, kitchen and a recreational area. Just after its completion, Father Elmer was assigned chaplain of St. Mary’s Chapel and the Cath olic Aggies. The Rev. Tim J. Va- Dorm Counsellors (Continued from Page 1) Board of Trustees of the American Lutheran Church, the Board of Di rectors of the Dallas Community Chest and the Greater Dallas Council of Churches. Rev. Ray will live in Hart Hall and lead forums in Hart and Biz- zell in the lounge of Hart Hall. While at Southern Methodist University, Rev. Robert Browne was selected a delegate to the In ternational Student Assembly in France. He is now pastor of the Southwest Methodist Church in Houston. He was pastor of the First Chprch of La Grange before coming to Houston. Rev. Browne will live in Dorm 11 and lead their discussion groups. Would like to keep two children in my home as companion to my child. VI 6-8366. 65tfn SAVE EAT AT HOTARD’S Cafeteria lenta of Bryan is pastor of the church. But the center is not all that’s new at St. Mary’s. A $280,000 chapel was built during the past year and it was dedicated to the late Msgr. J. B. Gliessner, pastor at A&M since 1904, last Oct. 19. Father Elmer, besides being ac tive in all phases of church work, is a captain in the 318th Infantry Reserve, acting as chaplain of that unit. He is also chaplain of the A&M Newman Club. Ruring RE Week, the daily 6:30 a.m. Mass will be said by the Rev. Charles Lemieux, who for 12 years was professor of philosophy at Loyola University in New Orleans. A 5-m?nute meditation will follow each Mass. At 5:15 p.m. each day, he will say Mass and hold a 20-minute conference on spiritual life. Bene diction and another conference will On a nationwide basis, the most dangerous time for hail storms is a June afternoon between 2 and 9 p. m. A&M MENS SHOP 1 03 MAIN — NORTH GATE AGGIE OWNED SERVING BRYAN and COLLEGE STATION SAM HOUSTON ZEPHYR Lv. N. Zulch Ar. Dallas . , 10:08 a.m. 12:47 p.m. Lv. N. Zulch Ar. Houston 7:28 p.m. 9:15 p.m. FORT WORTH and DENVER RAILWAY N. L. CRYAR, Agent Phone 15 • NORTH ZULCH he held daily at 7:15 p.m. Father Lemieux will hold a spe cial conference on Tuesday night when he will talk to married stu dents, and on Wednesday night when he will address those plan ning marriage. Father Elmer said RE Week service last year were well attend ed and expects even better attend ance now with the added facilities. Their Future Lies In the Balance! Is balanced protection part of your life insurance program? Your family’s welfare may Well depend on it! nibj U. M. Alexander, Jr., ’40 Phone TA 3-3616 215 S. Main STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Home Office—Bloomington, Illinois/ Vb u d$n light eit|ier end II ^sfying flavor...So friendly to your taste! : *, NO FLAT \ filtered-out" : FLAVOR! NO Dry •••'••-. : "SMOKED-o ur , ; •••••••« TASTE! '•••- See how Pall Mali’s famous length of fine tobacco travels and gentles the smoke— makes it mild—but does not filter out .that satisfying flavor! Outstanding... and they are Mild! HERE'S why smoke “traveled" through fine tobacco tastes best You get Pall Mali’s Pall Mall’s famous Travels it over, famous length of the length travels and under, around and finest tobaccos gentles the smoke through Pall Mall’s money can buy. naturally . . . fine tobaccos! (£> A, T, Co. Fredutt vf J’&n&ueim iJo&iaei>-Csrryiaiiy — xJu&ueext our middle uaine^