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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1959)
The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas Thursday, January 22, 1959 PAGE 3 Ags Receive Awards At Football Banquet ill Aggie Football Award Winners These three members of the 1958 Aggie Ken Beck (center) the best lineman trophy, football team were presented special awards and Allen Goehring (right), the best “little at Saturday’s football banquet. Gordon Le- man” award. Boeuf, (left) won the best blocker award. Prominent Semi-Pro Mentor Named Ag Diamond Coach Tom Chandler, noted baseball coach at perennially powerful Adamson High School in Dallas and of the semi-pro Alpine Cow boys, was selected to become head baseball coach at Texas A&M, ef fective Feb. 1. A product of the Dallas public schools and Baylor University, the 33-year-old ex-Marine has led Adamson to four district titles and the state finals twice since 1952. Also since 1952, Chandler coached the Cowboys to two state titles and finished high na tionally the past two summers. Among his charges at Alpine, Chandler lists Aggie-exes Wally Moon and Yale Lary, along with current Cadet backstop ace Gary Herrington. Other prominent dia mond stars include major lea guers Johnny Podres of the Los Angeles Dodgers and Jack San ford of the Philadelphia Phillies. ATter graduating from Adam son in 1943 where he was a base ball and football standout, Chand ler enlisted in the Marine Corps and served 25 months. Under the Marine V-12 program, he quar- AGGIES, Drive Home Safely DICK RUBIN, >59 terbacked Arkansas A&M from 1943-45, and then attended Baylor where he was an all-conference catcher and first baseman twice in addition to being team captain all three years. A 1948 graduate of Baylor, Chandler then played two years of pro ball in the Pittsburgh chain before coaching Griener Junior College to the Dallas city champ ionship twice. Chandler played at Alpine in 1950-51 and was named both gen eral and field manager in 1952. The Cowboys, boasting many Southwest Conference stars, cap tured the state semi-pro crown in 1952 and 1958. They placed third in 1958, along with taking the West Texas championship in 1953, '54 and '58. He has also been serving as a Milwaukee Braves scout. Chandler was bora in Green ville, Texas on March 19, 1925, and is married to the former Wil- ladean Drummond of Waco. The couple has no children. % HELP M -GROCERIES- 3-Pound Can CRISCO 89c i. ,‘J 300 Size Cans—Hunts Tomatoes 2 Cans 27c 303 Cans—Trellis Brand Green Peas 2 Cans 27c 300 Size Cans—Kimbells Fresh Blackeye Peas .. 2 Cans 25c ! > 1 ; ’ Maryland Club Instant Coffee .. 6-Oz. Jar 99c No. 2 Cans—Libbys Sliced Pineapple ... Can 31c • r 1 No. 2 Vi Cans—Libbys Pear Halves i ■ • - - - Can 41c ■i . . | No. 2 Cans—Libbys Tomato Juice i 2 Cans 27c ; 393 Cans—Libbys Sliced Beets 2 Cans 35c ,, Maryland Club COFFEE ... Mb. Can 79c No. 2 Cans—Tex-Sun Grapefruit Juice... 2 Cans 29c 303, Cans—Kimbells Whole Green Beans .... 2 Cans 43c No. 1 £ans—Wolf Brand CHILI Can 33c 16-Oz. Cans—Gebhardts TAMALES Can 22c -FROZEN FOODS- Creme Peas Cauliflower Baby Whole Okra Baby Green Limas Ford Hook Limas Sliced Peaches Sliced Strawberries PKG 27< -MARKET- Hormels—Dairy Brand Sliced Bacon .... 1-lb. 61c Armours Star All Meat Franks l-Ib. 55c Wisconsin—Medium Aged Cheese .... 1-lb. 59c Deckers—Tall Korn Sliced Bacon .... 1-lb. 52c Meaty Short Ribs .1-lb. 55c Square Cut Shoulder Roast ... 1-lb. 65c Loin Steak 1-lb. 89c Porter House Steak... l-lb. 79c Home Made—All Pork Lean Sausage ... 1-Ib. 65c -PRODUCE- Delicious Apples lb. 10c Russet Potatoes 10 lbs. 39c Celery 2 Stalks 15c Tangerines .< 2 lbs. 25c SPECIALS FOR THUR. AFTERNOON, FRI. & SAT. — JAN. 22-23-24 CHARLIES FOOD NORTH GATE —WE DELIVER— MARKET COLLEGE STATION Gordon LeBoeuf, Ken Beck and Allen Goehring won the top awards at the annual football and cross country banquet held Satur day night in Sbisa Hall. LeBoeuf, Port Neches junior back converted from the fullback slot, received the Bert Pfaff Award as best blocker; Beck, sen ior tackle from Minden, La., re ceived the A. M. Waldrop Award for the best lineman; and Goeh ring, junior guard from San Mar cos, was presented the Herb Smith Award for the “outstanding little man.” Goehring weighs in at a hefty 185. Two other awards were present ed at the dinner presided over by Morris Franks, the humorous Houston columnist. The Houston A&M Club award for the “great est lover” went to Beck while Ed Dudey, tailback on the 1958 club, presented an award to Coach John Michels, who resigned re- Fish, Kittens Meet In Saturday Clash The Texas Aggie freshman bas ketball team, led by 6-5 Carroll Broussard of Port Ai’thur, takes a 4-2 record into Houston Satur day night when it meets the Houston Kittens in a preliminary t o the Aggie-Cougar varsity game. Broussard is the scoring leader with 123 points and a 20.5 aver age; has the highest field goal percentage .558 and is second in rebounding with 62. The Fish, coached by Shelby Metcalf, dropped a 66-68 verdict to the Texas Shorthorns in their latest action. The Fish have split with the talented Kilgore JC Ran gers and have beaten Houston, Baylor and Rice frosh teams. cently to join the Canadian pro ranks. During the banquet Coach Jim Myers introduced members of the 1958 football team and • Coach Charley Thomas presented the cross country team. Myers com plimented his team for the “out standing” effort they produced this season in winning four and losing six. Myers said the squad wasn’t the fastest, the strongest or the greatest in the school’s history, but the players extended them selves above and beyond the call of duty in several games. Males have a higher death rate than females through all ages of life, the disparity being largely due to male susceptibility to acci dents and heart ailments. -jqV) G0TT/1 Gn HOT go fwsrci i r * 'An insurance policy FOR ANY V SlZf halo'' fUGENE RUSH- - COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS Congratulations . . . TO THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS AND INDIVIDUALS FOR THE SPLENDID JOB DONE BRINGING UP AGGIE GRADES— • Chemistry • Military Science • Biology • Mathematics • Faculty Advisors • Scholastic Officers and Sargeants from < e LOUPOT « GET SATISFYING FLAVOR... So friendly to your taste l No -flat "-Filtered-out"-flavor! No dry "smoked-out' 7 taste! 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