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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1957)
The Battalion -> College Station (Brasot County), Texas PAGE 6 Tuesday, November 26, 1957 TB Patients Ask limiters For Deer Skins Hunters are being asked to save deer skins this season and send them to Austin where they will be useful in helping convalescent tubercu losis patients find an outlet for their energy. Motor freight lines throughout the state will transport the skins free of charge when they are salt ed, tied and addressed to: Austin Taxidermist Studio, 2708 Pi*edericksburg Road, Austin, Tex as. To insure free hauling, the shipment should be marked “For TB patients.” Cecil Reid, executive secretary of the Sportmen’s Clubs of Texas, said: . “According to the Volunteer Ad- yictory Council for State TB Hoar pitals, therapists have found that soft, pliable buckskin is uniquely beneficial for handwork, which can gradually build physical tolerance while relieving the monotony from TB.” Officials Stressing Car Violation Laws Students who ai’e under restric tion as to use of a car are warned that violation of this restriction places the student subject to sus pension from the college according to Bennie A. Zinn, director of the Department of Student Affairs. A violation of restriction involves driving either the student’s own car, driving another car, or allow ing his car to be driven by another student. Zinn explained a student is put on car restriction for 30 days each time he does not pay a re-instate- ment fee for a traffic violation. UN Secretary Sets Peace Visit to East UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.—-VP) — Secretary General Dag- Ham- marskjold will leave Friday for another peace mission to the Mid dle East, the U.N. announced last night. He will visit the Jordanian capital of Amman and confer with other governments in the area “in sofar as time permits.” Ominous flareups along the Is- raeli-Jordan and Israeli-Syrian bor ders prompted Hammarskjold to make the visit, which will last for about a week. U.N. officials would not com ment on reports that Damascus and Ankara were also on Hammarsk- jold's itinerary. A spokesman said Hammarskjold planned to confer in areas where U.N. interests are di rectly involved, and that the de tailed schedule of stops would be announced later. Damascus, Cairo and Ankara were regarded as fairly certain in addition to Amman. He will confer in Amman on the demand by Jordan that he remove a U.S. marine officer in charge of Israeli-Jordan mediation. ‘Open School Bill’ Killed In Senate AUSTIN,—VP>—The Senate State Affairs Committee yesterday kill ed a bill its author described as an “open school bill.” The measure by Sen. Henry Gon zalez would provide fines up to $1,000 and two years imprisonment for any person starting or taking pax-t in a riot to prevent enforce ment of any state or federal law affecting oper-ation o f public schools. The committee also passed a House - passed resolution raising from $300 to $400 the amount of money an individual may have to remain eligible for old age assist ance. Socia l Wh irl Band Wives will hold their regu lar meeting at 7:30 p.m. today at the home of Audrey Cole, GOO South Washington, Bryan. * •+ * Range and Forestry Wives will meet at 8 p.m. today in the Cash- Newman I fas Panel (hi ‘Young Couple’ “The Young Couple Before and After Marriage” was the topic of a panel discussion highlighting Sunday’s meeting of the A&M Newman Club. Members of the panel were Allan Ludwig, John Matthews, and Sam Piccione. During the meeting, members discussed the South Texas Province executive committee meeting which will be held Dec. 7-8 on the Uni versity of Texas campus. It was reported that the first club paper, “The Aggie Newman,” which will be published monthly, is ready for distribution. Chopped cucumbers and toma-r toes, seasoned with salt, pepper, a little sugar and some vinegar, make a fine accompaniment for a curry. ion room of the YMCA to plan a Christmas party. :J« Dames Club will meet at 8 to night in the south solarium of the YMCA. ^ :«c A meeting of Agronomy Wives will be held at 7:30 tonight in the Brooks room of the YMCA. * * A Christmas party is planned by Mechanical Engineering Wives for Saturday, Dec. 7, in the banquet room of the Triangle. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m. and will be followed by dancing. All married mechanical engineer ing- students and their wives are invited, as well as all department faculty members and their wives. Tickets are $2 per person. Res ervations should be made by Mon day, Dec. 2, with Mary Ruth Holt, VI G-4298; Ann Jenkins, TA 3-4420, or Tommie Breazeale, VI 6-5381. The regular meeting of the club will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Room 202 of the YMCA. And Another L.og Gets Goaded Battalion isLu*.± x-tiolo Despite adverse weather conditions (see mild, in foreground) Aggies cut and hauled log's all weekend for the 1957 bonfire. The mud slowed work somewhat and prevented trucks from getting all the way into the cutting area, making long hauls by man power necessary. SATISFYING CAREER OKLAHOMA, City —OP)— Miss Mary McBrayer has closed out 35 years of kindergai-ten teaching here with the satisfaction that she help 3,000 children get started in school. “I’ve loved every one of them,” she said. More than one ton of nickel is used to build a modern jet engine for high-speed aircraft. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES Onw day 3^ per \ 21 per word each additional day Minimum charge—40^ DEADLINES ft p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80^ per column inch each Insertion PHONE VI 0-6415 FOR SALE Will take some furniture, Lynn Drive, South College between Humdinger and Shipley’s Call TA 2-8510 before 5. nal price. VI 6-5931. 3x7 metal framed trailer. $25. 902 Fail-view. GO FIRST CLASS? policy for any size h Rush, North Gate. 28tfn New crop pecans—paper shell and native. Golden Rule Poultry them here! 44tfn FOR RENT Furnished 3 room apartment. Utilities paid. Near North Cate. Available Dec. 4. $45.00 . . . Large furnished apartment. Bills paid. No .1-201 Patricia St., back of Campus Theatre . . . Furnished or unfur nished new brick duplex, 105A Louise St. VI 6-6332. 55tfn Furnished apartments $45.00 per month. Utilities paid. 4000 College Main, Aggie Circle Apai-tments. 55tfn Three room furnished apartment near college. Call VI 6-5427. 53tfn Four room furnished apartment, water and gas furinshed. See at 2108 Cavitt Drive, Bryan. 32tfn Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tl EARLY BIRD SHOPPE TOGS — GIFTS AND TOYS for Girls and Bovs FABRICS — SHOES Ridgecrest Village 3601 Texas Ave. PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 S. Main St. (Across from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA 2-1941 BRVAN a WORK WANTED Babysitting, day or night. A-12- Y College View or call VI. 6-7504. 55t3 Will keep child for working 1 mother. Reasonable. Also for Thursday game. 35c an hour. B-ll- W, Mrs. B. J. Hipp. 55t2 Baby sitting Turkey Day game in • my home. 25c per hour. Phone or • see Mrs. Gibson, 301 Live Oak, VI 6-6329. 55t2 Weaver’s Kiddie-Land Nursery, 225 Lynn Dr., Bryan, TA 2-6076 51 tfn Experienced secretary will do your typing. Prompt service. VI 6-5987. 48tfn Typing in my home, experienced. Whitecrest Apt. 4, First St., phone VI G-6202. 48tfn Typing and Lithographing our specialty. Executive type gives re ports, thesis, lab manuals, etc., that pi'ofessional look. ZOST THE PRINTER, 115 Walton Dr. (East Gate), Phone VI 6-6128 or VI 6-4874. 33tfn Typing (any* size job), mimeo graphing, complete office facilities. B I - C I T Y SECRETARIAL AN SWERING SERVICE, 3408A Tex as Ave., Phone VI 6-5786. 15tl8 Neat, accurate typist desires typing to do in my home. Own electric typewriter. Call VI 6-5805. Day nursery for working moth ers. Call Mrs. Redding, VI 6-4892. 271tfn Babysitting in your home, day or night. 905B Cross St., VI 6-4684. 54t3 Kitchen remodeling, cupboard < work, interior painting. VI 6-7265 258tfn . . _ n Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) Leave i’oar clothes while you shop at— MRS. BROWN’S v LAUNDERETTE SOUTH SIDE ADDITION COLLEGE STATION FOR better washing, drying and faster service! HELP WANTED Full or part time beauty opera tor. Acacia Beauty Shop, phone TA 2-7129. ' 54t4 SPECIAL NOTICE SDL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, A.F. & A.M. College Station. Texas Called meeting Tuesday, Nov. 26, 7 p. tn. Master Mason’s Degree will be con ferred, also F.O. and M.M. examinations. Visitors are welcome. Joe Woolket, Sec’y. E. L. Mayhugli, W.M. Have you been thinking about a family recreation room, den, or bedroom ? If so, call DOCTOR FIX- IT today and let him give you a free estimate. No down payment, and as long as 5 years to pay. Phone DOCTOR FIXIT at the MARION PUGH LUMBER CO. for appointment. Phone VI 6-5711. Experimen tSta lion Given Four Grants NOTICE We now have banquet facilities to accommodate 250 people. TRIANGLE RESTA URA NT TA 2-1352 or TA 2-1353 3606 S. College Ave. The Texas Agricultural Experi ment Station received four grants- in-aid, three gifts, extension of a grant and a loan of equipment within recent weeks to be used in conducting research studies in sev eral different fields. The Department of Poultry Sci ence received $2,000 from Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation to support research studies on the value of unidentified factor con centrates in poultry nutrition. Panogen, Inc., provided $800 for suppdrt of studies on control of rice insects, now being conducted at the Rice-Pasture Experiment Station in Beaumont. The Dow Chemical Co. gave $500 for support of research in post har vest treatments for fruits and veg etables, to be conducted under the supervision of the Department of Horticulture. Chemagro Crop, made a grant of $250 to support research on fungicides for the control of cotton root rot. Ftiese studies are being conducted at the Temple sub station. Texas A&I Citrus and Vegetable Research center and Weslaco sub station received a donation of 1,650 feet of irrigation pipe from the Want your hair fixed for eve- ng appointments? Call Edna’s eauty Salon, Anne Litzer, VI 6-5812. 53tfn Needed—20 students to work at iSC before and after game 1t4 MOVING—local and long dis- mce. Packing and crating. Towne arvices, TA 2-8824. 38 tfn OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed of Student ‘uhlications (Ground Floor >415. hours 8-12, 1-5, dail> I p.m. of the day proceeding — Director of Student Fublica- » ENGINEERING AND AKCHITECTDRAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS I BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES •03 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRVAN, TEXAS Cuetett Business Machines & Typewriters Pickup & Delivery Day or Night Davis Office Equipment Co. P. O. Box 95 College Station, Texas R„ L. (Bob) Davis ’50 VI 6-6533 [ tar fs C a f, . # Where the Art of e t e r i a Cooking Is Not Lost JOE FAULK for — © Furniture ® Auto Parte © Hotpoint Appliances © Dixie Range 8 Mathes Air Conditioners © Dearborn Heaters • GE Small Appliances 214 N. Bryan Cavitt at Coulter JOE FAULK “32 — Owne There’s Always Good Food At The A&M Smokehouse 4410 N. College Main 3 Biks. N. of North Gate Feat uring' ( Jiai •coal Broiled HAMBURGERS In .3 Delicious Flavors 1. Hickory Smoke Sauce & Onion 2. Chili Cheese & Onion 3. Tomatoes, Pickles, Onion & Mustard BARBECUE Beef Ham Chicken Sausage Always Plenty Room For Parties Reynolds Metal Co. The J. I. Case Co. donated a tobacco harvester that will be used by Department of Agricultural Engineering per sonnel in research studies connect ed with cotton production. The third gift was made by Perry Co. and consisted of an ex perimental dual blade stalk shred der used in connection with re search studies dealing with the post harvest control of pink boll- worms in cotton. FOR THE BEST . . . * DELICIOUS FOOD * QUICK FRIENDLY SERVICE * REASONABLE PRICES IT’S THE TEXAN 3204 College Ave. Just Arrived! Sophomore b.y GEMSCO Get Yours Today A&M MENS SHOP 1 03 MAIN NORTH GATE AGGIE OWNED DVERS-FURSTORAOE HATTERS ROLAND DANSBY ’31 For Your Convenience—Pick Up Station AT TAYLOR’S VARIETY STORE SHOES HURTING YOU? SEE COURTS Shoes — Shoe Repairs North Gate If you can’t be with your family over the holdiay, a visit by long distance telephone is the next best thing. Every one at home is certain to appreciate your call. Use your long distance telephone this Thanksgiving. You’ll get a great deal of satisfaction for very little money when you call station-to-station because rates are so low And by calling after 6 p.m. or on holidays and Sundays, you’ll find that these low rates are even lower. Bra ISl pi!* t'Y •liitouas