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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1957)
1 The ■JFhffaHr.on CoHege $t<at£on (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 4 Tuesday, November 19, 1957 Read Battalion Classifieds Instructor Added D. M. Vestal Jr., member of the Texas Engineering: Experiment Station heat power group has been made a part-time faculty member of the school of Engineering. CATERING T Jar jSpeciaf special Occasiond ★ OUTFIT PARTIES ★ CLUB BANQUETS MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL W. 26th & Bryan TA 2-5089 200 Congress TA 3-4375 EVERY REPAIR MADE WITH CARE At COURT’S Shoes — Shoe Repairs North Gate BARBER SHOP 1903 S. College We Specialize In Flat Tops BATTALION CLASSIFIED FOR SALE One bedroom house with attached garage. In good condition. Excellent rent property. Price $4,650. Phone VI 6-4084. 51t4 Cessna 140, 1951 model. Excel lent condition. See at Easterwood Airport or contact at 303 Ash St., College Station. 51t4 Window evaporative cooler, fan type w/pump and float. Value $15.00. See G. O. Mount, B-20-Y College View. 51t2 Golf clubs. Complete set—8 irons, 3 woods, putter. Absolutely brand new. Registered Wilson Autograph. Right handed. Retail price $180. Must sell around $110. Contact N. A. Perry, Hart A-l. 51t4 (1) 1952 Chevrolet Panel Truck. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Executive Assistant until 10:30 a. m. Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1957. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Executive Assistant, Agricultural Extension Service, College Station, Texas, for further information. 50t3 WORK WANTED Weaver’s Kiddie-Land Nursery, 225 Lynn Dr., Bryan, TA 2-6076 51tfn Will do ladies’ and children’s sewing. Very reasonable. A-9-Y C. V. 51t4 Babysitting day or night. A-12-Y College View or call VI 6-7504. 49t4 Experienced secretary will do your typing. Prompt service. VI 6-5987. 48tfn Typing in my home, experienced. Whitecrest Apt. 4, First St., phone VI 6-6402. 48tfn Typing and Lithographing our specialty. Executive type gives re ports, thesis, lab manuals, etc., that professional look. ZOST THE PRINTER, 115 Walton Dr. (East Gate), Phone VI 6-6128 or VI 6-4874. 33tfn Typing (any size job), mimeo- graphing, complete office facilities. B I - C I T Y SECRETARIAL AN SWERING SERVICE, 3408A Tex as Ave., Phone VI 6-5786. 15tl8 19 4 7 Plymouth. Dependable transportation. Radio, sun visor. Phone VI 6-4801 after 5. 49t5 30-06 rifle with 4-power scope. Call VI 6-6755 after 5:30 p. m. 49t3 New crop pecans—paper shell and native. Golden Rule Poultry Farm, phone VI 6-4669. Come get them here! 44tfn IF YOU GOTTA GO, WHY NOT GO FIRST CLASS ? An insurance policy for any size halo. . . Eugene Rush, North Gate. 28tfn Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) Leave your clothes while you shop at— MRS. BROWN’S LAUNDERETTE SOUTH SIDE ADDITION COLLEGE STATION FOR better washing, drying and faster service! » ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS I BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES *03 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS Neat, accurate typist desires typing to do in my home. Own electric typewriter. Call VI 6-5805. Day nursery for working moth ers. Call Mrs. Redding, VI 6-4892. 271tfn Kitchen remodeling, cupboard work, interior painting. VI 6-7265. 258tfn OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must he brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive In the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415. hours 8-13, 1-5, dally Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. Archbold Stadium, home to the Syracuse football team, has been used by the Orange for 50 years. EARLY BIRD SHOPPE TOGS — GIFTS AND TOYS for Girls and Boys FABRICS — SHOES Ridgecrest Village 3601 Texas Ave. FOR RENT Two bedroom unfurnished house near campus. Call VI 6-4009 or Vi 6-4791 (Mr. Adams). 50t3 Two bedroom duplex, VI 6-5813. furnished. 50tfn Four room furnished apartment, water and gas furinshed. See at 2108 Cavitt Drive, Bryan. 32tfn Four room ed, in Bryan. apartment, fumish- Call VI 6-5638. 276tfn Sewing Shop. machines. Pruitt Fabric 98tf FOR SALE OR TRADE 1951 Chevrolet 4-door, RH. Ac cept any reasonable offer. VI 6-5409. 43tfn SPECIAL NOTICE DOCTOR FIXIT is a specialist in adding new bedrooms, dens, or playrooms as well as converting garages into attractive diving space for the family. The rates are reasonable and can be handled on no down payment and low monthly rates. Call DOCTOR FIXIT today at MARION PUGH LUMBER COMPANY. Phone VI 6-5711. 51t4 Social Oceanography and Meteorology Student Wives will sponsor a bake sale at 4 p. m. Friday at Miller’s Supermarket. Proceeds will go to ward a welfare project. .•*; Junior AVMA Wives will meet at 8 tonight at the home of Pat Rice, 401 Live Oak, Co-hostesses —Battalion Staff Photo I Could Have Danced All Night . . . Says Joe Tindel at the dance for the Southwest Junior College Press Association in the Memorial Student Center last nigJit. The two-day convention of junior-college journa lists is sponsored by the A&M undergraduate chapter of Sigma Delta Chi. What’s Cooking SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, A.F. & A.M. College Station, Texas Called meeting Tuesday, Nov. 19, 7 p. m. E. A. examinations and F. C. de gree. Visitors are cordially welcomed. E. L. Mayhugh, W. M. Jos Woolket, Sec’y. To Whom It May Concern: Kiddie Korner Nursery has room for more children of working mothers. Have had special ti'aining in infant care but will take children any age. Have also had advanced first aid training. I owned and operated a boarding home for chil dren in New Jersey under auspices of the County Welfare Board and State Adoption Society. Come and visit our nursery at 4108 Aspen just off College Main. Call VI 6-7108. Open nights. 49t4 MOVING—local and long dis tance. Packing and crating. Towne Services, TA 2-8824. 38 tfn The Philippines were granted independence by the United States in 1946. I ^JJ-otarA& . # Where the Art of e t e r i a. Cooking Is Not Lost S The following organizations meet tonight: 7:30 Marketing Society meets in the Memorial Student Center Assem bly Room where they wall hear a lecture on skin diving and shark fighting. Student Chapter of ASFC will meet in the Chemical Engineering Lecture Room. ASME will meet in room 3D of the MSC. Australian Will Speak On Plants Eric John Underwood, director and Dean of the Institute of Agri culture, University of Western Australia, will speak on “Plant Oestrogens in Animal Breeding and Production” tonight in the Lecture Room of the Biological Sciences Building. Underwood is a Gold Medallist of the Australian Institute of Agri cultural Science and a fellow of the Australian Academy of Science. He is in the U. S. under a travel ing fellowship of the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The public is invited. 7:45 Rural Sociology Club will meet in Room 2B of the MSC. W. R. Horsley will be the speaker. Math Club will meet in Room 206 Academic Building. R. E. An- cira will be guest speaker. Third Installment Due November 21 Third installment fees must be paid in the Fiscal Office by Nov ember 22 to avoid penalty. The $50.30 fee covers cost of room rent, hoard and laundry up to December 20. Students will be charged a dollar fine for each day past the deadline. Bigler Cited For Tornado Warning Stuart Bigler, department of Oceanography and Meteoi’ology, was presented a special award by the American Meteorological So ciety for his prompt work spread ing the warning before the tornado which struck Bi'yan in 1956. Charles F. Brooks Professor Emeritus of Meteorology, Harvard University, said, “It is believed Bigler’s warning saved a number of lives that day because it allow ed school officials to keep children indoors who otherwise would have been walking through the disaster area.” The award was made at the 161 national meeting of the society held at A&M last Wednesday thru Friday. SERVING BRVAN and COLLEGE STATION A SAM HOUSTON ZEPHYR Lv. N. Zulch 10:08 cum. Ar. Dallas • • 12:47 p.m. Lv. N. Zulch Ar. Houston Burlington Route 7:28 p.m. 9:15 p.m. FORT WORTH and DENVER RAILWAY N. L. CRYAR, Agent Phone 15 • NORTH ZULCH will be Peggy Pane and Marie Rysinger. * * * There will be a short meeting of the Civil Engineering Wives Club at 8 p. m. Wednesday in the north solarium of the YMCA. After the meeting, a program on Early American furniture will be given at the Kraft Furniture Company. -ic .**: .'*c Dr. Nena Harris, pediatrician, will speak at tonight’s meeting of Wildlife Management Wives. The meeting is set for 7:30 p. m. in the YMCA. * * * Aero Wives Club will have a short business meeting at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday in the Aero Lounge. Plans for a Christmas party will be discussed. * * * Geology Wives Club will meet at 8 p. m. Wednesday in the south solarium of the YMCA. Renee Ab- , bott from Edna’s Beauty Salon will speak on hair styling. See Dr. Smith For Professional Visual Care BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC • Eyes examined • Glasses prescribed • Contact lens fitted Dr. Smith and Staff Optometrists Convenient Terms TA 2-3557 105 N. Main DYERS" FUR5TOR.AGE HATTERS ROLAND DANSBY ’31 For Your Convenience—Pick Up Station AT TAYLOR’S VARIETY STORE PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 S. Main St. (Across from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA 2-1941 BRYAN See JOE FAULK for — • Furniture ® Auto Parts ® Hotpoint Appliances • Dixie Range • Mathes Air Conditioners • Dearborn Heaters • GE Small Appliances 214 N. Bryan Cavitt at Coulter JOE FAULK ’32 — Owne Array, Bonfire Week Is Here! You’ll Need An Extra Pair Of Fatigues To Work In Eou’s Special On Old Bonfire Fatigues Only $1.50 Set New Fatigues Only $5.90 Set You’ll Be Glad You Got Them At L O U P O T ' S PEANUTS PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz r AND NOW THE NUMBER I ONE SONS HITl ACROSS THE, / by Uni»4 Syndic*!.. Inc. //-/r PEANUTS PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz WHAM! Cl THIN£I HITA Roac.3