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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1957)
The Battalion PAGE 6 College Station (Brazos County), Texas I’hursday, November 14, 1967 J'cimiiiA. ^JctuoriteS BY MAURINE MacLENNAN DAYEY (Col. and Mrs. Ralph H. Davey Jr. reside at 1103 Walton Dr., College Station, witty their son Bruce, a student at A&M Consolidated High School. Col. Davey, a West Point graduate of 1932 retired from the Army in 1947, proudly talks of his second career of teaching in the Engineering Drawing Department at A&M. Mrs., Davey, a Canadian, graduated from the Columbia Presbyterian Nursing School and still gets a thrill from practicing private duty nursing.) CHOCOLATE CAKE % cup butter (% pound) 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 !4 cups sugar 3 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 2 squares chocolate 1% cups flour % cup milk 1 teaspoon baking powder %cup boiling water 1 teaspoon baking soda Cream butter and sugar, add eggs. Sift baking powder and salt with flour. Add flour and milk, alternating, to creamed mixture. Dis solve baking soda in small amount of cold water. Add to mixture. Cut chocolate in small pieces, melt and add boiling water. Stir in batter and add vanilla. Bake in moderate oven about 25 minutes. (This batter will appear to be too thin.) SCOTCH SHORTBREAD 3 cup butter ( % pound) four to make stiff dough Vz cup brown sugar (about 2-cups) Cream butter with sugar, add flour and knead in well. Press to Vz- inch thickness on a flat baking tin, spioothing with back of spoon. Prick with a fork. Bake at 350 degrees until byown, about 3 5 minutes. (You may sprinkle the batter with granulated sugar before baking.) APRICOT GOODIES 1 pound evaporated apricots 3 Vz cups granulated sugar 1 whole orange % cup pecans, cut in small pieces Grind apricots and whole orange together. Add sugar. Cook 3 0 minutes, stirring so that mixture does not stick to pan. Add pecans. Cool, then roll in powdered sugar. Keep in cool place. NOODLE DELIGHT 1 package (6 ounces) egg-noodles 1 can tomato saucte 3 large onion, sliced 1 can tomato soup 1 to 2 pounds ground meat 3 can mushrooms (or sauce) 3 can cream style corn % pound melted butter Boil noodle's, let stand in cold water. Brown onion slightly in bacon fat. Remove onion and add ground meat. Cook until brown. Mix noodles, onion and meat together and add remaining ingredients. Pour into casserole and top with grated cheese. Bake slowly for 30 minutes. Talk On Higher Education Highlights AAXJW Meeting A more effective system of higher education is the goal of the Texas Commission on Higher Education, Dr. John Paul Abbott told members of the American As sociation of University Women at their November meeting. Dr. Abbott acted as program examiner for the first 14 months of the existence of the Commis sion, which was created by the 54th Texas legislature to furnish leadei'ship and coordination for higher education in the state. The Commission, Dr. Abbott said, is the agency through which all reports of colleges to the legis lature will be channeled. He added that it is making a con tinuing study of all degree pro grams offered in Texas colleges, and that no new program can be added without its approval. G. BY 2-jackets - in-1: BR8L.&.BAMYL.V STRIFEO MYL.ON FJLEECe reverses to sleek Nylon Even though Berkray has declared open season on jacket-hunting, you don’t need a license to wear this colorful eye-stopper. Good sports will cheer the rakish authority of its Scandinavian styling: the deep-pile Nylon fleece with its brilliant shoulder- striping. Turn it inside out and you have, a sleek Nylon Taffeta jacket with a cozy fleece lining! Side-elastic inserts and 2-but-, ton cuffs heighten the reed-slim effect. It’s* machine washable, too! cmcj c -Store “In Its 50th Year of Serving Texas Aggies” Specials Tbur. - Fri. - Sat., Nov, FROZEN FOODS Snow Crop ORANGE JUICE 6 oz. Cans Birdseye—3-Oz. Fish Sticks pk|. 29c Birdseye SPINACH 2L n °~- n s s - 2.9c MlLLGHSNi Square Cartons Half Gallon 49c Signals on! Shift to ORR’S and shop by the “T” system— “T” for Thrift and Tempting foods! For here are the stars of the food field—All America’s favorite brands for quality and all-round good eating ! Gur lineup of these “All Stars” is as complete as it is varied. You never have to run in substitutes for the brands you prefer. And with our every day low, low prices, you’re sure to score high in savings every time you shop here . . . ORR’S SUPER MARKETS. VEAL SHOULDER CROWN I! © A PRIME RIB ROAST LINK SAUSAGE Swift Premium Pound Swift Brookfield Lb CANNED HAM ?Z“ wk BONELESS BEEF STEW VEAL CUTLETS BACON Swift’s Lb. Orr’s Gold Seal Lb. ..... SWIFT PREMIUM LB. 65c 59c $4.98 59c 98c m 33 c lb Lustre Cream SHAMPOO 1.00 Size 79c Richard Hudnut CREAM RINSE 2.00 Size 89c PEACHES Ponthouse Elbertas No. 2 1-2 Can 23 TOMATO SAUCE Texas Magic 8 Oz. Can 5e IIELLMANS MAYONNAISE .- pint 35c FORGERS INSTANT COFFEE 6 Oz. Jar 89c VANIIXA WAFERS 25c Size Rag 10c IMPERIAL - PURE CANE LB. BAG Y" Red Bird SWEET POTATOES 4 No. 2V> Cans $1.00 I TM£ FIOW&/Z OP/?/.oo/2S * QLAMOIA — mm MgHfa SB m HHfe f/P HLfDpfuPR Bestex— 46 Oz. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 5 Cans 1.00 Bama—12 Oz. Jars STRAWBERRY PRESERVES .. 4 Jars 1.00 Del Monte TUNA 4 Cans 1.00 Yellow—White—-Devil Food—Butterscotch Swansclown CAKE MIXES ...... 4 Pkgs. 1.00 (POLPeA/ yeu,ow © /CeNTRAL AMERICAN POTATOES LETTUCE U.S. No. 1 White California 10 Fresh, Crisp, Finn Bag Uj. Big Heads , 29 LB. A Si, r • 1 1 A C 7 f TEXAS JUICY ORANGES j 5TRICTIN FRESH (Trade "a-med. [7 LB. •J BAG 29 W - w , r f 1 E0<2 ★ TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ★ dozen S U PE R MARKETS 44 Tooth Paste COLGATES ar 39c