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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1957)
The Battalion -> College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 6 Thursday, November 7, 1957 ^^cworiteS By CHARLOTTE SHIRES (Charlotte and Tom Shires are newcomers to College Station, where they are making their home while Tom attends A&M. Both come from Dallas. Tom is a freshman at A&M, majoring in forestry, while Charlotte works in the Student Publications Office on campus.) POTATO SALAD 2 tablespoons margarine 1 tablespoon mustard 2 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dressing salt and pepper Then add all other ingredients 3 medium potatoes, boiled 2 eggs, boiled and chopped % cup milk 1 onion, chopped dill pickle, chopped 1 tablespoon dill pickle juice or vinegar Mash potatoes; add mai'garine. and mix. TASTY HAMBURGER DISHES 1 pound hamburger meat 2 small cans tomato sauce % onion, chopped salt and pepper to taste Brown hamburger meat. Stir in onions, tomato sauce and season ings. Cover and simmer 30-40 minutes. jJ« -is 1 pound hamburger meat 1 can chicken gumbo soup y-z onion, chopped salt and pepper to taste Brown hamburger. Stir in onions and soup. Cover and simmer 15-30 minutes. AVOCADO SALAD Partly chop, partly mash one ripe avocado. Add salt and lemon juice to taste. Then add mayonnaise, chopped boiled egg and finely chopped onion and mix. . COOKING HINTS: A good batter for fried chicken is pancake mix with salt, pepper and water added. When using cake mixes, try adding fruit juice or the syrup from canned fruit instead of water for an interesting flavor. Social Whirl Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Memor ial Student Center. Hostesses will be Beverly Noack and Rosemary Witmer in the regu lar group, Arlene Starr and Alyce Staehs in the intermediate group, and Lavonne Droemer and Betty Gray, for the beginners. Prizes last week went to Arlene Starr, high, and Doris McDaniel, second, in the intermediate group, and to Billie Holder, high, and Susan Burleson, low, in the regular group. * * An informal get-acquainted tea for wives of the Fourth Battalion will be held from 3 to 5 p. m. Sun day in the south solarium of the YMCA. “R.S.V.P.’s” should be called to VI 6-6136, TA 2-4010, or VI 6-6362. Staff Members Attend Conference Four staff members attended the Texas conference on Teacher Edu cation held recently in Mineral Wells. Those attending were Dr. Earl Knebel of the Agricultural Educa tion Department, Dr. Elmer Ellis of the Education and Psychology Department, Dr. Carl Landiss of the Health and Physical Education Department and Dr. Leslie Haw kins of the Industrial Education Department. Skrabanek Named To TRCI Board Dr. R. L. Skrabanek of tbe Agri cultural Economics and Sociology Department at A&M recently was elected a member of the board of directors of Texas Rural Com munities, Inc. TRC was created to sponsor rural settlement projects as a phase of rural rehabilitation in Texas. Its resources at present are about $3,000,000. * Shoes Won’t Shine? For The Right Dressing See ' COURTS Shoes — Shoe Repairs North Gate Change Asked For Speed Law Said Indefinite HOUSTON, (AP) — Hist. Atty. Dan Walton said yester day a recent Court of Crim inal Appeals decision raises grave doubt as to the legality of a statute setting automobile speed limits. Walton sent a telegram to Gov. Price Daniel requesting that the current special session of the leg islature be asked to write a new and stronger statute. “We may be without a speed law until the next regular session if something isn’t done during the special session,” Walton said. On Oct. 8 the Court of Criminal Appeals ruled on a Reagan County case involving a conviction on charges of driving 90 miles an hour on a state highway.' Walton said Judge Lloyd W. Davidson said in a dissenting op inion on the case that the present speed law is “vague and indefinite and therefore invalid.” judge W. A. Morrison did not commit himself to an opinion, Wal ton said, but may change his mind when considering another similar case later. Krueger Award Given To Senior William D. Coverston, senior In dustrial Education major from Houston, has been awarded tbe C. C. Krpeger Scholarship for indus trial distribution for the 1957-58 school year. Coverston, the son of Mi’, and Mrs. D. M. Coverston of Houston, is pursuing the option relating to industrial distribution. C. C. Krue ger, a graduate of A&M and long- active in the Southern Industrial Distributors’ Association, recently established this scholarship to aid a worthy student who has an in terest in industrial distribution. CATERING ^ or Special! Occasions * OUTFIT PARTIES ^ CLUB BANQUETS MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL W. 26th & Bryan TA 2-5089 200 Congress TA 3-4375 DYERS-FUR STORAGE HATTERS ROLAND DANSBY ’31 For Your Convenience—Pick Up Station* AT TAYLOR’S VARIETY STORE SHAMPOO FOR MEN Formulated for a man's hair and scalp. Conditions while it cleans. 1.25 plus >ox IN UNBREAKABLE PLASTIC! SHULTON New York • Toronto SHULTON PRODUCTS MAY BE SECURED AT ELLISON PHARMACY The Rexall Store at North Gate and 101 S. Main, Bryan “PRESCRIPTION SERVICE YOU WILL LIKE” Armour’s Star lb. 49c T IT D ¥ P V C Young Qeh’s While I LI ll J\ li 1 iJ Ready-To-Cook (4 to 6 lb. size) lb r^c ROUND STEAK Gold Seal Veal 11) 79c PURE PORK SAUSAGE RM 39c PORK ROAST 7v ‘ v-c Lmn B " lls II) 43c HATH/ PH ADC 1 c " l> ' 11) 49c rlf!ii\ (Jllll N C.ont,.r Cul* lb 69c PORK RIR S lM,n 11) 45c Como Toilet _ TISSUE M 5< Van Camp's, 300 PORK&BEANS 2 ? 25c Ladies Long Wearing Sheer Sixties NYLONS AQc Pair . . . ^ y TOMATO JUICE Tol Can 23c Pasco Frozen ORANGE JUICE \ fi ° z - T Cans 49c NIBLETS CORN 12 Oz. Lt Cans 33c TRELLIS PEAS C\ 303 Cans 25c Morton’s POTATO CHIPS 25c Size Special 19c FOLGER'S COFFEE Pound-Can Florida r loriaa AVOCADOS 2! 29 c Fresh Crisp CARROtS 2 Central American Cello Bags Fresh Crisp 25c LETTUCE Big 2 Heads 29c BANANAS LB. BAYER ASPIRIN Bottle 100 49c PRELL SHAMPOO : - Liquid $1.00 Size 79c CASHMERE BOUQUET TALCUM 60c Size 49c PEAS Del “can 15c PIE CHERRIES Stokely’s 303 Can 21c Comstock PIE APPLES No. 2 Can 19c JIFFY CAKE MIXES Pig- l° c DEL MONTE PRUNES Medium Lb. Ctn. 23c DEL MONTE PUMPKIN 2 303 Cans 25c Birdseye Chopped or Leaf Frozen ^ ^ ^ SPINACH n Oz. 19c GREEN PEAS Birdseye Frozen 10 Oz. 19c CUT CORN Birdseye Frozen 10 Oz. 19c CREAM "STYLE CORN 10 Oz- ^ TYSON'S GRADE A' MEDIUM DOZ. X TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ★ SUPER MARKETS