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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1957)
Tn& BaUanon College Station. '(Brazos County}, Texas PAGE 4 Wednesday, November 6, 1957 Profs to Supervise At Fat Stock Show F. I. Dahlberg, professor of ani mal husbandry and A. L. Darnell, retired professor of dairy husban dry, have been named department superintendents for the 1958 South western Exposition and Fat Stock Show in Fort Worth. The livestock show is scheduled for Jan. 24 through Feb. 2. THURSDAY S'F E CIA L ! Barbecued Chicken Half Chicken .... 65c Whole Chicken 90c A & M SMOKEHOUSE 4418 N. College Main 3 Elks. N. of North Gate (See me about your parties) Survey Reveals Financing Trouble An industrial economics survey conducted by Dr. Lewis E. Davids of the Texas Engineering Experi ment Station here, has revealed that inappropriate and inadequate financing are the most frequent causes for the failure of newly es tablished small manufacturing ven tures in Texas. The survey investigated financ ing techniques that small Texas manufacturers employed in estab lishing firms during the 1950’s. Results of the survey show that about three-fourths of the capital is in the form of equity and one- fourth is debt. The debt is mostly due to banks and was acquired at an interest rate of 6 to QVz per cent. However, more recently fi nanced companies are paying high er rates. Attention Aggies! LEON B. WEISS Now under new management Mrs. Margaret Kosek Come in and see our new lines of merchandise- all well known brands (Located—Next To Campus Theatre) Shaped Like An Egg Mysterious Object Prompting Worry By The Associated Press LEVELLAND, Tex.—The Level- land Eggnik, West Texas’ big mys tery that shuts off automobile mo tors and lights and scares people half to death, apparently is the roving kind. So far the eggnik—some call it the whatnik—has been reported as far north as Chicago, as far South as the North Central Gulf of Mex ico, as far west as New Mexico, and as far east as Virginia. The object first was reported in this area Sunday. Several reliable WHY DOES EVERYONE LAUGH AT ME? IT COULD GIVE YOU A COMPLEX. r The truth is that everyone does laugh at GOOD OL’ CHARLIE BROWN, leader of the fabled Peanuts gang, the funniest kids in the world. If you don’t know them yet, get a copy of GOOD OL’ CHARLIE BROWN today and begin a long-lasting, long-laugh ing friendship. GOOD OL’CHARLIE BROWN The New Peanuts Book by CHARLES M. SCHULZ Also read the rest of the Peanuts saga — PiANUTS • MORE PEANUTS * GOOD GRIEF. MORE PEANUTS! *1 each at all booksellers Over 400,000 topitt* In print. RINEHART & CO., INC. ‘Racket’ Brewing In New Car Sales WASHINGTON—f^?)—The pres ident of the National Automobile Dealers Assn, charged yesterday that auto manufacturers are grant ing new car dealerships to “fast operators” and shady sellers. The auto distribution industry is in danger of becoming a “racket” requiring unwelcome federal con trols to police it, said Frederick M. Sutter of Columbus, Ind. Sutter asked the 800 finance company officials at a convention to assist NADA’s effort to “clean up” the auto sales industry. “Many of our finest dealers are disgusted and determined to get out,” Sutter said. “In many cases they are ‘locked in’ and cannot get out without ter rific cost because adequate capital is not available” for others to take over their dealerships. ' CATERING W -Jjpectal CXcasioni ★ OUTFIT PARTIES ★ CLUB BANQUETS MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALE W. 20th & Bryan TA 2-5089 200 Congress TA 3-4375 BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One <lay 3^ per word JS«5 per word earn iiddltlonal day Minimum charge-—40> DEADLINES A p.ui. day before imbllrnilon Olaiodlled Display per column Inch each Insertion PHONE VT 6 H415 FOR SALE New crop pecans—paper shell and native. Golden Rule Poultry Farm, phone VI G-4669. Come get them here! 44tfn Used wringer type Thor wash ing machine with detachable iron. 102 Greenway, Oak Terrace, VI 6-4333. 44t2 Frigidaire $30; range $15; space heater $15; bathroom heater $1.50; garbage can $1.50. Ask for Mrs. Burnett, VI 6-7524, before 5. 43t2 LOST Brown leather wallet. Contained important papers. Return Robert W. Brewer, Dorm 14, Room 302, Box 689, no questions asked. Re ward. ' 44t3 German short haired Pointer in vicinity of Skyway. Answers to name Kit. Dark liver color with white specks, short tail, wearing collar’. If you have information please call TA 2-4373. 44tfn HELP WANTED Waitress wanted. Must be over 18. Experience not necessary. Ap ply in person between 10 and 5 Triangle Drive In. 284tfn Three fiber rugs approximately 9x12. VI 6-7000. 43t3 Good practice piano. VI 6-5104. 40t7 1953 Ford Fordomatic six or Ford V-8 with overdrive. Four- door, white wall tires, radio and heater. 603-A East 28th. 40t5 Two bedroom/frame, wooded lot 70x135. $7400. 2201 Wilhelm, phone TA 2-4523. 40t5 Car hops wanted. Must be over 18. Apply in person between 10 and 5. Triangle Drive In. 284tfn WORK WANTED Will keep child by the month. A-3-C College View, VI 6-5266.' 4413 IF YOU GOTTA GO, WHY NOT QO FIRST CLASS? An insurance policy for any size halo. . . Eugene Rush, North Gate. 28tfn FOR SALE OR TRADE 1951 Chevrolet 4-door, R-H. 17 jewel Bulova watch, automatic. Ac cept any reasonable offer. VI 6-5409. 43tfn Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) EARLY BIRD SHOPPE TOGS — GIFTS AND TOYS for Girls and Boys FABRICS — SHOES Ridgecrest Village 3601 Texas Aye. • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • .BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRTAN, TEXAS Typing and Lithographing our specialty. Executive type gives re ports, thesis, lab manuals, etc., that professional look. ZOST THE PRINTER, 115 Walton Dr. (East Gate), Phone VI 6-6128 or VI 6-4874. 33tfn Typing (any size job), mimeo graphing, complete office facilities. BI-CITY SECRETARIAL AN SWERING SERVICE, 3408A Tex as Ave., Phone VI 6-5786. 15tl8 Neat, accurate typist desires typing to do in my home. Own electric typewriter. Call VI 6-5805. FOR RENT Nicely furnished one bedroom duplex apartment near A&M Col lege. Available Nov. 15. Phone VI 6-4812.. 44tfn Bedroom adjoining hath for SMU game. 908 E. 30th St., phone TA 2-8211. 44t2 One three room furnished apart ment. For couple only. Bills paid, $50 month. Near college. Call VI 6-5427. 40tfn Four room furnished apartment, water and gas furinshed. See at 2108 Cavitt Drive, Bryan. 32tfn Four room apartment, furnish ed, in Bryan. Call VI 6-5638. 276tfn Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf SPECIAL NOTICE Do you have a rental property problem? Let DOCTOR FIXIT take the upkeep problem for you. He can take over the whole job of repairing, repainting, decorating and remodeling to your satisfac tion at reasonable rates. Call DOC TOR FIXIT at MARION PUGH LUMBER COMPANY. Phone VI 6-5711 today. 43t4 MOVING—local and long dis tance. Packing and crating. Towne Services, TA 2-8824. 38 tfn Weavers Kiddie-Land Nursery, 225 Lynn Dr., Bryan, TA 2-6076. Open for Saturdays football game. 26tl7 Day nursery for working moth ers. Call Mrs. Redding, VI 6-4892. 271tfn Kitchen remodeling, cupboard work, interior painting. VI 6-7265. 258tfn RADIO & TV SERVICE BY SOSOLIK 713 S. MAIN Across from Railroad Tower Our Policy—You must be Satisfied TA 2-1941 BRYAN G. T. BINFORD INSECT CON TROL. Having trouble with bugs ? Tired of the old spray gun? Now is the time to have your home cleared of roaches, ants, moths and other insects. VI 6-6649, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. TA 2-7023 after 6 p.m. 408 Elm St., Bryan. 19t30 JOE FAULK for — • Furniture • Auto Parts • Hotpoint Appliances • Dixie Range 9 Mathes Air Conditioners • Dearborn Heaters • GE Small Appliances 214 N. Bryan Cavitt at Coulter JOE FAULK °Z2 — Owne ! # Where the Art of e te PL Ct Cooking Is Not Lost 1 witnesses said it was about 200 feet long, shaped like an egg, glowed in various colors, settled on fields and roadways, and took off in a rush of wind. Several persons said their auto mobile motors died and their car lights were extinguished when the eggnik appeared. A new account today said a mysterious object somev/hat re sembling the eggnik was seen last Oct. 24 near Paducah, Tex., east of here. This account came from a long time physician, Dr. J. S. Stanley of Matador. He said he saw the object about 8:30 a.m. five miles west of Pa ducah. Dr. Stanley said the object was cigar shaped, gray in color, with cross members near each end. He said it was about a mile south of the highway, about 1,000 feet high. Dr. Stanley said he watched it several minutes, and it appeared to be stationary. Mrs. Grady Fennell, who was tending her ill baby about 2 a.m. last Sunday at Plainview, Tex., said she heard something that sounded like a big wind. Her story, told today, was that the room lighted brightly, and when she went to the window, she saw a great bright light disappearing to the Northwest. Other sightings of a mysterious object were made in Chicago by two military patrols at White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico, and a woman in Virginia. Programs For Mid-Week Services Social Whirl Animal Husbandry Wives will have a hot dog supper at 5:30 to night at the cabin in Hensel Park. All members and their families are invited. Following the supper, the wives will go to the Animal Industries Building to polish trophies won by the Animal Husbandry Depart ment. ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Members of the Canterbury As sociation will meet with students of other faiths at 7:15 tonight at the Presbyterian Student Center The speaker will be the Rev. Eddie Shaw, director of the Wesley Foundation at Rice Insti tute, who will speak on “Common Christian Heritage.” Group dis eussion will follow. A&M CHRISTIAN CHURCH Aggie Bible study will be con ducted at 7:15 p. m. at the YMCA. Choir will practice at 7:30 at the church. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH “How the Israelites Gave” will be the topic of the ReV. William C. Petersen’s sermon at the 7:45 vespers tonight. A service of Holy Communion will be observed. Walther League will meet at 7:30 Thursday night in the parish hall. FAITH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Women’s Guild will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. BRYAN CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Tonight’s service begins at 7:30. COLLEGE HEIGHTS ASSEMBLY OF GOD Prayer meeting will be conducted at 7:30 tonight. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION Members will meet for prayer and fellowship at 7:30 this even ing in the Memorial Student Cen ter. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mid-week prayer meeting will be held at 7:30 tonight. A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST Tonight’s worship service will begin at 7:15. Ladies Bible Class will meet at 9:30 Thursday. OUR SAVIOUR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Lutheran Student Association A&M MENS SHOP 1 03 MAIN NORTH GATE AGGIE OWNED will meet at 7:30 tonight. ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHAPEL Rosary and Benediction are at 7:15 tonight, preceded by Mass at 5:15. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Regular mid-week service will Need A Billfold, Belt, or Buckle? SEE COURTS Shoes — Shoe Repairs North Gate he conducted at 8 tonight. The reading room will be open from 7 to 8. See Dr. Smith For Professional Visual Care BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC • Eyes examined • Glasses prescribed • Contact lens fitted Dr. Smith and Staff Optometrists Convenient Terms TA 2-3557 105 N. Main DYERS-FUR STORAGE HATTERS ROLAND DANSBY ’31 For Your Convenience—Pick Up Station AT TAYLOR’S VARIETY STORE ARMY, DO YOU NEED MONEY? Ole Army Bou Will Hold Your Books and Doan You Money On Them—Buy Them Back By Thanksgiving At The Same Price All For Friendship—No Interest Chained At LOUPOTS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Combined Balance Sheet of All Funds June 30, 1957 General Assets Cash for current operations Cash for debt service Cash for construction and other capital outlay ... Cash for perpetual care fund United States bonds for perpetual care fund - at cost ... Accounts receivable, less estimated uncollectible Accounts Taxes receivable, less estimated uncollectible taxes Due from cemetery fund (see contra liability) — Deposit with A. and M. College Deposit with Texas Highway Department on proposed street construction Inventory of materials and supplies for cur rent use Inventory of construction materials purchased with proceeds of bonds issued Fixed assets Total Assets Liabilities ami Surplus Accounts Payable Income tax withheld from employees Municipal retirement contributions payable Social security taxes payable Due to general fund (see contra liability) .. Customers’ deposits Notes and warrants payable Bonds payable Interest payable Reserve for peretual care Property General Utility Cemetery and Debt Fund Funds Fund Fund Total . $ 589.73 $ 11,166.78 $ 1,983.04 $ $ 13,739.55 1,466.96 19,635.78 21,102.74 841.63 5,010.91 5,852.54 997.00 997.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,737.66 23,535.39 25,273.05 848.70 848.70 9,392.78 9,392.78 100.00 100.00 39,300.00 39,300.00 445.41 13,122.60 13,568.01 2,029.36 2,029.36 709,041.40 11,675.71 124,579.41 845,296.52 . $54,722.87 $783,542.22 $16,655.75 $124,579.41 $979,500.25 General Property General Utility Cemetei’y and Debt Fund Funds Fund Fund Total $ 1,686.68 $ 14,859.17 $ $ $ 16,545.85 615.50 615.50 382.90 382.90 867.38 867.38 9,392.78 9,392.78 11,597.87 450.00 12,047.87 4,500.00 6,750.00 11,250.00 497,000.00 497,000.00 581.98 5,724.34 6,306.32 2,997.00 2,997.00 $ 4,134.44 $533,681.38 $12,839.78 $ 6,750.00 $557,405.60 50.588.43 249,860.84 3,815.97 117,829.41 422,094.65 $54,722.87 $783,542.22 $16,655.75 $124,579.41 $979,500.25 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, Florence Neelley, being Director of Finance of the City of College Station, solemnly swear that the fore going statement of condition is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. s/Florence Neelley Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of November, 1957. Director of Finance s /Dian Jones Notary Public, Brazos County, Texas