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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1957)
viSson Series bffieii "eshmen as- 5 held next n. as the be- r-part fresh- ssion series. t according to four different le campus, nade up of ag- ;terinary medi- gather in the cluj-e room. and business rs willl meet ture room, onautical and g and general will get to- orial Student ring studer. ts all. j'ams are sche- the groups, one presenta- will hear, the onal meetings ates. “Moral, Ethi- lues for Every Zietlow, asso- YMCA; “Eti- y Mrs. Odette of helpers; ducated Man” Distinguished ; and “Appre- rts” by a panel Emalita Terry, . Eaton. le Basic Divi- . ttend the pro- oup in Guion issions are of naining meet- h 4 and April' be held Tues< y Give ft Dies s.,—(A*)— The rssia’s moons to tlie ' United ing scientist nation may le Soviet pie ce. :sh, wartime Scientific Re- nent, said in was not opti- Jnited States sian lead in development, launching of Russia was vent as Pearl ve to awaken the pace of now circling )ly plunge to half of De- Whipple, di- onian Astro- said today, e interior of ngine might dive through and provide information „ mican scien- I R D E lND toys Bovs TTOES 1 Texas Ave. PPLTES {INTS PHOTOSTATS STRIES iKS Hoad LS ILK for — ito Parts ies tioners tn Iter Owne Dead!hie Set For Applying For CPS Test Application deadline for the next Certified Professional Secretary examination is Dec, 1, Mrs. Kelly Francklow, president of tha local chapter of the National Secretaries As sociation, announced today. Application forms for the exami nation, which will be held May 2 and 3, 1958, at the University of Houston, may be obtained from the Institute for Certifying Secretaires, 222 West 11th St., Kansas City 5, Mo. Sponsored by the NSA, the annual CPS examination is open to quali fied secretaries 25 years of age or older, men as well as women, mem bers or non-members of the As sociation. It is held in selected colleges and universities over the country, and covers skills, techniques and basic knowledge of six phases of secre tarial work. Purpose of the test, supervised and developed by the Institute for Certifying Secretaries, is to give secretarial work professional status. ctmi ctuo rtte5 BY BONNIE STOTT (Bonnie and Malcolm Stott, both Houstonians, are currently mak ing their home in College View with their two-year-old son, Michael. Bonnie is employed in the Department of Student Affairs while Malcolm is a junior in civil engineering at A&M.) 2 slices bread 1 large onion 3 tablespoons fat 3 large potatoes POTATO CHARLOTTE 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon paprika 2 eggs 1 tablespoon butter Soak bread in water. Wring out water and add the onion, fried in the fat. Add the potatoes (grated). Combine with salt, paprika and eggs. Mix well. Pour into frying pan already prepared with melted butter. Bake 45 minutes at 475 degrees. CORNED BEEF PIE 1 1-pound can corned beef hash 1 12-ounce package frozen V-2. cup catsup lima beans 1 beaten egg Combine hash, catsup and egg. Press into bottom and sides of 8 by W'i inch pie pan. Bake in moderate oven 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Cook lima beans according to directions on package and season to taste. Fill meat crust with beans. Top with Cheese Sauce: Melt 14 pound sharp Apierican cheese over hot water. Gradually stir in 2 tablespoons milk. Serves 6. CARAMEL NUT SLICES 1 cup shortqping or butter % teaspoon salt 2 cups brown sugar 2 eggs 3% cups flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup chopped nuts STAR PROBLEM MAYSVILLE, Ky. <2P)—Young David DeLisle, noticing a stax-like design before the serial number on a dollar bill, wrote the U. S. Secret Service for an explanation. Back came a letter from U. E. Baughman, chief of the service, who explained: “The small design in front of the serial number indicates it is a ‘Star’ note. Every one-hundred- millionth note is a ‘Star’ note. They are used to replace notes that are found to be defecti'v:.” Now David has a problem: Should he retain the on e-in,-0.-7 hun dred-million bill or live it up a dollar’s worth ? Mix together shortening, sugar and eggs. Sift together all other dry ingredients and add to shortening mixture. Blend in nuts. Form into two rolls 2 inches in diameter. Wrap in wax paper. Chill overnight. Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Cut rolls into slices Vs inch thick. Bake on ungreased sheet 8 to 10 minutes. Makes 12 dozen small cookies. AVOCADO SPREAD 2 medium avocados 1 tablespoon lemon juice IMj teaspoon grated onion % teaspoon salt 1 small tomato peeled and pepper , finely chopped Tabasco sauce Mix onion and chopped tomato together and blend with avocado. Blend in lemon juice and salt, then add pepper and Tabasco sauce till mixture is spicy enough. Makes about 1% cups. Serve with crisp crackers, potato or corn chips, celery or carrot sticks. This same spread served on a crisp-fried tortilla or lettuce leaf makes a delicious salad with any Mexican dish. Social Whirl Officers Wives Club of College Station will meet for its monthly luncheon Thursday, Nov. 7, at the Briarcrest Country Club. Sherry hour is scheduled for 12:30, with luncheon at 1. The luncheon will be followed by a style show given by Beverley Braley. Reservations should be made be fore Tuesday noon with any of the following members: Kathleen St. Clair, VI 6-7073; Vickie Sike, VI 6-7128; Freida Goff, VT 6-4478; Helen Ross, TA 2-4027; Toni Lowe, VI 6-7562; Nancy Bannard, VI G- 4469. * si: * Rug Group of, the A&M Women’s Social Club|Will meet at 9:30 a. m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. George Summey, 408 Brookside. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Vernon Young. sis Sj: Si: Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p, m. Monday at the Kraft Furniture Company, 218 South Main in Bryan. Chuck Moore will speak on “How to Buy Your Furniture” and will take the group on a tour of the building. A door prize will be awarded and refreshments served. Regular meeting of the Aggie Wives Bridge Club will be held at 7:30 tonight at the Memorial Stu dent Center. Hostesses will be Polly Sue Muir- head and Jeannette Gummelt for the regular group; Mildred New and Mary Lou Thompson for the intermediates; and Helen Savage and Marcena O’Malley for the be ginners. Prizes last week went to Trilba Keller, high and traveling slam, and Polly Sue Muirhead, low, in the regular group, and to Libby Card, high, and Marianne DeMarr, low, in the intermediate group . WSCS To Hear Wesley Program The Rev. Robert O. Cooper, pro gram director for the A&M Wesley Foundation, will speak at the Mon day meeting of the A&M Methodist Woman’s Society of Christian Ser vice. Speaking on the subject^ “Christ on the Campus,” the Rev. Cooper will tell of the work being done here and by Wesley groups all over the country. Mrs. S&m Cleland, secretary of student work, is in charge of the program. Mrs. John Kincannon will lead the worship service, using as her theme the Week of Prayer and Self-Denial. All members are urged to bring their Week of Prayer offering en velopes to the meeting. Hostess for the meeting will be Mrs. Jack Keese of 725 Inwood, Bryan. She will be assisted by the Mesdames J. R. Hillman, R. A. Downward and Jarvis Miller. op men go to TEXACO ...A leader in the constantly expanding field of petroleum BUILD A REWARDING CAREER for your self with The Texas Company. FIND OUT FIRST HAND the broad range of opportunities and benefits in the fields of your particular studies, made possible through TEXACO’S nation-wide and world-wide scope of Operations. , ,, TEXACO’S REPRESENTATIVE will be in terviewing on your campus soon. Sigii up now. SEE “Opportunities with Texaco” booklet —and interview dates posted—in your place ment office, s' YOUR OPPORTUNITY: Sales Civil Eng Industrial Eng Mech Eng Refining Chem Eng Civil Eng EE Industrial Eng Mcch Eng Foreign Operations Petro Eng Geology Geophysics Research & Technical Chem Eng EE Mech Eng Petro Eng Chemistry Geology j Physics Geophysics Applied Math Texas Pipe Line , EE Mech Eng Accountants Bus Adm Producing Geo Eng BS BS BS Petro Eng Geology Geophysics Mech Eng Accounts Chem Eng EE BS MS BS MS BS MS BS MS BS MS BS MS BS MS BS MS BS MS PhD MS PhD PhD MS PhD BS MS PhD PhD MS PhD PhD t MS PhD BS BS BS BS BS MS PhD BS MS BS MS PhD BS MS BS MS BS BS MS BS MS THE TEXAS COMPANY Remedial Readin Pays Off or By BOB WEEKLY Freshmen enrolled in the Basic Division, and some upperclassmen, have at their fingertips a course designed, and almost uncondition ally guaranteed, to improve their overall grades at A&M—^Remedial Reading. Based on five objectives, remed ial reading can take a student by the hand and raise him to a higher- plane of achievement merely by improving, and in some cases teaching, reading habits. These five objectives are: im-. provernent of reading comprehen sion, vocabulary development, in creasing rate of comprehension, ex periences of reading in technical fields and becoming more familiar with supplementary aids which might help make difficult reading more understandable. Remedial reading is not a re quired course for incoming fresh men, but it is a direct result of them. A battery of aptitude and achievement tests are administered to new members of the Basic Div ision each spring and fall. One AFL-CIO Prexy Rejects Soviet Bid NEW YORK, —OP)— AFL-CIO President George Mcany rejected a Russian proposal for an exchange of trade union delegations with the United States. “No believer in the basic prin ciples of free trade unionism could today conceivably desecrate these principles by undertaking to visit a country whose tyrannical leader ship has for the 40 years of its ex istence been the avowed and un compromising- enemy of all human rights,” Meany said. The Russian proposal, part of a broad program of expanded cul tural exchanges, was presented in Washington Monday by Soviet Ambassador- Georgi N. Zarubin. Meany answered it without wait ing- for formal receipt of the bid from the State Department. of these tests is reading.. It tests the Aggie’s comprehension, vocab ulary and reading rate. If a student is low in one of these categories, the Basic Div ision sends him a letter telling him, in effect, that he is urged to reg ister for Remedial Reading so that he will have every opportunity to insure his scholastic success. It is hot mandatory. In the classroom, the student learns a basic method for reading college textbooks. He practices controlled reading with a machine that projects print on a screen. This develops skills important in surveying, skimming, scanning, re viewing and research type reading. Reading- accelerators are used to guide reading of regular printed matter at predetermined rates. Students are given a visual ex amination for acuity, lateral and vertical balance and depth percep tion at distance and for reading. Self tests are given in such sub jects -as chemistry, math, social studies, vocabulary and foreign languages. Reading is conducted for such purposes as getting the main ideas, understanding prin ciples, organization of ideas and solving a problem. Special emphasis is spent on teaching students how to spend The Batlnlion College Station (Brazos County), Texas 'f h* vr.'Vd;;y,.Octo.bfir 31, 1957. PAGE 7 V--A'-TA " 't i ■ i ' Vf.i-" •'*?.!’ their-' sUidy" tiun? end !■ V A'. v-IkI. first half of his study time. They • CU; lUsiight 'to -re-'d-i r t'v,' :e 1: Students should space their stag&s. v ’The'student, '-'o n 11 V-p e..! learning-. Studying two hours a only half of his allotted time rend- day, five days a week for foul ing and studying. The other ,h: If weeks will result in more learning should be spent in reproducing on than forty hours of study crammed paper what he has learned in the into a four-day period. It takes two to fill the bill TWO BY TWO CLASS For Aggies and Aggie Wives 9:45 Sunday Morning First Baptist Church College Station V_ ;4 1^ sport s'isrf with ^ v 1 • s 4 '4 larfcsn AX" Trim J J; - by ;4a:v a-v;- J IV Ivy styling with a wee bit of Highland plaid, a bonny sport shirt if we’ve ever had one. The miniature tartans are the true clan designs and Truval’s fine tailoring is ■above reproach. The price appeals to alb; thrifty souls. -"" ~~ 3k e ^Ixclrcinae Store “In Its 50th Year of Serving Texas Aggies” NO SORRIER WARRIOR exists than the one without Luckies. What’s he missing? A smoke that’s as light as they come! End to end, a Lucky is made of superbly light tobacco—golden rich, wonderfully good-tasting tobacco that’s toasted to taste even better. That’s a lot to miss out on—no wonder our chief has grief! Up North, you’d call him a Blue Sioux; back East, a Bleak Creek. But out in the land of the pueblo, he’s just a mighty Mopey Hopi. (Smoke signal to you: Light up a Lucky. You’ll agree a light smoke’s the right smoke for you!) WHAT .S A man VVHQ CLASSIFIES artillery* assifies Mortar Sorter WILLIAM BOBBITT. MEMPHIS STATE U WHAT IS A HEALTHY BEAGLE? Sound Hound MARILYN CAFFARY. ANNHURST COLLEGE STUDENTS! MAKE *25 Do you like to shirk work? Here’s some easy money—start Stick ling! We’ll pay $25 for every Stickler we print—and for hun dreds more that never get used. Sticklers are simple riddles with two-word rhyming answers. Both words must have the same number of syllables. (Don’t do drawings.) Send your Sticklers with your name, address, college and class to Happy-Joe-Lucky, Box 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y. (LUCKY) "STRIKH CIGARETTES WHAT IS A DANCE IN FRANCE? JOHN COFFEN. CARNEGIE INST. OF TECH. WHAT IS A SNAZZY STRINGED INSTRUMENT* ti Sharp Harp GEORGE FRAZER. CHICO STATE COLLEGE WHAT IS A BRICKLAYER WHO'S ABOUT TO BE A FATHER? Pacin’ Mason RICHARD BENTLEY. YALE WHAT IS A FIGHT BETWEEN TWO MIDGETS? RICIIARD BOEGLIN. NEW MEXICO COLLEGE OF A. » M LIGHT LIP A SMOKE—LIGHT UP A LUCKY! A ' T " Co ' Trodvxt of (SCtitjdr>jgte0a/>i — c/advezo- is our middle name