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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1957)
The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 2 Friday, October 11, 1957 Art for Aggies 9 Sake By WELTON JONES With no fanfare at all, we will launch into the topic for today: Audiences at A&M. A long-festering 1 pet peeve of this column, the situation here was brought to a head at the Town Hall performance of the Four Freshmen Tuesday night. The group who attended, spread thinly through the yastness of G. Rollie White Coliseum, were not, to say the least, a perfect audience. They harassed the perform ers unduly, this column thought, they coughed excessive ly and, worst of all, left in droves at the wrong times. Performers of the Four Fresh men’s caliber, of course, are past being rattled by a poor audience. But any entertainer varies some what in direct proportion to the reactions of the group in attend ance. And any entertainers will doubtlessly feel it when the aud ience, after intermission, starts what must seem like a whole sale migration out. That’s what intermissions are designed for. In the past, A&M audiences (made up not only of students) have been often characterized by both lack of courtesy and exces sive exhuberance. They have been called “honest” groups who let a performer know what they think. Be that as it may. There are, nevertheless, those whose even ing can be fully destroyed by members of this “honest” aud ience. It is on the behalf of these that DRAMA—The first meeting of C. K. Esten 1 and Dr. Sam South well’s production group of “Mac beth” is to be held Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Music Hall. This meeting will be for the purpose of explaining their pro posed treatmept of the play and explain their vehicle. Some scenes will be read. The pair empha sized that no positions in the production are definite yet, and urged anyone in the community with any desire, talent and/or experience, to attend the meet- ing. It is hard to express this col umn’s love and respect for Shake speare; it is probably something that no one really “outgrows”. In this column’s opinion, the call by Messrs. Esten and Southwell is mandatory to all admirers of Shakespeare. SGULRTURE — Mi's. Emalita Terry, of the Memorial Student Center’s Creative Arts Group, reports that the sculpture class es of the Hungarian, Joseph Tom- pa, mentioned here some weeks ago, are full and over-crowded. There is a waiting list, but one stands a good chance of getting in a class sooner or later, she says. this column makes an appeal to audiences at A&M. Two old cliches say it best, perhaps; “Do unto others as you would have them do to you” and “If you can’t say something good, say nothing.” Remember these, express your enthusiasm at the right time and leave at the intermissions. Thanks. Mrs. Terry and some of her painting flock plan to journey to San Antonio over the weekend for the well-known “River Art Show” held annually on the San Anfonio River. DATES TO REMEBER—MSC Creative Arts Group presents a twelve-piece exhibit of the work of Austin sculptor Charles Um laut, October 16-3G in the MSC. — Social Whirl — Oceanography and Meteorology Student Wives Club will hold a business and social meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the south solar ium of the YMCA. * * * Junior AVMA Wives Club will hold its monthly meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Lou- rez Royall, 409 Jane St., College Station. :{c j{i A get acquainted social for all wives club presidents, delegates and sponsors is planned by the Aggie Wives Council for 8 p.m. Monday in the cabinet room of the YMCA. Civil Engineering Wives Club will hold its regular meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the south sol arium of the YMCA. A native of Pakistan will speak about hei ; country. Officers of the club for the com ing year are Janie Hart, presi dent; Jimmie Cooley, vice presi dent; Elaine Wardlaw, secretary; Jimmie Lott, treasurer; Eunice Bohuslav, reporter; and Robbie Robertson, Aggie Wives Council representative. s}i jJi Industrial Engineering Wives will hold a welcoming social at 7:30 Monday night at tlm home of Mrs. J. P. CoVan, sponsor, 749 S. Rosemary Dr. SjC <1 All Chemical Engineering Wives are urged to attend the second meeting of the year at 7:30 p.m. Monday. Election of officers will be held. HOLIDAY Saturday, October 12, 1957 being 1 a Legal Holiday, in observance of Columbus Day, the undersigned will observe that date as a Legal Holiday and not be open for business. First National Bank City National Bank First State Bank & Trust Co. College Station State Bank Bryan Building and Loan Ass’n. THE BATTALION The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, daily newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical Collcgre of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by students in the Office of Student Publications as a non-profit educational scivice. The Director of Student Publications is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Dr. Carroll D. Laverty, Chairman; Prof. Donald D. Burchard, Prof. Robert M. Stevenson and Mr. Bennie Zinn. Student members are W. T. Williams, John Avant and Billy W. Ubby. Ex - officio members are Mr. Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader. Secretary. Ine Battalion is published four times a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publi cation are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year and on Thursday during the summer terms and during examination and vacation periods. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-class mS'ter at Post Office at Cotllege Station, Texas, under the Act of Con gress of March 8, 1$70. Member of: The Assdciated Press Texas Press Association Represented nationally by National Advertising Services. Inc., a t New Mew City, Chicago. Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi- catiqn of all news dispatches credited to it or hot otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. JOE TINDEL Editor Cadet Sloucti by Jim Earle Job Interviews . The following job interviews will be held in the Placement Office. Monday CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON— will interview mechanical, civil en gineering and architectural con struction majors for positions with their company. CORE LABORATORIES—w i 1 1 interview petroleum, geological en gineering and geology majors for positions with their company. MAGNOLIA P ETR OLEUM COMPANY—will interview mech anical engineering, chemistry and mathematics majors for Refining Division positions; mechanical, pet roleum and chemical engineering majors for Natural Gas Depart ment; geophysics (PhD), math (MS, PhD), chemical, electrical, mechanical, petroleum engineering and chemistry and physics majors for positions in Research Labora tory; architectural construction, chemical, civil, electrical, geologic al, mechanical, engineering, and physics, geophysics majors for positions in Marketing Division, Pipe Line Company, Civil Engin eering Department, and Geophysic al Department; mechanical, petrol eum, chemical engineering majors for positions in Petroleum Engin eering Department. FOR THE BEST . . ★ DELICIOUS FOOD ★ QUICK FRIENDLY SERVICE ★ REASONABLE PRICES IT’S THE TEXAN 3204 College Ave. Starring LEE I. COBS • KERVflN MSTHEWS G1A SWU • RICHARD BOONE VAIERIE FRENCH with SUfttrr LosDin SAT. N1TE PREY.—11:00 Victor Mature & Anita Ekberg in “Pickup Alley” STARTING SUNDAY JAflES CAGNEY DOROTHY MALONE MSE Gftm ”¥■ MiSjoRiE R4M6EAU • JIM BACKUS • FtOOV A URIVEUAL IHTERtlitlOfML PiCTUPE TODAY & SATURDAY Walt Disney’s Afoliiiiiy TYeiiidilt THE TRANE COMPANY—will interview mechanical, electrical, in dustrial, aeronautical, civil engin’- eering and industrial education, liberal arts or science with math through trig and one year of col lege physics majors for positions with their company. LETTERS Editor: The Battalion We understand that Texas Chris tian University won the sportsman ship award in 1956, and we also understand that there are a few openings left up there for students who would like to transfer. Jack M. Motherspaw ’59 Joe F. Venincosa ’58 Bert L. Latham ’58 W. C. Kendrick ’58 Mike Hunn, ’59 Richard Wade, ’59 J. L. Korenik, ’59 Weldon Appleton ’58 B. M. Kalmans ’58 O. L. Edwards Jr. ’58 SPECIAL SALE for the ALL AGGIE RODEO IJi'Kins Monday, Got. 7 — Ends Saturday, Oct. 13 LEON B. WEISS D*»VE IN WfittUrTHtA.'. FRIDAY ‘SOMETHING OF VALUE’ with ROCK HUDSON — Plus — “THE NIGHT RUNNER” with COLLEEN MILLER S A T U R D A Y THE SQUARE JUNGLE’ “TO HELL AND BACK” “RUNNING WILD” —Also— 4 CARTOONS Testing Date Set Pre-requisite exams for appli cants for all medical school classes beginning in September, 1958, will be given to students concerned on Oct. 29. Registration for the test must be completed before Oct. 15. Ap plication blanks and brochures are available in Room 321, Biological Science Building, and should be ob tained before 1 p.m., Oct. 11. STARTS TODAY CIRCLE TONIGHT BURT LANCftSIER • KATHARINE HEPBURN ■T H IE ■, . n A In ivf TECHNICOLOR “Night and Day” Cary Grant SATURDAY ONLY — A L S O — ~ msaaHroN — A L S O — “Kimlc liockne, All American” Pat O’Brien YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND DEMONSTRATION SESSION OF THE DALE CARNEGIE COURSES Monday and Tuesday, October 14 and 15 St. Andrew’s Parish House Annex (Old DOKK Hal!) 7:30 P.M. No Obligation In Attendance Ten ways the Dale Carnegie Course Will Benefit You: 1. Develop Confidence 3. Prepare for Leadership 3. Think on Your Feet 4. Control Anxieties 5. Uncover Hidden Talent 15. Speak Effectively 7. Win more Friends 8. Work in Harmony With People !). Communicate! Ideas Clearly 10. Improve YYmr Memory For further information call VI 6-5786 or write to Box 3282, Bryan DALE CARNEGIE Presented by: - Southwestern Instill,itc of Leadership Training Box 5054 Waco. Texas Dial PL (5-3835 AS ADVERTISED IN by TULANE and CAMPUS New Army Is Here! SEE THE tviDE SELECTION OF BEAUTIFUL NEW SPORT SHIRTS NOW ON DISPLAY AT CARY GRANT SOPHIA LOREN FRANK SINATRA The FriELE and TBe TECIINICOUOR • VISTAV1SION RELtASED THRU UNITED ARTISTS FRIDAY Hebei L,! Ft Fr rinx S c: o P 6- SATURDAY sUmaj CLARK UTA MILAN • ANIIItm CARUSO f AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE — Plus — will Leave you LIMP WITBi ■ EXCITEMENT! # * LOUPOT’S “THE NEW IVY CLOTHING CENTER FOR AGGIES” PHIL CAREY B0TY GARRETT JOHN BARRYMORE, W. ICTUSE A COLUMBIA PICTURE Screen Play by ICO TOWNSEND and DAVID P. HARMON Based upon a story by JOHN and WARD HAWKINS Produced by JCNIE TAPS • Directed by WIlLUM ASHER SAT. PREVIEW 10:30 P. M. Also Sunday & Monday 20th Century-Fox DEAN JAGGER LPL ABNER By AI Capp - 1 OBEV If ) ( (~7 BADPER EOLLOlV. DILL IS OFF; J\ W/TH HUSBAND LIKE ROBERT THAT BIEL Af/GHT MONTGROMNlKf. r ) 3E ON AGAIN fTV ■fee