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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1957)
!e Hosts Meeting Newmanism In the lolie Student.” so address the ap- 70 representatives /ince Newman Clubs ng in the afternoon. iner, president of the charge of arrange- mpper will be served __ ing the meeting Suir- St. Mary’s Student ATTERS an Bryan, Texas 11... (JL aural I, iTEXAS 2dth St. TA 2-1572 TA 2-3763 ^ Central iurance •any Texas tion’s Own Service Station Bank GAITS Texas ire Co. A N IB lWARE CRYSTAL • GIFTS mities Since 9 e Bank >t Co. ^al Deposit u-poration N is Food” Co. Bryan IE AM 18,440 READERS TALIO TOWN HALL OPENS TONITi Number 27: Volume 57 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1957 Price Five Cents Cox Snags Pass From Tiger Battalion Staff Photo Sophomore Jimmy Cox intercepts a pass intended for an unidentified Missouri re ceiver. A&M took three passes intended for the men from Columbia in the 2S-0 slaugh ter on Saturday. Brills! i I GY Coorclinator Describes Reefs Satellite The Russian satellite launched last Friday weights 185 lbs. and travels in a circular orbit 560 miles from the earth, Adm. Archibald Day, coordinator of operations for the International Geophysical year, said yesterday. Speaking to students and faculty he said it is eight or nine times heavier than the biggest the Uni ted States has planned to launch, he said. “At first the Russians refused to' come out and say how big it was,” . Day said. “But later on , Korean Vets Given Three Reminders Dr. George T. McMahan, man ager of the Veterans Administra tion Center in Waco, today issued three reminders to veterans at tending school under the Korean G.T. Bill. First, student-veterans are re minded that their first check will not reach them for at least two months. Secondly, all student-veterans must remember to have a certifi cation of class attendance signed by himself and a representative of his school and sent to the VA promptly at the end of each month. The last reminder is that GI r students need not report any out side earnings to the VA as there is no limit to the amount of money a student attending school under 4 the GI Bill can earn. they were as cooperative as Rus sian reticence allowed them to he.” Day was speaking on the topic, “Reflections on Lhe Rocket Satel lite Conference in Washington.” The conference was held last week in connection with the IC Y. Dele gates from 25 foreign countries, including three from the USSR, at tended. The Russians had launched their satellite without previous announ- cement to anyone. Even their del egates to the conference had not expected launching to occur before their return to the Soviet Union. The satellite was launched on the last day of the conference and was announced at a cocktail party held at the Russian Embassy. “When I first heard the announ cement, I was furious that they would play such a trick on us,” Day said. “1 thought they should have had more trust and confidence in the ICY members. “But after I thought about it, I was not so angry. After all that is typical of scientists. They do not like to announce an experiment until it is successful.” More Ba 11 al i o n s Sent Out of Town Demand for The Battalion by out-of-town subscribers has in creased this year over a similar pei'iod in 1956. During September subscriptions have been sent in by 248 persons. Subscription rate is $6 for the school year or $6.50 for the calen dar year. The total amount in dollars for the month was $1,444.- 50. This compares with a total of $1,390.20 during September in - 1956. Most of the out-of-town sub scribers throughout the year are parents of students now in school a or former students. ! v ! oral Con cess i on Appoi uls Sellers With the slogan “Run by Aggies for Aggies” the Student Floral Or ganization began operation today according to Bill Richardson, man ager. The concession provides students with corsages for all home foot ball games and the spring dances. Salesmen for the Corps dormi tories are Don Woodard, Charles Rice, Jackie Schmidt, John Sack- ett, Jim Burke, James Hammers, Shelton Rossberg, Bob Matus, Bob Balhorn, Jim Brady, Henry Has- well, James Herold, John Eagle- son, Sonny-Ellen and'Thomas Todd. Salesmen for Civilian dorms are Ernest Hardy, Chalmer Wren, Dan Patton, Lou Shew and D. V. Flores . Considere Little ‘Beeps’ From Satellite Cause Wonder By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Those, ghostly little beeps which have been coming out of the heavens since Friday offer man more food for thought than anything since he unlocked the secrets of tho atom. It is impossible even to list at one sitting all the facets of the advent of the man made satellite. Soldiers, historians, scientists, diplomats, philosophers and just plain men will be coming up with new angles on the subject for a long, long time. There is a sense of human ac complishment in the break through natural barriers which have in trigued the imagination since the creation. There is a sense of foreboding, lest man again prove incapable of keeping accomplishment sepa rate from destruction. In the world of practical politics, reassessments wiH be called for in many fields. What effect will new capability for aerial inspection of the whole earth have on disarmament and the prospect of war ? Russia expects to hare soon a satellite which can re-enter the earth’s atmosphere without burn ing up. Fi’om that it will be only a step to an atomic weapon which can seek out its own target by radar or other means. Russia has just announced, with out detail, explosion of a “new type” hydrogen bomb. On the heels of her claim to an intercontinental ballistics missile, she is putting on heavy pressure for disarmament on her own terms as the nations prepare for a new discussion of the tonic in the United Nations. Russian c j'Moon 9 A&S Council Dampens Talks Chooses Kidd As President UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., (TP)—The United States said yesterday it is considering what effect the Soviet space satel lite will have on world disarmament “and undoubtedly we will have proposals to make at some future time.” It was apparent that the Soviet Union’s artificial moon was casting its shadow over disarmament talks at the United Nations—the current arena for attempts to reach East West agreement. The United States and other friendly powers are pre paring a resolution for presentation to lhe 82-nation U.N. General Assembly based on Western arms proposals. These include recommendations for setting up an inspection sys- ttem to insure that sending of objects through outer space “will be exclusively for peaceful and scientific pur poses.” A U. S. delegation spokesman, asked to comment on a Moscow suggestion that the new Soviet artificial moon would mean a change in U.S. foreign policy, said “That sounds like a bit of moon shine to me.” He added that he saw no signs of a revision in the U.S. stand on disarmament—“We think we have a good position and we are sorry the Russians don’t go along with us.” The spokesman added that the United States certainly would con sider the problem posed by sending objects through the outer space, but had nothing to offer now in the way of specific proposals. The Western disarmament reso lution has been delayed in pre sentation to the General Assem bly, but U.S. sources said this has no connection with the Sov iet satellite. Sir Archibald Day Won th or Today Cold front in north Texas is moving southward and will bring cloudy skies and mild temperatures to this area today. Cloudy and cool is the forecast for tomorrow. At 8 this morning the tempera ture was 68 degrees and the rela tive humidity, 90 per cent. Yesterday’s high temperature reading—83 degrees—was taken at 1:45 p.m. The mercury had dipped to 61 degrees by 7:15 this morning. VA Manager Urges Care In Mailing Dr. George T. McMahan, Veter ans Administration manager for this area, today asked all veterans and their dependents to be careful regarding correspondence to the VA. Dr. McMahan said about one out of every ten letters received by the VA is classified as a mystery let ter—that is, identification is not sufficient to identify the sender. He urged veterans and their families always to list their “C” or claims number when writing VA about benefits, and their insurance number when writing about GI in- suranoe. Bell Club Meets The Bell County Hometown Club will hold a special meeting tonight at 7:30 in Room 3-C of the Mem orial Student Center to elect offi cers. Mach ineGuns Ordered By Southern City UNION, S.C.— UP) —The Union County legislative delegation said last night it has ordered 10 sub machine guns for enforcing county and state laws, including those re quiring school segregation. The delegation said the decision to order the guns was made at a unit meeting and Union County Sheriff J. Harold Lamb apparently was not notified. Lamb said earlier today he was under the impression automatic shotguns — called riot guns by some law officers — had been ordered to modernize his ar senal. The delegation said an order for shotguns was cancelled and sub machine guns ordered for the sher iff and his nine deputies. Also ordered were 1,000 rounds of am munition. The delegation head, State Sen. John D. Long, said yesterday in announcing the order for the guns that they would be used to “repel any idvasion by federal troops or anyone else violating our laws.” The delegation holds the purse strings on money to operate the sheriff’s office and buy supplies for it. *4 9 Freshmen Sing Tonite In Coliseum The Four Freshmen, one of America’s best known vocal groups, will be on the stage of G. Rollie White Coliseum tonight at 8 as the first attraction of the 1957-58 Town Hall series. Not Completely a Loss Shown is one of the comely lasses attached to the Uni versity of Missouri Tiger Band, performing during halftime activities Satur day. Currently on a tour of the south western United States, the group is appearing on the A&M campus for the third time in as many years. Last year they were among a troupe headed by Nat (King) Colo, which also included singer June Christy and the orchestra of Ted Heath. Now hack with their own four- man show, the Freshmen are sure to include on the program some of the songs that made them famous like “Poinsianna,” “It’s a Blue World,” “How Can I Tell Her,” “Day by Day,” “Charmaine” and “Circus.” Made up of two brothers, Don and Ross Barbour, their cousin. Bob Flanigan, and Ken Albers (no relation), the group has been sing ing since 1948 when they were stu dents at the Jordan Conservatory of Music in Indianapolis except for Albers, who joined them last year. Admission to the performance will be by season ticket or $2.50 for reserved seats, $2 general ad mission and $1 for public school students. Veteran Signatures Needed for Payroll Veterans under the Korean G. I. Bill, who have not signed for Sep tember pay, should report at once to the Veterans Advisor’s Office to complete pays forms, Bennie A. Zinn, veterans advisor, reported yesterday. Arts and Sciences Council members last night elected Robert Kidd, senior represen tative from the Mathematics Club, president at their first meeting of the year. Elected to other posts were Le roy Bergeron, junior representa tive from the Mathematics Club, vice president; Don R. Fisher, sen ior representative from the Eng lish Club, secretary-treasurer; Bill Meals, president of the English Club, senior representative" to the Intercouncil Committee, and Don Cloud, junior representative from the Eiconomics Club, junior repre sentative to the Intercouncil Com mittee. Dr. W. IT. Delaplane, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, read the treasurer’s report which show ed this year’s council has a balance on hand of $329.22. He reported the Aggie Follies last year netted $1,185.36. Of the amount 25 per cent, or $296.34, was given the Aggie Players and $200 went to C. K. Esten for his contribution to the success of the Follies. One-third of the remaining amount was divided among the academic school councils and the other two - thirds was divided among the councils according to enrollment in their schools, Dela plane said. The Arts and Sciences Council received $231.26, he indicated. .-rwwm. Carl Zietlow Zietlow New YM.CA Associate Secretary Carl Zietlow has taken over duties of associate secretary of the YMCA this month. Zietlow came to A&M straight from Ft. Lee, Va. where he com- pi rr ri 0 ""—- Corps. He is a U>55 graduate of the University of Minnesota with bachelor degrees in agricultural engineering and business admim- s ration. He also has spent two years in Germany quahiying for interpreter’s degree in German. The °6 year old addition to the «v” staff lives in College Station with his wife Madge and his 5- month-old daughter, Tanya. At college, Zietlow was very ac tive in the “Y” and several other organizations. He has been in ternational chairman of the “Y a member of the national “Y” con ference and twice delegate to the regional conference. He also was honored for outstanding leader ship while at Minnesota, including the King Gustav Award for being the outstanding promoter of inter national interfaith relations. Zietlow worked for a year and a half after graduation with the Soil' Conservation Service before entering military service. This trip to A&M is the first time Zietlow has been south of St. Louis. He said of A&M, “I like it here. It’s great to be back on a college campus.”