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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1957)
ir'AtjJli b -bYiday, May 24, 1957 tilt: LMiJimn**!* .• OHAlltJa* \AJl y, i <^vc*o . 1957 Graduates to Get Sheepskins Set (Continued from Page 4) Rural Sociology Shellye Elmer Hampton, George Earl Klett, Wayne Walter Lange and Murray Milner Jr. Wildlife Management Teddy Lee Clark, William Hous ton Green, Tommy Lee Hailey, Roy Delle Oglesby, Jack Ward Thomas, Norrel Franklin Wallace and Sidney Harold Wilkirson. School of Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts Candidates are Clyde Raymond Adams, Willie Alsup III, Robert Newell Bacher, Thomas Richard Baxter, Doyal Stanley Boring, James Martin Bower, Lawrence Thomas Cahill, Alberto Patricio Cardenas, George Robert Crane, Norman Bentley Davidson Jr., Roy Conrad Eckard, Buford Donald Fisher, John Barry Hart, Jerry Arnold Hayes, William Tell Hayes, John Foster Heard and William Hugh Heard. Harold Edward Higgins, William Mathew Holloway, Delma Ray House, Cyrus Mitchell Johnston, Robert Leslie King Jr., Jacob Otto Koehl, Duwayne Carlos Lundgren, Gene Ellis McGarity, Richard Ray Miller, James Alvis Moseley, Nor man Dale O’Bannon, Jerry Martin Reeves, John Curran Sullivan, De- siderio Trevino Jr., Charles S. Ware, Jerry Richai’d Weatherby, Frank Mam’y Weinberger, Herbert Ward Whitney, Donald Earl Wil liams and Thomas Harden Wil liams. Business Administration Accounting Candidates are Jay Albert, Rob ert Reinking Arms, Michael Joseph August, Dwayne Sheldon Bailey, Paul Baird Beckman, Ernest Ben Bugh Jr., James Richard Byrd, Jerry Miller Carpenter, Gay Gwen Cloud, Jay Glynn Cloud, Billy Joe Crawford, Charles Curtis Felkner and Lupe Fraga. Myron Snell Gantt, Vernoy Ver- due Godwin Jr., Charles Milton Harrison, Alvin Joe Havel, John Evangelist Holubec, Martin Win- burn Hoover Jr., Jones Eugene Johnson, George Allen Kelt Jr., Jerome J. Lednicky, Gerald Lee Leighton, Garold Eugene Lovorn, Robert Allen Lowry, Oscar Arman do Lozano, Cecil Rinn McComas, Larry Wayne McCurdy, Donald Lee Moore, Robert Winston Nel son, John Riley Sandhop, Eugene Edward Smith, Rodney Hart Smith, James Michael Stewart, William Don Tabor and Donald Albert Weber. Building Products Marketing Roy Erwin Andrews, Bill Burns, John Michael Cornwall, Robert Granville Gattis, Cecil Neal Hard in, TedfPrd Emmett Harrod, Louis Guinn McKnight, Thomas Emmitt Reyman Jr., Jack Tibbit Steel, Wil liam Howard Stephenson, Bobby Glyn Sullivan, Henry Durward Thompson Jr., Gayle Hodge Watt, Harry Hobson Whitmore, Wilfred Loyd Daniel Winship and Joseph Raymond Zemanek. Finance Dial Mathew Dunkin, William Ennis DuPlantis Jr., Michael Ridge Gaines, Joseph Lee Maverick and John Charles Niemeyer. General Business Francis Scott Adams Jr., Donald George Arneson, Richard Thomas Bernard, Billy > Ray Buffington, Raymond Thomas Carrio Jr., Jun- BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES 9ne day per word 'it per word each additional day Minimum charge—*0^ DEADLINES I p.m. day before publlcatloa Classified Display 80^ per column Inch each Insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 FOR SALE Sears one-wheel trailer with tarp. 8-foot Servel. 3.7 miles south College Station depot on Wellborn road. W. E. Haynes. 282t5 1957 Ford Fairlane 500 Town Victoria, 4-door hardtop with all accessories. Has been driven 5,900 miles. Sacrifice for $G00 be low selling price. Will trade. Call TA 2-6246 after 5. 282tl 1946 Cushman Scooter. VI- 6-6458 after 4 p.m. 282t2 Two green blouses, size 39R; one pair pink trousers, size 30-31. $5.00 each. VI 6-4929. 282tl Baby bed, Dearborn evaporative cooler, 1.946 Ford % ton pick-up truck or will trade pick-up for freezer chest refrigerator. Call VI 6-6044. ^ 281t2 4x6 two-wheel trailer with met al box. $40.00. VI 6-7003. 281tfn G.E. Ironer, like new. Cost $183.55. Sacrifice for $53.00. 403 Walton. VI 6-7356. 281tfn Used Frigidaire automatic wash er in good condition. Reasonably priced. Call VI 6-5086. 280t3 Automatic washer. Good con dition. VI 6-6196. 280t3 Bendix washer. Very good con dition. Call VI 6-4206 after 5:30. 279t4 Senior boots, 9-9%. Calf, 16. Good condition. $25.00. Call VI- 6-4367 after 5 p.m. 279t4 Three bedroom family home. Extensive built-in closet space. Large atetached garage. Land scaped. Fenced. Choice South- side neighborhood. Phone .VI- 6-6658. 279tfn HELP WANTED Experienced beauty operator. Excellent opportunity. P r u i t t’s Beauty and Fabric Shop. 273tfn FOR SALE OR RENT Five room house. West Park, College Station. Phone VI 6-4632. 282tfn Queen Victoria of England ruled for 63 years, but Louis XIV of France earned the royal reign record by holding his throne for 72 years. QUALIFIED TEACHER Will teach private first grade. Readi ness test given to meet requirements of public schools. 12 years experience. Teaching phonic method A&M Con solidated. REGISTER BEFORE JUNE 1st. VI 6-4052 K & B DRIVING RANGE Finfeather Road NOW OPEN Week days 4 P.M. Closed Mondays Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST SOSA East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) FOR RENT Nice two bedroom furnished house with large glassed porch across back and small two bed room house furnished. Call VI- 6-5054. 282t3 Two bedroom furnished house for summer, 1009 Harrington in College Hills. Attic fan. See Mr. Ashcraft on Mr. Chumlea in De partment of History. 282tl Fui'nished house, 501 Thompson. Call VI 6-5218. A. R. McNeil, Duncan Hall. 282tl Four apartments available June 1st, two blocks from campus, thi'ee rooms and bath, nicely furnished. Two are $65.00 and two are $70.00 monthly. Call VI 6-7248. 281tfn Apartments. North Gate. Fur nished or unfm-nished, one or two bedrooms. Phone VI 6-5444. 279t4 One trailer space. Good loca tion for student couple. Shade and privacy. VI 6-5665. 279t6 Small upstairs furnished apart ment. Couple only. Available about June 1st. 2705 South Col lege Avenue. Phone TA 3-3145. 279t4 Four room apartment, furnish ed, in Bryan. Call VI 6-5638. 276tfn Available June 1 redecorated one bedroom furnished apartment Col lege Hills. Adults only. $65 per month. VI 6-5031 after 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, all day Saturday and Sunday. 273tfn One way trailers to any part of United States. Also local trail ers. You can save money by mov ing with a trailer. Baker Tire Company. Phone TA 2-8159. 271tl3 Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf WORK WANTED Day nursery for working moth ers. Call Mrs. Redding, VI 6-4892. 271tfn LITHOGRAPHING — PHOTO OFFSET PRINTING — EN GRAVED PRINTING. Special pri ces on thesis printing. ZOST THE PRINTER, 3408-B Texas Ave., phone VI 6-5786. 260tfn Accurate typist desires work at home. Thesis experience. VI- 6-7265. 255tfn MIMEOGRAPHING, TYPING AND NOTARY. Bi-City Secretar ial Answering Service, 3408A Tex as Avenue. Phone VI 6-5786. 248tfn Kitchen remodeling, cupboard work, interior painting. VI 6-7265. 258tfn Day nursery, monthly rates. Day or night sitting on week ends. Christian home, experience, cheap. TA 2-6076, 3007 South College Ave., Bryan 233tfn PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 7X3 S. Main ftt. (Ataaaa from Railroad Towwr) roONK TA S-1M1 ARYAN • KNGINEERrNG AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLDSg • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUB PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Snip*nr Spring* Kaad BRYAN. TRXA# PETS DON'T TAKE ANY CHANCES PROTECT YOUR FEMALE PETS IN SEASON BAYARD KENNELS Highway 6 South, College VI 6-5535 SPECIAL NOTICE Need a new roof? DOCTOR FIXIT can install a new roof with top grade materials for as little as $7.99 per month. Call DOCTOR FIXIT at MARION PUGH LUM BER COMPANY today. Phone VI 6-5711. 281t3 Mrs. W. S. Guthrie announces the opening of ‘TOTS” kinder garten, September 9, in her home, 1102 Park Place, College Station. Mrs. Guthrie received her life cer tificate in elementary, education from University of-,.. Oklahoma. Psychology and are her major fields. She has nine years teaching experience in elementary public schools and five years ex perience with beginner depart ments in Sunday school as super intendent and teacher. Individual attention will be stressed and en rollment limited. Enrollment now open. Reserve a place for your child now. Phone VI 6-5838 after 6 p.m. 279t4 At 8 a.m. Thursday, May 23, there will be posted on a bulletin board in the Registrar’s Office a list of those candidates who have completed all academic require ments for a degree. Every candi date is urged to consult this list to determine his status. H. L. Heaton, Registrar. SPECIAL CASH SALE 2—0x6-8 Mahogany Slab Doors Ea. $5.25 2—8x6-8 Mahogany Slab Doors Ea. 6.25 2—6x6-6 Screen Doors . . . Ea. 5.10 2—6x6-8 Screen Doors . . . Ea. 5.25 2—8x6-8 Screen Doors . . . Ea. 5.35 4x8-l/4 Plywood .... Per sheet. .3.20 4x8-% Plywood .... Per sheet 4.48 4x8-% Plywood .... Per sheet 5.16 4x8-5/8 Plywood .... Per sheet 6.40 4x8-% Plywood .... Per sheet 7.52 4x8-% Masonite .... Per sheet 2.24 Sherwin-Williams First Quality Outside White Paint . per gal. 5.98 Super Kem-Tone .... per gal. 4.98 Kem-Glo .... per gal. 7.25 COX LUMBER COMPANY 2705 South College Avenue Phone TA 3-3145 Puerto Rico citrus growers have crossed the grapefruit and orange into the “chwonja,” which has yellow grapefruit skin and orange- colored meat. The flavor combines that of both fruits.- How Christian Science Heals RELIANCE ON GOD BRINGS HEALING WTAW (1150 ke.) Tuesday 9:45 a.m. EARLY BIRD SHOPPE TOGS — GIFTS AND TOYS for Girls and Boys FABRICS — SHOES Ridgecrest Village 3601 Texas Ave. This ad good for one pair of Regulation Sox. CASH FOR YOUR BOOKS! TRADE WITH LOU, HE’S RIGHT WITH YOU! ius Monroe Gloss Jr., Joe Bill Fos ter, Henry Earle Goff, Allen Skiles Greer, Calvin Still Hembree, Ron ald Lee Huffman, Karl Phillip Kuehn, James Martin Lindsay, Charles Wesley Mattison, Jerry Lee Neal, Allan Wiggins Newberry Jr,, Fi’ank A. Otoupalik, John Per ry Pardee, Glendall Boyd Rand, Charles Anton Sehweizer, Allison Fleming Smith, Frederick Brock Staples, Stanley J. Stein and Rig- don Dietrich Tieken. Insurance William Lambert Ballard Jr., Henley Hardeman Davis Jr., Dean Edwin Duncan, Dale Barnhill El more, Patrick George Marshall, Gene Arthur Morris and Thomas Ray Newman. Marketing William Tandy Ayrps, George Warren Bickley, William Allen Carlton, Edward Allen Furqueron Ronald Norman Hand, John Henry Hopkins, Tony D. Hudler Jr., Bob by Joe Lawrence, James Calhoun Leissner, John Louip Lorms. William Alfred McCarty Jr., Richard Louis Moore, Gene Court ney Nash, Ronald Paul Factor, James Hilary Sandlin Jr., Theodore Skeen Jr., James Richard Derry Vandermeer and Hershel Glyn Welch. Personnel Administration Doyal Stanley Boring, Robert Wallace Copeland, Oliver Howell Crittenden, Bryan Wilburn Dede- ker, Robert Keith Glasgow, Clark Eugene Holloway, James Terrell Patterson, Edward Clayton Priest, Royce Wheeler Rodgers, Robert Wayne Rowland, Cecil Kenneth Simmons, John Elvin Smith, Ber nard Alfred Spath Jr., Fred Wylie Standard, James Edward Terrell and. John Abe Webb. Education Alvaro Eliseo Guevara, Jerry Carl Lonon, Walker Bennett Rags dale, Thomas Martin Wagner III, Donald Albert Watson and Nor man J. York II. Physical Education Richard Gordon Balke, Charles Henry Gloss, Jerry Bruce Coleman, John Richard Hoyle, Behn Frank lin Hubbard Jr., Robert Lee Mc Daniel, Richard Durwood Talley and Dale Gary West. Biology George William Cox, Jerry Lee Cremer, Glenn Ervin Crisman, Da vid Weldon Goldston, Travis Bar ton Griffin, Henry Frederick Grupe Jr., Charles Lloyd Heaton, Lionel Herbert Shaw, Walter Joe Thomas, Lisle Wayne II and Robert Lee Yeager. Chemistry Louis Herrera Benavides, John Ford Channing, William Beauford Hopson III, Jack Wilbrn* Jernigan, Paul James Mason, Marvin Jacob Noble, Clifford Lenoir Payne and Bobby Franklin Watkins. Entomology Walter Holland Cunningham Jr. is the only candidate. Meteorology Howard Goode Jr., Keith Frank Niss and Verdis Doyle Urban. Physics Thomas Weymon Adair III, Don ald Jene Arnold, Donald Ray Huff man, Charles Carroll King, Fred Franklin Lisenbe, William Thomas Milner and Robert Edward Wim berly. School of Engineering Architectural Design Billy Byrd Bedford, Robert Young Brown Jr., John Donvie Cain, Robert Wayne Cline, Merrill Morgan Douglass, Richard Donald Emerson, John Only Greer, Charles Richard Holcomb, Bill Shannon Huffhines, Clarence Milton Jones, Kirby* M. Keahey. Nathaniel Key Kolb Jr., Carl Victor Maynard, Eugene Lee Pe- lech, Charles Durwood Pickle, Lar ry Lynn Priesmeyer, Marion Blan ton Ray, Edward Wayne Reeder, Weldon Cecil Steward, William Ar thur Sheveland, Kenneth Wayne Webb and Charles Leyton Willis HI. Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering Candidates are Robert Lewis Ridings and Thomas King* Tomlin son. Aeronautical Engineering Joe Louis Akagi, Harless Ross Benthul, Larry Jules Bonin, John Arlis Cassidy, Theodore Albert Chittenden,’ Jack Milton Dreyfus, William Wesley Fink Jr., Charles Robert Haines, Philip Eugene Johnson, Howard Lawrence Mar tin, Leonard Dean Miller, Thurman Albert Shaw, Charles Otis Smith, Robert Stanley Stuart, Otis Dean Wells, Billy Don Williams and John Benjamin Woiton Jr. imiriMiwiirTMiiiwuiMiimnin- - * — Architectural Construction Tom Wade Brumfield Jr., Don Ray Burrow, Ray Dossey, Lynn B. Evans, Clyde Edwin Hamm,-Nor man Herbert Jacobson, John B. Jenkins Jr., Wilburn Edwin Jones, Fred Talmadge McMinn, James Hyde Marsh III, Carl Victor May nard, Charles Dui*wood Pickle, Nel son Ewald Poldrack, James Ernest Rambo, William Joseph Ruez III, Granville Troy Summerlin and Philip Cortez Wright. Chemical Engineering Candidates ave Martin Ray Adams, Howard Donovan Butter, Noel Thomas Chaplin, Donald Hugh Davis, Paul Malcolm Duke, Charles Lander Edwards, Ivo Ma rino Ferreira, Ray Noble F’inch, Donald Eugene Flower, Syed Mo hammad Mazharul Haque, Billy John Harris. Cyrus Helmer Holley, Martin Gene Hopkins, Morris Edward Karp, Jack Horner Lunsford, Av ery Edsel McKinney, Calvin Ed ward Moore Jr., George Clarence Mullen Ji\, Jon David Neely, Charles Pate Pecora, Robert Mc Combs Sehverak, Samuel Lane Sul livan Jr., Warren James Tomme, Francis J. Van Breedam, Richard Meadows Wall, Andrew Jacobs Weisenfelder and Johnnie C. Wil son, Civil Engineering Candidates are James Leon Baird, Charles Royal Barron, James Richard Blacklock, Robert Frank Breitschopf Jr., Lawrence Everett Casbeer, Jack Caty Cook III, Alfred Henry Cordes Jr., Mon te Owen Darden, Charles Rouse Dollinger Jr., Stanley Arthur Duit- scher, William Knight Easley, Rob ert Aubrey Foster, Herman Carl Gadeke Jr., Robert Lee Glazener, Esker Gene Graham, Joe Donald Hall Miguel Angel Ilernandez- Haces. Charles Frank Jackson Jr., Jo seph Walter Joeris Jr., Don Her- shePJohnson, Kenneth Wayne Kin dle, Randolph Sidney King Jr., Donald Eug*ene Lenert, Oran Wyse Lively Jr., Beinaid Wallace McIn tosh, Ernest Avent Megginson, Kirby Thomas Meyer, David Wil liam Miller, Thomas Edwin Norton Jr. Alton Nathaniel Peck, Edwin Gray Pierson, Earl Lynn Pixley, Charles Hollis Pollard, Jackie Leon Purcell, Fred Rea, Allen Driscoll Rooke Jr., William Jenkins Savage, George Harold Scherwitz Jr., Kurt Frederick Schnellenbach, Billy Marvin Schnerr, Elvis Dois Shock- ley, Charles Spencer Skillman Jr., Bernard Joseph Connolly Smith, Luther James Starr Jr., Condon Hunter Terry, Herman James Ve- selka, Eloy R. Villa, Byron Rey nolds Wilkinson, David LeRoy Wil liams and Joe Don Womack. Electrical Engineering Gene Rufus Anderson, James Robert Barton, John Eldon Brake, Allen Newton Chisholm, Bobby Jack Clayton, George Wesley Dean Jr., Douglas Ronald DeCluitt, Car- son Ross Gaddy, John Anthony Gentry, Kenneth Allen Gilbreth, Redick Emmett Hammett, Carey • Glenn Hawkins, David Rankin Ho gan, Richard Hamilton Holloway, * Donald Lee Hopkins, Merion Luke Johnson. Warren Buford Johnson Jr., Er- ^ vin F. Lyon III, Ronald Stephen McCarter, Jon Morris McFarland, Zack Harry Mcllroy, Arva Henry Menefee, Robert Keith Mills, Frank William Muller, William Frederick Osborn, Robert Lyle Patton Jr., William Sion Robson, William Hen ry Rosan Jr., Grady Dqrnell Sat- teiwhite, William Arthur Shortt, Daniel Miles Stalmach, James C. Thompson, Leroy Welborn and James Windell Wilson. Geological Engineering Candidates are James Pierce Blackstone, William Few Booty, Allan LaRue Brunett, Merrill’ Franklin Cobb, Charles Edward Flinn, Curtis Ralph Colson, Joseph Thomas Janica, Charles Wayne Kinney, William Dawson McCarty, Ernest Prescott Maxwell, Jerry Clyde Olds, Thomas Ray Pledger and Emil Gerald Rolf. Geology Alan Crumley Bell, Robert Ed ward Best, Bentley Byron Black, (See CANDIDATES, Page 8) TRAILERS ONE WAY FOR RENT . . . ANY PART OF UNITED STATES — Also Local Trailers — BAKER TIRE CO. TA 2-8159 What Is The “Most”? More Than Lou Will Pay? Come and see ns before you sell your books. We guarantee your satisfaction in EVERY TRADE. g ywwiwawaiiHwwiMWiiM things ain't €,oim’ so lsotj ALL I GOT TA TRADE Loo is one: OLE ysei> books HERE'S hopin'! / YO’ CAN’T BEAT TRADIN' WITH tOUtf BLESS 4 f3I UNITARIAN 1 OF BRAZOi I There will be this Sunday. Ii group will attenc and the 11 a.m. First Unitarian ( pi*. Ralph Lynn, at Baylor Univer speaker. After the scrv a family picnic, [transportation is : B. D. Thomas at OUR SAVIOUR “God’s Gift o Isermon topic an Rev. Edwin Svend fi.m. worship sen WIVES OF at a joint m —Mrs. P. W Zad, Joyce R lyn Kiel), Be Jackie Smith are Louise E Sidney McW I STIC For al So qu Gives