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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1957)
(The Battalion -«•> College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 4 Wednesday, May 22, 1957 Afghanistans Here For Police School Nine Royal Government of Af ghanistan officers are attending the 19th Texas Municipal Police School which is being held at A&M throughout May. Coming to this country through the international cooperation pro gram of the State Department, the men are taking the training as part of their studies of United States law enforcement. Conduc ted by the Engineering Extension Service, the four-week course of fers training in the latest crime fighting techniques and law en forcement practices used in Texas. Afghanistan is a country of 14 million population bordered by Russia, Iran and Pakistan. It is a “neutral” constitutional monar chy, and its boundaries are com parable to the size of Texas. Dried apricots, after they have been soaked and drained, are de licious cut into slivers and added to a quick bread. Bishop Awaits Visit In Central America Thomas W. Bishop, artist for the Texas Agricultxiral Extension. Service since 1946, has been grant ed a four months leave of absence to go to Central and South Amer ica, where he will serve as graphic arts consultant with the Inter- American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Bishop will work with the per- sonnel in agricultural information offices in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Brazil as well as Costa Rica. “Bishop’s outstanding work in visuql aids and especially in plan ning and developing illustrations for Texas Extension Service pub lications was responsible for the assignment,” said Extension Di rector G. G. Gibson. “We are happy,” he added, “that one of our staff members was selected to do the training work.” Prior to his Extension employ ment, Bishop served as engineer ing draftsman at Bryan Army Air field from 1943-46. Churches Tell Midweek Plans ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL The Canterbury Club has plan ned its “Big Blast” for 6:30 p.m. today. A “first rate floor show” is promised following the hambur ger - fry. Tickets are fifty cents and Corps members may come non- re g. " ie BETHEL LUTHERAN “Living for the Living Christ” will be the Rev. William C. Pet ersen’s sermon topic at the 7:45 p.m. Vesper service today. Vacation Bible School teachers will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the parish hall. * * * A&M CHRISTIAN Aggie Bible study will begin at 7 p.m .today at the YMCA. * * * A&M PRESBYTERIAN Westminister Fellowship will have a “work night” beginning at 7 p.m. which will provide “good, BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES fne day :V p«r word 24 per word each additional day Minimum charge—IO4 DEADLINES ■ p.m. day before pnbUeatfoa Classified Display 8O4 per column Inch each Insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Available June 1 through August 31. Con tact Joe Loftis. VI 6-4901. 279t3 Large cool bedroom. Private entrance and private bath for gen tlemen. Teacher preferred. Avail able June 1. Also furnished apart ment North Gate available June 1. VI 6-5544. 278t3 FOR SALE Used Frigidaire automatic wash er in good condition. Reasonably priced. Call VI 6-5086 after 6 p.m. 280t3 One trailer space. Good loca tion for student couple. Shade and privacy. VI 6-5665. 279t6 Automatic washer. Good con dition. VI 6-6196. 280t3 Small upstairs furnished apart ment. Couple only. Available about June 1st. 2705 South Col lege Avenue. Phone TA 3-3145. 279t4 One 1950 Chevrolet Station Wagon. This motor vehicle may be inspected by contacting the Texas Forest Service, System Ad ministration Building, A&M Col lege of Texas campus. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Texas Forest Service, Tex as A&M College System, College Station, Texas until 10 a.m. Fri day, May 24, 1957, on forms avail able upon request. Address the Director, Texas Forest Service, College Station, Texas or telephone VI 6-4771 for further information. 280tl Four room apartment, furnish ed, in Bryan. Call VI 6-5638. 276tfn Available June 1 redecorated one bedroom furnished apartment Col lege Hills. Adults only. $65 per month. VI 6-5031 after 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, all day Saturday and Sunday. 273tfn One way trailers to any part of United States. Also local trail ers. You can save money by mov ing with a trailer. Baker Tire Company. Phone TA 2-8159. 271tl3 2-wheel covered trailer, 5x7x5 feet. Any reasonable offer will be accepted. A-12-X College View. VI 6-4529. 279t3 Bendix washer. Very good con dition. Call VI 6-4206 after 5:30. 279t4 Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf WANTED TO BUY Senior boots, 9-9Calf, 16. Good condition. $25.00. Call VI- 6-4367 after 5 p.m. 279t4 Large foot locker. 9-B Project House. 279t2 One small evaporative cooler. Can be seen at Puryear 5-C. 279t3 PETS Three bedroom family home. Extensive built-in closet space. Large atetached garage. Land scaped. Fenced. Choice South- side neighborhood. Phone VI- 6-6658, 279tfn DON’T TAKE ANY CHANCES PROTECT YOUR FEMALE PETS IN SEASON BAYARD KENNELS Highway 6 South, College VI 6-5535 Baby bed and mattress. $18.00. Project House 9-B. 279t2 WORK WANTED Lawn mower. Sacrifice to make summer school fees. _ Like new. 18” electric mower with 100 feet of heavy duty cord. May be seen after 5 p.m. at 509 Boyett. Price $20.00. VI 6-4960. 279tfn Day nursery for working moth ers. Call Mrs. Redding, VI 6-4892. 271tfn LITHOGRAPHING — PHOTO OFFSET PRINTING — EN GRAVED PRINTING. Special pri ces on thesis printing. ZOST THE PRINTER, 3408-B Texas Ave., phone VI 6-5786. 260tfn A 4000 CFM 1/3 h.p. water cooler with new 230 g.p.h. pump. Ready to go, all for $55. D-7-B, C.V. 279t3 White’s evaporative cooler, 2,200 CFM. Phone VI 6-4949. 277t4 Accurate typist desires work at home. Thesis experience. VI- 6-7265. 255tfn FOR RENT MIMEOGRAPHING, TYPING AND NOTARY. Bi-City Secretar ial Answering Service, 3408A Tex as Avenue. Phone VI 6-5786. 248tfn Furnished house near campus. See A. R. McNeil at Duncan hall. VI 6-52l8.‘ 280tl Apartments. North Gate. Fur nished or unfurnished, one or two bedrooms. Phone VI 6-5444. 279t4 Kitchen remodeling, cupboard work, interior painting. VI 6-7265. 258tfn Nicely furnished 4-room apart ment with garage at 306-A Second street, College Station. VI 6-5481. 279t3 Day nursery, monthly rates. Day or night sitting on week ends, Christian home, experience, cheap. TA 2-6076, 3007 South College Ave., Bryan 233tfn Furnished one bedroom house available June 1. Located at 100 North Church street, College Sta tion. VI 6-7098. 277t3 All day nursery. Have had nur ses’ training. 304 West Dexter or call VI 6-4142.. 225tfn K & B DRIVING RANGE Finfeather Road NOW OPEN Week days 4 P.M. Closed Mondays Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST SOSA East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE TL* B. Main 8*. (Actum from Wallraa* Vawaa) PK'jmH TA 8-1M1 HBTAJr • K.N GINKERING AND j AJtCJHITlECTITRAL STTPFLEBS • BLTTK LINK PRINTS • BLUE PBXNT8 • PHOTOSTATS , SCOATES INDUSTRIES mU OUI Bnlpfear Nprlox* BmA BBTAN, TEXAS • HELP WANTED Boy with scooter to carry Hous ton Press in College Station. Ph. TA 2-4843. 280t3 Experienced beauty operator. Excellent opportunity. P r u i t t’s Beauty and Fabric Shop. 273tfn LOST K&E slide rule with black case having tongue and belt strap torn off. Call Mike Gordoa. VI 6-6322. Reward. 279t2 SPECIAL NOTICE Mrs. W. S. Guthrie announces the opening of “TOTS” kinder garten, September 9, in her home, 1102 Park Place, College Station. Mrs. Guthrie received her life cer tificate in elementary education from University of Oklahoma. Psychology and child care are her major fields. She has nine years teaching experience in elementary public schools and five years ex perience with beginner depart ments in Sunday school as super intendent and teacher. Individual Attention will be stressed and en rollment limited. Enrollment now open. Reserve a place for your child now. Phone VI 6-5838 after 6 p.m. 279t4 Graduate Aggie, well bent but not broke, needs place to live for first six weeks of Summer. Will feed pets, take care of house and mow lawn for vacationing family, College area. Local references. Box 5415, College Station. 279t3 SUI. ROSS LODGE, NO. 1300 A.F. * A.M. Dollcge Station, Texas Called meeting Thursday, May 23, at 7:00 p.m. M.M. degree will be conferred. Visiting brethren welcome. L. P. Dulaney, W.M. J. J. Woolket, Sec. 280t2 At 8 a.m. Thursday, May 23, there will be posted on a bulletin board in the Registrar’s Office a list of those candidates who have completed all academic require ments for a degree. Every candi date is urged to consult this list to determine his status. H. L. Heaton, Registrar. Want to get those odd jobs around the house taken care of? Call DOCTOR FIXIT today for free estimates. No job too large or too small. One call does the complete job from planning to financing with no down payment and five years to pay. Call DOC TOR FIXIT at MARION PUGH LUMBER COMPANY. Phone VI 6-5711. 27514 SPECIAL CASH SALE 2—Ox-8 Mahogany Slab Doors Ea. $5.25 2—8x6-8 Mahogany Slab Doors Ea. 2-—6x6-6 Screen Doors . . . Ea. 2—6x6-8 Screen Doors . . . Ea. 2—8x6-8 Screen Doors . . . Ea. 4x8-l/4 Plywood .... Per sheet. 4x8-% Plywood .... Per sheet 4x8-% Plywood .... Per sheet 4x8-% Plywood .... Per sheet 4x8-% Plywood .... Per sheet 4x8-% Masonite .... Per sheet Sherwin-Williams First Quality Outside White Paint . per gal. Super Kem-Tone .... per gal. Kem-Glo .... per gal. 6.26 6.10 6.35 5.35 .3.20 4.48 6.76 6.40 7.52 2.24 5.98 4.98 7.25 COX LUMBER COMPANY 2705 South College Avenue Phone TA 3-3145 EARLY BIRD SHOPPE TOGS — GIFTS AND TOYS for Girls and Boys FABRICS — SHOES Ridgecrest VlUage 3601 Texas Aye. This ad good for one pair of Regulation Sox. CASH FOR YOUR BOOKS! TRADE WITH LOU, HE’S RIGHT WITH YOU! relaxing exercise,” according to the Rev. Charles G. Workman, Everyone is invited. ❖ * * OUR SAVIOUR’S LUTHERAN Vacation Bible School teachers will meet today and the choir will practice Thursday, bqth at 7:3Q p. m. , * * t* FIRST BAPTIST The Rev. R. D. Longshore will conduct the midweek prayer serv ice at 7:30 p.m. today following the weekly workers’ supper at 6 and choir practice and teachers meeting at 6:30. * * * ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC Mass will be said at 5:15 p.m. today and at 6:30 a. m. Thursday and Friday. * * * A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST Mont Whitson, minister, will con duct the midweek prayer service at 7:15 p.m. today. Mrs. Whitson will teach the Ladies Bible class which meets at 9:30 a.m. Thui’sday at the church. Smart Brides Study Correct WeddingDress By DOROTHY ROE Associated Press Women’s Editor Happy is the bride who checks up in advance on correct wedding at tire and greets the big day calm, collected and secure in the knowl edge that her costume is perfect from gloves to veil. At a formal wedding, either day time or evening, the bride wears a floor-length gown with train and a floor-length or finger-tip-length veil. If the ceremony is an elabor ate church wedding, the gown should have a full cathedral train and should be worn with a full- length veil. If it is a smaller, more simple chapel wedding, a short chapel train and finger-tip veil are correct. Accessories include either prayer book or bouquet, white slip pers (or a matching pastel if the wedding gown is tinted) and long white kid gloves, reaching above the elbow. The bridegroom wears cutaway or club jacket, gray striped trous ers and fawn flannel or white lin en waistcoat for a formal day-time wedding, white tie and tails for an evening ceremony. With the latter outfit white kid one-button gloves are a must. Things are simpler for an infor mal at-home wedding. The bride may wear an ankle-length wed ding gown without a train, a short veil and short white gloves. The bridegroom may wear a dark bus iness suit for a fall or winter wed ding, or dark coat and white trous ers for a summer occasion. The white jacket and dark flannel trousers also are correct for sum mer wear. This year the bride gets a break —wedding gloves now come three to a set, so that after the ring finger of the left glove has been slit for wear during the ceremony, there’s a spare to make up the pair for later wear. DR. LESLIE Y. HAWKINS awards PH.T. diplomas to “graduates” Education Wives Club (left to right) ‘Mary Lou Bowen, Eleanor Crow, Jerry Pianta, Mary Newman and Marceline Pennington. of the Industrial Bradshaw, Nancy RECEIVING THEIR PH. T DEGREES are wives of graduating seniors in Petroleum Engineering. (Left - right, first r o w) Dauris Cranberry, Barbara Huskey, Della Ann Nichols, Elvera Byrne, Karen Pickering, Jessamy Tomlinson and Jere Lynn Burk hart. (second row) Yvonne Shepherd, Edna Richie, Jan Moore, Barbara Durbin, Virgin ia Ridings and Kaye Henderson. (Third row) Dorothy Wallace, Ella L. lorn, Beverly Osborn, Mrs. D. M. Bass, sponsor, Ann Kinney, Wanda Strange, Flossie Huddleston, LaJuana Ritch and Clara H. Dokas. (fourth row) Robert Whiting, head of the depart ment and Harold Vance, vice-president of the Bank of the Southwest. Social Whirl New officei’S of the Dames Club will meet at 8 p. m. Thursday at the home of Peggy Finch, presi dent, B-2-Z College View. The Business Administration Wives Club will have its grad uation program at 8 p. m. today at the YMCA, second floor. Ph.T. degrees will be awarded. tm MOCCASINS (Black or Tan) 4 Different Styles CHEAP and HARD to wear out Very Comfortable LOUPOT’S Trading Post MORE FOR YOUR BOOKS we buy ALL CURRENT TITLES HIGHEST CASH PRICES!! lllll!!llllllllll llllillllllllllllllllll guaranteed at SHAFFER'S OPEN 6 DAYS OF THE WEEK May is Smorgasbord Month at the M.S.C. SMORGASBORD M.S.C DINING ROOM - A&M CAMPUS FRIDAY-MAY 24- 5 - 8:30 P. M. honor the Graduate