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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1957)
jl, • ♦ * * , .1.(;(JI.V'N i-^OtBI? VIAWS f Rff THURSDAY & FRIDAY ‘THE PROUD AND THE PROFANE” with WILLIAM HOLDEN —Plus— “DISTANT DRUMS” with GARY COOPER SECOND ROUND COMPLETED NEW YORK (A 3 )—Richard Bis- sell is getting- a lot of Broadway mileage out of “TVs: Cents.” That was the name of a novel he wrote —and latei' helped adapt into the hit musical, ‘’‘The Pajama Game.” Then he wrote a hook about his fledgling outing in show business, called “Say, Darling.” Now it has been bought for dramatization — and Bissell will collaborate on that too. THURSDAY & FRIDAY FRED tmfiUll'.lM DORQIRI MM. mm _ J' AT 'Gmmmi by TECHNICOLOR with TOMMY ROTIG-skiphomeier AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE PALACE Bryan Z’SS79 TODAY thru SATURDAY ® Anna Marla Ben Jim ALBERGHETTI • COOPER - DAVIS m m m m FRIDAY NITE PREY. 11 Deborah Robert KERR * MITCHUM Heaven I^iows. Mr. Allison” COLOR By PE*LUXC, . CZINemaS'cop£ Heavy Curved Brass For Final Review LOUPOT’S CIRCLE THURSDAY & FRIDAY “Great Day In The Morning” Robert Stack —ALSO— “Canyon Biver” George Montgomery THRU SATURDAY NOW...the behind-the-scenes story of Lindbergh’s incredible flight to Paris! QUEEN TODAY thru SATURDAY — Double Feature — “Shadow In The Window” AND “White Squaw” The Spirit 0 .f° St. Louis s\,' ' Xgl J Cinemascope . WarnerColor JAMES STEWART ROBERT BURTON SHEILA BOND. BARTLETT ROBINSOB . WAKNEd BROS- PICTUBE What a man uses on his face feel' 1 .■.* is important * CHOOSE QUALITY I SHAVE WITH The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas Thursday, May 16, 1957 PAGE 3 What’s Cooking The following hometown clubg I CLUB will see a movie at their will meet tonight: final meeting of the year in Boom LETTERS (Continued from Page 2) because his sleuths have uncovered enough of a rumble to once again keep A&M and his one time boss, Bear Bryant, on probation for another two years. The irony is the effect that the political hassle ’‘is having on the man trapped in the middle—Ken Loeffler. Jon Neely ’57 Richard (Dick) Wall ’57 Don Butter ’57 Editor The Battalion We of the 1957 Aggie Follies, “Operation: Coed,” would like to take this opportunity to thank The Battalion and its staff for the wonderful coverage given our Par ent’s Day show. Connie Eckard ’55 Delma R. House ’56 Charles S. Ware ’57 Duwayne C. Lundgren ’57 To the Editor: This year has been my most hospitalized year here at A&.M College. I was sent to the College Hospital five or six times last fall and this spi’ing for either cuts or sickness. Each time I -was thankful this hospital and its personnel were here. Not only did 1 receive comfort and help from the doctors and nurses, but cheerfulness too. One needs the emotions of laughter, joy and happiness especially when he is ill. That is what these nurses give you here. That is what I re ceived ! Cheerfulness is in itself a form of cure for frustration or lone liness. When you are in a bed surrounded by four walls, you need someone to cheer you up. The pretty nurses do a good job of it too! One time I read a letter in “The Balt” about some nurses and stu dents playing too much. I do not want to dispute the author of those words, but each time you hear laughter or giggling in a hospital which is known to be a solemn place, you feel you are in a good place for the time being, don’t you? Which is best, books or happiness? I’ll take happiness any day. So hats off to the pretty nurses and handsome doctors of A&M’s College Hospital. Joe Delatte ’58 To the Editor: In order that you might save yourself from further embarass- ment, I would like to bring you up to date on “What Goes on Here.” In your issue of 14 May you made reference to “a few juniors jumping the gun” on the wearing of the D. M. S. bar. (it is in fact not a ribbon) You weht on to say that there has been no publi cation of an official list. There again you ai'e incorrect! The of ficial tentative D. M. S. list has been published and is available at the PMS&T’s office for verifica tion. I also highly recommend you consult your dictionary for the difference between “tentative” and “temporary.” It is possible that your gross error lies in a mis understanding between the mean ings of the two words. I might further recommend that you con sult Col. Taylor Wilkins as to whether or not his office has authorized the wearing of the D. M. S. bar by tentative appointees. I’ m not insinuating that you have misquoted, but your statement re Col. Wilkins leaves some doubt as to the full situation. William B. Card. ’58 Brown, Baird Cited At Sigma Xi Fete At the recent banquet held by the A&M, Chapter of Sigma Xi, national scientific honor society, 35 new members were initiated and two graduate students were given awai'ds. Murray Allison Brown was hon ored for his work in dairy science and James Robert Baird for his work in electrical engineering. Richard J. Anderson, assistant director of the Battelle Memorial Institute was principal speaker at the annual meeting. He discussed the role of contract research on the American industrial scene. Fox Replaces Ross On Ag. Ed. Faculty M. D. Fox has joined the faculty in the Department of Agricultural Education on May 1, replacing Henry Ross who is on leave-of-ab- sence in East Pakistan. For the past fiv6 and one-half years, Fox has been associated with agricultui-al work in India and El Salvador. He served as ad visor to the government of Hyder abad on the organization and op eration of a training center for training extension personnel for community projects and develop ment areas. While he was in El Salvador, he organized a national school of agriculture. Fox was the supervisor in the veterans on-the-job training pro gram in 23 north central Texas counties before he did his foreign work. From 1949-52 he taught vo cational agriculture in Eastland. He has Bachelor of Science and Master of Education degrees from A&M. He attended Tarleton State College in 1934-36, before gradu ating from A&M in 1944. 7:30 p. m. MARSHALL HOMETOWN CLUB will meet in the YMCA. RIO GRANDE VALLEY CLUB meets in Room 115, Biology Build ing. WINTERS HOMETOWN CLUB meeting will be held in Room 223, Academic Building. SAN ANTONIO HOMETOWN CLUB will meet in Room 126, Academic. 3-B, MSG. GALVESTON COUNTY HOME TOWN CLUB meets in Room 203, Academic. DEEP EAST TEXAS HOME TOWN CLUB meeting will be in room 207, Academic. Make fine slits in the ends of tw-o or three-inch pieces of celery and allow to stand in ice water for an hour or so. For a pretty curled fringe! BRUSH COUNTY HOMETOWN WESTERN HATS Get them Early— $1.95 to $5.00 All Styles! All Sizes! LOUPOT’S MORE FOR YOUR BOOKS we buy ALL CURRENT TITLES HIGHEST CASH PRICES!! iiiiiiiinr llllllllllllllllllllH 1 guaranteed at SHAFFER'S lllllllllllllllllllll OPEN 6 DAYS OF THE WEEK Wildlife Group’s Collection Best A group of A&M wildlife man agement students won an award certificate for the most represent ative collection of amphibians and reptiles during the recent annual field meeting of the Texas Herpe- tological Society in Bandera Coun ty. The 17 students collected 345 specimens representing 32 species. Seven of the species were the first of their kinds ever recorded in the county, according to Dr. Richard J. Baldauf, who accompanied the group on the trip. The Wildlife Management De partment display for the Parents’ Day Open House included 70 of the live specimens which were caught on the tour. 0 Rich, creomy quality foi* shaving comfort ^and skin health. New formula Old Spice Shaving Creams in giant tubes: Brushless .60 lather .65 Old Spice aerosol • Smooth Shave 1.00 S H U L. T O N NEW YORK < TORONTO with the world on a string This June, the graduates of our engi neering and scientific schools, pockets stuffed witli job offers, have “the world on a string.” But there’s another “string” attached to this fabulous situation: A man can only accept one job offer. SHULTON PRODUCTS MAY BE SECURED AT ELLISON PHARMACY The Rexall Store at North Gate “‘PRESCRIPTION SERVICE YOU WILL LIKE” How can the graduate make up his mind wisely about his vital decision? We’re not going to try to tell you. And we’re going to resist the tempta tion to point out the many advantages of working for IBM—much as our company, like every other, needs top- notch engineering and scientific talent. We’re merely going to leave you with one thought that may help you make your decision: IBM’s President has stated this pol icy: . I want this company to be known as the one which has the great est respect for the individual” IBM - : 4 ® INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION DATA PROCESSING • ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS” MILITARY ( PRODUCTS • SPECIAL ENGINEERING PRODUCTS * TIME EQUIPMENT