Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1957)
SOCIAL WHIRL ory to th of of as ns h- . he * Potrolenm Engineering Wives Club will meet at 7:45 p.m. Mon day in the cabinet room of the YMCA. John Pedigo, guest speak er for the evening, will show films. During the business meeting, election of a president and vice president for the fall semester will be held. All graduating senior wives are urged to be present for further discussion and planning of the presentation of diplomas. Those graduating members un able to attend the meeting who wish to receive Ph.T. degrees should call Ella Tom, TA 2-4408. Hostesses will be Ann Kinney, Clara Dokas and Beverly Osburn. ^ Annual picnic of the Chemical Engineering Wives Club will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday at. William son Park. Cold drinks will be available, but each family should bring a lunch. In case of rain, the picnic will be cancelled. Mrs. C. C. Doak will give a program on flower arrangements at the meeting of Oceanography and Meteorology Wives Club at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the south solar ium of the YMCA. Hostesses will be Pat Clerihew, Louise Farmer, Kathy Greenacre and Betty Heck- roth. * * * Graduation ceremonies of the Electrical Engineering Wives Club will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Sun day at the YMCA. Speaker for the occasion will be H. C. Dilling ham. Ph.T.’s will be presented to senior wives by M. C. Hughes, MOCCASINS 4 Different Styles CHEAP and HARD to wear out VERY COMFORTABLE L O U P O T ’ S Trading Post BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME THIS WEEK END with a junior sized pot plant grown especially for use in the home or garden WEEK-END SPECIAL SALE Coleus 39c Celosia 39c Caladiums 49c Nephthytis 49c English Ivy 49c Peperomia . . . . . . 39e Devil’s Ivy 49c Sansevieria planters . . . 49c Chrysanthemums .... 49c May 3rd and 4th Cash and Carry Only NAN’S BLOSSOM AGGIELAND SHOP FLOWER SHOP 1105 S. College Next to Campus Theatre Bryan, Texas College Station, Texas head of the Electrical Engineering Department. A regular meeting of the chib will b? held at 8 p.m. Monday at the YMCA. Mrs. Robert M. Ste venson will speak on “How to Be a Good Hostess: How to Pre pare and Serve Food for Differ ent Types of Entertaining.” Hostesses will be Amy Harmon and Shirley Cox. * * ^ Aggie Wives Bridge Club will hold its last business meeting of the semester at 7:30 tonight in the Memorial Student Center. All members are urged to attend. In the (regular group last week, winners were Billie Holder, high score, and Barbara Peterson, sec ond high and slam. Joyce Cozart, Wanda DeLaney and Mary Barthelcmy were first, second and third winners in the intermediate group. Hostesses for this evening will be Billie Holder, Nancy Hunger- ford, Sue Kingkaid, Alyce Staehs, Fran Mercier and Naoma Miller. * * * Agriculture Education Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Mon day in the Anderson room of the YMCA. A lesson on flower ar ranging will be given by a mem ber of the Garden Club. * * * New officers will be installed at the meeting of the A&M Gar den Club at 2:30 p.m. Friday in the social room of the Memorial Student Center. Appearing on the program will be the Mesdames D. W. Williams, C. B. Campbell and A. B. Nelson. * * * Industrial Education Wives will hold an important business meet ing at 7:30 p. m. Monday in the Fountain room of the YMCA. Election of officers for the fall semester will be held, and plans completed for the final spring picnic. All wives interested in receiving Ph. T. degrees are urged to be present, as graduation plans will also be discussed. To brown flour for gravies and other meat sauces, spread a layer of flour over the bottom of a heavy skillet. Stir over moderately low heat until the flour is golden. a Pleasure to shop Were! ^ GROCERIES ^ ^ FROZEN FOODS FolgeFs Mountain Grown COFFEE 1 lb. 93c 303 Cans—Libby’s PEAR HALVES . 303 Cans—Libby’s—SMALL WHOLE BEETS . . can 27c . 2 cans 37c 303 Cans—Libby’s—Cream Style GOLDEN COKN ... 2 cans 35c Star-KIst Blue Label—7'/2-oz. Can SOLID PACK TUNA .... 35c Nabisco—1 Lb. Pkg. GRAHAMS 33c Quart Jars—Diamond Brand SOUR or DILL PICKLES . jar 25c 300 Size Cans—Kimbell’s FRESH BLACKEYEPEAS . 303 Size Cans—Kimbell’s PORK & BEANS . . 303 Cans—Monarch—DESSERT RED CHERRIES . . 3 Pound Can CRISCO .... — PICTSWEET — BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY POT PIES SLICED PEACHES Sliced STRAWBERRIES . ORANGE JUICE LEMONADE LIMEADE each 27c . . Pkg. 25c 2—6-oz. cans MARKET Armour’s Star LUNCHEON MEAT . . . Ib. 39c Armour’s Star LARGE BOLOGNA . . .lb. 39c Swift’s Premium WIENERS lb. 45c DeckeFs Tall Korn SLICED BACON . . . . Ib. 53c — TEN FED BABY BEEF CUTS Meaty SHORT RIBS Ib. 33c Fresh GROUND MEAT lb. 33c Square Cut SHOULDER ROAST . . .lb. 45c SEVEN BONE STEAK . . lb. 59c VEAL CHOPS lb. 59c LOIN STEAK lb. 75c PRODUCE No. 2 Cans—Lucky Leaf SLICED APPLES 2 cans 43c 46-oz. Cans—Kraft’s GRAPE ADE or ORANGE DRINK ... can 25c Bath Size Cakes Sweetheart TOILET SOAP ... 4 cakes 39c Golden Ripe BANANAS Florida Green CUCUMBERS Florida ORANGES . California CELERY . ... 2 lbs. 25c . . 2 lbs. 25c . 5 lb. bag 38c . . . stalk 10c SPECIALS FOR THUR. AFTERNOON, FRI. & SAT. — MAY 2-3-4 FOOD MARKET CHARLIE'S NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER COLLEGE STATION curu $11 ij^avoriteS By MAY HILDRETH (Former lowans, the R. J. Hildreths and their two youngsters— Christi, 7 , /2, and Jeff, going on 5—moved to Texas three years ago. Dr. Hildreth is on the faculty of the Agricultural Economics and Sociology Department at A&M.) FRITO PIE This recipe was given to me by the wife of our former pastor. It was always a big hit at our church suppers: Line bottom of pyrex dish with Fritos. Add layer of chili (canned or homemade) and finely chopped onion. Repeat layers of Fritos, chili and onion until you have the desired amount, and cover top with cheese. It’s a good idea to put a sheet of aluminum foil loosely over the top to keep cheese from getting too brown. Bake at 350 degrees about 30 minutes. CHRISTMAS SALAD A favorite salad of ours is/ this one called Christmas Salad, but believe me, it’s good year around. 1 package lime Jello 1 tablespoon sugar % package miniature marshmallows Vz cup chopped nuts 1 small can crushed pineapple % pint whipping cream 1 box cottage cheese 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup flour Take Jello, juice from the pineapple to which water has been added to make 1 cup liquid, and sugar. Bring this mixture to a boil and then cool till jelly-like. Beat till smooth, then add pineapple, marshmallows, nuts and cheese. Fold in whipped cream. To decorate, top each serving with half a maraschino cherry. Very pretty and delicious. BROWNIES AND MARSHMALLOW FILLING I got this recipe from a dear friend, Miss Ruth Segelson, a teacher at Augsburg College, Minneapolis, Minn. % cup cocoa % cup Crisco % teaspoon salt 2 eggs Melt Crisco, mixed with cocoa and salt, and then cool. Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla with flour. Then beat egg and cocoa mixtures together. Spread thin in greased 9 by 13 ' inch pan, and bake 20 minutes at 300 degrees. Quarter 18 marshmallows or use enough miniature ones to just about cover top of brownies. Let marshmallows melt slightly, using oven a few minutes if necessary. For topping boil together for 3 minutes: % cupi brown sugar (packed), X A. cup water and 2 squares chocolate. Add 3 tablespoons butter and 1 teaspoon vanilla. When cooled add 114 cups powdered sugar. After topping brown ies with this mixture, cut into squares. This might sound like work, but it’s very simple and quick. CHEESE CAKE This is the best cheese cake I'have ever tasted. It is a little on the expensive side, but oh, so smooth and good. 4 or 5 eggs % cup oleo 1 cup sugar 6-ounce package zwieback 3 8-ounce packages cream 1 pint sour cream cheese 2 or 3 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla Beat eggs until creamy.. Add 1 cup sugar gradually. Cream separately cheese, adding a little at a time. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla, and then beat all these ingredients together until smooth. Pour into 9 by 13 inch pan lined with crust made by mixing oleo, melted, with crumbled zwieback. Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Remove cake from oven and top with mixture of sour cream, 2 or 3 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Return to oven and bake 10 or 12 minutes at 400 degrees. The itattation College Station (Brazos County), Texas Thursday, May 2, 1957 PAGE 3 A&M Social Club Closes Year With ‘Afternoon At Theatre’ A&M Women’s Social Club met in the ballroom of the Memorial Student Center Friday for the final program meeting of this year. New officers were introduced by Mrs. Ide P. Trotter, president. lollah Belle Copeland, a Houston club and civic leader, emceed “An Afternoon at the Theatre.” The talent team presenting the program were members of Phi Beta fraternity. Nelda Coleman played two piano numbers by Chopin. Nydia Dallas, teacher of speech, gave several dramatic readings. To conclude the program, Sallie Garrison, a nationally known artist, sang a group of popular songs. For the social hour the tea table Designers Use New ‘Team’ In Smart Styles By DOROTHY ROE Leather and chiffon is the un likely combination that makes some of the season’s smartest out fits. Now that tanners have developed leathers that can be washed off with a damp cloth and are supple and lightweight enough to drape like fabric, there seems no end to the new tricks designers dream up for them. There are leather dresses, leather evening coats, leather skirts, leather shorts, slacks and shirts in the current collections, in addition to the familiar standbys such as sports jackets and car coats. Samuel Robert has designed a small group of striking outfits combining smooth calfskin and, polka-dotted chiffon. One is a slim black leather shirt dress worn with a fluffy bow-tied scarf of white chiffon with black coin dots. IWilWMTi'TiIl 103 MAIN -— NORTH GATE AGGIE OWNED Remodeling Sale A^ieland Record Shop CAPITAL RCA VICTOR DECCA IMPERIAL and other known brands $5.95 ALBUMS $4.95 ALBUMS $3.98 ALBUMS 45 E.P. . . ALL SINGLES . . . $4.95 . . . $3.95 . . . $2.98 . $1.24 . 3 for $2.25 “Blues and News” Located in the Book Nook, North Gate was centered with a white and purple flower arrangement. Hostesses for the afternoon were wives of members of the Entomology Department. Mrs. J. C. Gaines served as chairman of the hostess group composed of the Mesdames H. J. Reinhard, Neal Randolph, C. F. Garner, Don King, R. L. Hanna, V. A. Little, A. H. Alex and J. K. Walker Jr. Lutherans To Step Up Student Work Lutheran church work on col lege campuses will be increased, delegates to the 35th convention of the Texas District of the church decided last week in Austin. Property and student chapels are to be acquired on more cam puses and financed by district budgetary funds. At the present time, full-time campus work is being done at the University of Texas, with part- time work carried on by pastors who serve congregations in 44 Texas cities where colleges are located. r 2. WHY Keepsake is America’s Largest Selling Diamond Ring More people choose Keep sake because: 1. Keepsake is perfect un der 10-power magnifi cation. Keepsake’s nationally established price guar antees full and uniform value. Keepsake has the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. Keepsake may be ex changed at any time for a Keepsake of greater value. Look for the name Keep sake in the ring and on the tag, your assurance of quality, beauty and value forever. $350.00 Good Housekeeping ) HEATHER ^wransttiAlso $100 to 2475 Wedding Ring $12.50 4. Rings enlarged to show details Prices include Federal Tax Always Easy Credit Sankey Park Jewelers 111 N. Main Bryan LI’L ABNER By Al Capp . CjC WHY SHOULD YOU, MY SOM, LOSE YOUR HEAD ON ZE-s'L.ddEr//-. GUILLOTINE ? YOU CAN ESCAPE"’- ZE FOG IS THICK/.''-NO ONE IS AROUND"' THANKS, DAD. SEE YOU LATER. AH-H."—YOU AMERICANS ARE CLEVER." A FOOLISH FRENCH MURDERER WOULD HAVE HONORABLY GIVEN HIMSELF UP//y Kl IS US AMERICAN MURDERERS ARE JUST AS HONORABLE AS ANY FRENCH „ MURDERER//— lUC* TAKE ME TO headquarters. PEANUTS By cartoonist-of-the-year Charles M. Schulz \/ BOY, THERE'S NOTHING LIKE HAVING FOUR FEET! lA'Ai/tzlAh* i iMk/UV