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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1956)
4 The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 2 Tuesday, October 30, 1956 WEIGHING 5 POUNDS, the Hutchins form of the Cana dian g-oose caught by Cobble had a total wingspread of 50 inches. Dr. W. B. Davis of the Wildlife department (at left) helped identify the goose. Xf‘11 be cold wee+Kee Soo*J Aeries Ctvn* See -the jacKeis coals - "T™ THE WINNING TOUCHDOWN! BOB'S DONE IT AGAIN! NOW. .. SCORING WITH HER WOULD BE MV REAL BIG WIN! ^ ' / / //// A PIPE SMOKER,TOO! HE'S FOR AAE ! SIR WALTER RALEIGH'S BLEND OF CHOICE KENTUCKY BURLEYS IS EXTRA-AGED TO GUARD AGAINST TONGUE BITE. FREE! 24-PAGE BOOKLET ON PIPE CARE . JUST WRITE TO SIR WALTER ISVI.IOKJU niCFT 782-.J LOUISVILLE, KY. Z7*e Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, daily newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by students in the Office of Student Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications Is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Dr. Carroll D. Laverty. Chairman; Prof. Donald D. Burchard, Prof. Tom Leland and Mr. Bennie Zinn. Student members are John VV. Gossett. Murray Milner. Jr., and Leighlus E. Sheppard. Jr., Ex-officio members are Mr. Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader, Sec retary. The Battalion is published four times a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for tiie regular school year and on Thursday during the summer terms and during examination and vacation periods. Tiie Battalion is not published on the Wednesday immediately preceeding Easter or Thanksgiving. Sub scription rates are §3.50 per semester, §6.00 per school year, §6.50 per full year, or §1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered a»- - second-claae matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, tinder the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of: The Associated Press Texas Press Association Represented nationally by National Advertising Services. Inc., a t New York City, Chicago, Loe Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI- 6-4910) or at the editorial office room, on the ground floor of the YMCA. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (VI 6-6415) or at the Student Publications Office, ground floor of the YMCA. JIM BOWER .* Editor Dave McReynolds Managing Editor Barry Hart .Sports Editor Welton Jones City Editor Leland Boyd, Jim Neighbors, Joe Tindel News Editors Joy Roper Society Editor Don Bisett, J. B. McLeroy Staff Photographers Connie Eckard, Tom Ellsworth, Joe Buser, C. R. McCain, D. G. McNutt, John West Reporters Kenneth George Circulation Manager Maurice Olian CHS Sports Correspondent FEW DAYS TOO EARLY is the thought of Larry Cobble as he releases a Canadian goose he caught in Finfeather Lake in Bryan with a frog gig. Local Hunter Catches Goose With Frog Gig By JIM BOWER Battalion Editor Armed with just a frog gig and a miner’s lamp, Larry Cobble, chief of custodial services for A&M, g-ot the jump on geese and duck hunt ers only to discover he was a few days too early to keep his catch. Cobble was after frogs in Fin- feather Lake, located in Bryan city limits, when just before moon- rise he caught sight of an object slowly moving along a mud bank just outside the range of his min er’s lamp. He thrust his 12-foot frog gig toward the object and the spiing trap on the end locked loosely around the neck of what turned out to be a Canadian goose. The goose was unhurt by the gig. Realizing that the season for geese doesn’t open until Friday * V* DRIVE IN I^TrF#%^THEATRI w * *' ' * JI 4 - , lMU OH M UN0HD7 VI ASV Ttcti Tues & Wed “Violent Saturday’ with Victor Mature Plus “The Come On” with Anne Baxter CIRCLE TUES. & WED. “THRESHOLD OF SPACE” Guy Madison ALSO ^Phantom of the Rue Morgue’’ PALACE Bryan 2-SSJ9 TODAY & WED. WILLIAM HOLDEN AS A Rocket Pilot, u.s.a. in 1 from Warner Bros, in WARNERCOLOR vu LLOYD VIRGINIA CHAR 2 S NOLAN ■ LEITH • mcGraw QUEEN TODAY & WED. DANA ANDREWS IN “Walk A Crooked Mile** and that the fine for possession— if it should be a Canadian goose— was pretty heavy, Cobble took the fowl to Dr. W. B. Davis, head of the Wildlife Management Depart ment here, for positive identifica tion. Davis identified the goose as be ing a branta canadensis hutchinsi, commonly called the Hutchins goose which is a small form of the Canadian goose. Cobble is a well known hunter in this area and had “a pretty good idea” the goose was a Hutchins but “juist to be sure” he took it to Davis. The continental traveler was re leased since the Wildlife Depart ment already has two of the spe cies in its collection. Davis has a collector’s license which allows him to collect various animals and fowl. When released, the honker made a slow circle over the Petroleum Engineering building and then flew off toward the Gulf Coast area, winter home for ducks and geese. COL. JOHN F. GUILLETT Field Representative United Services Life Insurance Co. 1625 Eye Street, N.W. Washington. D.C. 2518 Great Oaks Parkway Austin 5, Texas — Phone: GL. 3-6420 THRU WED. "The ONE Picture that is i a Dramatic "Must”! Cl N EM aScOPEE COj^PR. by Pe l_yxe JAMES BARBARA MASON • RUSH^PO "“"A 20th CENTURY FOX PlCTUM 1 STARTS THURSDAY Job Calls The following companies will in terview in the Placement Office: Wednesday Gulf Oil Company interviews mechanical engineers for the Re fining Division in Port Arthur. Ford Motor Company interviews ME, EE, lEng, accounting, fi nance, economics for research, de sign, development, manufactur ing, production, accounting and fi nancial analysis. Linde Air Products Company in terviews ME, EE, chemistry, phy sics, lEng, CE for research, de velopment and engineering. Wednesday and Thursday Standard Oil Company of Cali fornia interview CE, EE, ME, Pet. E., M.S. or Ph.D. in geology and geophysics for research, develop ment, technical service, operations design, maintenance and construc tion. Moon Watch (Continued from Page 1) down and two hours before the sun rises, Kent says. “Two groups of 30 persons each will be needed so one group will not be responsible for both watch- is,” Kent says. Kent says his group hopes to train alternates to work along with observers. The alternates are need ed to spell watchers who may develop eye fatigue from long periods of peering into telescopes. A&M is one of 22 schools with a major in Agricultural Engineer ing accredited by the ECPD. Tues & Wed. “THE BEST FOREIGN FILM OF THE YEAR!” — New York Film Critics A&M is one of 2 colleges in the South with complete X-Ray equip ment for studying mineralogical composition of soils. Adlai Vetoed Pension Raise “Senator Kefauver, commenting on Stevenson’s veto in Illinois of a 10 per cent increase in old age bene fits, said: “‘Mr. Stevenson says he vetoed the bill because the Legislature did not provide funds to finance it. But the fact is that Mr. Stevenson also vetoed an amendment which would have provided $14 million to pay for the increased cost of old age pensions.’ ” -WASHINGTON STAR, May 26, 1956. The Eisenhower Administration has increased old age benefits. Texas Democrats for Eisenhower, 412 Bolm Building, Austin, think Texas will go for Ike again on Nov. 6. (Pol. Adv. Paid for by Texas Democrats for Eisenhower, Weldon Hart, Director) Start your career with a progressive firm! FOLEYS, Houston's department store will be on your campus NOVEMBER 1, 1956 to interview Senior Students majoring in Economics, Accounting Banking and Finance, Marketing, Home Economics, Liberal Arts, Transportation, Management. Make a date to discuss a career in: Credit Personnel Advertising For complete information contact your Placement Office Traffic Management Buying, Merchandising Accounting, Control BEAUTIFUL IMPORTED ARGYLLS superb comfort in handsome color combinations they challenge comparison at the price. <v vX Z)L e £lxcli cing. e St ore ‘Serving- Texas Aggies’ LI’L ABNER By AL CAPP