Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1956)
I ■ THE BATTALION VOTE FOR Amendment 3 Number 179: Volume 55 School Blast Kills Two; Gas Blamed SOUTHMAYD, Tex. — (/P) A shattering- explosion and fire wrecked the upper floor of a Southmayd elementary school yesterday — only min utes after teachers rushed 50 tots outside when dangerous escaping gas was smelled. An investigating janitor was killed and a high school junior fa tally burned. Heroes of the narrow escape from disaster were two teachers, who smelled the gas, and the prin cipal, Mrs. Carl Riggers, who im mediately ordered the school evac uated. The blast killed E. L. Dinwoodie, about 65, the janitor, and fatally burned a 16-year-old high school junior, Larry McGee. They were < the only ones in the 30-year-old yellow brick school building in this rural North Texas community near the Red River. The children thought they were participating in a routine fire drill. They were marched to a field 100 yards away and had been playing games only a few minutes when the building exploded. “I saw the windows break and then it blew up—just a great big puff,'’ 10-year-old Ernestine Paver said. The two-story elementary build ing was heated by individual gas radiators. Mrs. A. C. Gilmore, teacher, said she smelled gas a little before the 10 a.m. recess. “Mrs. Cummins, the first grade teachei’, smelled it too so we went to see the principal, Mrs. Carl Riggers. She told us to have an early recess and get the children out of the building immediately.” “The children were wonderful. They thought it was a fire drill. had been out of the building only a few minutes when I heard two muffled explosions and saw smoke coming out of the building,” Mrs. Gillmore said. Superintendent H. L. Richardson said the escaping gas was reported to him and that he sent McGee, to tell Dinwoodie. “A few minutes later, I was sit ting at my desk making out a list of supplies when I heard a terrific blast,” he said. “I ran out and saw flames shooting out of the windows on the second floor of the old elementary school build ing.” Richardson grabbed a fire ex tinguisher and called to students to do the same. He ran into the bui’ning building but was first turned back by flames when he tried to get to the second floor. When he was able to get up the stairs he had to beat down a door to get into the former cafeteria where the blast apparently occur red. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1956 Price Five Cents Standing Co m in i ttees Elected by Senators RHYTHM AND BLUES STYLISTS, the Jodimars will perform tomorrow night in the Tony Martin Show at G. Rollie White Coliseum. Three of them formerly were with Bill Haley and his Comets. Rock ’n Bop Martin Show Takes Spotlight Tomorrow Ticket Sales End Student and student date tickets for the Baylor Univ- versity vs. A&M game will go off sale today at 5 p. m. Student date tickets are $3.50 and student tickets are $1. A&M students apd residents of ■ the surrounding area tomorrow at 8 p.m. will observe the season’s first musical attraction as the cur tain rises on the Tony Martin Show in White Coliseum. Featuring a cast of 30 perform ers with songs, music, comedy and variety entertainment, the Tony Martin Show combines talents from four groups with Martin, in ternationally known singing star. The entertainment will be back ed up musically by Tex Beneke and his orchestra. Since its origin during the days of Glenn Miller, this band has been ranked one of the top musical outfits in the na- Car Seller’s Mule Train Beats Law OMAHA, CP> — They took Marty O’Hai-a’s driver’s li cense away from him last | week, but Marty was driving again today, and legally. He was piloting a small faim wagon pulled by a pair of burros. O’Hara, 27, had his driver’s license revoked under the state’s 12-point suspension system. He had been arrested for speeding and for lane jumping. “I make four miles an hour at a walk and eight at a trot,” he reported philosophically. “Can’t do much better in rush hours in a car.” It also gives him a chance to “relax, think and enjoy the scenery.” But there are some draw backs to a man in O’Hara’s business. He’s a car salesman. College Prefer Students Democrats tion and scores high in the re cording field with numerous songs popular in wax sales. To contrast with the smoothness of the Beneke band another high light of the program will be a five- man group of recording artists known as the Jodimars. The Jodimars were formed by three former members of Bill Ha ley’s Comets and have recently en tered into the popular jazz and rock ’n roll field, winning nation wide attention with some best selling records. Members of the Jodimars, Dick Richards and Max Daffner on the drums, Joey. Ambi-ose on tenor sax, Marshall Lytell on bass, and Charley Hess on guitar, are ex perimenting with the rock ’n roll form of notes and noise and intro ducing two part harmony with the Senators Endorse Amendment 3 Without a single dissenting vote, the Student Senate last night endorsed and pledged their support to amendment 3. Senate President Larry Pi per opened the discussion and then turned the explanation of the amendment over to Jim Rowland. Rowland pointed out the growing concern of college officials throughout the state as to the ex pected enrollment of 123,000 by 1970. At pi'esent, 77,000 students are enrolled in Texas colleges and universities. He explained how amendment 3, by allowing up to 50 per cent of the permanent fund to be invested in stocks, will provide money neces sary for the needed and expected expansion of college building pro grams. When questioned on the risk of the amendment,, Rowland outlined the eight diffei’ent safety factors provided in the amendment de signed to make it almost “risk proof.” rock and roll beat. Their theory is that people want to dance to the rhythm and yet fell that good mu sic should be included. Holding up other highlights of the show are the Petticoats, the singing sweethearts of Unique Re cords. This trio has gained a rep utation all their own in musical circles catering to their particular style of evening entertainment. Tony Martin, of course, will pro vide the top attraction of the show with his song offerings and the performing that has made him a long time star of pictures, radio and television and the night chib circuits. Tickets for the show may be se cured at the Student Activities of fice and at Waldrop’s in Bryan. Prices are $2.50, $2 or $1.50. The attraction is not a part of Town Hall. Publicity Topic Of SCONA PR Meeting Kamm Gives Definition Of Student Government Opening with a short talk by Dr. Robert B. Kamm. Dean of Student Personnel and Basic Division, on student govern ing bodies, the Senate last night completed electing standing committee members. Kamm defined student government as “that phase of the total campus educational experience in which duly elected representatives of the student body thoughtfully considered matters of concern and then acted responsibly with regard to these matters.” As possible future Senate action he listed the develop ment and adoption of an honor code, Hensel Park recreation area and better relations between Corps and Civilians. + After hearing Dean Kamm, the Senate opened the busi ness part of the meeting by electing Tom Harris as Senate Chaplain. Jack Weatherford replaced Jon Cobb as class of ’57 senator. The remainder of the meeting was spent in electing 42 members of the Senate to the various nine standing committees. Executive committee: John Specht, Bryan Dedeker, Morgan Douglass, Fred McDonald, Harry Green, Tom Miller, Bill McLaugh lin and Joe Ross. Welcoming committee: Bill Dor sey, Charles Wilson, Cy Holley, Robert Lowry and James Goode. Election committee representa tives: Tommie Hennard, Jerry Gleason, Dick Noack, Ross Hutchi son and Jack Weatherford. Exchange store committee: Wil liam McCarty, Durward Thompson, Ray Bowen, Don Green, Tom Har ris and John Thomas. Hospital committee: Ray Mc- Clung, Tom Upchurch, Bob Suro- vik, Jay Bisbey and John Webb. Texas Intercollegiate Student (See SENATORS, Page 4) By C. R. McCAIN Battalion Staff Writer College students pi’efer the Democratic party, according to a national poll taken by the Associat ed Collegiate Press. The Demo- crat’s edge is slight over the Re publicans and the Independents ai*e close behind. To gather opinions of party pre ference, the Associated Collegiate Press asked representatives from every section of the country whether they considered themselves a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent. After tabulations were made the results were some thing like this: Men Women Tot. Republicans 32% 35% 33% Democrats 38% 45% 40% Independents 25% 18% 23% Other 5% 2% 4% Democratic minded students have consistent reasons for their choice The majority feel the Democi’atic Step-watch ing Proves Costly ToCafe-oivnei LONGVIEW, Texas, — Cafe owner Albert Jones was jailed yesterday because he watched his step — the sixth step too closely. Liquor board agents Jack Graves and Walter Sparks noticed that Jones carefully skipped the sixth step when climbing the stairs at his place. They asked him to re peat his climb and again he missed the sixth step. They found 19 short pints of wine under it. Jones, a Negro, was jailed on a charge of possessing wine on premises licensed for beer only. Publicity for the Student Conference on National Af fairs was the main topic of discussion at a luncheon meet ing of the Publicity Commit tee for SCONA yesterday. Bryan Dedeker, chairman of the committee, discussed several meth ods of publicizing the coming con ference. Newspapers all over the Southwest will be sent publicity releases from the committee. At present, several of the members of the committee are compiling mail ing lists. Particular emphasis is being placed on sending news re leases to hometown and college newspapers of the conference del egates. Besides the members of the. Pub licity Committee, several members of the Public Relations Committee of the Memorial Student Center at tended the meeting. Roy Davis, chairman of the MSC committee offered the services of his group to the SCONA committee. Members of the SCONA Pub licity Committee are John L. Mar tin, James O. Manley, Don A. Web er, James M. Teague, Kenneth George and William H. Dorsey. CS Chest Drive Donation Pleas Will Be Mailed House-to-houae collections will not be used in the 1956 A&M College-College Station Community Chest - Red Cross Drive after a decision of the Board of Directors at a called meeting in the Memorial Student Center last night. Instead, the Board voted to send letters to all those who contributed last year asking for the same amount this year. “Since 60 per cent of the col lection effort was used this way last year and only 2 1 4 per cent of the total collected, we decided to dispense with it this yeai’,” co- chairmen Bob Reed and John Mil- liff said. In the budget hearing last week, the board set a 1956 Chest goal of $14,000 to be distributed among 13 agencies. The drive will begin Oct. 29 and last until Nov. 12 with contributions already being re ceived. Secretary Herb Thompson re quested that those businesses in Bryan or College Station who wish to contribute early to the drive send their checks to Box 212, Fac ulty Exchange, College Station. Publicity Chairman Jack Tippit asked for ideas on the design of window signs for merchants who contribute to the Drive. . A display sign to show daily progi’ess of the drive will be erec ted at the traffic circle, according to Tippit. Another sign is planned for the North Gate area. 188 Students Treated For Colds Yesterday party is best because it is for the “common man.” One college junior commented that the farmer and small businessman have thrived under Democratic administrations while another freshman coed said the Democratic party best repre sents the people of the country. On the other hand, students who considered themselves Republicans had something to say too. One freshman feels that the Republican parity has better men to offer the nation than the other pdrty. When asked the question, some students only said, “I like Ike.” The Independents, who indicated a stronger attitude than is us ually ' found within the general public, showed up in a strong third place. The general opinion proved they were more interested in vot ing for the man, not the party. The minority of the students (lower per cent) just simply couldn’t make up their mind. Weather Today Forecast is for clear to partly cloudy skies with little change in temperature. The 10:30 tempera- Jones Gives Talk To CS Kiwanians Kiwanian Luther Jones gave a repoi’t on last week’s District Ki- wanis Convention held in Corpus Christi to the weekly luncheon of the College Station Kiwanis Club in the Memorial Student Center yesterday. Box lunch sales for the TCU game were a great success, ac cording to members of that com mittee. Over 700 boxes were sold by noon and plans are being made to pack 800 lunches for the Arkan sas game. Injured Freshmen Conditions Good Condition of James H. Bingham and Cary E. Clements, band fresh men injured in a two-car collision | eight mile$ west of College Sta tion Sunday night, is termed “gen- ? erally good”, by Bryan Hospital officials. Late last night the hospital of ficials said the two were still suf- j Dorsey Explains ‘The 12th Man’ The refrain, “The Twelfth Man,” describing the Fighting Texas Ag gie Spirit, has been noticeably miss ing at games and yell practice this fall, but it is nothing to become alarmed about, according to Bill Dorsey, Head Yell Leader. ‘The Twelfth Man” is reserved for those times when the Aggies are being out scored,” explained Dorsey. “This year we just haven’t been outscored.” Mrs. Ford Munnerlyn, of Bryan, wrote both words and music to the song in 1941, honoring the famous Aggie Twelfth Man. Her husband was an ex-Aggie, and a professor of poultry husbandry at A&M at the time she wrote it. By CONNIE ECKARD Battalion Staff Writer Most of the students live through Monday, but don’t quite make it until Tuesday, Dr. Charles R. Lyons, college physician said as he considered the number of Ag gies that had been stricken by colds by Saturday’s weather. “According to our Monday’s re port the rain didn’t have anywhere near the effect on the students that it did on TCU’s football team. Actually last Thursday and Friday were busier days for us than Mon day,” Dr. Lyons said. Tuesday’s records showed that 188 students were treated for colds at the clinic. Of these, 12 were hospitalized as the hospital had its busiest day in two weeks. This number did not constitute an epi demic, Lyons said. Many of the students helped their own cause along Saturday, he said, by getting into dry clothes right after the ball game. Dry clothes and getting warm diverted many a case of sniffles this week end. Taking on an extra dosage of vitamin C in the form of oranges or other citrus fruits fortifies a person’s system after being ex posed to elements in the fashion that some 42,000 fans in Kyle Field were Saturday afternoon. “One of the things that is more responsible for colds than any other,” Lyons said, “is lack of sleep. By maintaining a steady routine and eating a well balanced diet many colds can be beaten before they ever get started.” With most of the student body eating in the mess halls it is fairly safe to venture that they have the opportunity of eating three regular meals. A routine should also be set up for a regular amount of sleep every night. Dr. Lyons said that multiple - vitamin capsules taken regularly are also a good in surance against colds. ture this morning was 78 degrees, ; fering fr'om cuts and bruises but and yesterday’s high and low, 86 otherwise their condition is satis- and 57 degrees. * factory. SENIOR LIVESTOCK JUDGING TEAM MEMBERS (left to right) J. W. Gossett (coach), J. C. Gregory, Bobby Wakefield, B. F. Douglass, Tom Darnell, Joe David Ross, Jim Ren ick, Pat Garner and Bennie Eugene (Bud) Fichte.