Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1956)
gss&1.:m-a- >r a / \ I <« fX:- ''i 1 f ' ,a . • ■ ' .• i,-.- • - • • '...• . i College Station (Bmvot County), t**a$ 4^; Tliursday, September 27, 1956 I GILLAR TURNS ON THE STEAM—for an im- 4 joirfapt, llryard, journey to the Villanova two yaird linfc to Jii%i:W .• , |tlird-,tbuchdp^|i early in the fourth period:! ''mSbiis' righj:^halfback'‘Uoyd Taylor., r 1 '* i- ^ ' oberts Wins " v ' A&itJ.' w*- !r‘ i-:'' a i, . ' y ' . • ! ‘ *' • * ■' . '■ \ *'* • . ■: ties Lead > .•‘V ; ‘ '.'■ "V, l^pbin'}•• ..Rob-' dolphin’s 10 Kits, a^dlrk^ blanket <‘0Y,ci' P^wt^t/ t4ipp ,; .4. '.tuti ■ vtfre^’ lekgye-leaid-iiig 'fBjryrftajif ' t d ''jf" kv "I *,-- T,84..7 ; - teir' hojies' fpr ^& - {}A^ pi^cc - r tie 'ace,’ Don; Ncwcombe. f .Big' j. l^e\v-k,C ';koV6ycr, ^th.;ohly; tw^. days of-'rest- follow- j|igyh^ if jv^e4iour;vr4iO'*i. I Jtcrru ptV(i Pi'tyify'ng-' chore:_i 0 f PRtsbprgb ■ Sa’n-, .’not;- quite’up- td. it.\ He rj;to; 1 be ykeused’ at;!; tKe^ond. of. J -^railmg -4-2,' after ia.\‘ing • bashed for’ five, of Phila- K.5f-- If. muff of ; Eiinef .Vald’s ^routine'^ly to,. r left, in' the'..second inning-.' "rh<' •Phii'^*"to6k advantage of this ’un-' txpected aid by ju^minng: in^^e^-y coijvbc for three run(V. two ^Jf’^hSny /unca|ned, tb bvcrpont.c,’a . 1^0. jle^ ficit.' 'The' Dodg'efs n^very ‘reeoy- -ered from . thcvbloiv. ., f „ | *' f With only 'three jgj|ijjes r’cmHin- ! ing ftp plby,-the- Dodgers: rio\v'find ’themselves behind, the .Braves-ii^ •ihe'i important “Dost’; - colntrin foij the fit-st- time.'in. hedrl^ two• ■ Here js the,: pennant, picture/ ^ .Milwaukee, with three games*to •plahvhas a 91-60 piaiik’ for^a;, .603 pbrceiitage. Brooklyn,' also, with Fish Gritlders Begin Tasting Hard Practice A &. M r s Freshman; eleven are ‘-tasting’' the Aggiehrand of gridiron activity as serious scrimmages begin, to supple ment fundamental 4.nU- “It's very difficult to make defi nite statements concerning any , in dividual players at this stage,” Coach Bryant mused. HowQven, the Aggie mentor expressed con siderable hopp for halfback, Gor don JUeipcouf. ‘‘He looks like a fine prospect to me,” Bn r knt said. The Fish worked out in seffn colors yesterday, scrimmaging with the varsity’s third and fourth teams. “They hit hard and, in gen eral, I’m pleased with their show ing,” declared Bryant. About 95 frosh footballers are still working for a berth on the team. No interested . player will he cut uhd everyone will, get an even break to show what he has, asserted Coach Bryant. The Fi^h open the season, Oc tober ^ on Kyle Field at 7:30 against the U. of H. Kittens. On October If they go to Ft: Wifijih, meeting TCU at 7;30. The Baylpr Cubs host the Fish October Igtih another 7:30 gam*. On November 8- the, flice SJimea invade tide Ficl^forufi7:30 tilt.; Final elm is' Npveml>crH : ‘24 with , the ‘ Taggi Shorthorns'in Kyle Fi,eld at - ■ v-i r U Sunk Teeth In ITojeof iKMFOBIAy: at Eiqporia Stat^ Teachers:: .dojlige "r^pbht cjise' of sorneqr)- reaHy.ftsunk : his'.teethylntd 1 aTtf- segrj^h ? Bro^eyt, - ' -' , l . A lo|:'er phatl' of, was found ^hJtheteard, ; c'atklqghe of the l William Allen % .White- - Library- ‘ * » 1 ‘ "tf ir, • •. 4 •' } three to play, has a 90-61 record r ., ■ .... ••r;. - ' v/f^v , . . . two ganuestto play., Bpbertsq making » determined, llth-hpur bid ' to s' achieve ! 2Q ytc- torics for his-’ seventh cqnsecutive season, throttled the Dodgers with five hits, only, ope through the last six innings, to » registerhis 1 19th triumph. ' ' ,v , t ' Ifc ‘s' - - A m* " AD KATES Isy,>*; per' word *■**<% ■dditional day . * p.m.Bfy before publication J . v . l ',' v,t 'iCInesified Display ' : 1 80# per column inch , •eneh insertion , ' PRONE VI 8-8415 rraf ,-, h', I V -t % l - i.. v For Sal a b.’Mlineograph.'vAiB.'*'Dick, Model 92; Jril Sctiied;' bids.vAtilT- be received it'-tbe;; office of the Texas Forest *«rvipe, Texas A^S-M ,College- Sys- .College^ Btation, Texas, until * a.rn.-', Friday,- Oct. 12, 1956, bn hns ayajiahle upon request. Ad- ^s ;' the . Director,* Texas Forest dee, CoBoge station, 1 Tex., for. h^r information.^, „ t l'64t2 rKehmore, wrmger; type washer. V ti ‘good cbnaition. 1 Cull- VI 6-6452. ■ 1 J'JtCQUytertihio- ' 1 ''1951 ' Studeh.aker Gofn-nkaiider, vV-8, all aecessoiaes. jgbod‘ condition.. 4 See .Jack Quinn, libpm-<73,vlnilrter. .1 i; } l63t2 ,kf y’sedyFrj^idaire^reirigerator; For fufthiFinfoi-mation call VI 6-5030. r rij -■ • - Pet® tc GHkey’s pet Shop; Trqpiual fish, goldfish, and birds.' Yoiir .pet sup ply. headquarters.. 1901 S'. * Col- < Ifgiif huwihtii'l-djfis: iproaticfs- -"off alf tife^sce !; the MARION PUGH liCMBEB, COMPANY, 4 . blocks south of KylevField. Old Highway fik PhoneiVU 6,5711. , 161tfn' Bataty^ console ironcr. General Hlectrjc. 'Perfect condition. §82.50. vUe-Tsse.- „r - ! ' isetfn ' 195<b Model Kolleiflex F3.5 Tes- 6U r 'with 'complete accessories; elec- .t^onfc [ flash, , lights meter, gadget btig.i’. Fntire equipment two months old. 1 Will - selL fpVv §295 r v or' trade for t tape i regord^r,^- or s itypew'-riter. George Bee,'Dbrtn. 16-210 or Box 1603. v r , 162t3 17”. DuMpiit Cotjsole'.TV- Set, $65. StH.Park Blafcc^yi 6-4Q65. , 158tfh ; fc Ga sh, and t Carry - Sale from. Aug. 20i|i; ^BfOtigHiSeptembcr. Sherwin- WifHanis put^i<fe white 'paint, gal- • lpn,f$5.85; Kftm-GTov.gKlloii, $6.08; iper : K^m-Tone,, a gallon, $4*89; ftenifcoloravslightly. higher. 3’ Red ck6t,fence, -roll' $9.25; 3’ Grech •■'rpn4$9,To; ’3’- White;picket', $l2(75;'y4’<' Rdd ‘picket, roll ; 25.;.4' J Greep picket, roll $11.25; Vhite picket, - roll $15.25. Fan :^trellia,‘each• 89c. COX LUM- . 'COMPA j^Y,'2705 South Col- rgiAMenUe, Bfyah. , 153tl3 r||^pldrr RADIO SERVICE 9QSOLIKS C RAUIO AND jjP^TV'SEhVlCE ■ t&U •.-»*■ M. ' fT— nnJtT—« T»w«*) nniAn ■ - : pogs, cats boarded—lowr .dfdiy, weekly,^monthly rates. Grooming, .Puppies". Free pickup, delivery; BAYARD KENNNLS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6 : 553$. 70tf For Kept ' Make ’reservations early -yfor weekTends throughout' the, year. Two- oversized beautiful rooms, each -with twin beds,- adjoining bath.'* TA 2-2716., - r I62t4 If you have any moying'ter do', local or lon'g distance, do it wifhifa trailer .and save money.. See’ Baker Co., Bryan Phone ,TA2-81£9: 158t8 - Lafe m odel typewriters, ■ perform like new. BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE, 429 South Main, Bfy- fm. V' -i; V. -143tf Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf V r , - 1 'S • . 'c ^ ■■ x;- " v Work Waatod vv:' " '-■'W-ill. .'.care ■.for-; .diildren' v in'f niy« hb.ijie' daily. ‘V A led’ Ingi^ add. foi- : special • occasions,' ,By ‘ajSpoin-t- ment. ! C-10-X, College View'."* ' , 164t4 ’ Cl44d care in my'home. $ ID* per week for one child.- $15 "^pr ,2 children. Mrs. Virginia 'Wjlli&ms, 1302 *A Batts, Bryan. > ,;T64t2 'Accurate, neat typist^ desires work. Reasonable rates. VI 6-B342 at noon or after-5:30: p.m.‘ y ,:163t2 ’ .Child care in my . home.'*, $2&>er day. C-21-D, ’College View. VI- 6-6003. . - . . .^l(rl|;6. Will baby-sit for;working/nf^lr- ers, day or night. Information -at 2200 B. Echols, Bryan. ' ^161t6 I -would like to »keep several children in my home for: working fnothers; Will do Baby sitting’also; 1104 Milner, CS. / •;., . IfTtfn Attention Working, Mothp4s1 5 All -day. nursery. ,$25*00 iper month'. Fenced- yard, j two rhlooks from- campus. oOAi'West^Dejtter, Phone VI 6-4142.; ,, T5otf Neat accurate typist'desires-typ ing, in my home. Qwn-electric type writer. VI 6-5805. , 142tf Help Wanted Sfl'll’- sensational-“New improved; Bid# Ribbon, World’s Most’Usable Bible.” Tree training, weekly pay- Above earnings.. Call TA 2-4796. 162t4 PhUt-time experienced , grocery workers. No Sunday work- FOOD TOWN, 516 Nqrth Main St., Bryan; -• ' f'V'15|tfn v aitrtf# w 3 p.n»; A em 1 ,.. ploying Aggie Wjf Hours Sa-m. n person West- Wanted Student, for part-time sales work in College Station area. - Excellent possibility for good earnings. Call VI 6-6723. < 16312 Men. Washroom and truck'help- er.- Hours: 7 a.m. to 3:30-p.m. Apply Laundry Plant, A&M Col lege. ‘ ; 162t3 Found A. a icxniNKEBiHa AK» >: .. ABCHITECTTJRAl. BVmSM» i- • BLUE LlKB rilliiTS ' ■ i- • BECK PRINT• • PHOTOSTATS SCO AXES INDUStRIBS MS OU Snlpkn SprlnsFa KMS t SKTJLir, TKXAS ^ ; ■ u -Meet’s .Vri tet - Kyle, Field Saturday., O.v.mefVip.^' '!get ky identifying aiidip-ayihg^'f or ad. Write Bill Briscoe, Route 2,i Rich mond,' Texas.’ f64tfn Special Notice VISIT.. . i COULTER FIELD? in Bryan fVfhvrar tl Enat £’ • AIKM.ANK KKNTAI. • PIJ'illT IN.STKtCTIOJC • KIOES w,TA 2^9400 ■ Day and ; night ‘"nursery. Two blocks;from Nppthi Gate.. Reason able rates. - Expert care. *416 Tau ber. VI 6-4430. 162tfn OFFICIAL NOTICES I H» ||»l—..p.. . I. I ■!.. I.. ...I, . II ,1 I II I II Igl I ncnuniap • x. p.aa. •> pifMtffiUnf — Offeotar ’ ‘^Interested.-j. In ' applying , for RlHQdes^cGofkrshlptsHould^coAf^r with /R. H. Balllrtger.TR<Jom' 302-C, A'cide'tnic, Bldg. ■. / • •'•ftUi * • • »• ? - r U ; 1 ' 5.6416. 16416. A&M MEMS SHOP 103 MAIN NORTH GATE AGGIE OWNED J? TU 7% THAT COUNTS! you buy food! traceri ed SPRY Superior Shortening 3 Lb. Can 79c Maryland Club COFFEE L.b. Can 99c Imperial Pure Cane S U G A R 5 lbs. 45 c Glg.diola Refrigerated BISCUITS 2 cans 15 c Libby’s Crushed PINEAPPLE No. 2 Can 23c 4 ‘HOMO” MILK Sanitary or Carnation Hall “' Gal. Carton 4gc Uncle Williams PORK & BEANS 300 Cans 2 cans 15 c Libby’s ' CATSUP . 14 O/. Bottle 2 bottles 35 c Nabisco Honev GRAHAMS 1 Lb. Box 33c Sunshine" Hvdrox COOKIES 9 Oz. Box 25c We Say ... A Humble THANKS To the great number of new faces at our Big Sale last week. Regardless . '. . If you are a new customer or one of our loyal regular customers . . . We will do our utmost to please you week after week. Thanks again for dropping by . . . Please do it often. WUel FRYERS (fancy cut up) it. 37c Lean Veal POT ROAST Choice Lean VEAL CHOPS it. 49c Lean Tender %■ '< ROUND STEAK ib 65= Armour’s Columbia SLICED BACON Heart of Texas ib. 27. ib. 39. Armour’s All Meat -- r - F R iA v f w Hf -a, S y,i, ‘wwiiBmw»iffi# , r^ Qr . : . ' '. U • .. - ' ; J-^rocluce POTATOES 10 l-b Bag 39c Idaho Russett Crisp Green 1 g CELERY 2 Nice Stalks 15c Red Tokay GRAPES Minnesota Elberta PEACHES Sunkist LEMONS Loomis Grasso Breaded en ^roociA SHRIMP 10 ° z p^9 39c . » « . v n i: Fresh Libby’s—LEMONADE or ORANGE JUICE 2 d oz. cans 25c j Libby's Vegetables Chopped Broccoli IJ iOoz. (Spinach / p k gs . Peas tracer ted Fruit of the Vine Welch’s PRESERVES 20 Oz. Jar 39c f Sunny Acres TOMATO SAUCE can 5 C | Top Kick DOG FOOD 4 cans 25 e Uncle Williams HOMINY JIOO Cans i . '• j ’ , j-; 2 cans 15 c TOMATO JUICE 46 Oz. Can 27c P Kobey’s SHOESTRING P O T A T O E S Small Can 10 c F Starkist—Chunk Flat Can ^ T UNA 25c Decker’s O L E o 2 lbs. 33 c ; Rosedale PEARS No. 2t/ 2 Can 29c ^ Lilly or Sanitary MELLORINE Assorted Flavors 1/1* Gallon 49c i MILLERS SUPER MARKET l Sunday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; Thursday, Friday and Sat urday — 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY — SEPTEMBER 27th — 28th 29th