Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1956)
The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 4 Tuesday, September 18, 1956 Faculty Newcomers Welcomed to A&M A program welcoming new fac ulty members to A&M was held Thursday in the Memorial Stu dent Center with brief informa tional talks presented by the var ious deans and ranking college and system officials. Dr. M. T. Harington, chancellor, welcomed the new members on be half of the A&M System, and Dr. David H. Morgan, president, ad dressed the group on behalf of the college. Anniversary Sale 1953 BUICK SUPER FORDOR; 1953 BUICK ROADMASTER 1955 MERCURY MONTEREY 1956 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR, 1952 FORD, 8 cyl. Tudor $ 895.00 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM “Price Was” “SALE PRICE” “You Save” . $1495.00 $1095.00 $400.00 :r .$1595.00 $1095.00 $500.00 . $2395.00 $1995.00 $400.00 ’. $1195.00 $ 995.00 $200.00 . $2900.00 $2050.00 $850.00 .$ 895.00 $ 695.00 $200.00 Your Friendly Ford Dealer Texas Ave. at Burnett Tel. TA 2-5229 208 W. 24th St., Tel. TA 2-7136 415 N. Main St., Tel. TA 2-1333 Big Three (Continued from Page 1) only to have it rejected by Nasser when it was carried to Cairo by Australian Prime Minister Robert G. Menzies. The diplomatic informants made clear Uasser’s refusal to let the test convoy pass through the canal, which he nationalized July 26, could be followed by prompt ref erence of the dispute to the U. N. Security Council. He has already denounced the plan for a users’ association as a “declaration of war.” In the Security Council, despite Russia’s right of veto, the West might hope to build up moral sup port for a charge that Nasser had breached the 1888 Suez Convention pledging freedom of passage to all nations at all times. Such suDDort, the diplomats felfc- would be the basis for what might develop into a long-drawn economic bout. Intense diplomatic maneuvering went on' behind the scenes. The U. N. Security Council in New York received from Egypt a communication asking it to keep a vigilant eye on the Suez situa tion and demanding an end to what Egyptians called pressure from Britain and France. The Egyptians said these measures were a threat to peace. Kyle Field (Continued from Page 1) of Student Activities, reported that 5,781 activity cards had been sold to students. Of this number, 3,672 cards had been sold to cadets and 2,109 to civilians. At the present time the student section of Kyle Field has a seating capacity of 8,948. This leaves a margin of al most 4,000 seats for Aggies dates. What’s Doing . . . at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft mm ' tUvifri s.* . Wmm. wsm ■ - ‘ f imsM v- ip?* Test Lab “Upstairs” Even in aviation’s earliest years, it was axiomatic that “proof must come in the air”. Out of this, the flying test bed was born ... and slowly grew to its present-day stature as an indispen sable engineering tool, implemented by an extensive variety of engineering skills. The problems of observing and recording an engine’s per formance in the air are legion. Most recently, a Boeing B-50 and a North American B-45 were readied as test beds for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft’s J-57 and J-75 turbojets. The experimental power plant, contained in a retractable pod in the bomb bay, can be flown to locations where atmospheric conditions permit most efficient testing. The prototype Is then extended into the air stream for actual flight work with the regular engines idled, and the job of observing and recording in-flight performance begins. From the first shakedown flight to the test engine’s even tual acceptance, invaluable information is gathered. Perhaps the most vital contribution made by P & W A’s flying test-bed program is the great reduction in time between initial devel opment and quantity production of engines. Important, too, 1 is the quality and diversity of engineering talent involved in such a program, for it spells out remarkable opportunity for today’s engineering student v '•Jp'&f) / &J0N' ..V iv - -A: 1 > •: v f . After exhaustive testing in the highly advanced facilities of Willgoqs Laboratory, the mighty P & W A J-75 is run in ground test prior to test bed flight. The four-engined B-45 bomber (above) allowed test flight at high speeds .and altitudes early in the J-75’s development. TPor/cTs foremost designer and builder of aircraft engines’ PRATT St WHITNEY AIRCRAFT vision of United Aireroft C o r p o r o t i C». g AST HARTFORD 8^ - CONNECTICUT, Henry D. Smith Is New Fireman Training Chief Henry D. Smith has been appointed to serve as chief of the firemen training depart ment of the Engineering Ex tension Service, for the Sys tem, effective Sept. 1. Smith re places H. R. Brayton, who current ly is conducting research studies for the Office of Civil Defense and Disaster Relief. For the past six years Smith has been employed with the fire men training department as an in structor. Prior to that he was chief of the Harlingen fire depart ment. Smith has served as acting chief of the department since Oct. 1, 1955. Smith reportedly, intends to con tinue to develop all the present municipal firemen training services of the department, in addition to expanding the program to include training for industrial firefighters. In addition to maintaining an “on-the-job” training program for municipal firemen throughout the state, the five-man instructor staff directs the following services: An annual two-week firemen training school held on the A&M campus, attracting about 1200 firemen from this state and the nation each year; a rescue training school de signed to train instructors from various cities in the organization of rescue teams to aid victims of natural disasters or enemy attack (nine of these schools have been held since their beginning in 1955, and about eight are scheduled to be held on the campus this year); the latest techniques of fire con trol and fire prevention are taught at area fire instructors conferences held annually at Abilene, Austin, Lubbock and Weslaco. The five-man instructor staff in cludes James A. Dobson, L. O. Bynum, A. L. Cartwright, A. J. Fogaley and James A. Bland. Clyde Beatty Circus Sets Tents In Bryan Bolstered by the addition of several members of the now-de funct Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Baily Circus, Clyde Beatty will bring his three-ring circus to the Bryan Fair Grounds for two per formances today. Billed as the “Largest Traveling Tent Show in the United States”, the Beatty organization will pre sent more than 150 performers for the two shows, one at 3 p. m. and one at 8 p. m. School children at A&M Con solidated Schools will be dismissed at 2:15 p. m. in order that they may attend the show, which is sponsored by the Brazos Valley Shrine Club. Featured attraction of the pi’o- duction, will be the famous animal trainer Clyde Beatty. He appears in a cage with 40 lions and tigers dur ing th coui’se of his act. Beatty has starred in the circus for many years, and has acted in more than 30 motion pictures, including “Ring of Fear” and “Africa Screams”. Other performers include the Loyal-Repenski family of riders with the comedian Justina, the Sabre Jet Troupe of aerialists and the Flying Thrillers. Clowns in the organization are headed by Bozo Ward, Chick Yale and Joe Miaco. Additional aerialists are the El Ray Sisters, the Segura family of equilibrists and Jean Attilana. A spectacle billed as “gloriously enchanting and stupendous” and “a gorgeous fiesta” will pi-ecede the performances. Included in it will be dancing girls, singers, orchestras and “grand golden-toned organs”. • • • Wear A WESTERN HAT By Davis to the To The ALL AGGIE RODEO — TWO STYLES — 10.95 - $12.00 ZUBIK'S UNIFORMS 105 N. Main TAILORS North Gate BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day . ... 2<fi per word 10 per word each additional day Minimum charge—40^ DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 800 per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Sale Harley Davidson ‘“165” motor cycle. Up to 80 miles per gallon and 60 mph. Perfect for commut ing. Saddle bags, windshield and speedometer. Reasonable. 907 E. 31st St., Bryan. 157tfn A. B. Dick Duplicating Mimeo graph Machine. May be seen by calling Student Publications, VI- 6-6415. Sealed bids will be re ceived in the office of the Business Manager, College Administration Building until 10:30 a.m., October 1, 1956. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager, A&M College of Texas, College Station, Texas for further information. 157t2 Cash and Carry Sale from Aug. 20th through September. Sherwin- Williams outside white paint, gal lon, $5.85; Kem-Glo, gallon, $6.98; Super Kem-Tone, gallon, $4.89; deep colors slightly higher. 3’ Red picket fence, roll $9.25; 3’ Green picket, roll $9.75; 3’ White picket, i’oll $12.75; 4’ Red picket, roll $10.25; 4’ Green picket, roll $11.25; 4’ White picket, roll $15.25. Fan type trellis, each 89c. COX LUM BER COMPANY, 2705 South Col lege Avenue, Bryan. 153tl3 G.E. 30” rotary ironer. Perfect condition. Cost $187. Make offer. VI 6-7356. 156t2 Room For Rent Three rooms for rent. One double, one single. Two blocks from North Gate. 401 Cross. Students or professors. 158tl Bedroom, has two closets, desk, joining bath, gai'age, breakfast privileges. One block bus, shop ping center, cafe. 200 Carson, Bry an. Call TA 3-2221. 158t4 Room for rent, for couple or two single boys. If preferred, kitchen privileges for couple. 307 Glade St. Call VI 6-7076 or TA 2-1501. 15814. • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN. TEXAS Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) For Rent Furnished room in College Park, private entrance, private bath. Southwest exposure, garage. Call VI 6-5556. 158tfn If you have any moving to do, local or long distance, do it with a trailer and save money. See Baker Co., Bryan Phone TA 2-8159. 158t8 Large bedroom, comfortably fur nished. $5.50 a week. 200 Mead- owlane, Call VI 6-5559. 15713 Late model typewriters, perform like new. BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE, 429 South Main, Bry an. 143tf Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf Pets Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. 8A YARD KENNELS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf Wanted Graduate students to teach en gineering drawing. Contact W. E. Street, VI 6-4416. 157t5 Work Wanted I would like to keep several children in my home for working mothers. Will do baby sitting also. 1104 Milner, CS. 157tfn Wanted opportunity to play with string band. Must have job to en~ tre school. Experience on instru ment and vocal. Write Raymond Yanowski, Bremond. 157t6 Aggie student’s wife will keep children at her home. 4104 College Main. 157tfn. Let me keep your children in my home 416 Tauber, by the month, day or hour. Very reasonable rates for expert care. Just 2 blocks from North Gate. I will keep children during all football games and all social affairs. References. For further information call VI 6-4430. 157tfn. Attention Working Mothers! All - day nursery. $25.00 per month. Fenced yard, two blocks from campus. 304 West Dexter, Phone VI 6-4142. 155tf Neat accurate typist desires typ ing in my home. Own electric type writer. VI 6-5805. 142tf PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Can — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 8. Main St. (Aero** from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA 8-1941 BRYAN FOR . . . Paints, Sign Materials, Shelv ing and Building Products of all types—see the ... MARION PUGH LUMBER CO. 4 Blocks South of Kyle Field Old Hiway 6. — Fh. VI 6-5711 Help Wanted Anyone interested in selling cor sages for the football games, dances, and other activities this coming school year may apply at 8 p. m.—-tonight only—at a meeting at the Floriculture Building, located at the entrance to the new area. STUDENT FLORAL CONCES SION. 158tl Part-time experienced grocery workers. No Sunday work. FOOD TOWN, 516 North Main St., Bryan. 156tfn Waitress wanted. Hours 6 a.m. •— 3 p.m. Apply in person West ern Restaurant. Interested in em ploying Aggie Wife. 126tf Female Help Wanted Beauty Operator, Edna’s Beauty Salon or Pruitt’s Beauty Shop. 135tf Special Notice Your Realsilk Distributor is Don Turner. Phone VI 6-7439. 156t3 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brousht, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Flool YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, dailj .Monday through Friday) at or before tin, deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. Laboratory assistants are needed for the fall semester in the Physics Department. Men who have completed sophomore physics courses with superior records are wanted to assist with instruction, grading and the handling of apparatus in the laboratories. The scale of oompensaion is $.90 per hour for new assistants and $1.00 per hour for experienced assistants. The opportunity for experience, as well as earnings, should be considered. Applicants for assistantships are invited to bring tentative schedules to the office of the department as soon as possible. Head, Physics Department J. G. Potter I S I T . . . COULTER FIELD in Bryan Highway 21 Fast AIRPLANE RENTAL • FLIGHT INSTRUCTION a RIDES TA 2-9400 A&M Men’s Shop 103 Main — North Gate AGGIE OWNED BRUNER BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. Batteries—Starters Generators—Carburetors Larry Bruner ’44 TA 2-1218 28th at Main K&B DRIVING RANGE — Opens — SATURDAY, SEPT. 22nd. 4 P. M. Fin Feather Rd. Bryan