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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1956)
Back-To-School Edition line Hattahon COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1956 Section 2 avis nnoimces 956-’57 Corps Offic ers Jack Horner Lunsford of Hous ton has been appointed cadet corps commander for this year announced Col. Joe E. Davis, Cmmandant. Other cadet appointments and assignments to the corps staff for this year include L. E. Sheppard, from Crockett, deputy corps com- mander with the rank of Colonel; Lieutenant Colonels Arva Henry Menefee, Center, Adjutant; War ren Buford Johnson, Mai'fa, Intell igence Officer; Bryan Wilburn Dedeker, Boerne, Operations Offi cer; Richard Meadows Wall of Houston, Supply Officer; Charles Ross Lewis, Jr., Waco, Inspector General; Dwayne Sheldon Bailey, Port Arthur, Chaplain; William Hood Dorsey, Big Spring, Corps Liaison Officer; Tedford Emmett Harrod, North Little Rock, Ark., Athletic Officer; James Oran Man- ley, Baytown, Scholastic Officer; James Martin Bowe, Victoria, Pub lic Information Officer; Larmar Ford, Marshall, Day-student Liai son Officer; Cyrus Halmer Holley, Taft, Commander . Consolidated Bands. Gary Wayne December of San Antonio, Major, Head Drum Ma jor. Master Sergeants: James Paul Costa of Fort Worth, Operations Sergeant; Jon Lewis Hagler, La- Gi’ange, Supply Sergeant; Donald Dean Dunlap of New Orleans, Lia ison Sergeant Consolidated Bands; James Robert Groves of Dallas, Scholastic Sergeant; Barney Ray Treadway, Orange, Athletic Ser geant; Jack Ewald Nelson, El Paso, Public Information Sei’geant; Ray Morris Bowen of Dallas, Intelli gence Sergeant; John Leroy Ligon, Odessa, Commissioning §ergeant. Maroon Band Commanding Officer for the Ma roon Band will be Murray Beall Denton, Captain. Drum Major will be Jay Glenn Cloud, Captain. First Lieutenants aa - e: Frank An drew Johnson, Executive Officer; Karl A. Stephens, Platoon Com mander; Dean Edwin Duncan, Pla toon Commander; Alvaro Eliseo Guevei-a, Platoon Commander; John Eldridge West, Scholastic Officer; Charles Everett Coelter, Public Information Officer; Wil liam Bomar Shives, Supply Offi cer; and Avalon Leroy Dungan, Ordnance Officer. First Sergeants is Willett Reat Stallworth, James Calvin Castron, Supply Sergeant; Carl Zeitler, Jr., Athletic Ser geant; Robert B. Karstetter, Scho lastic Sergeant; and Homer K. Shanks, Ordnance Sergeant, are Technical Sergeants. Squad Lead- er—Technical Sergeants are: Ray mond Earl Roycroft, Billy Wayne Libby, Harter Ben Schmid, Char les Millard Rice, James Walcott Gartrell, David Wesley McLain and Gus William Kinath, III. White Band With the rank of Captain, Char ges William Rasco, will be the Com manding Officer for the White Band. Drum Major for the Band is also a Captain, John Michael Cornwall. First Lieutenants are Harry Leroy Brown, Platoon Com mander, Phillips R. Speer, Platoon Comamnder; Clements Conrad Koehler, Scholastic Officer; Geo. E. Bahlman, Public Information Officer; Lari M. Wester, Supply Officer, and Archie Eddie Reed, Athletic Officer. Technical Ser geants are: John Andrew Deith- loff, Supply Sergeant; John Paul Greenwalt, Athletic Sergeant; Jas. Frank Nuckles, Ordnance Sergeant. James Orville Moore, Robei’t Stan ley Cannon, Merrill Travis Adam- cek, Joe Travis Maddux, Cecil Tulle Kirksey, Fi-ank Mitchell Nail, Jess Dillon Cole, Jr., George Atlee Cude, are Techincal Seargeant- Squad Leaders. Headquarters First Regiment The Headquarters First Regi ments Commanding Officer will be Thomas Weymon Adair, III, Col onel. Executive Officer is Lt. Col onel, Gilbert Noel Steile. John Phenix Aldridge, Major, Adju tant; Dale Barnhill Elmore, Ma jor, PI & Schol. Officer; Sammy Bryan Edwards, Lt. Colonel, Oper ations; Roy Leon Johnson, Major, Supply & Safety; Donald Ray Huffman, Major, Regimental Chap lain. Master Sergeants in Head quarters First Regiment will be George Thatcher Shepard, Ser geant Major; William Samuel Hipp, Operations Sergeant; John Walter Ochterbeck, Supply Ser geant, and Brady Dougles Arm strong, Intelligence Sergeant. Headquarters First Battalion First Regiment Lt. Colonel James TeiTell Pat terson is Commanding Officer and John Lewis Peeler is Executive Of ficer. James Royce Adams, PI & Scholastic; Michael Joseph August, Supply; Tedd McClure Lewis, Op erations & Safety, are all Majors. Velpeau Elwyn Hawes, Sergeant Major is a Master Sei’geant and Gene Arthur White, Operations Sergeant is a Technical Sergeant. “A” Infantry Captain Charles Augustus Bee- ver is the Commanding Officer of “A” Infantry. First and Second Lieutenants are: Jack Evans Gil pin, Executive Officer; Ralph Lar ry Stout, Platoon Leader; Thomas Lee Hailey, Asst. Platoon Leader; Charles Anton Schweizer, Asst. Platoon Leader; Ernest Ben Bugh, Scholastic Officer; Robei’t Dewitt Blanchard, Athletic Officer; James Derry Vandermeer, Public Infor mation Officer, and Jerry Rut ledge Brown, Supply Officer. Staff Sergeants are: Robert Ellis Blake, Squad Leader; William Wesley .Hanna, Squad Leader; Ford Green Martin, Squad Leader; Raymond L. Parker, Squad Leader; Donald Hayden Robins, Guide, and Ed ward Emanuel Rivers, Guide. Har old John Conrad is First Sergeant. “B” Infantry Commanding this unit as Cap tain will be Richard Dabney Hub bard. First Lieutenants are: Lar kin Power Warren, Executive Of ficer; Walter John Beaty, Pla toon Leader, and Robert Lee Mc Daniel, Athletic Officer. Others are: Warren Alexander Smith, 1st Serg’eant; Jack Powell Casimir, Technical Sergeant; John Sullivan Garnett, Staff Sergeant, Squad Leader, and Channing N .Williams, 1st Lieutenant, Platoon Leader. “C” Infantry Captain George Robert Crane will be the Commanding Officer of “C” Infantry. 1st Lieutenants will be Luther Paul Dube, Executive Officer; Myron Snell Gantt, Pla toon Leader; Jess Rhea McLarry, Platoon Leader; Robert Lyle Pat ton, Scholastic Officer; Billy Joe Boyd, Athletic Officer; James Ed ward Christ, Public Information Officer, and William Tell Hayes, Supply Officer. Also in “C” Infantry are Roy Everett Campler 1st Sergeant; Jack Vernon Walker, Technical Sergeant; Platoon Sergeant, Vir gil Norman Morrison; Supply Ser geant, Technical Sergeant. Staff Sergeants are Donald Eugene Fa- rek, Athletic Sergeant, and Squad Leaders and Staff Sergeants are Donald Eugene Farek, Emmett Kyle McMahan, William Jake Ly on, Jack Wesley Westerfield, John Lee Hauser, Freddie Copeland Geqrge, William Keith Meals is a Staff Sei’geant and a Guide. “D” Infantry “D” Infantry’s Commanding Of ficer will be Dannie Ellis George, Captain. 1st Lieutenants will be Charles S. Ware, Executive Offi cer; Lawrence D. Anderson, Pla toon Leader; Duwayne C. Lund- gren, Platoon Leader; Donald Drew Phillips, Scholastic Officer; Win- ford Hearld Hogan, Athletic Of ficer; Howard Donovan Butter, Public Information Officer; James B. Thompson, Supply Officer; Au brey Lee Burnham, Ordnance Of ficer. Frank Richard Forsyte is First Sefgeant, while William Blaine Owens, and Kenneth Lee McKinney are Technical Sergeants. John Henry Mayberry is a Squad Leader, Staff Sergeant. “E” Infantry Captain Lawrence E. Hill is the Commanding - Officer of “E” In fantry. The Fourteen 1st Lieu tenants are: William J. Savage, Executive Officer; Thomas Alvin Rape, Platoon Leader; William R. Shea, Platoon Leader; Holly Moody Lawrence, Asst. Platoon Leader; John R. Schuenemann, As sistant Platoon Leader; Walter Nash Miers, Scholastic Officer; Morris Lynn Dagerath, Asst. Scho lastic Officer; Holly Hope Evans, Athletic Officer; Dan Valdez, Asst. Athletic Officer; Robert L. Yea ger, Public Information Officer; Dudley M. Brown, Supply Officer; Joseph Evans Van Haselen, Asst. Supply Officer; Carl Eldo Cobb, Ordnance Officer, and John Henry Huffmeyer, Intelligence Officer. John Rich Billingsley is a First Sergeant. Headquarters Second Battalion, First Regiment Lt. Colonel Jimmy Lee Bryan is Commanding Officer. Others, are Donald Edwin Mitcham, Major, Ex ecutive Officer; Jack F. Robei’t- son, Major Adjutant; Geoffrey Wan, PI & Scholastic; Eugene E. Smith, Major, Operations & Saf ety; Robert W. Copeland, Major, Supply; Benjamin Douglas Agnor, Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major; Herbert Francis Penfiled, Techni cal Sergeant, Operations Sergeant; Charles Wood Rice, Technical Ser geant, Supply Sergeant. “A” Armor Commanding Officer is James Alvis Moseley, Captain. Wilfred J. Klement 1st Lieutenant is Ee- ecutive Officer. Others are: Cecil Kenneth Simmons, Platoon Lead er; James Richard Stevens, Pla toon Leader; Michael R. Gaines, Scholastic Officer; Bobby Dale Bostick, Athletic Officer; Paul Francis Larson, Public Informa tion Officer; Billy Frank Douglas, Supply Officer, and Patrick De forest Crossland, Liaison Officer. All are 1st Lieutenants. Thomas William Estes is First Sergeant and Alvin Earl Palmer is Techni cal Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant. “B” Armor Commanding this unit will be Captain Albeit March Loudon, Commanding Officer. Others are: Executive Officer, George Wilson Sutphen; Platoon Leader, Law rence T. Gregg; Scholastic Offi cer, Bobby Glyn Sullivan; Athletic Officer, Paul Vance Stephens; Pub lic Information Officer, Desiderio Trevino, Jr., and Supply Officer, Charles Wesley Mattison. All are First Lieutenants. Richard Erwin Whitmire is a First Sergeant, and Edgar Wilmot Blitch, Platoon Slr- g’eant, and Lon Don Johnston, Sup ply Sergeant, are Technical Ser geants. “C” Armor Commanding Officer is Marvin E. Melson, Captain. Others are: First Lieutenant Bannister W. Farquhar, Executive Officer; Oli ver H. Crittenden, First Lieuten ant; Robert Ernest Burkhard, First Sergeant; Ray Maner Sims, Pla toon Sergeant; and Staff Sergeant, Brian McDonough, Scholastic Ser geant. Headquarters Third Battalion, First Regiment Lt. Colonel Johnny Glenn Basin ger will be the Commanding Offi cer of this Unit. Five majors are: Herman J. Veselka, Executive Of ficer; Langston H. Wood, Adju tant; Cecil Ray Floyd, PI & Scho lastic; Andrew J. Weisenf elder, Opns. & Safety, and Gary Ander son, Supply. Donald Bayne Wood, Master Sergeant is Sergeant Ma jor. Three Technical Sergeants are: Operations Sergeant, James George Regmund, Supply Sergeant; Robert Fredric Clark and Frank lin Bert Balke, Intelligence Ser geants. “A” Engineers Captain John Wharton Rinard will be “A” Engineers Command ing Officer. First Lieutenants are: Executive Officer Paul Gene Mas ters, Platoon Leader; Donald Mil- ton White, Platoon Leader; Char les Spencer Skillman, Asst. Pla toon Leader; Henry R. Halff (Sec ond Lieutenant), Daniel G. Mor- iarity, Scholastic Officer; Albert Charles Sanderson, Public Infor mation Officer, and Ken Michael Talley, Supply Officer. Lawrence Gilbert Diehl is the First Sergeant. The three Staff Sergeants squad leaders are Clarence William Gar rard, Doyle Wayne Brinegar, and William Howard Galbraith. “B” Engineers Luther James Starr, Captain, will be the Commanding Officer. First Lieutenants will be Execu tive Office!’, James Elliott Dunn; Platoon Leader, George Haddon Watkins; Platoon Leader, Robert Edward Best; Scholastic Officer, Merrill F. Cobb; Athletic Officer, Alan Rhea Todd; Public Informa tion Officer, Stephen M. Boysen. Jerry Clyde Robert is First Sex’- geant. Technical Sergeants are Roger Caldwell Bailey, Platoon (See CORPS OFFICERS, Page 2) uu come Credit man THE Chic ken WESTERN RESTAURANT Steak Open 24 Hours To Serve You Shrimp SEA FOOD pies t Fish Highway 6 VI-6-5121