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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1956)
1 TKe Battalion ..... College Station (Brazos County}, Texas PAGE 6 Thursday, September 13, 1956 Corps Officers (Continued from Page .1) Squadron 12 Capt. Joseph W. Joeris will com mand the unit and 1st Lt. Charles R. Haines will be Executive Of ficer. Other officers include: 1st Lts. Herschel Glyn Welch as Flight Commander; Charles K. Orr, Ath letic Officer; Nelson J. Sprague, scholastic Officer; Donald G. Atneson, PIO; Charles W. Jenkins, Supply Officer. Dale F. Lake will be First Ser geant with T/Sgt Alton L. Mc Nulty Flight Sergeant. S/Sgts Robert V. Baylis, Squad Leader; K. E. Davis, Squad Leader and Leonard W. Houston, Squad leader. Headquarters Second Wing Col. Stanley B. Crockett will command the wing with Lt. Col. J. Marcus Crow as his Executive Of ficer. Other staff members are: Maj. Jesse H. Jeffenes, adjutant; Maj. Dtyvid R. Briggs, PIO and Scholas tic Officer; Lt. Col. James P. Hutchinson, Operations; Maj. Den nis H. Goehring, Supply and Safety; Maj. Charles D. McMullan, Chaplain; Maj. James S. Tinsley, Liason Officer. M/Sgt. Arvill G. Newby, Operations Sergeant; Jerald W. Ellington, Supply Sei’- geant; M/Sgt. John Lawrence, Intelligence Sergeant; and M/Sgt. Carroll Frank Earn, Special Ser vices. Headquarters Fifth Group Second Wing Lt. Col. John F. Heai-d will com mand the group with Maj Salamn D. Griffith, Executive Officer. Other members are: Maj. Roy R. Lackey, PIO and Scholastic Officer; Maj. Edmond M. Saad, Operations and Safety; T/Sgt. Samuel F. Ray, Operations Sergeant; T/Sgt. Thom as L. Martin, Supply Sergeant; and T/Sgt. John James Dglaney, In telligence Sergeant. Squadron 13 Capt. Donald E. Williams will command the unit with 1st Lt. James C. Sharp as his Executive Officer. Other officers include: 1st Lts. George N. Winn, Flight Command er; Lewis D. Hollis, Flight Com mander; Cloice A. Whitley, Schol astic Officer; William T. Ayres, Supply Officer. John Larry Downs will be First Sergeant assisted by T/Sgt. Charles K. Dosch, Flight Sergeant; T/Sgt. Gerald A. Kramer, Supply sergeant and S/Sgt. Oswell L. Martin, scholastic Sergeant. Squadron 14 Capt. Robert L. Hoover will command the unit with Sgt. Taylor G. Scott as his First Sergeant. Other non - commissioned officei’s include: T/Sgt. John L. MsCarty, Flight Sergeant; S/Sgt. Rollins E. Bilby, Athletic Sergeant; S/Sgt. Lorenzo N. Williams; PIO and S/Sgt. Roy Powell, Squad Leader. Squadron 15 Capt. Jefferson D. Gray will command the unit with 1st Lt. Eugene M. Smith as his Executive Officer. 1st St. Richard N. June will be Flight Commander and Thomas C. Todd will be First Sergeant. T/Sgt Thomas Van Kol- terman will be Supply Sergeant. Headquarters Sixth Group, Second Wing John L. Loggans is commanding officer with rank of cadet Lt. Col. Membei's of his staff with the rank of cadet Major are William Setzler, executive officer; Alton L. Warren, adjutant; John D. Selen- sky, public information and schol astic; James W. Wilson, operations and safety and supply sergeant Alonzo Byington, Technical Serge ant. Squadron 16 Adrian Charles Helms is com manding officer with the rank of cadet Captain. First lieutenants are Louis G. McKnight, executive of ficer; John H. Hopkins, Ronald N. Hand, Robert S. Stuart, Jack E. Herzik and James P. Smith. Wil liam S. McCallum is fii’st sergeant. Other sei’geants are Gerald B. Mc Leod, David A. Jones, Dionicio V. Flores and William C. Hill. Squadron 17 Cadet Captain John David Janak is commanding officer. First Lieutenants are Dick Morton, executive officer; Edward C. Han son, Johnson R. Clegg, William S. Davis, Phillip E. Johnson, Alexand er Morello, William Ennis Du Plantis. Charles A. Weinacht is first sergeant. Other sergeants are WE HAVE SERVED . . . TEXAS AGGIES for the past 30 years — therefore, if you don’t know JEWELERY, know SANKEY PARK Your Trusted KEEPSAKE Jeweler 111N. Main Ph. TA 3-6835 BRYAN Robert B. Gleason, Roy E. Mitchell, Robert H. Kidd, John R. Dosher, Patrick A. Robertson, Benjamin W. Bohuslay. Squadron 18 Commanding officer with the rank of cadet Captain is Allan W. Newberry. First Lieutenants are Alfred L. Williams, executive of ficer; Bernard A. Spath, Frank James Cinatl, Robins W. Edwards and Roy Cpnrad Eckard. First Sei’- geant is Baxter E. Hogue. Other sergeants are Kenneth M. Gmben- man, James R. Griffith and Red- mund A. McCowen. Headquarters Seventh Group, Second Wing Donald W. Green with the rank of cadet Lt. Col. is commanding officer. Majors in his staff include Bobby E. May, executive officer; Charles L. Novy, public information and scholastic; Donald L. Moore, operations and safety; Harold B. Warnick, supply. Theron D. Mc Laren is supply sergeant with Charles R. Skinner as intelligence sergeant. Squadron 19 Edward W. Wyatt, cadet Captain is commanding officer. William O. Fuller is executive officer with the rank of first lieutenant with Gary L. Waters as first sei-geant. Tech nical sergeants include George E. Pierce, Arvin D. Eady and Shelby L. Guidry. Staff sergeants are Boba Sherrill, Joe K. Allen, Ed ward L. Pigott and Blanton L. Hanes. Squadron 20 Patrick George Marshall, cadet Captain, is commanding officer. Robert W. Caster is first sergeant. Sergeants are Jimmie R. Porter, Victor F. Hlavinka, Thomas N. Crocker and Dan Charles Thomp son . # Squadron 21 Ronald L. Patton is commanding officer with the rank of cadet Captain. First Lieutenants are Charles D. McMullen, executive officer, William A. Carlton, Ed ward A. Furqueron and Cecil Rinn McComas. Robert L. Jewell is fh'st Sergeant. Technical sergeants are Charles H. Price and Roger S. Livingston. Headquarters Eighth Group, Second Wing ’ Willie Alsup with the rank of cadet Lt. Col. is commanding of ficer. Majors on his staff include Bobby R. Noack, executive officer; Bobby L. Crim, adjutant; Edwin N. Moffatt, public information and scholastic; Lee M. Hilgartner, ope rations and safety and Donald C. Burchard, supply. Technical serge ants are Larry G. Garrison, ope rations, and William A. Kucera, intelligence. Squadron 22 John A. Webb, cadet Captain, is commanding officer. First Lieuten ants are Clifton M. Hotard, execu tive officer; James G. Newman, Charles D. Williams with Ai’len D. Lumas as first sergeant. Douglas L. Campbell is flight sergeant. Squadron 23 Joseph R. Zemanek, cadet Cap tain, is commanding officer. First Lieutenants include Adolph J. Kucera, executive officer; Jimmy D. Harris, James B. Shepherd, Martin Ray Adams and Everett D. Laird. First Sergeant is Milton D. Kincaid. Other sei’geants are James C. Starr, George C. Reoh and Latmon D. Stewart. Squadron 24 Cadet Captain Walter L. Pen- berthy is commanding officer. First lieutenants are Don P. Dixon and Edwin M. Blake. Sergeants are Robert H. Stiteler, George Parker McKnight, Floyd K. Buckner and Charles Ray Cook. Squadron 25 Robert Drake Keith, cadet Cap tain, is commanding officer, First lieutenants are Robert J. Lockett, executive officer; Edmon D. Wil son and George I. Mehaffey. WftLCmNCK.'b OUT'A, ' * YOU AVJ' YOU ‘bTNE.T 14LXT e>EMEt>TEE. OW TW BOLL RlKlOf Groneman Appointed Education Coordinator Di'. Chris H. Groneman has been appointed Coordinator for the Council on Teacher Education, Dr. David H. Morgan, president, has announced. Groneman head of the Industrial Education Department, also is chairnaan of the Athletic Council. The post heretofore has been chairman of the Council. The Council on Teacher Educa tion serves as an advisory council on the operation of all teacher edu cation programs, both undergrad uate and graduate. Also, among its duties are to prepare recommenda tions for certification of graduates. The Council refers only to those departments who directly or in- directly prepare teachers. Consisting of seven members of the general faculty, the council has the heads of the four teacher edu cation departments and three mem- bei-s of the general faculty from other departments of the college, appointed annually in August by the pi-esident on recommendations of the Executive Committee. “A need for greater responsi bility and authority in the chair man was felt as a result of the work done by the Texas Education Agency in Teacher Education,” President Morgan said. “On June 28, 1955, on recommendation of the Executive Committee, the Academic Council approved the recommenda tion that the chairman of the Coun cil on Teacher Education should be appointed by the president on the recommendation of the Executive Committee for a term of four years. “Observations of this operation and further evidences of the in terest of the Texas Education Agency in a central office for teacher education justify this move and indicate that our four pro grams of Teacher Education located in three schools will be further strengthened by making the posi tion of chairman a permanent ap pointment under the title of co ordinator.” The coordinator has no authority relative to the operation of the separate departments. The heads of these departments will maintain the authority and responsibilities which they have had in the past. “This position,” (coordinator), Dr. Morgan stated, “should require only part of the faculty members time and logically should be filled by one of the present department heads.” SCHOOL SUPPLIES RECORDS — GIFTS — STATIONERY Crystal and China HASWELL’S Paint and Wallpaper ‘SINCE 1888’ STUDENT DESKS — GREETING CARDS OFFICE SUPPLIES and EQUIPMENT WELCOME BACK AGGIES Come Visit Our NEW PLANT Where We Will Continue to Give YOU and YOUR Clothing the FINEST SERVICE POSSIBLE PARK CLEANERS South of Kyle Field WELCOME- AGGIES- TO- YOU NGBLOOD'S GOOD FOOD AT MODERATE PRICES ENTIRELY REMODELED FOR YOUR COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE ROCK BUILDING HIWAY 6 PHONE MIDWAY BETWEEN TA 2-4557 BRYAN AND COLLEGE Welcome Students To Shoe Headquarters for TEXAS AGGIES The Right Shoes for Men U- S- KEDS Teitzel - Jones These shoes featured in Cordovan for Military wear” All Brands Polishes and Accessories We maintain our own repair department to service your shoes. 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