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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1956)
FACxE 8 Thm\, Aug. 28, 1956 | THE BATTAT, ION College Station, Texas Freshmen (Continued from Page 1) D. P. Anderson will talk on the Army ROTC at A&M. Cadet Major Donald R. Huffman, First Regimental Chaplain will give the invocation. At 9 a.m. new students will form into two groups—those selecting to be members of the Corps of Cadets while at A&M and those choosing to join the civilian ranks. Those choosing to join the Corns will remain in Guion Hall for talks by Cadet Col. Jack H. Lunsford, Corps Commander; Lt. Col. Taylor Wilkins, assistant commandant and Col. Davis. Those students who do not choose ROTC will meet in the Ball Room of the MSC where B. A. Zinn, head of the Student Affairs Department will preside. These meetings will last until 11:45 a.m. Monday afteraoon will be spent in two groups, civilian and Corps, for talks by civilian counselors and unit commanders, respectively. The Grove will be the site of another General Assembly at 7 p.m. where a talk will be given by Dean Robert B. Kamm, Dean of Basic Division and Student Person nel Services. The Executive Com mittee will be introduced to the group. Walter Jenkins, Choir Di rector, First Methodist Church in Houston will be in charge of enter tainment. Tuesday, Sept. 11 All students will meet in Guion Hall to learn about the Basic Div ision and how it works to help the new student. At 10 a.m. unit meetings will be held for civilian and Corps students separately where discussions of ac ademic requirements will be held. In the afternoon unit meetings for the two groups will be held with the Cadets learning about uni form regulations and civilians hear ing talks on Aggie ti’aditions, elec tions and student government. At 3:30 p.m. all veteran students will meet in the Ball Room of the MSC with B. A. Zinn, veterans’ ad- tispr. Extra - curricula activities a t A&M will be discussed at the Gen eral Assemblv in The Grove at 7 p.m. W. L. Penbei'thy, head of the Student Activities Department will preside and a Yell Practice will be held under the direction of William H. Dorsey, head yell lead er. Wednesday, Sept. 12 Gathering for a General Assem bly in Guion Hall at 8 a.m. students will attend separate assemblies to be held during the day for the pur pose of receiving general informa tion concerning his respective ma jor field of study. At 1 p.m. an assembly will be held in the Ball Room of the MSC for those students who attended summer sessions. Local churches will arrange spe cial entertainment and services for interested students beginning at 7 p.m. There will be no Grove assem bly Wednesday night. Thursday, Sept. 13 During moi'ning sessions Richard M. Wall, president of the MSC Council will speak on “Getting Off to a Good Start” and Dr. C. R. Lyons of the College Hospital will talk on “An Apple A Day.” Remainder of the day will be spent in group and individual meet ings with basic division staff mem bers. Toward the end of the day unit commanders, for those students in the Corps, and Breazeale, for civil ian students, will give hints on reg istering. No assembly in The Grove to night. Friday, Sept. 14 Registration for New Students will begin at 8 a.m. in Sbisa Hall. Students with previous college credit and those with irregular problems will register during the afternoon. Students transferring more than 15 semester hours credit to A&M will register with upperclassmen Saturday morning. Saturday, Sept. 15 Registration for all returning students will begin at 8 a.m. at Sbisa Mess Hall. Sunday, Sept. 16 Church Services will be held at all churches at the Gate and in the city of College Station. College officials recommend new students should be back on the campus in order to attend class Monday morn ing. Monday, Sept. 17 Classes begin according to indi vidual schedule—You are an Aggie now! SPECIAL FOR THUR. - FRI. - SAT. AUG. 23 - 24 - 25 TEXAS FINEST TOMATO SAUCE oz. can 5 Del COLGATE Tooth P aste Giant Size 35c NORTHERN COLORED Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 23c Golden Age c5 Beverage quart 10c Del Monte Food Sale WHOLE GREEN BEANS BEANS COCKTAIL fruit PEARS CORN PRUNE JUICE PINEAPPLE Crushed Pit 1 A W Del JNIonte ft Early Garden TOMATOES Del Monte PINEAPPLE JUICE Del Monte Cut Green Del Monte FR Del Monte Halves Del Monte Cream Style—Golden Del Monte Del Monte Monte 4 c2 99C 5 c?,no 99c 4 Zl 99c 4 ZL 99c 7 Cans 99C 3 qts. 99c 4 ?: n 2 s 99c 6 Cans 99c 5 ^ 99c Del Monte Cans 46 Oz. Cans 99c Orr’s Gold Seal—VEAL ROUND STEAK ib. f)!). 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