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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1956)
The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 8 Thursday, June 28, 1956 KO cwo rifeS By Mrs. Charles W. Pickering Karen Pickering, this week’s guest editor, and her husband Chuck, senior petroleum engineering student, are parents of a five-week old son, Joe David. The couple, who are from \ ictoria, live at C-9-Z College View. Karen is president of the Pet. E. Wives Club and a member of the Dames Club. CONGEALED HAM SALAD 1 pkg. gelatin cup celery, chopped fine 1 cup hot chicken bouillon % small onion, chopped fine broth . Vz green pepper, chopped fine 1 cup salad dressing 1 pimiento, chopped fine 1 cup ham (or chicken) Vz cup cold water chopped fine Dissolve gelatin in hot bouillon broth. Add cold water and salad dressing. Blend Vvell. Pour into refrigerator freezing tray. Chill in freezing unit 15 to 20 minutes. Pour mixture into bowl and fold in remaining ingredients. Pour into 1-quart mold. Chill in refrigerator until firm, about 30 to 60 minutes. Unmold on lettuce leaves. CABBAGE-PEPPER SLAW 4 cups shredded cabbage Dash pepper Vz cup chopped green pepper 2 T. vinegar 2 T. sugar It. prepared mustard 1 if. salt Vi fup salad dressing 1 t. celery seed Combine vegetables, sugar, salt, celei’y seed and peppei’. Combine vinegar, mustard, and salad dressing. Add to vegetables and mix thoroughly. MOCK VEAL CUTLETS l 1 ^ lb. hamburger meat 1 egg salt & pepper crushed cracker crumbs Salt and pepper meat and press into round patties, as for ham burgers. Freeze with two pieces of waxed paper between each patty. When ready to use, let patties partially thaw and dip into beaten egg then in numbs. Brown on both sides in hot fat. Cover and cook over low heat about 20 minutes. FROZEN LEMON PUDDING Vz cup ice cold evaporated milk 14 t. grated lemon rind 1 egg 2!i> T. lemon juice 5 T sugar . 14 cup crushed graham cracker •crumbs Mix in a lai’ge bowl the egg yolk, 3 tablespoons sugar, lemon rind, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Beat the egg white until stiff adding the remaining sugai\ Fold egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture. Whip chilled milk with beater until fluffy.. Add remaining lemon juice and whip until stiff. Fold into egg mixture. Put into ice tray. Sprinkle graham crumbs over top. Freeze. QUICK CUCUMBER PICKLES 3 or 4 large cucumbers 14 cup salt 3 or 4 stems, fresh dill or 1 pinch alum 1 t. dill seed 1 cup apple cider vinegar 1 onion 1 cup water Wash and cut each cucumber into six strips. Slice onions. Place in bowl, and salt. Let set 6 or 8 hours, or overnight. Dry cucumbers with a cloth. Place cucumbers, onions, dill and alum in covered dij*h. Bring to a boil the vinegar and water and pour mixture over cucumbers. Cover and let set a couple of days before eating. Certificates Given; Ends Poultry Class Poultrymen from many sections of Texas were presented certifi cates at the end of a “Flock Se lection and Pullorum Testing Short Course” held recently on the cam pus of A&M. “Each poultryman who finished the five-day school is eligible to become a licensed selecting and testing agent,” said Ed Parnell, of the Poultry Husbandry Dept, who was in charge of the school. “The students did the work under super vision of faculty members and were required to meet definite standards for a certificate.” Included in the instruction was training on poultry breeding, diseases, flock nianagement, care of hatching eggs, incubation, feeding, Dean of Agriculture J. E. Adams presented certificates to the 22 persons who completed the course. The Grove Schedule The following movies are sched uled to be shown at The Grove next week: Thursday Bringing Up Baby with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn. Monday Stars and Stripes Forever star ring’ Clifton Webb and Debra Paget. Tuesday Gunbelt with George Montgom ery. Wednesday July 4th Holiday, no movie. EXAM SCHEDULE Final examinations for the first term of the summer school at A&M will be held July 13. Registration for the second term will begin Tuesday, July 17. Final examina tions will be held August 24. Firemen’s Training Course Scheduled The Firemen’s Training School, with more than 900 attending, will be held at A&M July 8-13. The school is sponsored by the Texas Engineering Extension Service and the State Firemen’s and Fire Mar shals’ Association. Henry D. Smith of the TEES will chair the school. READING TIME 45 SECONDS PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS OLIMPIA—Remington Office Writer—Royal— Smith-Corona and Underwood •ii ^ on 8' as y° u are in A & M, bring your portable in. We W j . ow ^6 dust and lint out with compressed air, lubricate and install a new ribbon, and only charge you for the ribbon. ENGINEERING STUDENTS The Olympia Portable Typewriter has a standard keyboard, plus two extra keys (+ over =), (! over%) also HALF SPAC ING for writing EXPONENTS, SUBSCRIPTS, and FORMULAS. Furnished in 914" and 13" carriage. We carry a complete line of special characters which is installed here in our shop while vou wait. I se our Rental Purchase Plan $6.00 per month, rent applies on purchase of machine, also late model standard TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES FOR RENT. The OLYMPIA Standard Typewriter is catching on fast. L. H. ADAMS Bryan Business Machine Co. SALES — SERVICE — RENTALS — TERMS 429 South Main Street — Brvan, Texas FREE PARKING AIR CONDITIONED S P E C I A L S THUR.-FRI.-SAT. JUNE 28-29-30 Swift’s Premium : TH& y TM,, Cheese-2" 59c ib. pkg. Sea fast Sungold or Banner 31c 2 m- 33 c 5 46c BACON Lb. 49c FRANKS Lb. 35c Pirivirc Swift premium ( 4 to 6 Lb - size > A JlUil i Fully Cookod Lb. 39c T¥ A Swift Premium (Whole) I i/YItIO 8 to 12 Lb. Size . ... Lb. 59c CANNED PICNICS EACH $2.89 POT ROAST vlir premium Lb. 29c VEAL CHOPS Lb. 49c BREAKFAST SAUSAGE Pkg. 49c ROAST-PRIME RIB S Lb. 59c BOLOGNA sH“d Pren,i " m Lb. 39c SALMON No. 14 Can MARGARINE CANE SUGAR PREM LUNCHEON MEAT XA 33c HUNT’S PEARS £ * _ ' _ 29c VINEGAR K'“ <*,. 45c POTATOES SStb,™ 2 19c RANCH STYLE BEANS - 2 25c PARD DOG FOOD 2 c™ 25c BEWLEY CORN MEAL 5 !£ 37c TOILET TISSUE™"."” _323c LUNCHEON NAPKINS I 2 ”£«' 23c KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP™ „ 31c KRAFT FRENCH DRESSING “28c FOLGER’S COFFEE “ 95c ALL FLAVORS LILLY MELLORINE11L 59« ★ DRUGS ★ TOOTH PASTE BRISK-Giant Tube. 39c SHAVE LOTION—MENNEN—60c Size SKIN BRACER . . . 49c ^FROZEN FOGDS^ BIRDSEYE — 10 Oz. Pkgs. PEAS ..... 2 pkgs. 35c 6 Oz. Cans—Minute Maid—PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 cans 29c PASCO—6 Oz. Cans 2 CANS ORANGE JUICE .. 29c START COLLECTING TODAY AT A FRACTION OF RETAIL VALUE Beautiful “Salem” DINNERWARE Exclusive at Orr’s DINNER PLATES 95c Value Special . . . 19 ea. With $5.00 Purchase Effective This Week! AUNT JEMIMA FLOUR Box 33 C Farm-Fresh Produce Tomato Sauce Te * a$ ® 01 can 5 C Snowdrift CARROTS GREEN BEANS PEACHES Vitamin Packed Cello Package ... Kentucky Wonders Fresh Arkansas 2 Pkgs. 15 c 2 29c Lb. 9 C 3 Ib. Can ^ Qc FROZEN FOODS ★ FISH BITES 29c Birdseye 8 Oz. Package GRAPES California Thompson Seedless LB GUARANTEED FRESH Swindler or Mayfield Medium EGGS 39c * TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ★ SUPER 11 ;l: MARKETS DOZEN — I BEST IN BRYAN 20Q E. 24™ ST. 3516 TEXAS AVE.