Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
Th PA C V Moi 7:1' A& Sur 9:4: pro leg' da> hel me' Cei I 6 i fro an su wi El li\ Se Pi in Cl Ic H The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 6 Thursday, June 14, 1956 Rev. & Mrs. Robert (1. Monk At San Antonio Camp The Rev. Robert C. Monk, Metho dist Minister to students, and his wife are on a leave of absence from the A&M Methodist Church for the summer while Rev. Monk directs the San A’Ronio Work camp spon sored by the National Conference M.E. Wives Take First Aid Mechanical Engineering Wives Club began their 9 weeks course in First Aid Monday night with W. M. Dowell, of the Physical Edu cation Department, instructing. Members may still participate if attendance begins with the next meeting, according to Joann Wag ner, president. At the end of the sessions members will be presented with a certificate of completion of the course. The only requirements for the course are perfect attendance and the Red Cross First Aid book, edition 1945 and Supplement which may be pm-chased at local stores. of Methodist Youth, The South west Texas Annual Conference and the Board of Social and Economics Relations of the Methodist Church. The workcamp, which started yes terday and ends August 4, will fall into four major areas; manual labor, service to youth programs in the local church, study and the experience of cooperative group living. Manual labor projects /in past years have included clearing a play ground at Goodwill Industries and extensive remodeling of repair of one of the Latin-American churches of San Antonio. Projects this sum mer will be similar to these. The basic text for the evening study services is THE MODERN SAMARITAN. Workcampers, composed of youth from all over the United States, will spend July 5-7 on a vacation to the Rio Grande Valley and Mon terrey, Mexico, and the week of July 22-27 conducting a conference wide Christian Witness in the Southwest Texas Conference. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day .... 2^ per word per word each additional day Minimum charge—40p DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 805* P er column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Sale Window Fan—$25. B-2-Y. VI 6-4394. College View 144t6 Two story, 3 bedroom, den, 2!4 bath on 2 acre lot, 1015 Walton Drive, College Hills Estate. $18,000. VI 6-6459. 144t3 (2) Marchant Calculators, Model Nos. 10-D-157418 and ACR8D- 252491. May be seen at Depart ment of Genetics or by calling Vic tor 6-6716. Sealed bids will be re ceived in the Office of the Business Manager, College Administration Building until 10:30 a.m., June 25, 1956. The right is reserved to re ject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager, A. and M. Col lege of Texas, College Station, for. further information. 144t2 FOR SALE (1) 1937 Chevrolt Truck, IV2 ton. May be seen at Entomology Research Laboratory or by calling Victor 6-5922. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Busi ness Manager, College Administra tion Building until 10:30 a.m., June 25,.1956. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager, A. and M. Col lege Station, Texas, for further Texas, for further information. 143t2 One 1952 MG model TD. $750. Can be seen evenings, 902 Fairview, C.S. 143t4 1953 Ford 6—forder with radio and heater, one owner car, $775.00. VI 6-4648. John G. McNeely. 143tf June Special, FREE with each $15.00 purchase of Sherwin-Will iams Paints, one trellis value $1.60 or equivalent or with each of 5 gallons Sherwin - Williams paint you will receive FREE one extra gallon. COX LUMBER COMPANY, 2705 South College Avenue, phone TA 3-3145. 142t4 Male Help Wanted Experienced butcher and exper ienced checker for part time week end work. No Sundays. FOOD TOWN, 516 No. Main Street, Bry an. 144tf Help Wanted Waitress wanted. Hours 6 a.m. .— 3 p.m. Apply in person West- era Restaurant. Interested in em ploying Aggie Wife. 126tf Female Help Wanted Beauty Operator, Edna’s Beauty Salon or Pruitt’s Beauty Shop. 135tf For Rent Will share my home with a coup le of widowed mothers and child ren. Also keep children day or night. Have automatic washer. All for very low rates. Mrs. Margaret McNeil, 501 Thompson, College Station. 144t3 Furnished apartment, newly pa pered with garage. Near college. VI 6-5431. 144tf A nice bedroom for gentleman or lady. $5.50 weekly, VI 6-5559. 200 Meadow Lane. 144t3 $40.00, 2 small furnished houses closes to college; $45.00, 1 nice unfurnished apartment, plenty of room and close to college; $47.50, 2 nice apartments, completely fur nished, close to college and South- side grocery store in College Sta tion. All plus utilities. Apply at 403 Jersey or call VI 6-5427. 143tf Small furnished apartment suit able for student and wife, utilities paid. $30.00 monthly. VI 6-4447. 143tf 108 acre farm near Madisonville. Mrs. Lee, VI 6-5395 from 8 to 5 p. m. I42t3 Work Wanted Late model typewriters, perform like new. Brvan Business Machine like new. BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE, 429 South Main, Bry an. 143tf One bedroom furnished lower apartment in College Hills. Adults only. $55.00 without utilities. Phone VI 6-5031 after 6 p.m. 143tf Furnished duplex, very desirable; couple or couple with infant. Walk ing distance campus. $55.00 month plus utilities. Summer or penna- nent. Phone TA 3-6785 or VI 6-6287. 140tf Experienced Christian lady wants practical nursing. Will baby sit day or night. TA 2-5431. 144t3 | Neat accurate typist desires typ- j ing in my home. Own electric type writer. VI 6-5805. 142tf| Attention Working Mothers! All Day nursery, $25.00 month. Also ^aby sitting bv hour, 35 cents, fl 6-4142 or 304 W. Dexter. 128tf 1 suite, sitting room, sleeping porch, private bath, garage, 2 meals per day, maid service. 1 southeast bedroom, private bath, 2 meals per day, maid service, gar age. Mrs. Maggie Parker, 200 Congress, Bryan, Phone TAylor O 4ore 126tf 3-4375. Guaranteed radio and appliance repair. C-13-D College View. 81tf Typing wanted to do in my home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone TA 2-3532 after 5 p.m. lOOtf Wanted to Buy Three or four drawer metal fil ing cabinet. VI 6-5848. 14213 Pets FREE: Tropical fish and cigar to every customer in our shop this Saturday or Sunday celebrating a new arrival. Hanning’s Tropical Fish Shop, C-15-X, College View. VI 6-5683. 144tl AKC Registered Daschund pup pies. 400 W. Dexter, College Sta tion, South of college campus. VI 6-7247. 144tf Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. 8AYARD KENNELS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric ^hop. 98tf Special Notice Trudie’s Kiddie Kollege,. 60 5 Highland, College Station, will re sume registration after June 20th (1st grade and kindergarten). Out of town until then. Mrs. B. A. Hardaway, VI 6-6407. 144t2 SUL ROSS LOPOE. NO. 1300 A .F. * A.M. C<»Ucr* Station Stated meeting Thursday. 7 p.m.. June 14. Election of officers and presentation of service pins. All members and visiting brethren are cordially, invited mtl L. S. Paine. W.M N. M. McGinnis. Secy. OFFICIAL NOTICES Ofnrial notices must bo brought, mailed, or telephoned so a* to arrive In the Offles of Student Publications (Ground Floot YMCA. VI 0^415. hours 8-12. 1-3, dail] Monday through Friday) at or before th* deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. OFFICIAL NOTICE TO GRADUATE STUDENTS Any graduate student who expects to complete the requirements for a degree by . the end of the current term should call by 1 the office of the Dean of the Graduate School NOW and make formal application for the degree. June 15 1* the deadline for filing an application for a degree for the First Term of the current session. 144tl IDE P. TROTTER Dean, Graduate School m SPECIALS FOR THUR. - FRI. - SAT. JUNE 14 - 15 - 16 NO LIMIT ON OUR SPECIALS SWIFT PREMIUM Pick of thb rmK f-ANcy BACON Black hawk Rath’s Lb. Orr’s Gold Seal CHUCK STEAK ll>. 39c S.1I Who'* .•» jvv- Fresh Ground HAMBURCER. lb. 29c 3 lbs. 85c Orr’s Gold Seal SHOULDER ROAST. . . . lb. 33c Orr’s Gold Seal VEAL RIB CHOPS . . . . . lb. 33c Fresh Dressed HENS -> 35 SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING GLADI0LA FLOUR IMPERIAL SUGAR 3 lb. can 82c 539c I 546c No. 2 , /z Can HUNT’S PEARS . . . . can 29c Welch’s GRAPE JUICE ... . 24-oz. 33c ASPARAGUS . 2 cans 35c Kounty Kis*—300 Cans Morton’s—25c Size POTATO CHIPS . . . 19c Northern—80 Count Pkgs. NAPKINS . 2 pkgs.23c Charmin TOWELS . 2 rolls 35c SANITARY OR CARNATION Half Gallon HOMO MILK ... 48c INSECTICIDE REAL KILL . . qt. 75c DASH—Tall Cans DOG FOOD 2 cans 25c 5 Packages MIRACLE AID . . 19c ASTOL—Pint ALCOHOL 10c ALL FLAVORS JELLO . . . 4 pkgs. 29c FRANCO-AMERICAN—15'/ 2 Oz. Cans SPAGHETTI 2 cans 29c Garth - 20-oz. — STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 20 oz. 39c National VINEGAR . qt. 15c Musselman—No. 303 Cans APPLE SAUCE 2 cans 29c KRAFT’S MIRACLE WHIP ?FOR. Quick Somma ME Alt'' pint 31c ALMA PORK BEANS MELONS TEXAS SWEET RED (28 to 30 Lb. Av.) EACH • FROZEN FOODS • Birdseye—10 Oz. Pkgs. STRAWBERRIES . 2 pkgs. 49c Birdseye—10 Oz. Pkgs. GREEN PEAS 2 pkgs. 35e Birdseye—10 Oz. Pkg. BLACKEYE PEAS, 2 pkgs. 43c Birdseye—9 Oz. Pkg. FRENCH FRYS . . 2 pkgs. 29c Pasco—6 Oz. Cans ORANGE JUICE . . 2 cans 29c Minute Maid—6 Oz. Cans—PINK LEMONADE 2 cans 29c 4 Fishermen—10 Oz. Pkg. BREADED SHRIMP ... 59c Home Grown — Fresh CUCUMBERS lb. 6t Sweet, Juicv California PEACHES lb. 15c Fresh Home Grown OKRA . . lb. 15« Fresh 2 FOR PINEAPPLE . 29c ★ TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS * SUPER i ,i; MARKETS I BEST IN BRYAN E. 24™ ST.