The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 07, 1956, Image 6
The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County), Texas f PAGE 6 Thdrsday, June 7, 195C Z^amiiu ^‘ciuonteS Mrs. Bythel Oney Bobbie Oney, whose husband is a junior electrical engineer- inff major, is receptionist in the Military Science department. Six of the recipes this week were written by the ladies employed in that department. SKILLETBURGERSUPPER 1 lb. hamburger pepper IVz cups chopped onion 1—IOV2 or 11 oz. can conden- IV2 cups chopped celery sed tomato soup 1 t- salt l 1 ^ t. barbecue sauce Brown meat in small amount of hot fat. Add onion and celery cook until tender, but not brown. Add remaining ingredients. Cover Simmei- 30 minutes. Serve on toasted buns. OATMEAL CRISPIES 1 cup shortening IV2 cups sifted enriched flour 1 cup brorwn sugar 1 t. salt 1 cup granulated sugar 1 t. soda 2 well-beaten eggs 3 cups quick-cooking oats 1 t. vanilla % cup chopped nuts Thoroughly cream shortening and sugar; add eggs and vanilla' beat well. Sift dry ingredients; add to creamed mixture. Add oats and nuts; mix well. Shape in rolls; wrap in waxed paper and chill thoroughly. Slice % inch thick; bake on ungreased cookie sheet in moderate oven (350°) 10 minutes. Makes about 5 dozen (Can be placed in freezer and cooked as needed.) Mrs. Leonard McPherson Elsie McPherson, secretary to Col. Taylor Wilkins, assistant Commandant, is the mother of three children ahd resides at 105 Fleetwood, Bryan- Mr. McPherson is the district scout executive. OVEN-FRIED CHICKEN 1 fryer (cut up) 2 t. salt V2 cup all-purpose flour pepper Vz cup salad oil paprika Mix flour, oil, salt, pepper and paprika in bowl. Dip or roll each piece chicken in this mixture until well coated. Place on foil-lined cookie tin or other shallow pan, and bake at 400° for one hour or until browned and tender. CHERRY CREAM PIE 1 can Eagle Brand milk 1 cup whipping cream juice of 2 lemons Vanilla wafer crumbs 1 can sour red cherries Pour Eagle Brand milk into large bowl. Add lemon juice and stir until milk thickens. Drain cherries thoroughly and add to milk. Whip cream and fold in. With rolling pin, crush enough vanilla wafers to line bottom and top of oblong Pyrex dish (about 12x7). Line bottom of dish with crumbs, pour filling over crumbs and sprinkle remaining crumbs over top. Chill in refrigerator for 24 hour’s- Serves 8. This makes a rich party dessert. May be garnished with whipped cream and nuts or green cherries. Mrs. Bill Huffhines Barbara and Bill Huffhines live at A-8-Y College View with their daughter. Barbara is a clerk typist with the Military Science Department, while Bill is an architectural engineering major. SPAGHETTI WEST TEXAS V2 lb. hamburger % small bottle stuffed olives % onion diced % can tomato soup V2 green pepper 'A lb. grated cheese Vz pkg. cooked spaghetti % small can corn Fry hamburger, onions and pepper together. Put in casserole with spaghetti, corn, olives, soup. Use half the cheese in the mixture and use the I’emaining half on top. Put in oven and bake until cheese has melted and browned. Serve hot. (oven 375°). LEMON MERINGUE PIE 1 crumb or baked pastry 8” 2 eggs, separated pie shell % t. cream of tartar 1 t. grated lemon rind or if desired % t. lemon extract 4 T. sugar IVz cups (15 oz. can) Eagle Vz iup lemon juice Brand milk Combine lemon juice and grated lemon rind or lemon extract. Gradually stir into milk. Add egg yolks and stir until well blended. Pour into chilled crumb crust or cooled pastry shell. Add cream or tartar to egg whites; beat until almost stiff enough to hold peak. Add sugar gradually, beating until stiff but not dry. Pile lightly on pie filling. Bake in slow oven (325°) until lightly browned, about 15 minutes. Cool. We found these remaining two recipes in our files: CHILI CON CARNE \(z lb. hamburger 1 can tomatoes % t. salt 1 can beans • 3 t. chili powder 1 chopped onion Brown hamburger and onion in frying pan, add tomatoes, salt, beans, (inexpensive brand does just as well), chili powder and mix thorough, stirring occasionally. Cook for about % hour. THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING 1 cup mayonnaise 1 T chopped green pepper 2 T chili sauce 1 T minced onion or chives 2 T minced stuffed olives V* to Vfe cup heavy cream, whipped or plain Ingredients mixed together will make about 2 to 2 1 /6 cupfuls dressing. Ag. Teachers Offered Special Courses Special one-week courses in arc welding, shop skills, grass and pas ture development and the training of judging teams will be offered teachers of vocational agriculture in Texas this summer. E. V. Walton, head of the Agri cultural Education Department, said the courses—eight in number, and non-credit in nature—will be sponsored by his department and by the Department of Agricultural Engineering. Only 20 students may enroll in each course, Walton said. The Texas Education Agency specifies that a vocational agriculture teach er may attend only one course. Teaching Arc Welding will be offered June 4-8, June 25-29, July 1 9-13, and August 20-24. Teaching J Shop Skills will be offered June Il ls and August 6-10. Grass and | Pasture Development will be j taught July 9-11 and Training j Judging Teams will be offered I July 30-August 3. X dyi 7^ DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS jrLerxcan DIAL TA 2-1585 Students . . . Use Our Convenient Pick Up Stations At Taylor’s Variety Store — North Gate SPECIAL PRICES F O R TKURS., FRL, SAT. — JUNE 7-8-9 No Limit On Specials! Orr’s Stores do not LIMIT ADVERTISED SPECIALS because our business has been built on FAIR DEALINGS TO ALL. Na turally we realize that a larger family re quires more merchandise than a smaller family ... so why penalize our customers by limiting them on purchases? WE IN VITE YOU TO PURCHASE IN ANY QUAN TITY YOU DESIRE ON ANY ITEM AT YOUR FAVORITE ORR’S SUPER MAR KET . . . WE’RE IN BUSINESS TO PLEASE YOU . . . NOT TO LIMIT YOU. WALDON ORR Orr’s Super Market ROAST ' Orr’s Gold Seal Baby Beef Shoulder Crown — LB. 35c VEAL BRISKET SPICED HAM Good For Barbecuing Lb. Rath’s Blackhawk Sliced LAMB PATTIES 49c FRANKS Rath’s Round 25c Lb. 49c 39c Swift’s Premium BACON .. lb. 49c Lilly—«/ 2 Gal. Mellorine . . 59c APRICOT PRESERVES Garths 20 Oz. Jars *1.00 MIC ORANGE DRINK 4"£*1.00 MISSION PEACHES POTTED MEAT, „,, TOMATO SAUCE GOLDEN CORN PORK & BEANS ■«. Hunt’s-— Del Monte Cream Style . 4 N S*1.00 135.? *1.00 -| q 8 Oz. -1 Cans ROUND STEAK *1.00 *1.00 *1.00 TEXAS TOMATOES 10 SI *1.00 GULF SPRAY INSECTICIDE q..,, _ 49« MEADOLAKE MARGARINE „ 23» JEWEL SHORTENING 3 il 67c 303 Cans No. 2 Cans 303 Cans 'GOLDCRAFT' PEANUT BUTTER TUNA 4 "STAR KIST" CHUNK STYLE 9-Oz. JAR Vi SIZE CANS FOR A NEW! NOW IN PASTEL COLORS SCOT TISSUE Your choice of white, blue, pink,- green, yellow ROLL 1© • FROZEN FOODS Fresh Pact STRAWBERRIES 4 *i-«« MORTON’S FROZEN POT PIES 1 J 8 Oz. 4 Pkgs. Chicken $1.00 . Beef — Turkey Pasco Frozen ORANGE JUICE 2 cat 29c Wax Paper CUT RITE 4 r 1.00 Delmonte PINEAPPLE JUKE 4 c 4 .t 0 L 1.00 LOOK at this value! GOLDEN AGE CANNED BEVERAGE 12 1.00 Delmonte FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 £ B . 3 °4,1.00 Delmonte Halved PEARS 4 c.°;,T.r 1.00 Alma Fresh BLACKEYES 9 &,, 30 ,!, 1.00 FLORIDA SWEET, JUICY ORANGES 5 49 U.S. NO. 1—WHITE ONIONS 2 “■ 15 FRESH GREEN BEANS Black Valentines 2-25 POTATOES Long White California 10 47c GRADE A MEDIUM EGGS Dozen 39 ★ TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS * SUPER i ;l; MARKETS 8 BEST IN BRYAN 20Q E. 24™ ST. 3516 TEXAS AVE.