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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1956)
The Battalion PAGE 4 College Station (Brazos County), Texas Wednesday, May 23, 1956 Be Proud, Ole Army . . . of your school. Show it by selling the idea of coming to Aggieland to at least two hometown- buddy high school graduates. We want the best!! LOU, Class ’32 TUNING & REPAIR GRAY PIANO CO. 314 N. Main—Bryan TA 2-1451 — TA 2-4148 USED BOOKS WANTED The Exchange Store is in the market for your used books v - Check our prices before selling THE EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas Aggies’* Ch if rch es Sch ed ule Mid-week Services Christian Science Society Services will be held at 8 tonight at the church. A&M Presbyterian Church Dr. S. R. Gammon, professor of History, will speak to the West minister Fellowship at 7:15 tonight on “God in History”. An infor mative discussion will follow. St. Mary’s Catholic Chapel Mass will be said at 5:15 this Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted DR. E. LUEDEMANN DR. G. A. SMITH Optometrists • BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC 105 N. Main Bryan, Texas (Next to Lewis Shoe Store) Foods Group Hold Bar-B-Q At Ranch The Foods Group of the A&M Social Club held their last meeting for the year with a barbeque at the Lazy B-T Ranch, home of Mrs. Kenneth Drummond, Friday. The menu consisted of barbecued beef, charcoal broiled hotxiogs, com on the cob, kidney bean salad, rel ishes, Finnish Date and Nut Torte. The outdoor tables were centered with cowboy boots filled with col orful summer flowers. Serving with Mrs. Drummond as co-hostess was Mrs. T. D. Watkins Others on the committee, were Mesdames Richard Behrens, C. A. Moore and L. S. O’Bannon. After the social hour Mrs. Wat kins and Mrs. Jack CoVan pre sented tentative plans for next year’s program- This year’s meet ings had the theme of touring fa mous eating places over the world. McCALL’S Humble Service Station ‘‘Where Service Is First” East Gate VT 6-4922 Hy 6 afternoon. Rosary will be prayed every afternoon at 5:30 p.m. ex cept Wednesday and Sundays in honor of the Virgin Mai-y. A&M Christian Church Disciples Student Fellowship will not meet again until the Fall semester. First* Baptist Church Supper will be served at 0 to night followed by teachers meeting at 6:30. Prayer meeting will begin at 7:30. Wesley Foundation Otis Miller of the Journalism De partment will speak on the History of the Church at 7 tonight. College Heights Assembly of God Sgt. Joe Nelson, Bryan AFB, will speak at the 7:30 services to night at the church. Church of the Nazarene Services will be held at 7:30 to night at the church. Bethel Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Vespers will begin at 7:45 to night at the church. Social Whirl room of the MSC. The Ft and families of member’s arc dially invited to attend. ★ AGGIE WIVES BRIDGE Jenkins, Bonnie Douglas a n c Nancy Flores. Prizes were wor last week by Augusta Sasser high; Libby Graham, low, and Vir kins, middle. BATTALION CLASSIFIED la pudding and use as a angelfood cake. Cut the c wise in three layers. For Salo Slightly used Television Anten na rotor with control box. Includ ed in sale, 100 feet of rotor cable with antenna most extension and rotor thrust-bearing. Quick sale $25. Jimmy Price, D-9-X College View, VI 6-6401. 139t3 Elderly Frigndaire, good condi tion, portable General Electric dish washer, Bendix washer, $150.00 for lot or will sell separately; bunk or twin beds, other household it ems at 1207 Ashburn, C.S. 139t3 17’’ blond, Zenith TV and 40 ft. Universal antenna complete. ’55 RCA Gas Range, 30” oven; Hydro- flite water skiis, 70’ nylon two-ca ble; the New Wonder World En cyclopedia, 11 volume set. Captain K. F. Stark, VI 6-6071. 138t3 Two bedroom house, large lot, fireplace, attic fan, near campus. Available June 1. Shown by ap pointment only. Phone VI 6-6376. 138t4 (1) 1954 Ford Country Sedan, 8 cylinder. May be seen by calling at the Housing Office. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Business Manager, College Admin istration Building, until 10:30 a.m-, May 28, 1956. The right is re served to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all techni calities. Address Business Man ager, A. and M. College of Texas, College Station, for further in formation. 138t2 Two piece blond bedroom suite, bed with mattress and springs, 5 drawer chest of drawers. $65. Call TA 3-6838. 138t3 15 foot Lakewood Vacationette trailer. Sleeps 5, stove, ice box, auxiliary water tank. Ideal for vacations, camping, fishing trips or home for couple. See H. L. Stod dard, C-5-D College View. 130tf Work Wanted Attention Working Mothers! All Day nursery, $25.00 month. Also baby sitting by hour, 35 cents. VI 6-4142 or 304 W. Dexter. 128tf Guaranteed radio and appliance repair. C-13-D College View. 81 tf Typing wanted to do in my home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone TA 2-3532 after 6 p.m. lOOtf Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) For Sale Typewriter, bookcases, end table record cabinets, carpet sweeper-, kitchen table, storage cabinet, two ratter rugs, VI 6-5007 between d 6:30 p.m. 135tf Pony 135, $24.50; Regula 35 MM id case, $29.50; Botsey 35 MM Set-o-matic, case and flash, $54.50; Rolleicord I (used) $65.00; two sure meters, 14 off AGGTE- LAND STUDIO. 137t5 4x7 Ben-Hur all steel trailer- complete with sides, bows, tarp and adjustable hitch. See back of 212 Trant after 5 p.m. and weekends. Phone TA 2-7015. 137t4 Help Wanted Waitress wanted. Hours 6 a.m. .— 3 p.m. Apply in person West ern Restaurant. Interested in em ploying Aggie Wife. 126tf Female Help Wanted Houses for Rent For summer. 2 blocks from Shipley Do-nuts. 209 Ehlinger, Bryan. $40. plus utilities. Fur- ed. Available June 1 until Sept. 10. 139t4 For Rent One bedroom furnished duplex apartment at North Gate available June 1st. Contact owner at 418 Main. VI 6-4513. 138t3 Beauty Operator, Edna’s Beauty Salon or Pr-uitt’s Beauty Shop. 135tf Lost Brown rimmed glasses in Kyle Field. Contact Lari Wester, 11- 209, Box 5498. 139t3 Pets Will sub-rent our home for sum mer. New fumiture, 3702 College Avenue. TA 2-4018. 138t4 Front bedroom, adjoining bath for commencement weekend. Phone TA 2-7913 after 5:30 p.m. 138t2 Available June 1, one bedroom furnished apartment in College Hills. Adults only. Shown by ap pointment. $55. per month without utilities. Phone VI 6-5031 after 6 p.m. 138tf 1 suite, sitting room, sleeping porch, private bath, garage, 2 meals per day, maid service. 1 southeast bedroom, private bath, 2 meals per day, maid service, gar age. Mrs. Maggie Parker, 200 Congress, Bryan, Phone TAylor 3-4375. 126tf If you are moving, a one way trailer will save you money and get your merchandise there safely. Also for local trailers call Baker’s Tire Co. Phone TA 2-8159. 120t22 Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf During summer. 5 room com pletely furnished, 2 bedroom house. For couple. No pets. Nicely lo cated. Phone TA 3-4710- 137t4 » feNOmiKRmO AND AKCHIT-ECTURAI. SUePI.IES • BLUE LINE PRINTS » BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN. TEXAS Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. SAYARD KENNELS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf Male Help Wanted We would like to contact a grad uate Engineer who would be in terested in the field of Hot Work ing of Metals. If employed, he would be trained in Tool and Die designing. Write Mr. Perry M. Simonds, General Metals Corpora tion, P. O. Box 198, Houston 1, Texas. 125tl7 Special Notice Starting June 4, Zarape’s Res taurant will be open noon hours from 11 a.m. til 2 p.m and 5 p.m. til 10 p.m. Closed on Sunday dur ing summer months. Open Monday through Saturday. Air Conditioned. 135tf* OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, malted, or telephoned so as to arrive In the Office of Student Publications (Ground Float YWCA, VI 0-6415. hours 8-12, 1-5, datlS Monday through Friday) at or before th«, deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. NOTICE TO MAY GRADUATES At 8 a.m. Thursday, May 24, there will be posted on a bulletin board in the Reg istrar’s Office a list of those candidates who have completed all academic require ments for a degree. Every candidate Is urged to consult this list to determine his status. H. L. HEATON. Registrar 134t8 ALL DEPARTMENTS: Copies of the 1955-56 Student Directory are available (50 cents each) at the Office of Student Publications, Ground Floor Y&ICA. 72tf PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK'S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 8. Main 8L (Across from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA S-l»41 BRYAN THAN to the Ham Buyers LOCAL BUYERS D. W. Williams—Colleg-e Station $25.00 Parker Astin Hardware—Bryan 25.00 Benson Wheeler Tractor Co.—Bryan 25.00 McCullough-Dansby—Bryan - 25.00 12th Man Inn (2 hams)—College Station 51.00 Black’s Pharmacy—College Station 25.00 Lilly Ice Cream Co,—Bryan 25.00 B-W Construction Co.—Bryan 25.00 Hotard’s Cafeteria—Bryan 25.00 Howell Lumber Co.—Bryan 25.00 G. S. Parker Lumber Co.—Bryan 25.00 L. E. McCall Humble Station—Col. Sta. 25.00 Culpepper Realty—College Station 25.00 Bill Cooley Service Station—College Sta 25.00 Cade Motor Co.—Bryan 25.00 Grannie’s—College Station 25.00 Sorenson Hardware—College Station 25.00 Caldwell Jewelers—Bryan 25.00 Shaffers Book Store—College Station 25.00 J. E. Clayton, The Texan—Bryan 25.00 Vic Stelljes, The Texan—Bryan 25.00 The Early Bird Shoppe, Ridgecrest—Bry 25.00 A. M. Waldrop & Co.—Bryan i $25.00 Walter Britten—Bryan 25.00 Sands Motel—College Station 25.00 American Laundry & Dry Cleaners-—-Bry— 25.00 Central Texas Hardware—Bryan 25.00 Joe Ferreri, Triangle Drive Inn—Bryan 25.00 Conway’s — Bryan 25.00 City National Bank—Bryan 25.00 United Furniture—Bryan 20.00 Farm and Home Supply—Bryan 15.00 Brown & Allen Motor Co.—Bryan 15.00 Dr. J. C. Miller—College Station 15.00 Martin’s Place—Bryan 15.00 Park Cleaners—College Station Orr’s Minimax—Bryan Ron Logan—College Station Corbusier Chevrolet Co.—Bryan Dr. Pepper Bottling Co.'—Bryan — LaSalle Coffee Shop—Bryan - Knox Furniture Co.—Bryan Bob Ivey—College Station — Mrs. Louise Glenn—College Station — Animal Husbandry Seniors - 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 GRAND CHAMPION BUYER—Marvin Bridges spotted Poland China breeder of Buffalo, Tex. buys grand champion ham for $150. Left to right are Ken Killion, superintendant of auction, Bridges and Stanley Keese, showman of the grand champion. OUT OF TOWN BUYERS G. R. White—Brady $50.00 Phil Newman—Navasota 30.00 Tom Moore—Navasota 25.00 Mrs. Jerry Keith—Borger C. M. Malone—Houston Mrs. W. L. Stangel—Lubbock Adobe Ranch—Magdalena, N. M. Bandera County Farmers Ranchers Ass’n.—Bandera A. G. Ollre, Jr.—Houston Walter W. Cardwell—Lockhart Larkin Renick—Llano Harold Clarke—Houston Leo Potishman—Fort Worth Houston A&M Club—Houston Johnnie McDaniel—Port Bolivar B. A. Moore—Baytown W. E. (Tommy) Thompson—Houston Sam Coutes—Waco J. T. Garrett—Danbury 27.00 25.00 26.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Uncle Johnny Mills—Houston $25. Joe B. Ross—Sonora 25. P. P. Prescott—Navasota : 25, Herman Keep—Austin 25. Jamail Brothers Gro.—Houston : 25. Stephen Tucker—Nacogdoches 25. J. M. Dillinger—Corpus Christi 25. T. M. Smith—East Columbia 25, Waco A&M Club—Waco 25 J. C. Kuykendall—Houston 25 Ye Old College Inn—Houston 25 Zedrick Moore—Hutchins 25 Jack Faubion—Fort Worth 20 Theo Yordanoff—Fort Worth 20, Raymond Hicks (2 hams)—Bandera : 27 Harry Gayden—Houston :—-— 15 A. T. Deere—Lake Jackson 15 Ed Bieri (2 hams)—Angleton - 27 Luis Tongate—Brookesmith 1. 12 Martell Moore—Waxahachie 15 00 00 00 00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .50 .00 .00 .00 .50 .00 RESERVE CHAMPION BUYER—Gilbert Orsak, of Weingar ten’s in Bryan, purchases reserve champion ham for $115.50. Left to right are Ken Killion, Orsak and Cecil Skaggs, showman. From . . . SADDLE & SIRLOIN CLUB