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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1956)
The Battalion ..... College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 2 Thursday, May 17, 19a6 What’s The Next Step?* The Air Science Department has announced that theii investigation on quiz stealing - has ended. With the results in the hands of Col. Joe E. Davis, com mandant, disciplinary action, if any is necessary, will prob ably follow in the next several days. , ,, AJong with the conclusion of this investigation and tlie action taken on the results, we hope will be the end to man> of the rumors that have been sweeping the campus. truth often hurts but not nearly so much as do rumors. One of the more prevalent rumors on the campus is that the Air Science investigation team was investigating ath letes. This definitely is not true. Thefts concernng the Athletic Department and the action already taken in connec tion with them was discovered by The Battalion, assisted by members of the student body. Because such incidents were along the same lines as the quiz stealing and no previous information had been giv en, they were printed. Since through these investigations we have taken steps toward ridding the campus of dishonesty, we now can turn to steps of a preventative nature. Naturally, this is the hardest part. What then is the solution that will make each of us live by the highest stan dards of honor? Is it guards in every building, a secret police system, or will it come from us in the form of self discipline, in that we refuse to lower ourselves, our friends and our school by dis honorable actions? Surprisingly enou'gh, there is a certain pride in saying, “I may have failed that exam, but I was honest,” as in con trast of having passed but not on our own. Large Summer Enrollment Expected Enrollment for the summer ses sion of 1956 is expected to reach 2,000, according to Registrar H. L. Heaton. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. Monday, June 4, and continue until 12 noon, with classes beginning Tuesday at 7 a.m. Fees, including dormitory room reservations, may be paid begin ning at 8 a.m. Monday, May 21, in the fiscal office. Bizzel, Law and Puryear Halls, Dorm 16, and ramps F through K of Walton Hall will be used for student housing during the summer. Students now living in these dormitories will be given first preference if they wish to keep their rooms for the summer. All others will be filled on a “first come, first served” basis, said Ben nie Zinn, head of Student Af fairs. The secret-they’re SYNCHRO-DYNED! They’re called the sweetest playing clubs in the book, and for good reason. Spalding’s exclusive SYNCHRO-DYNED® club process, a scientifically exact system of weight coordi nation, gives each club, in the set the identical swing and “contact feel” to help groove your swing. And this new Bobby Jones set is as handsome as they come. The irons feature an exclusive tough alloy steel with a glistening high-polish finish that lasts season after season. If you’re interested in whittling strokes off your game (and who isn’t?) see and swing the 1956 Bobby Jones SYNCHRO- DYNED clubs at your Spalding dealer’s. Play Spalding Clubs and Balls—golf’s most winning combination. The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors Tne Battalion, daily newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, ia published by students in the Office of Student Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications Is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Karl E. Elmquist Chairman; Donald D. Burchard. Tom I.eland and Bennie Zinn. Student members are Derrell H. Guiles. Paul Holladay, and Wayne Moore. Ex-officio members are Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader. Secretary. The Battalion is published four times a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year and on Thursday during tl ” summer terms and during examination and vacation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday immediate!} preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.0(- per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnisheu on request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Services. Inc., a t New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republicption of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI- 6-4910) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (VI 6-6415) or at the Student Publica tion Office, Room 207 Goodwin Hall. matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con gress of March S. 1870. Member of The Associated Press JIM BOWER Dave McReynolds Barry Hart Jim Neighbors, Joe Tindel Bill Fullerton, Ralph Cole, Ronnie Welton Jones Barbara Paisre John West, Leland Boyd, Ed Rive Maurice Olian F. W. Young - Editor Managing Editor Sports Editor News Editors I Greathouse Has-Beens [ | - City Editoi * Woman’s Editor I rs, A1 Chappel Reporters j CHS Sports Correspondent ; Circulation Manager I Fatal Fallacies by Ted Key | AUTO ACCESSORIES The Travelers Safety Service . . and if he $*•>!! refuses tc lower his beams. What’s Cooking The following organizations will meet tonight: 7:30 Hunt County Hometown Club meets in the YMCA. Dallas Hometown Club meets in room 104 of the Biological Sciences Building. Boot dance .will be dis cussed and new officers elected. Tyler-Smith County Hometown Club meets in room 224 of the Academic Building. Pasadena Hometown Club meets in room 306 of the Academic Build ing. East Texas Hometown Club meets in room 2D of the Memorial Student Center. Dance will be dis cussed. Abilene Hometown Club meets in room 126 of the Academic Build ing. Function wil be planned. Jasper Hometown Club meets in the Academic Building. PE Seniors Do Practice Teaching Twelve physical education 450 seniors have been teaching at Con solidated and Stephen. F. Austin high schools and at Lamar junior high for the past semester. PE 450, a six hour course, is taught by Dr. C. W. Landiss, of the Physical Education Depart ment. Junction Adjunct To Begin June 1 By JOHN WARNER Battalion Staff Writer The sixth session of the A&M College Adjunct at Junction, Tex., will get under way June 4 with a testing period for the students. “The camp has an ideal atmos phere for studying and getting ready for college,” said S. A. Kei - - ley, director of the adjunct. “En rollment for freshmen has more than doubled since the program was started.” At a cost of $140 per six weeks the A&M Basic Division offers sev en hours of college credit in a summer camp atmosphere to stu dents entering college, for the first time. English, math, physical edu cation and basic courses are of fered. The adjunct also features counseling and recreation. Located 250 miles west of Col lege Station, the 411-acre camp is on the South Llano River in the heart of the Texas hill country. A limit of 120 freshmen has been set by the basic division. Besides the courses for fresh men, field courses in civil engineer ing and geology are offered. While the engineers do theii - work near the camp, the geologists often have to travel as far as 150 miles in a single day for their field trips. Students who are planning to enter one of these fields will have an opportunity to observe some of this work. Professor Joe Orr of A&M will be in charge of the civil engineers and Jack Boone of Arlington State College will handle the geologists. The adjunct is operated under the supervision of Dr. C. H. Ransdell, associate dean of the Basic Divi sion. Canoeing, swimming, diving, softball, motion pictures and talent shows are offered as ways to spend leisure time. Individual and in centive awards are given. Delony To Attend Air Force School Billy Gene Delony, sophomore from Rostin, La., was notified Mon day that he has been appointed to the Air Force Academy. He is to report on July 9. The congressional appointment was made on the basis of a series of competitive tests which Delony took in Houston last fall. There were over 100 candidates for ap pointments from Louisiana and aft er the tests, and other examina- firois fVlP 100 mPIT took. OLllv OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE YOUR FUTURE MEN WOMEN Part Time Full Time Who Are Interested In Increasing Their Earnings. Sell the world’s Famous Gil lette Blue Blades through our new automatic merchan dising - dispensers. Millions of dollars spent yearly to ad vertise the Gillette Blue Blades on radio, television and newspapers. Business is set up for you. No soliciting. Depression Proof. Use your home as your office. To qualify you must have:— • $1,498.50 cash available for inventory. • 5-7 spai*e hours weekly. • Must be able to start at once. • Have desire to expand in 6 months. For personal interview in your city. Write — VEND-O-PEN PRODUCTS 7933 Clayton Blv’d. St. Louis 17, Mo. Please Include Phone Number THURSDAY CLIFTON WEBB GLORIA GRAHAME CrifM ervi aScoPE: COiO£/y/±fr, TTM EE ■VljCtlM Wfr-IO gVSBEWEFS WAS) CIRCLE THURSDAY 46 Ten Wanted Men” 44 Randolph Scott Also ll Should Happen To You” Judy Holiday The 'Vxtgin CKjecn COLOR by DE LUXE^^ ^ * C! I IN e m aS co PE= PICTURE BETTE RICHARD JOAN DAVIS-TODD-COLLINS four men received appointments. The candidates are judged on their high school records and extra curricular activities besides the written examinations and physical exams. Well, Mr. Smarty, who knows a good way to clean clothes with gasoline. . . . Maybe next time you’ll send them to — CAMPUS CLEANERS LI’L ABNER P O G O AFROTC Cadets Will Attend Camp More than 200 A&M Air Force ROTC cadets will get a “taste” of their future careers in the Air Force by attending summer camp in 12 bases througTiout the United States from June 17 to July 14. Cadets will be familiarized in five phases of training during this four week period. They are air craft and aircrew indoctrination, organization of an air force base, officer orientation, military funda mentals and individual weapons. “The summer camp provides practical experience and applica tion of the theory taught in class rooms,” said Maj. Rufus J. Cono- ley, associate professor of air sci ence. “It also gives them a broad outlook on a world in which air power has become a dominant force for peace.” The 12 locations where summer camp will be held are March AFB, Calif.; Williams AFB, Aijz.; Mc Clellan AFB, Calif.; Bryan AFB, Tex.; Webb AFB, Tex.; Fairchild AFB, Wash.; Elgin AFB, Fla.; Tyndall AFB, Fla.; Ellington AFB, Tex.; Harlingen AFB, Tex.; James Connaly AFB, Tex., and McDill AFB, Fla. GRAY P NING & EPAIR I AN 0 CO. 314 N. Main—Bryan TA 2-1451 — TA 2-4148 TODAY thru SATURDAY “JUBAL” TODAY thru SATURDAY Cf' STAppmc ^ m A ENGLISH • KATHLEEN HUGHES • SARA SHANE • I0HN BROMFIELP By A1 Capp By Walt Kelly 3 eon. 17 POVN, YOy >AyINS 7UAT von CAN T AVE TOO MUCH RDSB ' ■ P31CY. ACTUALLY, VVWAT <3£TT;N3 AT TV-Seg, 15 TVAT in favor O? WT5 OF FDSgiSM POLICY, ZAZ CALLY, VifiTAiLY HC& fCS rLgNTV <1 YOU 1 6AW, VL£ CJs'T j WAVg TOO I