The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 25, 1956, Image 1

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    Number 122: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
The Battalion
AH Livestock Show
To Be Held May 12
The Little Southwestern Live
stock Exposition and Ham Sale,
sponsored by the Saddle and Sirloin
Club, will 'be held here May 12.
Little Southwestern is the only
livestock show in Texas in which
the livestock is not judged. In
stead, students showing the animals
are judged for their showmanship.
In the ham show and sale portion
of the exposition, students butcher
the hogs, trim and cure the hams
which then are judged for work
manship and quality and finally
This year’s ham sale promises to
be the largest in the history of
A&M. Approximately 120 hams
will be auctioned according to J. A.
(Bubs) Loftis, superintendent of
the ham show, compared to 93 last
“Top prices will be paid for these
hams,” said Ken Killion, chairman
of the sale, “and we hope to make
this our most successful year.”
The 12th Man Inn has pui’chased
the gi’and champion hams of 1951-
55 at prices ranging from $125 to
$172. This year some competition
for the grand champion ham is ex
pected from the Weingarten’s Food
Store of Bryan, and the grand
champion ham should bring the
highest price in the history of the
show and sale.
Funds from sale of the hams are
used by the club to finance live
stock and meat judging teams to
competitive meets in Chicago, Kan
sas City, Fort Worth and Denver.
Student officials of the show and
sale are Kenneth P. Lewis, general
chairman; and Jerry K,eith and T.
Dallas Minister
Selected For
M. Holt, head of the livestock divi
Under Keith and Holt ai'e Don
Dierschke and J. C. Gregory, Sheep
Division; Charlie Cypert and Don
Johnson, Hog Division; and C. O.
(Pete) Wheeler and Bobby Wake
field, Horse Division.
J. A. (Bubs) Loftis and David
Terry will be in charge of the Ham
Show, and Kenneth Killion and
Stanley Keese will be in charge of
the Ham Sale.
Jim Renick, B. E. (Bud) Fichte
and Stanley Keese make up the
Publicity Committee. *
Loggins, Cloud
Elected To
MSC Council
John L. Loggins, junior in
dustrial engineering major
from Blytheville, Ark., and
Donald R. Cloud, freshman
chemical engineering major
from Kerens, wei’e elected yester
day to the 1956-57 Memorial Stu
dent Center Council.
Loggins was elected with 63
votes in balloting for the position
on the council for students at A&M
more than four semesters. Cloud
was elected in the gi’oup at A&M
less than four semesters.
Other candidates and votes in
the “more” yoting were Charles
Orr, 54; Charles Skillman, 12; and
Cecil Ozan, 4.
For the other voting, candidates
and votes were: John Partridge,
47; Hugh Wharton, 44; Dale Lake,
34; Theron McLaren, 33; Bill Lib
by, 30; Jimmy Porter, 23; John
Brady, 11; John Windham, 10;
Earl Willis, 10; Michael Gill, 10;
Bob Stansberry, 9; William Coop
er, 9; and John Avant, 3.
Dr. William M. Elliott Jr.,
pastor of the Highland Park
Presbyterian church, Dallas,
will be the Baccalaureate
speaker at the Texas A&M
commencement May 25, in G. Rol-
lie White Coliseum.
Elliott is chan-man of the Gener
al Assembly’s Board of World
Missions. He is the author of sev
eral books of sermons.
An outstanding speaker, Dr. El
liott was ordained a minister in
1930. He has held pastorates at
Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church,
Knoxville, Tenn., and Druid Hills
Presbyterian church, Atlanta, Ga.,
itnd has been at the Highland Park
pastorate since 1944.
He was an instructor in homile
tics and church history at Presby
terian Seminary, Louisville, Ky.,
Elliott is a graduate of Clovis,
N.M. high school, Park College,
Parkville, Mo., and received his
bachelor of divinity in 1928 from
the Presbyterian Theological Sem
inary, Louisville, Ky.
He received a Ph.D. from the
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
in 1938, Davidson College, N.C.,
DD (honorary) in 1937, Park Col
lege LHD (honorary) in 1949.
Dr. Elliott is a member of sev
eral fraternities including Pi Kappa
Delta and Theta Alpha Pi.
Nye Selected As
Folklore President
Hermes Nye of Dallas was elect
ed president of the Texas Folklore
Society for 1956-57 at the closing
meeting 'last Saturday in the Me
morial Student Center.
Other new officers were Dr. Wil
son M. Hudson, University of Tex
as, vice-president and program
chairman; Allen Maxwell, Southern
Methodist University, treasurer;
Dr. Mody C. Boatright, University
of Texas, secretary and editor; and
three councilors, Americo Paredes,
University of Texas; Dr. E. Hudson
Long, Baylor; and Dr. John Q.
Anderson, A&M, retiring pi-esident.
The student paper contest spon
sored by the Society will be con
tinued next year. Junior college
as well as senior college students
are eligible for the competition.
Next year the Society will meet
in Austin. Tentative dates are
April 19-20.
Progressing On
Dairy Building
Construction of a Dairy and Bio
chemistry Building, which was be
gun March 17, is progressing at
a satisfactory pace, according to
Lynn Stuart, engineer for R. B.
Butler Construction Company.
When completed the building will
house classes and laboratories for
dairy manufacturing and biochem
istry; cost will be more than $1,-
The new creamery, which is be
ing constructed just north of the
building, will house laboratories
for dairy manufacturing and pro
cessing and will have facilities for
taking care of the milk production
of the A&M dairy.
The foundation for the creamery
is now complete, the basement for
the main building has been poured,
and the foundation will be finish
ed in about three weeks, accord
ing to Stuart.
The building will be ready to
turn over to the college by March
11 if things progress as they are
now, said Stuart.
Installation of fumiture and lab
facilities will then begin, and the
building is to be ready for classes
by September 1957, according to
Dr. I. W. Rupel, head of the Dairy
Husbandry Department.
RV’s Will Travel
To Two Festivities
Two platoons of the Ross Vol
unteers will go to Shreveport, La.
this weekend for the “Holiday in
Dixie” festival, lighted parade Fri
day night, according to Ernest F.
(Buddy) Biehunko, company com
The remainder of the company
will make up a platoon to act as
honor guard of the “Lashonas de
la Corte” at Corpus Christi’s “Buc-
“ Buccaneer Days”. This group will
be commanded by Edmundo Cruz,
with Walter Parsons acting as
first sergeant.
“Members of the three platoons
will fumish their own transporta
tion,” said Biehunko.
Wallace Larson, Dean W. W. Armistead
Vet School Dean Presents Award
Vet-Medicine Award
Goes to W. R. Larson
Wallace R. Larson, senior veteri
nary medicine student from Bossier
City, La., received last night the
annual award of the Women’s Aux
iliary to the Louisiana Veterinary
Medical Association.
The award was presented in rec
ognition of his activities which
have contributed to the recognition
of veterinary medicine and the
School of Veterinary Medicine on
the campus of A&M College. Dean
W. W. Armistead made the presen
At A&M, Larson has worked on
the staff of the Southwestem Vet
erinarian for four years, serving
as exchange editor, associate edi
tor, and this year as co-editor with
Bryan Beard. He also was a dele
gate to the 92nd annual convention
of the American Veterinary Medi
cine Association.
Other activities include being
president of the Honor Council of
the Veterinary Medicine School, re
search assistant, parliamentarian
of the student chapter of the
AVMA, and secretary of the A&M
Press Club. Honors include being
recipient of the Jones Award and
selection this year to Who’s Who
in American Colleges and Univer
A veteran of two shifts in the
U. S. Army, Larson is married and
has two children, Mark age S 1 /^ and
Deborah, 2.
Student Body Election
Said ‘Unconstitutional’
An Editorial
To paraphrase a famous statement, “We don’t believe
in what segregationists believe in, but we do defend their
right to tell their beliefs.”
For this reason, we ask the A&M Student Senate to in
itiate action on a new election by the student body concern
ing segregation.
The election which had previously been scheduled by
the Senate has been declared unconstitutional. Close check
ing apparently bears out this fact as valid. The Senate want
ed to take up the matter as a new item, but their action was
taken up as a referendum vote—a vote which was not valid
because of the constitutional time limit on petitions.
The rejection of the election came as a shock, for the
action was not expected. But shock or no shock, the decis
ion stands.
Now the Senate should take action on the election again,
and this time, if a letter has to be sent to higher powers, make
sure that it expresses what the Senate intends to do and by
constitutional means.
No blame on the Senate is here intended. What the sen
ators were trying to express by their action and what was
sent on to the dean apparently were two different things.
An election initiated as a new item by the Senate would be
constitutional; an election called by a petition filed later than
the constitution allows is unconstitutional.
The Senate will hear tomorrow night the letter telling
why the election was ruled unconstitutional. Also will be
included an explanatory statement about the college com
mittee on segregation having the vote (the Senate’s) they
need. Specific details of the letter, which was not secret as
it had earlier been shown to a Battalion reporter, was kept
from this newspaper by the Senate president until he could
read it tomorrow night to the Senate.
We don’t believe in segregation; we’re almost tempted
to wish that this student body election had never come up.
But now that it has, and now that the election has been ruled
unconstitutional, the Senate has no honorable choice but to
call for another election.
If an election is held, we’ve a few votes in this office
opposing segregation—for as said before, “We’ll defend their
right to express their belief in segregation, but we don’t be
lieve in it.”
— Bill Fullerton
News of the World
order to stop segi'egation on city
buses brought angry threats of re
prisal yesterday from city and
state officials who vowed to keep
the races apart as long as possible.
Higher Education
Consolidated Report
(Editor’s note: This is the first
in a series of articles on the
report of the Educational Com
mission School Study Group.)
Twelve members of the College
Station Education Commission
have formed a group to study needs
of the A&M Consolidated School
System during the last two months.
Members of the group include
Dr. Charles LaJVtotte, president;
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin S. Brooks,
Mesdames Stewart E. Brown, T. S.
Burkhalter, Melvin Eisner, Robert
M. Holcomb, George L. Hueber,
Charles LaMotte, Henderson Shuf
fler, and Rev. and Mrs. Charles G.
Their report follows.
“We are pleased to know that the
school board and administration
recognize the need for, and insofar
Weather Today
’artly cloudy and a little warm-
is forecast for College Station
ay. Yesterday’s high and low
re 83 degrees and 53 degrees,
nperature at 10:30 this morning
s 66 degrees.
as funds will permit are actively
planning for, various improvements
in the A&M Consolidated Schools.
Of those improvements which they
expect to make during the next
year or two, we particularly favor
and endorse the following:”
1. Requiring two yeai-s of sci
ence for graduation fi'om high
school, and making General Science
an elective course.
2. Increasing the time that stu
dents spend in high school English
3. Employment of an additional
teacher for high school English,
high school mathematics and junior-
high science.
4. Employment of a special
teacher for retarded students in
grades one through eight.
5. Employment of a trained
counselor for the school system.
6. Employment of a librarian
for grades 1-8, and to re-establish
the Sloop Memorial Library.
7. Employment of a woman
teacher for girl’s physical educa
tion classes.
8. Offering automobile driver-
training as a physical education
“Even though we are well
pleased with what the A&M Con
solidated School accomplishes on
its present income, we believe there
are several additional improve
ments needed due to lack of suffi
cient funds. We consider the fol
lowing the most important of these
1. More teachets.
2. More men teacher's in junior
and senior high school.
3. Substantial merit raises to
those who do an outstanding job of
4. More teaching aids.
5. Sloop books for the first
grade in the Lincoln school.
6. Adequate dressing facilities
for the physical education classes.
7. Renovation of the classrooms
for the second through the eighth
8. Additional classrooms. (An
other high school science room, a
shop, and a vocational agriculture
classroom, and others as needed.)
9. A comprehensive testing pro
10. Impi'ovement o f draining
facilities at both white and Negro
Despite the decision from Mont
gomery City Lines Inc., to abandon
its policy of separate seating of
white and Negro passengers, there
were no reports of actual mixed
seating on the first day.
An Alabama Journal reporter
who spot-checked the buses said
all the Negro riders he saw were
seated in the rear, the part re
served for members of that race
under the traditional segregation
Neither was there any indication
that the bus company’s action in
refusing to continue enforcing city
and state segregation laws would
bring an immediate end to the
boycott by Negroes who have re
fused to patronize the segregated
buses since Dec. 5.
The Rev. Martin Luther King
Jr., boycott leader convicted of
violating Alabama’s antiboycott
law, issued a statement saying
“There will be no change in our
position immediately.” He did not
King’s statement was issued
through Negro Atty. Fred Gray
(See WORLD NEWS, Page 4)
Segregation Issue
Dies After Senate
Vote Last Month
The election on the segreg’a-
tion views of the Student Sen
ate has been called off.
A decision was reached by
Dr. Robert M. Kamm, dean of
Student Personnel Services, that
the Senate’s action in calling the
vote was unconstitutional. A 447-
name petition had been submitted
to the Senate by students who did
not feel that the Senate vote in
March, “opposed to segregation,”
expressed the feelings of the stu
dent body.
The petition was not presented
to the Senate “by the next regu
lar meeting” as called for by the
Senate Constitution. The Senate
had voted to act on the petition
as a new item on their agenda,
and to call for a vote by the stu
dent body. A letter was submitted
to Dean Kamm by Byron A. Pai’-
ham, Senate president, asking for
the election. Because the Senate
action was based on the referendum
rule of the constitution, it was de
clared unconstitutional.
Dean Kamm explained that if
the matter had been referred to
him as a new Senate action, and
not as a referendum election, the
group’s action would have been val
Parham declined to reveal rea
sons given him by Dean Kamm for
his sending the matter back to the
Senate. The reasons had been giv
en to a Battalion reporter by Dr.
Kamm. The unconstitutionality of
the action was the sole reason for
his having to turn the matter back,
Dr. Kamm said.
The Student Senate will meet
Thursday night to take up changes
in their constitution.
Senate Sponsoring
Award for Mothers
The Student, Senate is sponsor
ing an Honor Mother Award '.Con
test to .select the Aggie’s mother
who has sacrificed the most to send
her son to' A&M. t
Mothers who have sent several
sons to A&M or lost sons in the
war also are eligible for siibmit-
ting. V . . , ' \ ’
A special committee , in the Stu
dent Senate will selfect the winner
according to her merit and the
award will be presented to the
winner at the Corps review on
Mothers’ Day.
Anyone interested in submitting
his mother’s name should turn it
in, along with the reason why he
thinks that his mother should be
selected, to the Student Activities
office on the second floor of the
YMCA. Deadline for entries is
5 p.m., Wednesday, May 2.
__ _
GOING DOWN—Workmen stay away from flying dirt as work progresses on the foun
dation for the new A&M Chapel. The building is being constructedbjtheR^B
Construction Company of Bryan, and will be located on the northeast corner of Houston
and Jones Streets, across from the President’s home and immediately behind Law and
Puryear Halls.