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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1956)
y -f $ :^'-i..<- - *■ if£j$hk '-'•> •■■-■'■ ■ V, ;- v : ; ^> v; : ; ' ' Sb'S' ...^ ; -'S 77ie Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 4 Thursday, April 12, 1956 Aggie Wives Clubs Announce Programs AGGIE WIVES BRIDGE Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Memorial Student Center. Prizes won last week went to Lil Powers, first; Frances Brummerhop, sec ond; Minette Carpener, low and Dot Julian, traveling slam, in the regulars. Intermediate awards were won by Elaine Goolsby, high and Shirley Tschirhart, second. * * * ANIMAL HUSBANDRY WIVES Club will meet at 7.30 tonight in the YMCA. June Wiley of the Lady Fair Beauty Salon will give a talk on “Hair Styling”. * * * AVMAA WILL meet at 8 tonight in the amphitheatre of the Vetei - - inary Hospital. Dr. W. W. Armi- stead w r ill speak to the girls, then conduct a tour through the hospital. * * * CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S FEL LOWSHIP, of A&M Christian Church will hold a bake sale at Safeway Saturday beginning at 9 A&M GARDEN CLUB will meet in the social room of the Memorial Student Center at 2:30 p.m. Fri day, then go on a pilgrimage to the plantation of John Herd Astin near Mumford, Texas. * * * AGRI. ECO. & SOC. Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Agr. Eco. & Soc. Building for a Merle Norman cosmetics demon- The more impor> tant the day, the happier the thought that sug^ gesls sending FLOWERS! Aggies .. . Thrill her with Flowers from the Blossom Shop. CORSAGES OF ALL TYPES Nan’s Blossom Shop 105 S. College TA 2-1688 stration. Plans will be discussed for the picnic Apidl 28. * * * ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Wives Club will meet at 8 p.m. Monday in x’oom 3B, Memorial Stu dent Center to hear Mrs. Frank McFarland speak on Child Guid ance. * * * MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the YMCA to see the film, “We Are the Aggies.” Mem bers are asked to bring their mon ey for the Aggieland picture. Also there will be a drawing for the graduation party menu. Gradu ating members who have not paid their dues will not be eligible to receive a diploma. * * * AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION Wives Club meeting Tuesday has been cancelled. * * * AGRONOMY WIVES CLUB will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the YM CA for a social. * * * BAND WIVES CLUB will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the YM CA. There will be a demonstra tion by a Merle Norman cosmetics representative. Barbara Young was chosen to represent the club at the Cotton Ball. SUMMER VACATION .. .? r*am to speak SPANISH, fulfill language requirement, increase your EARNING pow er, in AIR-CONDITIONED comfort. 11 weeks course $435.00. Folder free: Eatin- Anlerican Institute Station A, Hattiesburg, Miss. See Our GOLF... Clubs — Bags — Balls Gloves — Covers Student Co-op No. Gate My Nomination For MRS. TEXAS A&M Is: MRS._ Box. No. College Address Your Name: Phone No. Please include small portrait of wife. It will be returned. Will you be in attendance at the dance? (circle one) Yes No My wife should be Mrs. Texas A&M because (150 words or less) -f ENTRIES SHOULD BE TURNED IN TO BATTALION OFFICE OR MAIN DESK, M. S. C. BSU Banquet Planned For Saturday-7:30 The BSU annual banquet featuring a “Moonlight & Roses” theme will be held in MSC Assembly Room Satur day at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Robt. F. Polk, Jr., Pastor of the College Ave. Baptist Church in Bryan, will climax the occasion with a message on “Falling in Love”. Skipper Connor will emcee. A&M students on the program are Dave Golston, Dub Bailey, Jim Brady, Skipper Connor and Bobby Huffaker. Out of town program guests will include a vocal trio from Mary Hardin Baylor College consisting of Bobbie Skinner, Dixie Eddy, and Edwina Beasley accompanied by Miss Cleva Bristow, BSU Director at that school. Also, featured will be a pantomine trio, Shirlene Mays, Jerry Harpster and Nancy Joe Ho gan from the Lilly Jolly School of Nursing at Memorial Hospital in Houston. They will be accompan ied by Miss Kathryn White, BSU Director. Gerald Thornton, General Chair man for the banquet, states that the following are heading up the various committees. Jim Manley, Ticket Sales; Morris Johnston, Ta ble Arrangements, Henry Halff and Gene Buie, Promotion; Proper ties, Bert Thompson and Dennis Stipe; Program, Woody Rice; Dec oration, Sammy Ferguson and Joe Van Haselen; Housing, Larry Har rington and Bivin Dunklin; Pho- tography, Geoffrey Wan. Ticket sale deadline is tonight, said Thornton. Bill Cocke (Continued from Page 3) Friday night, Bill was an easy second in the 5,000 meters behind Oklahoma’s Bobby Buchanan, who’s 15:181 was a new Texas Relays’ record. “I really like to run in the cool of the evening and that plus the usual stillness at night is why I do better after dark,” said Bill ex plaining his times. Bill is married and will enter the Baylor Medical School in Houston next fall after receiving his degree in Zoology here in May. Baseball (Continued from Page 3) bers and DeWitt. Palmer tallied minutes later on an error to knot the score at 4-4. After one out in the sixth inning Bryan picked up the winning run. DeWitt tripled deep to the center field corner and a clean single by Ogletree brought him home, mak ing the score 5-4. Bryan added two insurance runs in the seventh to make it 7-4. BOX SCORE AGGIES (4) AB R II O Newport, If 4 0 1 Stockton, cf 4 1 1 Dudley, rf 5 1 1 Boring, ss 5 0 1 Smothermon, c 4 1 2 Zatopek, p 3 O 0 Monical, p 0 0 0 1. Hubbard 1 0 0 Ross, 3b 5 1 2 Hoyle, lb 4 0 0 Bleckner, 2b 1 0 0 TOTALS 36 4 8 24 8 4 ALL-STARS (7) AB R II O A E Chambers, 2b 3 2 1 2 4 1 DeWitt, cf 4 2 1 3 0 0 Hodge, lb 3 0 1 6 0 2 Palmer, If 4 1 0 1 O 0 Ogletree, c 3 0 2 8 0 0 Kiker, ss 5 0 0 4 2 0 Ellis, 3b 4 1 1 2 3 1 Carroll, rf 2 0 0 1 0 0 Harris, rf 2 1 1 0 0 0 Closs, p 3 0 0 0 3 t TOTALS 33 7 7 27 12 5 1. Popped out for Monical in 9th. AGGIES .... 012 010 000—4 ALL-STARS . . 100 031 20x—7 R—Stockton. Dudley. Smothermon. Ross, ton, mon, Hodge, Ogletree 3. SB—Newport. SH—Carroll. HBP—Hodge by Monical. Left—Aggies 12. All-Stars 13. PB — Smothermon, WP—Zatopek 2, Closs. DP —Chambers. Kiker, Hodge. SO by—Closs 8, Zatopek 5, Monical 3. BB off—Closs 7, Zatopek 8, Monical. That “new suit” I “bought” for Dad is really an old one I had rejuvenated at . . . CAMPUS CLEANERS jm. Ekwon& BUK«6AB»n 0UB Sugar Oak Grove Oleo 5 lbs 47c 2 lbs 33c Towels Northern White or Colored Roll 13c Crisco 3 lb. Cannister 87c Cherries Morgan's R. S. P. 2 303 cans 35c Del Monte Fruit Cocktail 303 can 21c Hunt's Peach Halves No. 2 1-2 can 27c Texsun Orange Juice Libby's Tomato Juice Ranch Style Beans Standard Tomatoes Alma Green Beans & Potatoes 46 oz. can 29c 300 can 10c 300 can 10c 303 can 10c 2 303 cans 27c Derby Potted Meat 5 1-4 cans 23c Barbecue Patio Sliced & Chipped 300 can 37c Preserves Bama Peach 20 oz. Tumbler 33c Hunt's Catsup Gladiola Biscuits 2 14 oz. Bottles 35c 2 cans 19c Diamond Napkins 80 Count Boxes 10c Folger's Coffee Instant 6 oz. jar $1.18 NBC Ritz Crackers 1 lb. Box 33c FROZEN FOODS Booth’s Breaded Shrimp 10 oz. pkg. 47c 6-oz. Cans—Libby's Lemonade or Orange Juice 2 for 29c I0-oz. pkgs.—Libby's Peas or Mixed Veg. 2 for 29c PRODUCE No. 1 Calif. Potatoes 101b. bag 64c Texas Baby Yellow Squash .... lb. 10c Fla. Golden Bantam Corn ear 5c Crisp Calif. Celery . . 2 stalks 15c MEATS Heart of Texas—Cut up or whole Fryers lb. 39c Decker's Smoked Hams Shank end lb. 47c Hams Butt end lb. 55c Lean Tender Round Steak . lb 59c Choice Baby Beef Pot Roast . . lb. 35c Armour's Star—All Meat Franks .... lb. 37c Hormel Dairy Sliced Bacon . lb. 39c MILLERS SUPER MARKET Sunday 8 a.nt. lo 8 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday—7 a.m. to 9 p.m. SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SAT. — APRIL 12 - 13 - 14