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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1956)
Page 6 THE BATTALION Thursday, March 22, 1956 Social Whirl DAMES CM T R will hold a cake bake at Safeway in Bryan Friday from 2 to 9 p.m. They will hold their regular meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the YMCA. ★ AGRIE WIVES BRIDGE CLUB will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Memorial Student Center. Hos tesses will be Marcia Patterson and LaVonne Piese for beginners; Bar bara Hancock and Betty McCul lough, intermediates and Frances Brummerhop and Joan Tieken, reg ulars. ★ ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Wives Club will meet tonight at 7:30 in the YMCA. ★ BUSINESS WIVES will hold a party at 8 p.m. Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Leland, 1307 Walton E. in College Station. Leland is head of the Business Ad ministration Department. The oc casion will be a social get together with refreshments, card games and television. ★ AGGIE WIVES COUNCIL will meet at 8 p.m. Mondav in the YM CA to discuss the three point pro gram presently before the coun cil. The pi'ogram includes a baby sitting proiect, chann course, and completion of a list of avail able speakers for the various clubs. All representatives and club pres idents are asked to attend the meeting. ★ CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WIVES Club will meet at 7:30 p.m! Monday for a business meet ing in the south solarium of the YMCA. Refreshments will be car ried out with an Easter theme. What’s Cooking The following clubs will meet to- night: 7:1!) p.m. Trans-Pecos Club meets in Civil Engineeidng lecture room. Guadalupe Valley Hometown Club meets in room 207 in the Civil Engineering Building. Final plans will be made for spring party. Davy Crockett A&M Club meets in room 2C of the MSC. 7:30 p.m. Bell County Club meets in room 125, Academic. Cotton Ball duch ess will be selected. Hidalgo-Starr County Club meets in room 207, New Engineering Building. Party will be discussed. Lavaca County Hometown Club meets in Academic Building to dis cuss picture and party. Fayette - Colorado Hometown Club meets in room 207, Academic. Lower Rio Grande Valley Home town Club meets in YMCA. Eas ter Party will be discussed. A short pi-ogram has been planned. Marshall Hometown Club meets in room 227, Academic. Business meeting will be held to plan Easter Party. Red River Valley Hometown Club meets in 7'oom 3B of the MSC. Del Rio Club meets in the lounge of Puryear. Easter party and Cot ton Ball duchess will be discussed. Hunt County Hometown Club meets in the YMCA. Amarillo A&M Club meets in room 108, Academic. Matagorda County Hometown Club meets in room 126, Academic. Beaumont A&M Club meets in room 103, Academic. Easter party will be planned, and Cotton Ball announcements will be made. Henderson County A&M Club meets in Bagley Hall. Lubbock-South Plains meets in the MSC. Well, Mr. Smarty, who knows a good way to clean clothes with gasoline. . . . Maybe next time you’ll send them to — CAMPUS CLEANERS Pound Can v f# FOLGERS COFFEE SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING 3 ADOLPHUS RICE ?= 2 PEACH PRESERVES -- TUXEDO TUNA “ 2 CLEARFIELD CHEESE 2 GREEN GIANT PEAS 2 NIBLETS CORN 2 - 29 HUNTS PEARS 29 SPECIALS FOR THITR.-FRI.-SAT. MAR. 22-23-24 OiT's Gold Seal Veal SHouiveTZ 2 cans 27c Tall Cans GAINES DOG FOOD . . . 300 Cans VAN CAMP PORK & BEANS . 2 cans 25c Lb. Ctn. SUGAR s"5 Pkg. of 5 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES . . Hair Tonic—Med. Size WILDROOT CREAM OIL . . . SUNGOLD MARGARINE Lb. Ctn. NEW DETERGENT GLADIOLA FLOUR 5 T; 1 41c 10 r r 79c wucotte AUNT JEMIMA SEE AENT JEMIMA — IN PERSON — ORR’S RIDGECREST STORE FRIDAY, 5:30 — 6:00 P.M. Aunt Jemima—20 Oz. Pkg. PANCAKE FLOUR ... 17c ORR’S GOLD SEAL VEAL BRISKET Lb. - 19c PRIME RIB ROAST KL. , „ 59c PORK ROASTLb. 33c SIRLOIN STEAK r 59' BACON SSL. _ ll 39c LAMB SHOULDER ROAST ir 39c LAMB PATTIES r : ., 49c FRANKS Rath Blackhawk Lb. 39c FROZEN FOODS • 6 Oz. Cans PASCO ORANGE JUICE 2 cans 29c Snow Crop-—10 Oz. Pkg. STRAWBERRIES . . .25c Lilly MELLORINE—V2 gal. . 55c Youngblood—Chicken 2 LB. PKG. BACKS & NECKS . . . 39c 4 Fishermen—10 Oz. BREADED SHRIMP ... 49c • • *• ** A* i •* ‘V**,»* 40 Grade ‘A’ Large BMP&er •*> U. S. NO. 1—IDAHO RUSSET POTATO FRESH GREEN Cabbage L| > 1< U. S. NO. 1—BLACK VALENTINE GREEN BEANS 2 29 thr '■ Ll PVON TEA SWEET—VINE-RIPENED 3k CANTALOUPES f„, 15 ★ TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ★ y 4 lb. PKG. v:; SUPER 11; 1; MARKETS I BEST IN BRYAN 200 E. 24™ ST. 3516 TEXAS AVE.