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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1956)
h> •r The Battalion Number 97: Volume 55 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1956 Price 5 Cents March AFB Visit Awes AF Aggies Thirty-five DMS Air Force stu dents visited March and Edwards AFB in California last Thursday and Friday as a field trip in Mil itary Science. Col. Henry Dittman, PAS, and Capt. J. M. Palmer, assistant PAS, together with Dr. Ide P. Trotter, dean of the Graduate School and Dr. John C. Calhoun, dean of En gineering - accompanied the group. The group left E>ryan AFB Thursday morning and arrived at March AFB that afternoon. The students toured the base and saw a display of B-47 and KC-97 planes used in Stragetic Air Com mand operations. Leaving the B-47’s they visited a SAC squadron and were shown Civilian Day Invitation To Corps Students A special invitation has been issued to Corps students to attend the Civilian Day barbecue and dance Saturday. Civilian clothes are authoriz ed from 5 p.m. for the affair, said Lt. Col. Taylor Wilkins, assistant commandant. Barbecue tickets, which are $1, go off sale at 10 p.m. Wednesday. Dance tickets, $2 stag or drag for students and $3 for non-sfudents, go off sale at noon Saturday. The barbecue will be held in the main dining hall of Sbisa from 6-7:30 p.m. Entertainment in the form of the Aggie Ramblers, the guitar playing of Carlton Norris and John Jay Crawford, the danc ing of Frank and Jeannette Amar- ello of Dallas, the singing of John Montgomery from Paint Creek, and the singing and strumming of cow boy Lloyd Weaver from KCUL in Fort Worth will be provided. United Artists stars John Forbes and Elaine Walker will be present. They will aid in judg - ing the Beard Contest at dance intermission. The dances start at 8:30 p.m. Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys will play in the main dining hall and Buster Satan with rhythm and blues will be located in the Sbisa Annex. Announcements All students who expect to receive a degree in June can order graduation announce ments at the Department of Student Activities, second floor, Goodwin Hall. Orders will be taken through March 22. the duties of the squadron by Maj. Cotton, class of ’44. Traveling from squadron head quarters, the group was briefed at 15th AF Hq by the Commanding Officer, Maj. Gen. Old, who gave a briefing on the “Mission and Capabilities of SAC”. The visit to March AFB was terminated by a dinner Thursday night honoi'ing the guests. Friday morning the students flew to Edwards AFB, Calif., which is the flight testing center for the Air Force. “We saw planes there that look ed as if they came out of Buck Rogers,” said H. W. (Bud) Whit ney, one of the students making the trip. Among the planes the group saw was the X-l, X-2, and X-3 rocket planes and also the new fighters F-101 and F-J02. While inspecting these aircraft the group met one of the Air Force’s top test pilots and the first man to crack the sonic barrier, Lt. Col. Pete Everest. “We were very impressed with Col. Everest and his reputation said Whitney, but as he left us he jumped into a Model A and dvove away. He told us it was the hot test ‘A’ on the base.” Between stops on their inspec tion tour the students watched the (See AGGIES, Page 6) TEXAS SIZE—This “Texas Size” barbeque sign displayed on Bizzell Hall pretty well sums uj) Civilian Weekend ac tivities. The drawing and designing of the sign was done by A. Conrad Neumann, graduate Oceanography student from Martha’s Vinyard, Mass., and James L. Knighton, freshman engineering major from Overton. Civilian Week end starts Saturday evening at 6 with the barbeque, which will be followed by a dance in Sbisa Hall. Revisions Explained Hospitalization for System (This is the second article that John W. Hill, Workmen’s Compensation director for the A&M System, is writing to ex plain the revision of group hospitalization coverage. An open meeting will be held this afternoon at 4 p. m. in the Chemistry lecture room for those employees desiring clar ification of any phase of the revision.) Group hospitalization coverage for employees of the A&M College System as revised by the insurance committee effective April 1 pro vides several changes in benefits. Revised coverage drops the $5 per day hospital room benefit plan and Ag. Eng. Society Phillip M. Price, state engineer for the Soil Conservation Service, will speak at the Agricultural En gineering Society meeting tonight. The meeting is slated for 7:30 in the Agricultural Engineering Building. Anyone interested in the engineering phase of the SCS is invited to the meeting. ; mm FRESHMAN SWEETHEART—Miss Barbara Moody of Dallas, escorted by Bob Williams, was named Freshman Sweetheart at the Fish Ball Saturday night in Sbisa Hall. Miss Moody was chosen from five finalists during inter mission. provides a new Plan I with a $7 per day hospital room benefit, a Plan II with $10 per day rooih benefit and Plan III with a $12 per day room benefit. It also provides an increase in the allowance for hospital special charges. The new rriaximum hos pital special charge allowance for Plan I is $400, for Plan II, $750 and $1,000 for Plan III. This in crease in maximum hospital spe cial charges is brought about by the addition of a $25 deductable clause for special charges apply ing to in-hospital care only. The deductable clause does not apply to special charges for out-patient surgery or emergency treatment. Aggies ‘Mom’ Injured In Auto Crash Mrs. Irene Claghorn, known to Aggies as “Mom” Claghorn, is still on the critical injured list following an accident Sun day night on the outskirts of Dallas. Mrs. Claghorn, 67, is. suf fering from chest injuries and multiple cuts. She is in room 611 of Baylor Hospital in Dal las. A Baylor Hospital spokes man said last night that she had shown little improvement yesterday. She was the only person involved or injured in the accident, of which the de tails are not known. “Mom” has been here since 1918 when she came here as an Army nurse with the rank of captain. Maximum reimbursement for surgical expense benefit for the three plans are Plan I—$225, Plan II-—$300 and Plan III—$350. Two new coverages will become effective ''Under the new plan. These are in-hospital medical calls by the physician and benefits for nine dread diseases including Pol iomyelitis. The in-hospital medical care provides $4 per call, per day, while confined in the hospital un der Plan I with a maximum of $200; $5 per call, per day under Plan II and Plan III with a maxi mum of $250. Hospital confine ment cases in which surgical pro cedures are performed are not eli gible for reimbursement under the in-hospital medical care provision. The in-hospital medical care provides reimbursement starting with the first call by the physician in the hospital following an acci dent and starting with the fourth call in-hospital following an ill ness disability. The dread disease benefit provides a maximum of $5,000 for Poliomyelitis, Diphthe- ria, Scarlet Fever, Leukemia, Smallpox, Encephalitis, Spinal Meningitis, Rabies or Tetanus. This coverage provides hospital room, nursing care, therapist and all medical treatment necessary for recovery from the disease. (The last of these articles will appear in tomorrow’s Battalion). Talent Show to Feature Kilgore Rangerettes Acts Drawn From 13 Neighboring Schools Student Council Gives Views On Segregation The A&M Arts and Sciences Council passed a resolution at its-regular meeting last night which read: “Resolved, that the Arts and Sciences Council favor the admittance, with full privileges, of Negroes at all meet ings held on the A&M campus.” The favorable vote was passed by a lopsided majority. Discussion of the resolution arose over the policy of the A&M Board of Directors concerning meetings at A&M. The Council was told by a member that the Boaid has a committee studying the problem of integration, and a majority apparently approved passing a resolution which would indicate to the board the feeling of at least one group of students at A&M. The hope was also expressed that other groups would express an opinion on this matter. Other issues taken up by the Council were a short discussion of the Arts and Sciences magazine, The Commentator, following a short talk on the publication by Ross Strader, director of Student Publications, and a discussion of faculty awards. Pet Show Planned At Consolidated SCONA Names Committee For Next Year Four A&M juniors have been named to a committee charged with raising $12,300 to finance the second in a se ries of student planned and operated conferences on national affairs for southwestern college men and women. They are Jack Lunsford from Houston, Brad Crockett, Harling en; L. E. Sheppard, Crockett and Alvan Richey, Houston. The first Student Conference on National Affairs west of the Mis sissippi River was held at A&M this past Decembei - , attracting del egates from 47 colleges and univer sities in 14 states, Canada and Mexico. The meetings are designed to Plans are being made for the acquaint southern and southwest- 1956 Pet dnd Dog Show to be held ern students with national prob at A&M Consolidated School April 7. The annual show wall be Consol idated’s sixteenth and is expected to be the biggest in their history. Twenty-nine classes of animals will include everything from horses and pink elephants to crayfish and tad poles. Children will have an op portunity to show any type of pet. Sponsored by the Consolidated Mothers and Dads Club, the pet show is the largest and most suc cessful in this area. General Chairman J. R. Jackson has announced a meeting of all committee chairmen for 5:00 p.m., March 15, at the Consolidated Jun ior High School. Chairmen have been urged to attend since this is a very important meeting. Weather Today LIGHT RAIN Scattered clouds with occasional light rain showers is forecasted for College Station this afternoon with gusty winds from south- southwest. Yesterday’s high was 83 degrees; low, 69 degrees. Temper ature at 10:30 this morning was 75 degrees. The Kilgore Rangerettes, girls’ drill group from Kilgore Junior College, will be the special attraction at the 1956 In tercollegiate Talent Show to be held here April 13, according to Joe Harris, producer of the show. The Rangerettes are well known for their performance at Cotton Bowl halftime activities and at the Pro-College All- star Games each August at Soldier Field, Chicago. Fifty girls will perform for the show and are now work ing on two acts. Announcements of winners of the recent auditions was made last week by Dudley Brown, corresponding secretary of the show. The winners are as follows: ■ Texas A&M—Ed Burkhead, tenor. University of Arkansas — Bob Green, Jimmy Johnson, and Bruce Smith, comedy and imitations. Green and Johnson were part of the Arkansas act last year. Baylor University — “The Three Flusihers”, mens trio that does comic imitations of bop songs. Louisiana State University — “The Tiger Tappers”, novelty danc ing act starring Mike Cooper who represented LSU last year, and 11 girls. The act won a similar talent show on the LSU campus this past fall. Oklahoma A&M—Two acts; Joe Cannon, trumpet player who plays semi-classical music, and “T h e Beta Four”, barbershop quartet composed of Gary Blake, Bryan Duke, Bob Hill and Bill Thompson. Oklahoma University — “The Four Lambs”, Ames Brothel’s type style with three men singing and one playing piano. The group is composed of Larry Cohan, Jerry Bitterman, Sqm Esterkyn and Steve danger. Rice Institute*—Record pantom- ine composed of Penny Blackledge, Patti Blackledge, Collene Caldwell and Phyllis Phair. Southwestern Louisiana Insti tute—“The Dukes of Rhythm”, a Dixieland band. The saxophone player in the band played in the original recording of “See You Later, Alligator”. Southern Methodist University-- Denise Foster, featured singer on the radio show “Early Birds” on station WFAA, Dallas. Texas State College for Women —Betty Harrison, singer. Texas Christian University — Bob Romo, baritone. Tulane University and Sophie Newcombe — Leroy Ottman and Becky Carson, dancers. Miss Car- son is beautY queen at Sophie New combe. University of Texas — Linda Potts, harpist from Bryan who has played for the last two years at the Freshmen Open House during New Student Week in September. The music she plays ranges from semi-classical to jazz. Arrangements are still being made for a master of ceremonies for the show. lems by bringing a series of na tionally known speakers from in dustry, business and government. This year’s conference will be held Dec. 12-15 on the A&M cam pus. Like the first, it is a stu dent planned and operated meet ing with delegates from about 50 southern and southwestern schools invited to participate. It is to be financed through private contribu tions from business and industrial firms and individuals. A&M Deans Attend Chicago Meeting Dr. J. P. Abbott, dean of the college; Dr. W. H. Delaplane, dean of the School of Arts and Sci ences; and Dr. T. J. Parker, pro fessor of geology, are represent ing A&M at the 11th National Conference on Higher Education in Chicago. “Resources for Higher Educa tion” is the theme of the confer ence, which is sponsored by the Association for Higher Education. About 1,000 administrators and faculty members of colleges and universities are attending the meet ing which ends tomorrow. Sophomores Vote In Unruly Meeting The class of 1958 voted to wear ties instead of scarfs to the Soph omore Ball, in their first meeting of the year held last night. “The class has $338, but if we have an out-of-town orchestra we will * have to collect $2 dues from each member of the class,” said Robert Martin, class treasurer. About 125 sophomores attended the slightly unruly meeting, and voted to leave the choice of orches tra and site for the dance to com mittees. “Committees will be appointed next week,” said Orvill Newby, class pi - esident. “We hope to have the money collected by March 16, by having company clerks collect in each of the Corps outfit.” OFF WE GO! Thirty-five DMS Air Force Students pic tured before their visit to March and Edwards AFB in California-last Thursday as a field trip in Military Science, they returned Saturday morning.