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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1956)
Page 6 THE BATTALION Thursday, March 1, 1956 Social Whirl VET MEDICINE Freshman Wives Club will meet at 7 to night at the home of Nina Vincent, 106 Poplar. Purpose of the meet ing will be to prepare the clothes for the rummage sale. * # -V- AGGIE WIVES BRIDGE Club will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Memorial Student Center. Host esses will be Pat Holt and Jean Harvey, beginners; Minnette Car penter and Diane Baker, regulars; Jean Hall and Margaret Brown, intermediates. Prizes were won last week by Sally Mosteller and Pat Henderson in regulars and Ann McMinn and La Nell Bird, inter mediates. * * * ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Wives Club will meet in room 3c, Memorial Student Center at 8 p.m. John Denison of the department will speak on “What to Expect When Your Husbands Get Out of School”. * * * BUSINESS WIVES Club will meet at 8 p.m. Monday in the YMCA. W. R. Horsely will be the speaker for the evening. * * * AG. ECO & SOC. Wives Club will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. in seminar room of Agriculture Build ing. * * * ' INDUSTRIAL EDUCA - TTON AND TECHNOLOGY Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Mon day in the YMCA. Gordon De- Marrais, junior Ind. Ed. major, will speak on philosophy and history of industrial education. •f- H* *•* AGRICULTURE ENGINEER ING Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Ag. Eng. Build ing, room 200. F. R. Jones, head of the department, will speak about the Agriculture engineering field. The film, “We Are the Aggies” will be shown. * * * GEOLOGY WIVES CLUB will meet in the geology building at 8 p.m. Monday. A representative of Merle Norman will give a dem onstration on correct beauty care. * * !|t MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the YMCA. A lie de tector demonstration will be spon sored with David Gofer and J. M. Ban'on as speakers. Hostesses will be Dixie Broesche, Ann Par rish and Sandra Crim, announced Glenda Schildknecht, refreshment chairman. * * * PETROLEUM ENGINEERING Wives Club will meet at 7:45 p.m. Monday at the YMCA. Each mem ber is asked to bring scissors and an empty ice cream or oat meal tarton to make Easter baskets for the negro children at a nearby nur sery, according to Della Nichols, reporter. * * * AGRICULTURE EDUCATION Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the YMCA. # * * BAND WIVES CLUB will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the YM CA. * * * BOWLING LEAGUE WILL bowl at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Memorial Student Center bowling alley. Geology will bowl Dames Club while Mechanical Engineering Wives * bowl against Business Wives. Carter (Continued from Page 1) was the highest in the land yet we were defiant of authority in gov ernment. The ninth and final point of con tradiction in the South listed by Carter was that although we felt our politics more strongly than others, there were fewer votes in the South and more obstacles placed in the way of voters than in the oth$r regions of the nation. BARBECUE... Served with your Favorite Beverage Old Hrdlika Place FRITZ & JOE S CAFE On Claypit Road HIXSON’S—Rich In Flavor COFFEE 71c « k k u ' ; 4. Special Prices Tliur. - Fri. - Sat. ~ March 1-2-3 t*. Kraft Pint .. MIRACLE WHIP MARGARINE VANILLA WAFERS PINEAPPLE JUICE SCOTT TISSUE SUGAR Colonial 25c Size _ 29c 39« 19c V mtl V i *. F;' * Del Monte Roll Imperial Pure Cane 2 cat 49c 5 It 48c GHo'uLn^R. Roast PARD DOG FOOD 3 tails cans 39c WESSON OIL qt. 55c — Pint . 29c POTATO CHIPS—Dentler—25c Size ... 23c MELLORINE—Lilly V 2 gallon 55c Campbell’s CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 2 for 33c 303 Cans FRUIT COCKTAILi—Del Monte 25c 12 Oz. Cans NIBLETS CORN • ••••• 2 cans 33c Le Grande—303 Cans CUT GREEN BEANS 2 cans 25c KLEENEX NAPKINS Q 25c O Pkgs BUDGET EGGS LARGE FRESH DOZEN 44c U. S. GOOD VEAL SALE! U. S. Good Veal Brisket STEW . . . 1 U. S. Good Veal Round STEAK . .. ‘ U. S. Good Veal Loin STEAK . .. ' 19 59 55 Rath Cello FRANKS lb. 39c Freshly Prepared Lean GROUND MEAT ... 3 lbs. 85c Hormel Dairy Brand BACON lb. 39c Swift Premium Prime RIB ROAST lb. 59c Lamb Shoulder ROAST = 39< Wisconsin Daisy CHEESE 59 - FRESH FROZEN FOODS - 8 Oz. Pkg. BIRDSEYE FISH STICKS 35c 16 Oz. Pkg. BIRDSEYE PERCH FILLETS 39c 16 Oz. Pkg. BIRDSEYE FLOUNDER 59c 16 Oz. Pkg. BIRDSEYE CATFISH 59c 9 Oz. Pkgs. BIRDSEYE FRENCH FRYS ... 2 pkgs. 33c 10 Oz. Pkgs. BIRDSEYE GREEN PEAS .... 2 pkgs. 39c 10 Oz. Pkg. BIRDSEYE FORDHOOK LIMAS 25c Pasco ‘tfErfpy TO POP INTO THE OVEN Oladiola BISCUITS - BEST FOOD BUYS - SANITARY HOMO MILK Half Gallon 45c CARNATION PET MILK 3 T d 38c STARLAC INSTANT MILK ,,, *,. 35c DELSEY TISSUE 4 44c JIFFY BISCUIT MIX 4 o o, b, 29c ORANGE JUICE 6 cat 87c Cans PORK & BEANS Van Camps 303 Cans 27c Fruits & Vegetables King of Salads From California ■AuNTjemiMA LOUR k.% j ■'!» LETTUCE GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES ONIONS KRAFT MARSHMALLOWS 25c .$1.00 Size—Special LUSTRE CREME SHAMPOO 69c Fresh, Firm Hard Heads—EA. Seedless EA. Sweet, Juicy Florida — LB. — Fresh Green — BUNCH — OUR RIDGECREST STORE OPEN 7 DAYS WEEK FOR YOUR PERSONAL SHOPPING CONVENIENCE ★ TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ★ SUPER MARKETS