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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1956)
7^ Page 6 THE BATTALION Thursday, February 23, 1956 Oi o 1 0-l an :t >n io rne US int th< ext ft In’i en Th :ke *st .t em nse s b 36 1 LI dec E D P On >up spe 1 )X-6i „ ati( . 3xa c cei , c xrei ^ '56, ^ iesl F» rr :xa V ** e M/ - *ail bioi _i ilin tch' e ru ti 8-0 fi r - 1 On \ay snn :cel Ma jek __ ch tra G tiol 3 ^ 2 U Be fi rad 6- 65 Tyj Vi igg £ Gu pal - Be; • Sb y- to ' Soi ite re ark. he Gii P] oun _ ;.p. K1 A.i > • B1 S( p SO! Journalism Mascot ‘Mr. Sudds 9 Gives Preview of Future By The CAMPUS EDITOR “Judging- from the number of hours we now devote to our Radio and TV sets”, said Prof. Otis Mill er to his journalism 311 class, “the American of a few years hence will be all eyes, ears and bottom”. The next meeting Ronnie Great- house came to class with a draw ing of the character Miller had briefly described. The class im mediately voted to adopt “Mr. Sudds” as the patron saint of the radio news writing and editing class. Of course the reader has already guessed that his initials stand for radio and television, and that his surname, Sudds, comes from his close association with beer and soap chips. The nickname, “Smok- ey”, Mr. Sudds gets from his close association with cigaret tobaccos. The bushy eyebrows and the un ruly but well-devolped head of hair Mr. Sudds owes to the free samples of shampoo, hair tonics, and eyebrow unguents he receives gratis from the cosmetic people. Sudds says the $64,000 question with him is what to do with all the free samples of beer, cigaretes soaps and cosmetic beauty aids he gets. Sudds has already become a bos om friend of all the 24 students taking the radio news writing and editing course. He is planning to go on the annual field trip with the students, claiming he is a friend of long standing of Charley Parker, formerly of Radio station WTAW but now of Radio-TV Sta tion WKY, Oklahoma City. Sudds claims the fact that Charley has invited the class to be the guests of WKY on this year’s field trip is a direct result of his pull with him. Whether this is true or not, the class has voted to allow Sudds to go along on this year’s field trip. An argument advanced in favor of Sudds making the trip was that he might bring along a lot of his sample gifts. Bibles Will Head Hometown Club Doyle Dean Bibles was elected president of the Land of the Lakes Hometown Club at a meeting last week. Other officers elected were as follows: John Pogue, vice-president and Shelton Rossberg, secretary- treasurer. We Highly Recommend To You SPRED SATIN—100% Latex Paint SPRED SATIN is the most beau tiful, most washable, easiest-to- use paint we’ve ever seen. Do It Yourself and get beautiful results on walls and woodwork. CHAPMAN’S PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Next to Post Office R..T. SUtSDS Job Interviews J. Paul Sheedy* Was An Udder Failure Till Wildroot Cream-Oil Gave Him Confidence The following job interviews will be held Friday in the Placement Office: TENNESSEE GAS TRANSMIS SION COMPANY will interview petroleum, geological, civil, me chanical, chemical and electrical engineering majors. The geological and petroleum engineering majors will be interviewed for the Oil Producing Division of the company and will start in a Southwest loca tion. Civil, mechanical, chemical and electrical engineering majors will be interviewed for the Civil Engineering Department of the company. THE TEXAS COMPANY will interview chemical, mechanical, civil, electrical and industrial engi neering majors and chemistry and physics majors for opportunities in the Research and Technical Depart ment and the Refining Depaid- ment. THE TRANE COMPANY will interview mechanical, electrical, chemical and industrial engineering majors for opportunities in air conditioning and heat transfer. En gineers will be interviewed for sales engineering, sales manage ment, research, design, product de velopment and industrial engineer ing. WRIGHT AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER will interview major’s in aeronautical, electrical, mechanical engineering, mathematics and phy sics for openings in research and development. Chairman Attends Christian Seminar John P. Weatherford, junior rur al sociology major, attended a I Christian Citizenship Seminar for | college students in New York and Washington, D.C. last week. Weatherford is World Christian Community chairman of the Texas state Methodist Student Movement, The national MSM is sponsor of the seminar which included 50 delegates representing various states. Th* boy* were having a bull session in Sheedy’s room. "It’s no yoke,” beefed Sheedy. "Heifer-y girl I ask for a date turns me down flat.” Then Sheedy’s roommate spoke up: "There’s good moos tonight J. Paul. Try some of my Wildroot Cream-Oil on those cowlicks.” Sheedy did and now he’s the cream of the campus. Wildroot keeps his hair handsome and healthy looking the way Nature intended... neat but not greasy. Contains the heart of Lanolin, the very best part of Nature’s finest hair and scalp conditioner. Get Wildroot Cream-Oil, America’s largest selling hair tonic. In bottles or un breakable tubes. Gives you look your best. There’s no udder hair tonic like it. * of 131 So. Harris Hill Rd., Williamsville, N. YT Wildroot Cream-Oil gives you confidence LI’L ABNER By A1 Capp TAKE WIDOW VOKUM INTO ONE OF OUR PRIVATE ROOMS, N! URSE . _ . GELLIS. R?ANKFUU-y. MAPAME Y pgAV&e^ I AM NO f/£y.W£Y/ , . ^ WAT£U WHAT COMPe&HEMD VVUY PO'N'— v TH5EE IS A r /J?S , r YOU 15 ACCtPENTAtV? £AC>y. By Walt Kelly ouveer/ All GOf?/ 9 onto M&- COCKTAIL PLUMS ORANGEADE PORK & BEANS CUT BEETS BLACKEYE PEAS SAUCE TUNA BARBECUE PICKLES RED PLUM JAM FLOUR SUGAR Peaches NAPKINS BEANS Libbys 303 Fruit Hunts Prune—2^ can Jit C—16 oz Can Uncle Williams 15V2 303 Libbys 300 Libbys 8 oz. Libbys Tomato Van Camps Hunt 21c 2.1c 23c 3 (or 23c 23c 2 for 23c 4«~29c 19c 39c 23c 29c 5 ibs. 39c 5 its. 48c No. 2 / / 2 Con 27c Diamond—80 Ct. Pkg. 10c 2 ibs. 19c 300 Patio Del Dixi Sour or Dill qt. 20 oz. Bama Bewleys Pure Cane Pinto Prod, uce HOME GROWN COLLARDS 2 for HOME GROWN—GREEN ONIONS . . . 2 for HUEY RED GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 15c 15c 10c U. S. NO. 1—CALIFORNIA—10 lb. Bag POTATOES . . bag 45c LEMONS .... lb. 10c T^rozen rozen LIBBYS—10 02. Package STRAWBERRIES pk. 23c Libbys—BEEF. CHICKEN or TURKEY PIES 8 oz. 19c LIBBYS—G-OZ. CANS ORANGE JUICE 2 for 29c GIANT COLGATE TOOTH PASTE pkg. 33c 24's BAYER ASPIRIN . . 15c Soi Lu Col hold noon Stuck Lund Me Club, will i B Se Fi I WcrL e t Sp ecicti6 E D E ® CL ^ eart Texas—No Feet ■ " 1% ■ E 1% ^ Whole or Cut up ib. 39c ROAST Fresh Pork Picnic ib. 15c TROUT Fresh Gulf <b. 39c HENS Fresh Dressed ib. 3 5 c SAUSAGE Rath Pure Pork ib. 25c 0 fl^iJJ Armour's Star Sliced ib. 39c Worthmore sw* lb. 29c MILLER super MARKET Sunday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday—7 a.m. to 9 p.m. SPECIALS FOB THUKSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY-FEB. 23-24-25 -