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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1956)
p YYie Battalion CADET SLOUCH Page 2 by James Earle THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1956 That Alabama Mob Anybody still wondering what happens when the indi vidual loses himself in the clutches of mob hysteria? If so, a quick glance at the situation in Alabama should j be fairly convincing. How sickening can anything get when such events occur in a nation that professes to be Christian, that professes to be democratic? Or just what is that mob there professing ? ; We don’t know—unless it’s murder. The majority of the persons that composed that mob probably would be the first to be indignant at the idea of subversion. But subversion it is that they are dealing in: subversion of any faith in humanity and, a superficiality in relation to the basic question of humanity, subversion of the best interests of the United States in this troubled world. Just how popular do these people, and most people, think the United States is in the eyes of the rest of the world? We have about one-half of the world against us on, a question of ideologies. And for the other half of the world, those countries now on our side and those countries who could be termed “neutral”, just what does democracy mean as expressed in our actions ? For it isn’t the good things that are remembered about us; all of our aid, which is necessary and humane, has not bought us friends in all of the countries to whom we have extended help. It’s the evil that occurs here that the rest of the world sees. The United States, and for that matter the white race, is a minority in this world. The yellow race and the black race far outnumber us, together or by themselves. And oppression of the one, in our country, the Negro, is seen as oppression of any minority. In their eyes, as public opinion polls in many of those countries have shown, we—the United States—are the tyrant, the war-mongers. We see ourselves as a peace-loving nation. But we’re kidding ourselves if we think that other nations see us in the same light. But, as said before, even so important a question as our appearance in the sights of other nations fades before the problem of the oppression of mankind. The entire “dark world” is slowly awakening; desegregation will soon be a world problem. We’ve got a lot to think about, a lot of adjustments to make. We’ve got to prove to the world that we really are the democracy we claim to be; we’ve got to prove that dem ocracy is a workable peace, both within our nation and with our neighbors of the world. — Bill Fullerton Agriculture Staffers Attend Work Conference Six members of the College Sys tem participated in the annual meeting of the Southern Agricul tural Workers Association in At lanta, Ga., which ended yesterday. Dr. J. C. Miller, head of the Ani mal Husbandry Department pre sided over the Animal Husbandry section anti headed the program committee of the meetings. Dr. O. D. Butler, head of the Meats Laboratory, presented a pa per entitled “The Ratio of Fatness in Short-Fed Yearling Steers to Juiciness and Tenderness of Broil ed and Braised Steaks.” Paul Marion of the Spur Experi ment Station presented a paper on the “Use of Stilbesterol and Ter- ramycin in High Roughage Ra tions for Yearling Steers.” L. A. Maddox, associate exten sion agent, Amarillo presented “The Program of the American Beef Cattle Performance Registry Association.” Dr. R. L. Skribanek and J. H. Southern of the Agricultural Eco nomics and Sociology Department also attended the meeting. Dr. Skribanek was chairman of a session concerned with “Social Security and Its Effect on the Farmer” while Southern discussed the papers presented in a session devoted to “Research Problems in Low Farm Income Areas.” Five U.S. Presidents married twice — Tyler, Fillmore, Benjamin Harrison, Theodore Roosevelt and Wilson. - • A : We Highly Recommend To You SPRED SATIN—100% Latex Paint ;r.G tJ o gal. $1.79 T qt. SPRED SATIN is the most beau tiful, most washable, easiest-to- use paint we’ve ever seen. Do It Yourself and get beautiful results on walls and woodwork. CHAPMAN’S PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Next to Post Office ENROLL NOW Spring Term Opens Monday, March 5lh DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL HY-SPEED LONGHAND will be offered for the first time in a special ten-week course at night. This is an ideal system for taking notes in college and for taking light office dictation. Typing will be given with this special course. Phone TA 3-6655 for information or call at 702 South Washington Avenue, Bryan, Texas McKenzie-Baldwin Business College it T H E MEMO SLAXATORIUM Offers a limited number of stvle packed Quality all- wool Slacks — REDUCED TO $8.88 NOTE: Stop by, examine our Spring and Summer Cus tom Tailoring Samples. More than 200 new patterns and cloths. T II E S L A X A T O R I U M 110 Main Drag Every Dish a Sheer Delight HIT PARADE OF FOODS...FIT FOR A KING Full Course Meals for noon & evening Lunch Served From 11-1 — Fast Service TRIANGLE DRIVE - IN & DINING ROOM NATIONAL CHAMPS — These four A&M students and Team Coach Don Huss, recently won 1 h v National Intercollegiate Range Plant Identification Con test in Denver, Colo. The mem bers are, left to right, Huss, Claude Alexander, Ronnie Gard ner, David Fawcett and Fritz Landers. The two top individual places were won by Landers, first, and Gardner, second. All four of the students are range and forestry majors and all are graduating seniors except Land ers, who is a junior. Faculty Meeting The regular A & M spring faculty meeting will he held in Guion Hall, Tuesday, Feb; 14 at 4 p.m. according to Da vid H. Morgan, president. Ecuador is the world’s leading producer of bananas. “Roy Henry’s clearing his used car lot all the way from the latest to the oldest models. Here’s a chance for you to pick up a good clean used car, with plenty of miles left in it at a very low cost. Look at this: 1949 FORD TUDOR—excellent condition, paint in perfect condition 1951 PONTIAC CATALINA—beautiful interior, fully equipped, just like a new one 195^ PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN-unbelievably ^ I9^fl clean, one car owner, extra low mileage __ 1950 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SEDAN—many __ good miles left in it Roy Henry Pontiac Co. Hearne, Texas THRU FRIDAY “HIE VIEW FROM FOM LEY’S HEAD’ 7 with DOROTHY PATRICK Plus ‘JtJIVJP INTO HELL’ with JACK S El NAS Vi moF tie's Wi TH LOU, tik/FT mru jxm ! Any Current $5.00 or $6.00 Book + 45f Gets You Biol. 101 ENG. 103 -f 35^ GETS YOU ENG. 104 ANY CURRENT $5.00 OR $6.00 BOOK + 45? GETS YOU B.A. 206 OR CHEM. 101-2, BASIC 107 MATH 101, 102 OR 103 Al Loupol’s Trading Post $295 LI’L ABNER By Al Capp Th e Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, daily newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by students in the Office of Student Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Paculty members are Karl E. Elmquist, Chairman; Donald D. Burcliard. Tom Leland and Bennie Zinn. Student members are Dcrrell H. Guiles. Paul Ilolladay. and Wayne Moore. Ex-officio members are .Charles Roebcr. and Ross Strader. Secretary. The Battalion is published four times a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year and on Thursday during the summer terms and during examination and vacation periods. The Battalion is not published on tiie Wednesday immediately preceding Easier or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are S3.50 per semester. SO.00 per school year, 50.50 per full year, or Si .00 per month. Advertising rales furnished on request. TH UR. & FRIDAY SAMUEL GOLDWYN’S WONDER FILM! I NEED MONEY"’ YOU MUST PUT ME TO WORK// [> I'LL DO ANYTHING/?’ ijJL f^i. Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by N a t i o n a 1 Advertising Services, Inc., a t New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republieation of all other matter herein are also reserved. BILL FULLERTON Editor Ralph Cole ..Managing Editor Ronnie Greathouse Sports Editor -8-J ; WpMXrijb*''- %Mf ;l SAMUEL GOLDWYN Presents Hait$ CHristian Andersen Color by TECHNICOLOR starring w Danny naye a»fi irtfroduring - FARLEY GRANGER • JEANMAIRE Directed by CHARLES VIGOR Screenplay by MOSS HART Words o*d Musis by FRANK L0ESSER Choreography by ROLAND PETIT ‘Distributed by RKO Raiio Pictures, Inc, -WITH JUNGLE. T S G SIRS // — W T DON'T DARE USE ANYTHING TUT dummies.':'' "’'S I'LL WORK CHEAPER, ANDYOU HAVE TO DUD IN THE. SC REAMS /- r ' I DIDN'- THINK > SHE’D > ELVER LET ME P O P o By Walt Kelly AIN'T .TAINT NOTHIN' HOGBOMHOGX1O0Z £KAM£P yTAT) OF- YOU5 ttF 0 vo’B&yr TWi$ MJf? MIZ (SEOuNCOOL'S NgW TA£?"'WUAT'0 JTUSV CAUh U£2 ? r% ’C MUl rme* UQNgy 2UNNV PUCKV Y MAN" oomv acm (my gonna JgUV "« #vT)CAUUIN’ zwat'6 jgs' ,Jj( l jlm wmv ii? V . .. GON6 S Y /h mss V % IN TiM£ 50 FAB