Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1956)
/ Page 4 THE BATTALIO’N Ar Wednesday, February 8, 1^6 Moms, Dads Club To Present Party A games party, sponsored by the A&M Consolidated Mothers and Dads Club, will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the school cafe teria. Refreshments of homemade cakes and coffee will be served free and 40 prizes will be given as door prizes and game prizes. Also a cake auction will be included in the festivities. High School Teachers’ Physics Course Set A six week summer Institute for Texas High School Physics Teach ers will be held here June 4-July 13, J. G. Potter, head of the Phy sics Department, has announced. The course is designed to aid teachers in preparation for teach- SEE OUR WILSON TENNIS RACKETS CONVERSE ALL STAR RACKET RESTRINOINCJ STUDENT CO-OP The Western STEAKS — CHICKEN — SEA FOOD LUNCH SERVED 11:00 A.M. — 2:00 P.M. OPEN 24 HRS. HWY. 6 SOUTH ing high school physics and will be taught by membei’s of the A&M physics faculty. Prerequisites for applicants in clude college algebra, familiarity with the trigonometric functions and a fundamental knowledge of physics, Potter said. Credit foi 1 six hours of graduate work will be granted for satisfactory comple tion of the course. Fellowships for $250 will be paid at registration. Contributors of the fellowships Include the Alum inum Company of America, Chance Vought Aircraft, Continental Oil Co., Douglas Aircraft Co., South western Public Service Co., Texas Electric Service Co., Texas Power and Light Co., Temco Aircraft Corporation and Magnolia Petrol eum Co., with others to be an nounced later. Ti g ers (Continued from Page 3) Consolidated poured in 20 of 40 field goal attempts for a blistering 50 per cent. The Tigers won their sixth straight district contest without a defeat and pushed their season record to 12-9. They have won 10 of their last 13 games. Bill Kavanaugh scored eight points to tie with Waller’s Steve Jones for “B” game honors and lead the Tigers to theii' fourth con secutive victory. The “B” team’s record now stands at 4-8 on the season. Consolidated can sew up the dis trict championship Friday night in Katy with a decision over the Katy Tigers. The Tigers wind up the regular season next Monday in Tomball. FOR THE MAN IN YOUR HEART 'l/ci ien ti CLTTj. C0c&&c!su>p &Co. MENS CLOTH I NO SINCE |Q9« 6ft VAN — TEXAS Church Briefs Mid-Week Services Scheduled Services have been planned for the usual mid-week meetings at the various 14 religious organizations around the campus. Hillel Foundation A program of recorded Jewish music will be presented at a social gathering at 7:15 tonight in the YMCA welcoming new students. “Let’s start the new year by reg ular attendance,” said Marvin No ble, president. St. Mary’s Catholic Chapel Evening pervice will be held at 5:15 today at the church. Knights of Columbus will meet at 7:15 to night in the Catholic Student Cen ter. Weekday mass is said each morning — with the exception of Wednesdays—at G:30. Christian Science Society Evening services will be conduct ed tonight at 8 at the church. The A&M Christian Science Organiza- Social Whirl CIVIL ENGINEERING Wives Club will meet at 8 tonight in room 2-B of the Memorial Student Center. sjc AVMAA, American Veterinary Medical Association Auxiliary, will meet at 8 tonight in the social room of the Memorial Student Cen ter instead of Thursday this month. Sam Know will play several selec- tipns of “marumba” music. sj: ARCHITECT WIVES Club will hold a business meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Aggie Wives Lounge, YMCA. * * * ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thurs day in the Animal Husbandry Building. * * * AGGIE WIVES BRIDGE Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Memorial Student Centei'. Naval Reserve All civilian students foi’mer na val reservists and present naval reservists are eligible to join the Naval Reserve Security Group Di vision 8-19S. The division meets on Wednesday nights at 7 in rooms 323 and 125 of the Academic Build ing. Further information may be obtained from L. T. Comfort in room 101 of the Academic Build ing. TUES. & WED. •‘Susan Slept Here with Debbie Reynolds and Dick Powell r>*> -iul.Si -A * a tMIl DIUW UNDMH? VtABV rRt k WED. thru FRIDAY “THE VIEW FROM POMPEY’S HEAD” with DOROTHY PATRICK Plus “JUMP INTO HELL” with JACK SEINAS LIT ABNER By A1 Capp tion will meet at 7:10 tonight in room 2-A of the Memorial Student Center. Wesley Foundation A panel of five students will present a program at 7 tonight at the foundation of “Missions Through the Methodist Student Fellowship Fund.” Participating are Dan Thompson, Rex Easley, Harry Scott, Tom Humphreys and Vardaman Johnson. St, Thomas Episcopal Chapel Canterbury Association will meet at 7:15 tonight, with a short serv ice of evening prayer to be held in the chapel. The program will be held in the Palish Hall and will be concerned with the formulation of plans for the forthcoming Dio cesan Canterbury Convention to be held at A&M in April. Baptist Student Center The Rev. Robert Longshore will lead BSU Vespers at 7 p.m. Thurs day and Friday nights in a series of lectures entitled “Preparation for Personal Evangelism.” Wayne Heller is songleader for the week. Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Dr. R. J. Hildreth will lead a devotional program at the Luth eran Student Association meeting tonight at 7:30. David Behlen, newly elected president of the club, will conduct the meeting. Plans for approximately 12 Luth- ei'an Aggies to attend the Gulf Region LSA Workshop at Texas Lutheran College next week will be discussed. A&M Christian Church Disciples Student Fellowship will meet tonight at 7:15 in the YMCA. College Heights Assembly of God The Church will continue the re vival services conducted by the Rev. James Anderson of North Carolina. Services are held every night at 7:30. The minister- will give his testimony on the loss of his arm at services Friday night. Church of the Nazarene Revival meetings beginning to night through Sunday will feature the Rev. Pat Courney, graduate from Bethany Nazarene College in Oklahoma. Services will begin at 7:30 with special music selections each night. Church of Christ Mid-week classes will meet at 7:15 at the church tonight. A&M Presbyterian Church Fellowship program will begin at 7 tonight at the church. First Baptist Church Teacher’s meeting will start at 6:30 tonight followed by evening services at 7:30. Neighborhood prayer services will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the homes of Roy Hagler, C. H. Ramsdel, W. D. Lloyd and' J. D. Chaney. Bethel Lutheran Church Vesper services will be held at 7:45 tonight at the chm’ch. We Highly Recommend To You SPRED SATIN—100% Latex Paint $r.G9 ♦I gal. $1.79 L qt. SPRED SATIN is the most beatu tiful, most washable, easiest-to- use paint we’ve ever seen. Do It Yourself and get beautiful result* on walls and woodwork. CHAPMAN’S PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Next to Post Office THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES WILL INTERVIEW SCIENCE MAJORS ENGINEERS TECHNICAL SALES (2 YRS. SCIENCE OR ENGINEERING) ON THIS CAMPUS Feb. 22, 23 and 24 SEE YOUR PLACEMENT OFFICE FOR AN APPOINTMENT STARTING LOCATIONS: Midland, Michigan and Freeport, Texas THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY A Campus-to-Career Case History Dick Abraham of Bell Telephone Laboratories, here experimenting with closing the loop on a transistor feedback amplifier. “I’m working with top names and top talent” That’s one of Richard P. Abraham’s comments about his career with Bell Tele phone Laboratories in Murray Hill, N. J. “In 1954. after I’d received my M.S. from Stanford,” Dick continues, “I was inter viewed by a number of companies. Of these I liked the Bell Labs interview best — the interviewer knew what he was talk ing about, and the Labs seemed a high- caliber place. “The Labs have a professional atmos phere, and I’m really impressed by my working associates. As for my work, I’ve been on rotating assignments — working with transistor networks and their meas urement techniques, studying magnetic drum circuitry, and doing classified work on Nike. This experience is tremendous. “In addition to the job, I attend Lab- conducted classes on a graduate level several times a week. Besides that, the Labs are helping me get a Ph.D. at Columbia by giving me time off to get to late afternoon classes. That’s the kind of co-operation you really appreciate from your company. “What are important to me are the op portunities offered by the job and the work itself. My wife and I own a house near Murray Hill, and we’ve found a lot of friends through the Labs. All in all, I think I’m in the right kind of place.” Dick Abraham is typical of the many young men who are finding their careers in the Bell System. Similar career opportunities exist in the Bell Telephone Companies, Western Electric and Sandia Corporation. Your placement officer has more information about these companies.